wenslena · 1 day
„I’m so terribly afraid of losing you.”
Peeta looks up, his face so confused that it would almost be funny if my heart wasn’t hurting so badly in this moment.
“What?” he says.
“I’m terrified of losing you.”
He gives me a look that seems to indicate he thinks I’m nuts. He leans back on the couch and puts his foot up beside him.
“What are you talking about?”
“The reason why I kept you at arm’s length for so long. The reason why I wasn’t able to put words to my feelings. I loved my father and he died. I loved my sister and she died as well. I love my mother but for all intents and purposes I lost her when my father died because she couldn’t handle the magnitude of what she had lost.” I swallow hard to get rid of the lump in my throat.
“When I love people I lose them.“
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wenslena · 2 days
“You’re not very big, are you? Or particularly pretty?”
Okay so! I wrote a one shot about Peeta rectifying his D13 comment about Katniss not being pretty. I got this idea from a headcannon post by @paintedpeeta! It is longgggggg and soft. I hope you enjoy!
Katniss didn’t mean to get frustrated with him.
She really didn’t.
But, the weather in District 12 was particularly dry and sweltering. Not only that, but she didn’t catch anything in the woods. All the animals hid in the shade from the glaring sun. And increased time in the woods doing nothing gave her increased time to think.
To think about him.
Four months after the end of the war, they created a routine. Katniss finally gained the energy and the will to go back into the woods. When she was done, she would arrive home to the smell of fresh bread wafting through the entry way. While she showered, Peeta would plate the food and they would eat. During the day, they worked on the memory book, they talked, read books, and even played around with whatever new hobby supplies Effie sent in on the train that week.
Once they passed time till dusk, they would cook, eat dinner together, and retire to bed.
It wasn’t until a few months passed that they decided to share a bed again, agreeing that more sleep was worth it, even if they agreed that they were “just friends”- relearning themselves as “Katniss and Peeta” after a war that took everything from them.
But Katniss was beginning to get frustrated.
Some days, she was tired of studying his face, only for his gaze to flick away when he caught her staring. She was tired of him sliding his hands away when they got too close putting dishes in the sink. She was tired of being so, so, close to him- but feeling so far away. But other days, they seemed more in synch. Peeta would be more affectionate, light hearted, and teasing. On those days he would allow her to rest her legs on his on the couch, and he would lightly run his fingers up and down her calves. The lack of consistency confused her. Though she wasn’t positive that she would say it out loud, she knew how she felt for Peeta, and she wanted more. Finally, in a world without cameras or wars they could just be whatever they wanted; there didn’t have to be a weird air or confusion between them. But there still was. She couldn’t help but feel that maybe he had moved on. Maybe his gestures were rooted in friendship, and that his attitude of indifference or annoyance toward her in 13 had just stayed with him. Maybe he just stuck around because sticking around was the only way he knew how to protect her- and she knew he wouldn’t ever give up on that.
It got to the point where Katniss would spend all day wishing for darkness to come- which she had never done before- so that he would allow her to coil into the folds of his side and feel the warmth of his skin. Nighttime brought a certain surety for Katniss that she no longer felt in the day time.
On this particular day, one comment swirled around in her brain, over and over. “You’re not very big, are you? Or particularly pretty?”
The words weighed heavy in her brain, making her feel small and slimy, and convincing her that Peeta’s inconsistency was because he was too scared of being honest.
So after spending most of the morning sitting with her frustrations in the boiling outside air, Katniss was in no mood to talk to Peeta, let alone spend the day with him like they had been doing.
At breakfast, Peeta can tell that something is wrong. She hasn’t smiled at him once- and though he didn’t think she realized she even did it, Katniss and her soft smile coming through the door was what began his morning. She didn’t seem to be hurt, and he couldn’t fathom her having any bad interactions while out in the woods. Maybe she just didn’t feel well today. But he wanted to know. He knew Katniss was never good with words, but Peeta didn’t think that mattered. He just wanted her to be honest.
He decided to broach the topic between the loud, angry clanking of her silverware.
“Are you okay, Katniss?” She didn’t even glance in his direction.
“I’m fine, Peeta. Thank you for the rolls.”
He made one of her favorite breakfast delicacies- cinnamon rolls. Instead of scarfing down two and offering him a hug like she did usually, she rose from the table with a loud clammer, and began to wash dishes at the sink. That was usually a job reserved for him.
