Curiousity killed the loser
14 posts
Im the loser. Save me. (Main is @the-silver-simper!)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
westonthedumbass · 4 years ago
What are your thoughts on SkyClan?
They're a good bunch of cats, in my opinion. I've heard that they used to have cats who kittypets and clan cats, which I wouldn't be surprised if it was true, seeing how friendly and open minded most are. The other clans always seem to have the mindset of "Loner bad, Clan good", and its nice to at least have one clan who isnt completely like that.
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westonthedumbass · 4 years ago
I know you find the way names have turned out interesting- did you ever hear of Nightdream? Their name didn't turn out too well
Nightdream? I haven't heard of them until now, but i could guess how such a name could have manifested. My first guess would be a coma of some kind, maybe?
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westonthedumbass · 4 years ago
Another story 📗 I 💰📧 heard 👩 about 🌈😲 myself 😤🏾 This 👀👶 one 🔥 happened in Windclan We 👨👶 had this teacher 👵🖕 in 🏠 Windclanl whose 🌄🌄 kid 😂 went to 🅱 our 🐕 high 💨 school 🎓 His name 😐😒 was 🤣👏 Hawkstar And his ‼ daughter 😣🏾 Eyekit went 👏 to 💦 our 💰 high 🙃🙃 school 🎒🏤 She ❤ was a ✋ sophomore when 🍑 I 🙋 was 📺 a 🔫 senior So she was 💀🅰 two ✌ years behind 👟🍑 me 💯 And Hawkstar was 📺🤧 an asshole 🍑 And one 😥 weekend he 🅱 and 😟 his wife decided 🤔 to 🍆💦 leave town 🏠🔥 Which you 😂 should 💘 never 🙅⛔ do 🤞😂 if 👏 you're ⚠😖 an 🍎🐖 asshole 🍑🍒 And 🍆 Eyekit decided to throw 👐 a 👩 party at 🎓 the 🖇 teacher's house Hurrah!
And 👏 everyone around ✈🔹 town 🌚❣ heard 👩 about 💩🏼 it And 🙋👊 we 👦👨 all 💦💦 got ✊ up individually and 👏👏 thought: Okay, ✅ let's 🙆🙆 go ⏩ over 🔚 there 👌🤔 and ❌👏 destroy 🔫😱 the place 😍🏢 I 💦🙋 walked 🚶 into this ⬆ party, 🎉🎉 everyone 👨 I 👈 had ❗🍑 ever 😠🤔 met was 👴👏 there ✔ And 💆 everyone 👦 was drinking like 😄 it 😼🍆 was 👏 the 👏👨 end 💯😦 of the 💰 world 🌍🗺 People 👯👦 were drinking like 👍💖 it 🙂 was 🤣👍 the 🚪 battle 💥 with 🆕 the 📩 dark forest And 😭 Mapleshade was coming to 😂💦 saw 👁 our legs 💪 off ☕ It 💦☠ was totally ♂😠 unsupervised We were 👪 like 🍬🍼 dogs 🐕 without 🏻 horses, we were 👶 running wild 💖 I 👈💰 walked down I 🅱 walk down 👉 to the 🏻 basement 🏚 They had a pool 🌊 table 😾 in 👏 the basement 🏚 One dude took ⏳🗣 a running ♀🏃 start 💯▶ And 🅱 threw his 😵🔍 body 🏽 onto 🐦 the pool table 👊😾 and broke 📉📉 it 😂 in 👈 half Another 🔁 kid 🏃 found 👉👀 out which 👏👏 room 🏗🚪 was Hawkstar's And 🏽👑 went upstairs and made 👥🤗 dirt on 🔛 his 👦💖 computer 💻🖥 So 👱 the party was 👅😒 going great 😍 I'm standing 🔪 in 👆🕕 the 💛 basement 🏚 and I'm holding a 😂😭 red ❤🎈 cup 🥛 You've seen 👀🉑 movies 🎥 And 🍏🌞 I'm standing 🏿🔪 there, and 😫👏 I'm 💇 holding a red ♨🍆 cup ☕🍵 And 💡 I'm 🐝🚟 starting ✅ to black 👨🖤 out 🌌 And 🅱🔛 I 🕴 guess 💁🤔 someone ❓🙅 said like: "something, 😅🌎 something 😮 Starclan" And 🍆🍏 in 🏽📥 a brilliant moment ⏳ of word ✍💁 association I 🅱👁 yelled "fuck Starclan!" "Fuck 😎↗ Starclan!" And everyone else joined in 🙌💦 A hundred drunk Apprentices yelling: "fuck 🏻🖕 Starclan" With 🏽 the confidence of 🏻💦 guys who 🚫❓ have 😣 like already 👋 been 🔥🍀 to 💦 the 💲🔯 d 🔬 And aren't afraid of it anymore 🅱💯 You know 😫 that like 👍 "I 🚫 served my 🏿🅱 nickel, you 🤞☝ come and take 🤳💨 me" 😔👀 confidence But apprentices
