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wetookoutallherteeth · 47 minutes ago
once i become dictator for life i will outlaw femininity and all women will have to work in nuclear power plants and wear boiler suits and lab coats
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wetookoutallherteeth · 17 hours ago
Whenever I, a woman from a country where feticide prevails and they kill you in the womb for having xx chromosomes, watch libfems and TRAs write long ass paragraphs about how sex/gender are very complicated and indistuingishable; I wonder how our oppressors are always able to tell
And how, coincidentally, across all cultures and continents, the same demographic (males) has systematically oppressed one particular demographic (females) for eons. Without error.
Just goes on to show how liberal feminists would rather cater to their tim audience than grow a spine and acknowledge that our experience as women is sex based.
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wetookoutallherteeth · 1 day ago
“I don’t want kids so having a uterus is pointless” is the worst talking point I’ve ever seen and truly shows me how much we have failed women in the medical realm.
Did you know though that the uterus has important functions besides having babies? Those functions include hormonal, anatomical, skeletal and sexual.
The uterus works with the ovaries and tubes to produce health promoting hormones- which are estrogen and progesterone. This is why hysterectomy can cause impaired ovarian function or complete ovarian failure. Also, these hormones don’t just help the reproductive system but estrogen has been shown to regulate immune response and increases the brains serotonin. The uterus is the most powerful organ in the body. During sex it is responsible for the intensity you feel in an orgasm.
Ovary removal (castration) or impaired ovarian function has been shown to increase risk for heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, hip fracture, impaired memory and cognition, dementia, parkinsonism, mood disorders, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, adverse ocular and skin changes, sleep disorders, more severe hot flushes, sexual dysfunction.
The uterus has anatomical functions. It separates the bladder and bowel and keeps them anchored in their proper places. Hysterectomy displaces these organs causing dysfunction especially down the road.
Hysterectomy also destroys skeletal integrity since the uterus' ligaments are the support structures for the pelvis. Again, the RS is more than just “having babies” it interacts with the rest of your body and organs.
I know this is a “solution” for things like endometriosis but a hysterectomy with or without ovary removal is not a cure for endometriosis (endo) since endo implants / lesions exist throughout the pelvis. Many women still experience chronic pain even after this procedure.
Hysterectomy is one of the top overused surgeries (90+% are unnecessary) and women are not provided with the many negative effects from gynecologists. Women deserve to be informed and have informed consent. Educate yourself so you can be your own advocate and an advocate for others.
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wetookoutallherteeth · 2 days ago
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so you're admitting it? you're admitting that the entire concept of trans identity is based on upholding harmful gender stereotypes??
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wetookoutallherteeth · 2 days ago
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van gogh's seasons:
spring | summer | autumn | winter
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wetookoutallherteeth · 3 days ago
if you have a male exception you are not and will never be a lesbian
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wetookoutallherteeth · 3 days ago
hey there, i'm a radical feminist philosopher and writer. my book "Feminism 101: From Frogs to Freedom" navigates the philosophical pond of gender equality, hopping through lily pads of patriarchal nonsense with wit and wisdom.
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wetookoutallherteeth · 4 days ago
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My collection for Black is Beautiful.
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wetookoutallherteeth · 4 days ago
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Karolina Bregula, Let Them See Us, 2003
Let Them See Us is a series of 30 photographic portraits of gay and lesbian couples holding hands. The project was created in response to discrimination against homosexuals in Poland, who often remain in the closet for fear of social ostracism. It was an attempt to break the taboo in public space by confronting the society with what it had repressed to the margins of visibility. The portraits were meant to avoid a sensational or extraordinary aura; they adopted the form of simple repetitive shots of ordinary people taking a stroll together. The photographs depict the people as they are in everyday life and highlight the similarity between them and the viewers. Apart from being shown at exhibitions, the portraits also featured in the first Polish billboard social campaign of the Campaign Against Homophobia. The initiative met with social resistance (attempts at blocking the campaign by the political party League of Polish Families, devastation of billboards), which only confirmed the necessity to oppose discrimination caused by sexual orientation and sparked off a debate on intolerance of homosexuals.
Although the manner of presenting photographs was different from the original idea – as posters depicting life-size figures facing passers-by – some of the tall billboards were destroyed.