The war may have changed a lot, but Peeta Mellark knew Katniss Everdeen. And he knew something was wrong. And it was something he did.
Instead of finishing his own plate of rolls, he got up to follow her. If she wasn’t going to talk, he was going to try to make her feel better.
Peeta slid behind her at the sink and wrapped his hands around her waist. For awhile, he hadn’t noticed how she felt whenever he did that, but eventually he started to notice the slight shudder on her skin and the melting of her body into his own.
This time, he only felt the shudder and felt her stiffen to the likes of wood.
“What are you doing, Peeta?”
He nuzzled close to her ear. Katniss wanted to escape, desperately, before he lessened her resolve but his breath on her neck almost brought all of her thoughts to a halt.
“I’m trying to make you feel better. It’s so hot today, I was hoping you would just stay here with me. But you slipped out early instead.”
Katniss felt bad that she left him-she felt like she needed to soak it all in wherever he woke up in a particularly cuddly mood. But today was just not the day. Especially with the heat. And his warm hands burning into her waist. She wanted to turn around in his grip and hold his face, but she snapped instead.
“Exactly, Peeta, it’s hot. So get off of me.” She threw her hands in the air and he released his grip. She missed it as soon as it was gone.
“I’m sorry- I just want to be near you. I’ll get a cool cloth and we can just lay down in front of the fan together, how about that?”
Katniss immediately felt bad for snapping, but her bad mood persisted. Of course he was going to try to take care of her- it’s Peeta. But she was tired of whatever was going on, and if she wasn’t going to get answers anytime soon, she wasn’t going to let it persist.
“No. Stop trying to take care of me.” Katniss continued with the dishes and hoped that her hostility would convince him to at least leave the room.
“Of course I’m going to take care of you, what are you talking about?”
“No! You don’t need to anymore.”
“Katniss, seriously, you need to tell me what’s going on here.” Peeta tugged on her arm in an effort to get her to turn around and face him.
Katniss slammed a plate down and finally looked in his eyes.
“I don’t know what’s going on here! There’s no cameras here. You don’t have to pretend that you want to take care of me and start over with me.”
“Katniss I want to start over with you. I want to take care of you, why don’t you think I do?”
“I told you that you don’t have to pretend! It’s fine, I know that things are different now, okay?”
“Yeah, maybe things have changed a little, but-“
She cut him off. “But nothing, Peeta! You don’t even think I’m pretty, just admit it to me already!”
With the way those words cut into Peeta, you would have thought Katniss threw something. She hated the look on his face. The disappointment, the sadness, the way his broad shoulders turned slightly in.
“You...you think I don’t think you’re...pretty?”
“You told me as much.”
Realization washed over Peeta’s face and his shoulders fell even more as he remembered the retched days of District 13. The retched days where he struggled to tell the difference between the love of his life and the illusion of her the Capitol pumped in his veins. He didn’t think she remembered that day- when the venom that controlled everything spoke for him and commented on her body and her face.
“I didn’t think you remembered that.”
“Of course I remembered that.”
“It really hurt you, didn’t it?”
“I don’t know. But it doesn’t matter.”
Peeta shook his head and moved around the island to come closer to her.
“Yes, it does. You have to know that that wasn’t me in 13. Don’t you know that?”
Katniss wasn’t sure. Yes, logically she knew that her Peeta didn’t say that, but why did it still swirl around in her brain?
“Yes, I know.”
Peeta let out a small breathy laugh and rolled his eyes.
“You aren’t any better at lying these days, Katniss.”
This time it was Katniss that rolled her eyes as she stepped forward to move around him. Instead, Peeta caught her by the arm and trapped her, with her back against the kitchen island and his arms on either side of her.
As his blue eyes bore into her own grey ones, Katniss was speechless. She didn’t know how to say everything she wanted, and she wasn’t completely sure Peeta knew why she was upset in the first place. But sure enough, he did. Because Peeta Mellark knows Katniss Everdeen. That’s one thing she was sure of.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so...inconsistent. Im terrified of doing something wrong, Katniss. Sometimes I still feel like a mutt.”
Katniss interrupted him. She hated when he referred to himself as a mutt.