The 🔝😃 reason 🙏 someone ♂ had 👏💋 said: Something, something 😅 Starclan" was 👊 because 📖✅ Starclan were 👶😉 there So a Starclan warrior walked 🏽🏽 down the 👈👏 stairs And got 🔪☄ to 💦💦 the 🙊 bottom ⬇ of 💦👏 the 🏳 basement 🏚 And 👏👏 looked 👅 out over 😈😽 a 👌 sea 🌊 of drunk toddlers yelling "Fuck 🖕 Starclan" in 👏 his 👁👨 face 😀 And 😙👏 he 👈👨 was almost 💦🍄 impressed He was like: "wow" 😛😱 And 👏🏿 then ✡😎 he 👨 leaned into ➡👉 his 👉👨 walkie-talkie and 👏➕ went: "get the 🚑😤 paddy wagon" And 👏 my 👌 friend Twitchpaw, who 👀 is 💦 now ❔ a father this man 👱🌊 now has 🈶👩 a 🐍 baby He 🏻 grabbed 👋 a 40, smashed 🤜 it 💯💯 on 🔛 the 💌 ground, 🌄👇 and yelled 🗣 "scatter!" But 😮 everyone 💂 ran ♂ in 📥🍆 a 🅱 different 👉👱 direction We ♂ all 🥜 ran ♂♂ in 👏👌 different 💰 directions It 💯 was 📺 like that 🗺 scene 🤝 in 🎮 Ratatouille 🐀 when 🕚 the 🆕⏩ twolegs come 💦 in the 🏿👏 kitchen And 💦💯 all 💂😏 the 🗣 rats go ♂ in 👄👇 different ways 🏻 We all ran 🏃♂ in 👏 different 🏼💰 directions ➡😵 I ran 👟🏃 into the 🎅😟 medicine den And 🥜🏼 I 💇 jumped on 🍆 the herb stores And 👏 I 👁 crawled out ➡ through ⏬👉 a ➡ window into the backyard And ➕ now 🍑 I'm 💰👈 running through the 💡 backyard and there's ✔ this big tree And 🏼👏 I ✊ thought "I've 👁☝ never climbed a 😍 tree 🍑 that high 🏇�� before" 🎄
And 🏻 then I 👁😫 woke 😴 up at 💰🍆 home 🏚🚟 On Monday, ‼‼ I 🔨💜 went 🏃👏 to ⛔💦 apprentice training Because 🏽👏 that's 👫 what we 👴👥 did 👏💁 back 🔙 then 🕛🏿 And 👏 I'm walking into 🚟 th e apprentice den 🍆🍆 and who 🤔 do 🍆 I 💰 see 👁 But Eyekit And she ♀ says to me "hey, 👏 were 🙈 you 👳🏻 at my party 🎊🎉 on 🔛 Saturday?" And ⚔ I 🚫 said "no" you 😅👉 know, 😵❓ like 🍼 a 🏭 liar ✈✈ And 😩 she 👸 said "things got really 👅 out 💪 of 😫 hand 🙊 Someone 🏻 broke ⚔😎 the 🌿 pool 🌊🌊 table 😡 Someone made dirt on my 😄🌏 dad's 😪🔧 computer" "But 🤔 the 😫🏡 worse 😷😩 thing", she 🐰😍 says "The 🚟💡 worse thing 🙊 is 😍 that 😡 someone ♂ stole 🏾🏃 these 🤢💦 old 😫👴 antique photos of 🐙 my 👨 grandmother And ⬆🏻 my parents 👬 are 🙅 freaking 😱😱 out ▶🏿 about 👌🤓 it" And 👏🔻 I had 🅰 that 🐄🚪 thought 🤔 That 😤 only 😤👍 black 👨 out drunks and ♀ Twistedgorge can 🔫🔫 have ♂🙋 Did 💁 Did I 👁🙅 do 💯😠 that? 💰 I figured 🤔🤔 no, I 💰💯 wouldn't have 👌😑 done that 🏼 But 🍑🍑 I was 🏻 never 😅🙅 sure until, 🙄⏰ two 👬 years later 🌃🌃 Relax 🙂😐 I'm playing 🏼🤸 video games 🎮📀 with 🤝 this kid 😎 named Waspstorm That 👨 we 🔫🏼 also went ♂ to 💦 high ☣📓 school 👩✂ with Two 👬💏 years 🥂 later, we've 🅰👴 graduated by 🚟 now 🏿👌 We're 👧 playing video games 😡📀 for 💰 a 🔵 couple hours And then 😕 Waspstorm says 👁🗨 to 💱 me: "Hey, come 💦🚕 here, ⬇😌 I ♀😊 want to 💰 show you 👍👈 something" 😅 And then she 😞🗨 takes me 💋 into 🚟👉 her 🤰 bedroom 🛏🛏 And 👏 then 🔙🙈 she takes me 👌 into 👉 a 💍👌 side ♂ room off of 👨🤑 her 🤔👗 bedroom 🛏 Never a 🅰 good 👍 thing to have 🍆👏 She 👩😟 shows me a 👌 tiny 👯👌 room 🏗😭 that is ✅ covered wall ⌨⌨ to wall ⌨⌨ In 👌 stolen 💔💔 antique photos from 👉⬅ different 🙅😡 people's 👧👩 parties 🙌🙌 over ⤵ the 😱👏 years And 💰👏 I 🤡👁 said: 💬🗣 "why?" "Why ❓ do 🍆 you do 💯🌨 this?" And Waspstorm said: "because 🤔 it's 🍆 the 👏👉 one 👨☝ thing you 👨 can't 🔫 replace" That's 👉➡ the 🌈🔥 end ✋ of 🈸 that 💲✌ story, but 🍑😭 how 🗣 fucked 🏻 up 🍕👀 is 🏻 that? ➡😐 right? 🌽 That's crazy! So 💯 I don't drink anymore 😒
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westonthedumbass · 4 years ago
when are you, Poisontongue and Tigress (pretty sure that's ur gfs name) getting married? and can I help plan it?
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"I have no idea how these rumors began, but i am NOT in a relationship with Poisontongue nor Tigress. That im aware of."
". . ."
"Did i somehow accidentally get in a relationship that i didn't know about...?"
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westonthedumbass · 4 years ago
((Reblogging here to let people know since i have more followers here than i do on my main artblog skfnosfn
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A long time ago, me and some friends got together to make a quick and simple Warriors roleplaying system, so that we could play Warriors DnD together. It wasnt much more than a few stats thrown together to resemble a functioning sustem, but it worked well enough at the time.