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wetookoutallherteeth · 5 days ago
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I’m ready to fight
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wetookoutallherteeth · 5 days ago
Some of you have this really weird concept of “penis repulsion” as if it’s somehow an unnatural response that has nothing to do/is in fact incompatible with simply not being attracted to them.
Let me explain. You know worms right? Like, actual earth worms that live in the ground. 
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These little fellas.
I have no strong feelings about them one way or another. They’re kind of weird looking and some of the things they do are objectively pretty gross, but seeing one doesn’t like, ruin my day. If i was still in school and walked into my biology class to find this
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hanging on the wall, I would be 100% capable of looking at the diagram and taking in the information without having any type of averse reaction. Nor any type of positive reaction. I feel extremely neutral about earth worms is what I’m trying to say. 
Now imagine if other people didn’t feel so neutral about earth worms. In fact, just under half the population really likes them. And they’re not just especially interested in educational diagrams about worms; they fucking eat them. They think eating a raw worm just pulled straight out of the ground is one of the most enjoyable experiences imaginable.
You’d think the other half of the population understands, because they don’t want to eat worms. But they’re even worse because they fucking love feeding people worms. They love it even more than everyone else loves eating them. And they fucking run society and spread their pro worm-eating propaganda everywhere. Whenever you pirate a TV show you end up on a site that has several images like this
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sitting right next to whatever you’re watching. Whenever you try to talk to people on the internet people bombard you with pictures of worms they have prepared for you to eat, worms which they fully expect you to find appetising. Maybe one or two people even tried forcing worms into your mouth, because they were convinced you’d love them once you tried them. Do you think you’d still feel the same about seeing worms in a world like that? Even in a neutral environment, do you think you’d ever be able to look at a worm again without thinking about how you’re expected to want to eat them, without recalling people’s unsolicited graphic descriptions about how they love nothing more than to feeling of worms wiggling down their throats as they’re eating them? And do you think you’d feel any more comfortable if people started telling you about different kinds of worms, ones that technically aren’t earth worms, ones that have a much more appetising texture that shouldn’t even be compared to earth worms. Wouldn’t that still disgust you, and wouldn’t it be fucking weird if people responded to that by getting offended that you were still insistent on not wanting to eat any fucking worms? 
I realise this is a weird post but I watched a contrapoints video about “mouthfeel” and I needed to say… something.
PS: I realise some cultures do eat worms. If anyone needs me to come up with a more inclusive analogy for not liking dick just let me know. 
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wetookoutallherteeth · 6 days ago
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can't stop thinking about this chappell photoshoot from 2022
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wetookoutallherteeth · 6 days ago
whenever you think you're being mean to men, remember that a man somewhere is being 100x worse to a woman for no reason right at this moment
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wetookoutallherteeth · 7 days ago
"gender is a social construct" ok cool and what is it constructed around?
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wetookoutallherteeth · 7 days ago
I don’t understand where all the libfems are at when porn is heinously racist. like libfems spend like 90% of their time condemning White FeminismTM and Supporting Women of ColorTM but have absolutely nothing to say about the millions of videos currently circulating on the internet of women being fetishised and stereotyped for their race in the most disgusting ways imaginable, bc they’re literally too scared to say a god damn word against anything that men enjoy
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wetookoutallherteeth · 8 days ago
People react really badly to the suggestion that you should take ‘bitch’ seriously as a slur/censure its usage and it’s abundantly clear that it’s because they don’t take misogyny seriously as a form of oppression.
How many women have had that word spat at them as they’re hit, sexually assaulted or killed by men? How many women have had the word used against them as a degrading warning, to keep them in their place? How many women have had it shouted at them out of cars, to remind them that they’re part of a subordinate class?
Why is that substantially less serious than someone using another type of slur to degrade or terrorise?
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wetookoutallherteeth · 8 days ago
hey is that two cowboys in your drawing, holding hands or some shit? just like in brokeback mountain? wow.......so ..... they're gay!? no way. and is that another pic showing one of them has top surgery scars? wooow youre showing me this for the first time. ive never seen this before. and you say that you are a gay man yourself? whhhhoooah, thats fascinating. from your tumblr-derived art style and love for forbidden romance tropes between men, i foolishly assumed you were a female consumer of yaoi. i should have read your bio, which clearly states you are a "he/they mlm" and "love kissing boys". does anyone know where i can find 200+ more drawings of gay cowboys where one of them has a vagina, drawn by a real gay man?
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