“You’re not-“
“I know. Sometimes I still feel like I am though. I already hurt you once, what if I snap and do it again?” Peeta lifted one hand to rub away the heat rushing to his face. “But sometimes I feel so warm and comfortable here with you that I just let myself go. Because at the end of the day, Katniss, this is all I want to do. I want to be with you, take care of you, build a life with you. I want to figure out what being us looks like after all this time and pain. But we have all the time in the world to figure that out, because it’s just you and me. So if you’ll let me, I’ll stop trying to hold back so much, and I’ll stay right here with you.”
She felt overwhelmed with so many sweet words. Peeta never lost his gift. Still, she looked him in the eyes and whispered “Always?” in confirmation.
“Always, Katniss.”
The hug he wrapped her up in was suffocating, and still felt so impossibly good as it did long ago. One of his hands came up to stroke the back of her hair, just like she did to him.
Katniss did not want to let go, but Peeta did, and he did so abruptly, grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her back to look at him.
“I forgot something.”
Katniss let a smile creep on her lips.
“What, Peeta?”
“I think that you are the most beautiful woman in the whole world. Every moment of every day.”
As he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears, Katniss blushed.
His hand stayed pressed to her cheek, lightly grazing it with her thumb. They both stared at each other, not quite knowing what to do next. But Katniss caught his gaze flick to her lips, and she knew what he was waiting for.
“Damn you, Peeta Mellark! Just kiss me-!” Katniss was half laughing, but half serious. She didn’t even get to finish her sentence.
Katniss thought that their hug felt so impossibly good, but nothing rivaled the feeling she got as his lips moved against hers and made her feel like she was floating.
She felt him smile into her mouth and heard him say in a low voice,
“I thought you’d never ask.”
From that day forward, Katniss got kisses freely. And after every one, he would pull away from her and tell her she was beautiful.
When he greeted her after a trip to the woods, “Hello, beautiful.”
When she kissed him after he found a missing puzzle piece, or when they finally finished a board game that took ages, “You are so beautiful.”
When they finished an entry in the memory book, “That was beautiful, Katniss. Oh, and so are you.”
When he made her taste a new recipe, “Did you like it, beautiful?”
When he stroked her hair to lull her to sleep, “Goodnight, beautiful.”
And in no time at all, Katniss Everdeen really did feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, and Peeta Mellark would make sure it always stayed that way.
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wenslena · 3 days
Oh wow, to read!!!
Missing Moments in Canon/Canon Compliant Fics Masterlist
Created: June 6th, 2024
Last Checked: ---
20 Candles-burkygirl (ao3) Summary: Peeta works hard to make his new wife's 20th birthday special. A Grand Party-Autumnanox (ao3) Summary: This story takes place at the party at the President's Mansion on the last night of the Victory Tour. Almost-c_r_roberts (ao3) Summary: In which Katniss Everdeen does the one thing she swore she'd never do. Canon. MJ/Epilogue. A Love Like That-dracoisalooker76 (ao3) Summary: Prim stumbles upon a quiet moment between Katniss and Peeta. Set during Catching Fire. A Perfect Winter's Day-dispatchesfromdistrict7 (ao3) Summary: Katniss’ daughter asks for her mother’s help in giving her father the perfect present. Canon-based. A submission for Prompts in Panem Holidays in Panem challenge. Away We Go-Abagail_Snow (ao3) Summary: As they prepare for the birth of their first child, Katniss and Peeta try to find their place in Panem. Inspired by the film Away We Go. cellar conversations-CassandraO (ao3) Summary: Multiple versions of Peeta and Gale discussing who Katniss loves. Canon compliant. All told from Peeta's POV. Christmas In Panem-Alliswell (ao3) Summary: For 75 years The Capitol suppressed all festivities that could bring joy and hope to the Districts, but with the birth of the Free Republic of Panem, the new leaders are attempting to bringing back the forgotten costumes of the old days, when Panem was known as America. Christmas has caught the eye of one District 12 baker. Prompt by Megeaulover, for The Hunger Games: Season of Hope Gift Exchange: Katniss and Peeta first Christmas after they become a couple in canon. Getting their first tree, setting up their own traditions, Katniss tries to bake, etc. Five, Ten, Fifteen Christmases later…-Alliswell (ao3) Summary: Prompt by MegaAULover for the Christmas in Panem Exchange: “Katniss & Peeta having their first Christmas with their newborn or discovering they are pregnant. Or the Toastbabies are running wild.” Let’s meet the Mellark’s as they prepare for Christmas at home with their little ones. For Real…-Alliswell (ao3) Summary: Peeta and Katniss reach and agreement... this time for real.