However, as time went on, we decided to expand further, adding abilities our cats could do. Soon we built more on combat, on healing, on everything. We have built and worked on this system, slowly improving and adding to it, using it over and over again whenever we had the itch to play some good old cat D&D.
Now, almost 2 and a half years later, we finally wish to turn this small project into something others can enjoy and use. If you are interested, please fill out this poll, which asks a few questions that should take around 10 minutes of your time. It will help us greatly with knowing what would be wanted in the system, and help the process greatly!
If you dont have the time to take the poll however, please reblog this post, or at least like it to let us know you're interested! Every little bit counts!
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westonthedumbass · 4 years ago
weston more like my son am i right
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Correct Anon, he is!!
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westonthedumbass · 5 years ago
Weston how sexy do you think Poisontongue is
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westonthedumbass · 5 years ago
Are you a Scientist? do You specialize In the Documentation of the powers of Starclan? i request Your studies.
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"Is a Scientist one of those odd twoleg words? I have never heard my twolegs use it, though..."
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westonthedumbass · 5 years ago
You Should! loose pocket glue Is helpful : ). Is there a Web-adjacent cat?
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"Seems a bit inconvenient, though, having a sticky web grow from someplace on your body. Every twig remotely near you would get stuck!"
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westonthedumbass · 5 years ago
Hey fucker, WindClan still thinks Poisontongue is our husband, just thought I'd let you know. - Boss Ass Bitch (Tigress) 🐾
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"They think WHAT? How did?? this happen??"
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westonthedumbass · 5 years ago
Bc theres been a huge surge of these blogs, i made a masterlist, sorted by clan and sorted alphabetically! Ill update this as more are added/made.
@fiercerthanaspeedingbullet (Windclan, currently in Thunderclan though.)
@prettyliteralwarriors (the original blog this au and rp is based on!)
@weird-cats-outside (multiple characters)
@westonthedumbass (me!)
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westonthedumbass · 5 years ago
Do you Store anything? momentos from these Cats?
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"...I should probably own more stuff than i do, shouldn't I?"
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westonthedumbass · 5 years ago
Is there a Wilson in this Au, perchance?
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You. You know too much.
((Ok i will NOT deny that Weston inherited the dumbass scientist genes when i got into DS, but i made Weston after finding out about DS (specifically as a tf2 oc, who i then turned into a cat as per usual) and once i got into DS my dumbass brain looked at my ocs and went 'who's being sacrificed to the DS gods' and poor Weston got yeeted in.))
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westonthedumbass · 5 years ago
Hello! My name is Weston, and im a loner from @prettyliteralwarriors! I have no other hobbies aside from speaking to the local clan cats, who's powers are all completely amazing and interesting (oh, and themselves as well), so once i heard of this site i decided to participate! Feel free to speak to me and send asks!
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