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Mulder, it's me
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whateverstar · 2 years ago
Гром: Ты шампанское из казино украл?
Разумовский: Нет!
Гром: А Гречкина и остальных ты сжег?
Разумовский: Нет, конечно!
Гром: А Чумной Доктор - это ты?
Разумовский: Ты что! Нет!
Гром: Чем докажешь?
Разумовский: Клянусь своим ментальным здоровьем.
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whateverstar · 2 years ago
Гром: Какой ты хороший...
Птица: Отстань!
Гром: Красивый...
Птица: Руки убрал!
Гром: Такой весь замечательный...
Птица: Отвали!
Гром: Так бы и потискал тебя, пока ты привязан к своему креслу!
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whateverstar · 2 years ago
Гром: Ты меня чуть не прибил!
Птица: Да, брось, это же просто прелюдия!
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whateverstar · 2 years ago
Гром: А теперь, мразь, говори, зачем ты убил всех этих людей?
Разумовский: Ну, что ты начинаешь! Нормально же общались...
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whateverstar · 2 years ago
I have never read Baudelaire before. I am impressed. What an expressive and picturesque storytelling style he has!
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whateverstar · 2 years ago
I’ve realized that my main inspiration is music and only music
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whateverstar · 2 years ago
By the way the new album of The Aviators is the best gift for this autumn. Just my neverending love
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whateverstar · 2 years ago
I want to write a masterpiece, but there is no strengh...
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whateverstar · 2 years ago
I want to do something, but there is no force and energy( I feel puzzled and totally broken
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whateverstar · 2 years ago
I was listenning to the new album the other day... They have always been practically the only band that hasn’t dissappointed me for almost 15 years. But this sad moment has come. The only songs that deserve attention are Evil, Written in Blood and Odyssey! Only 3 songs! Yes, Clouds is so like the Rasmus, but how boring it is! There are no previous memorable melodies, there are no lyrics that fascinate. Yes, Holy Grail is not in the rock genre as well, but it hypnotized with its meannings. I also tried to listen to the album a couple of days later, thinking that I didn’t liked it because I just wasn’t in the mood. But no, the miracle did not happen. 3 songs! And they are trully amazing! But everything else is just... I am dissappointed...
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whateverstar · 3 years ago
Драко: Держись ко мне поближе, Поттер.
Панси: “Подальше”. Драко, ты хотел сказать “Держись от меня подальше, Поттер”.
Драко: Я сказал... Я сказал то, что и хотел!
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whateverstar · 3 years ago
No, seriously, Half-Blood Prince is a fucking joke!
It should be called “Harry Potter and his Huge Fucking Gay Crush on Draco Malfoy”
Let’s set the scene: Harry sees Ginny kissing Dean and his “chest monster” goes batshit crazy because he supposedly has a huge crush on her and you think “Well, that’s it. He going to stop thinking about Malfoy all the time and will replace him with Ginny because that’s what having a HUGE CRUSH on someone does to you”.
And that night, he does think about her. Well, in fact, he thinks more about the fact Ron would probably kill him than actually about kissing her. But let’s check the canon so you won’t think I’m exaggerating:
Harry lay awake for a long time, looking up at the canopy of his four-poster and trying to convince himself that his feelings for Ginny were entirely older-brotherly. They had lived, had they not, like brother and sister all summer, playing Quidditch, teasing Ron and having a laugh about Bill and Phlegm? He had known Ginny for years now … it was natural that he should feel protective … natural that he should want to look out for her … want to rip Dean limb from limb for kissing her … no … he would have to control that particular brotherly feeling …
‘She’s Ron’s sister, Harry told himself firmly. Ron’s sister. She’s out of bounds. He would not risk his friendship with Ron for anything. He punched his pillow into a more comfortable shape and waited for sleep to come, trying his utmost not to allow his thoughts to stray anywhere near Ginny.
Oh Harry, you won’t even have to try that hard, believe me. 
In fact, he literally doesn’t think about her after that for days. What does he think about? Well, let’s just paste the quote because it’s fucking priceless:
Harry lay awake for a very long time in the darkness. He did not want to lose the upcoming match; not only was it his first as Captain, but he was determined to beat Draco Malfoy at Quidditch even if he could not yet prove his suspicions about him.
Oh boy. And you know what happens the first time Harry and Ginny interact after he found out he has a HUGE CRUSH on her? Again, I can’t write it better than JKR herself, so:
'Conditions look ideal,’ said Ginny, ignoring Ron. ‘And guess what? That Slytherin Chaser Vaisey – he took a Bludger in the head yesterday during their practice, and he’s too sore to play! And even better than that – Malfoy’s gone off sick too!’
‘What?’ said Harry, wheeling round to stare at her. ‘He’s ill? What’s wrong with him?’
‘No idea, but it’s great for us,’ said Ginny brightly. ‘They’re playing Harper instead; he’s in my year and he’s an idiot.’
Harry smiled vaguely back, but as he pulled on his scarlet robes his mind was far from Quidditch. Malfoy had once before claimed he could not play due to injury, but on that occasion he had made sure the whole match was rescheduled for a time that suited the Slytherins better. Why was he now happy to let a substitute go on? Was he really ill, or was he faking?
LOL HARRY SERIOUSLY? Your supposed crush, the love of your life, is standing next to you, talking to you, and your mind is like “Malfoy! Malfoy Malfoy MALFOY M a l f o y Malfoy”?
I mean, I’m not denying Harry had a crush on Ginny. He does think about her sometimes (not that often). It’s ok, I had a crush on like 5 different people in high school at the same time. But honestly? It’s not that all-consuming feeling you have when you have THE crush. 
That person you want more than anything, you know? When you feel like you want to see the person at all times. When you want to know what they’re doing. When you talk about them non-stop.
Oh, wait a second. Harry did have that. FOR DRACO SODDING MALFOY.
Game, set and match. Drarry is real, proof no. 593. Bye.
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whateverstar · 3 years ago
Поттер (спокойным голосом): Малфой мне совсем не интересен.
Поттер (кричит через весь Большой Зал, высматривая Драко из толпы): Ты - негодяй, Малфой! Я узнаю, что ты скрываешь! Я тебе жить спокойно не дам!
Поттер (снова спокойным голосом): Совсем не интересен.
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whateverstar · 3 years ago
Малфой: Привет, Поттер!
Поттер - Рону: Малфой, что, со мной поздоровался? А дальше что? Полезет целоваться?
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whateverstar · 3 years ago
Люциус: Драко, ты не должен общаться с недостойными...
Драко: Поттер - новый ловец у Гриффиндора!
Люциус: Тебе не следует обращать на него внимание...
Драко: Поттер великолепно летает!
Люциус: Просто игнорируй его...
Драко: Поттер прекрасен!
Люциус: ДРАКО!
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whateverstar · 3 years ago
Малфой: У тебя моя палочка, Поттер.
Поттер: У тебя мое сердце, Малфой.
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whateverstar · 3 years ago
Поттер: Я люблю тебя, Малфой.
Малфой: Ну и пошел ты в пень со своим Уизелом и... Что?
Поттер: Ты никогда меня не слушаешь.
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