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wenslena · 4 days
A hell of a fic really!!! I was reading it non-stop the whole night and rereading on the next day.
“Tell me Katniss” he says in an emotionless voice. “Do I have a daughter? Or is it a son?” My eyes dart to the paper but before I can confirm that it lists Gale as the father Peeta continues to speak. “It says the father is Gale Hawthorne but that’s not true, is it? Even if you were screwing us both, which I admit I find unlikely, you could never have known for certain. I can do math. You gave birth forty weeks after our dalliance on the train.”
“Peeta” I say, stepping closer to him.
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wenslena · 15 days
@mage-chocolate I absolutely agree on the point them getting symbolically married at 11, that is why yeah no matter what they would have grown together
this would have happened anyway is a line I think about religiously because it’s so teasingly vague … what is “this?” what would have happened anyway? her hunger? the intimacy with Peeta that blossoms out of their postwar friendship? her wanting him instead of Gale? their entire relationship? and “anyway” … in spite of what? the Games? the war? or does she just mean that she and Peeta would have found each other in any iteration of their story? whatever it is, it still makes me insane after all these years
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wenslena · 16 days
Never Hijacked!Peeta Fics Masterlist (6)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 /
Created: April 25th, 2024
A Surprise Return-theriteofpassage (ff) Summary: Peeta wasn't hijacked  After the Quell-HaroldPooter (ff) Summary: "The claw drops from the underside until it's directly overhead. I watch Peeta's eyes flutter closed and know that he's passed out. Maybe even dead. Good. If he's dead then they can't get to him. That was a silver lining at least." What would happen if Peeta was never hijacked, but instead rescued alongside Katniss in the Quarter Quell? Everlark reunion District 13-WilliciaMcHart2015 (ff) Summary: What if Peeta hadn't been hijacked by Tracker Venom in the Capitol? What if he hadn't tried to kill Katniss? What would their reunion be like in District 13? Here Again-RipredtheGnawer (ff) Summary: What I think would have happened, had Peeta not been hijacked in Mockingjay. Reunion scene.  If Peeta wasn't hijacked-ELLIE007 (ff) Summary: What if Peeta wasn't brain washed in the capital, just captured for information. They get him out in time. He is rescued and taken to District 13. What will Katniss do now that Peeta is back and not hijacked. Mine, Always-SkyLark89 (ff) Summary: One-shot: Katniss and Peeta are reunited in District 13. He's not hijacked and seeing him again makes her realize how much she cares about him. Mockingjay: Revisited-Peetagrl3-TheRollyJoger (ff) Summary: Basically, what might have happened if Peeta hadn't been hijacked? What would be different? How would Katniss react? Undergoing slight editing. Starts on page 176 of Mockingjay. Never let you out of my sight-Tegan Hill (ff)  Summary: Peeta & Katniss are reunited. Peeta has not been hijacked. Mockingjay with several twists and turns of things I wish were in there. Safe and Sound-riverknowshisname (ff) Summary: What might have happened if Peeta returned to District 13 and was only tortured by the Capitol? What might it have been like without Peeta being hijacked? Well, here's my take on that. Stay with me, Katniss? Always, Peeta-everlark4ever75 (ff) Summary: How the Mockingjay reunion should have taken place. Peeta is taken by the Capitol and comes back not hijacked. Peeta and Katniss meet each other again. But something happens to one of the characters.
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wenslena · 20 days
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Everlark Fic
Aww, there is by far the best depiction of Everlark’s first love making in this fanfic! A small excerpt for you ☺️
And on the whole it’s one of the best post-MJ and pre-Epilog stories, main characters are absolutely in canon.
I don’t get it why it still has relatively few hits and kudos…
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wenslena · 21 days
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Some more everlark!! Idc what anyone says, igsygrace’s Peeta’s Games series is canon to me
Btw this is from Catching Sparks Ch6 aughhhhh
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wenslena · 22 days
I love that 😍
Who missed Victory Tour outfits? ;) Me! So here’s Everlark Outfit #15: Victory Tour, District 7, dinner.
