what-adrag · 8 years
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It is often TRAGIC to see how blatantly a man bungles his own life and the lives of others yet remains totally incapable of seeing how much the whole tragedy originates in HIMSELF, and how he continually FEEDS it and keeps it going. Not consciously, of course—for consciously he is engaged in bewailing and cursing a FAITHLESS WORLD that recedes further and further into the distance. Rather, it is an unconscious factor which spins the ILLUSIONS that veil his world. And what is being spun is a cocoon, which in the end will completely envelop him.
as presented by Dani. based off of @springhealer’s au (with granted permission). post-war. multi-everything. semi-selective. autoplay warning. blog under heavy co.
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what-adrag · 8 years
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what-adrag · 8 years
“ I am who I am, your opinion is neither desired nor required. ”
http://twitter.com/goodquoteco (via kushandwizdom)
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what-adrag · 8 years
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Try to take it easy again, buddy.
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what-adrag · 8 years
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Temari is bae tbh. Also I suddenly got way better at drawing feet just in time for this Naruto phase I’m in? LOL??
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what-adrag · 8 years
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what-adrag · 8 years
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what-adrag · 8 years
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Shikamaru: “You have a meeting today with…”
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what-adrag · 8 years
I’m gonna go to bed for a few days.
Shikamaru, after literally anything he does  (via incorrect-naruto-quotes)
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what-adrag · 8 years
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Naruto Shippuden - Episode 463
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what-adrag · 8 years
“ Don’t beg for anyone to stay in your life. If they want to be a part of your life, they will stay. ”
http://twitter.com/goodquoteco (via kushandwizdom)
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what-adrag · 8 years
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❛❛ If one day the speed kills me, DO NOT CRY — because I was smiling.  
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what-adrag · 8 years
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what-adrag · 8 years
slides on over to itachi t b h. this lazyass is being far too lazy rn.
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what-adrag · 8 years
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               he can’t help the grin that eases along his lips, languorously slow and graciously teasing in its entirety. poking fun at the huffing lion that sprawls in the chair across his office is MUCH too fun -- no matter the potential threat of danger courting her anger will land him in. 
           ❛❛ Come now, Haruno-san, all I ask is for a little of your time to help me clear my desk. The sooner we both get it done, the sooner with both can get out of here. ❜❜ ( never doubt the diligence of a lazy person to being lazy, or their tenacity to rope others in to do their work for them. ) big brain he may have, but his penchant for being lazy far outweighed his intellect.
it’s almost hard to listen to the way he calls her by last name. ( it’d be so much smoother if he just called her SAKURA. ) did their status really change that factor? no. he must be teasing her.
“ Well, Hokage-sama, I’m certain you can get most of it done if you put your brain into it. And you’ve got a preettty big brain there. “
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“ Besides, I’m naught but your mere assistant!! “
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what-adrag · 8 years
❝ These days I can’t seem to get along with anyone. ❞
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               pensively, he sits as if in great thought – and for a moment, he doesn’t answer her. it isn’t until he hears that impatient release of breath that he finally deigns to speak. ❛❛ Is there ever a day where you’re able to get along with anybody? ❜❜
@murasakiirohana sent in a halsey starter.
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what-adrag · 8 years
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               he turns to fully face her; brow furrowing with mock suffering, he sighs and allows the barest hint of a whine to creep into his voice, ❛❛ Mou -- you know that all this paperwork is an endless task; I can’t possibly finish it by myself, Haruno-san. ❜❜
she stays still, not bothering to turn her cheek the other way and face the Hokage first-hand. instead, the roseate kunoichi chooses to release a puff of air in response.
   “ – If anything, the HOKAGE should be working harder.      I’m sure you’ll be able to handle things without me for      a few hours. “
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