What do we know about this outfit (not much, haha): Jackson has devised a game called «Real or Not Real» to help Peeta. He mentions something he thinks happened, and they tell him if it’s true or imagined, usually followed by a brief explanation. <...> But since Peeta’s greatest confusion centers around me—and not everything can be explained simply—our exchanges are painful and loaded, even though we touch on only the most superficial of details. The color of my dress in 7. My preference for cheese buns. The name of our math teacher when we were little. Reconstructing his memory of me is excruciating. Perhaps it isn’t even possible after what Snow did to him. But it does feel right to help him try.
So we have only one sentence in “Mockingjay” about this outfit. And still I decided to draw it because I have a theory (head canon?) about it. Ok, look. There are this couple of quotes: [1. At dinners, we are borderline delirious in our love for each other. We kiss, we dance, we get caught trying to sneak away to be alone.] and [2. You're so ... pure,” he says finally. “I am not!” I say. “I've been practically ripping your clothes off every time there's been a camera for the last year!”] and [3. I sit next to Peeta on the sand to eat my rolls. For some reason, it's difficult to look at him. Maybe it was all that kissing last night, although the two of us kissing isn't anything new. It might not even have felt any different for him.]
So my theory is that something really steamy happened during Victory Tour dinner in District 7. I mean, Peeta couldn't remember his favorite color, but for some reason he was interested in the color of her dress in 7. I think there are some very vivid memories associated with that night, which Peeta may have replayed more than once in his head (and that's why they're so tightly stuck there, haha). I suppose that they succeed in sneaking away to some private room (or balcony, I prefer balcony 😏) and tried to be really convincing about why they wanted this privacy. Just a little more intense kissing you know. I think that’s why Katniss suggested that Peeta “might not even have felt any different” because they already had some really passionate kisses. And something like “ripping his clothes off” too, not literally but... Well, Katniss was stressed and focused on their purpose (to appear “madly in love” when they would be caught) but I think for Peeta it was really... ugh... hard night. In many ways 😂.
Actually I even started to draw a comic based on this head canon (with a lot of passionately kissing everlark haha) back in November but it’s so difficult and detailed work, it will take me days to finish it. Maybe I will return to it eventually...Or I can set a goal for this comic on my Ko-fi, if anyone is interested 😏.
Ok, well, now to our outfit. I think red dress is perfect for some passion, right? Peeta has dark red + black + a little bit gold which is also sexy color combination. Hope you enjoy this one! ❤️
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wenslena · 22 days
story of one family bakery and about love and loss and hurt and regrets and memories and hope and love again
Part 1: The Mellarks
And the memories were lost long ago
But at least you have beautiful ghosts*
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Part 2: Never felt so alone
What died didn't stay dead,
You're alive, you're alive in my head.*
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Part 3: Keep going
I watched it begin again*
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Part 4: For evermore
And I'm only me
Who I wanna be
Well, I'm only me when I'm with you*
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* lyrics (c) Taylor Swift
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wenslena · 22 days
Hello, it’s portia!lynx 😅. Please welcome the update on my main series of everlark outfits. I usually draw several versions of outfit and then decide which one to upload, but today I failed to decide. Somehow I think the one with birdcage veil is closer to what Suzanne described (but who knows) but I love the version with braid too. What do you think? ;)
Also this birdcage veil reminds me of @jlalafics so I just had to upload this version 😘
What do we know about this dress: There are six gowns and each one requires its own headpiece, shoes, jewelry, hair, makeup, setting, and lighting. Creamy lace and pink roses and ringlets. Ivory satin and gold tattoos and greenery. A sheath of diamonds and jeweled veil and moonlight. Heavy white silk and sleeves that fall from my wrist to the floor, and pearls.
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wenslena · 22 days
At her wedding day Katniss comes to talk to her sister about how much she misses her, how much she wants her to be here today, how much she wants her to see how happy she is now.
tell me little sister, is it warm and safe in there
are you waiting, are you waiting for me somewhere deep inside?*
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*lyrics © Little Sister by My Favorite Enemies
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wenslena · 22 days
Who missed Victory Tour outfits? ;) Me! So here’s Everlark Outfit #15: Victory Tour, District 7, dinner.
What do we know about this outfit (not much, haha): Jackson has devised a game called «Real or Not Real» to help Peeta. He mentions something he thinks happened, and they tell him if it’s true or imagined, usually followed by a brief explanation. <...> But since Peeta’s greatest confusion centers around me—and not everything can be explained simply—our exchanges are painful and loaded, even though we touch on only the most superficial of details. The color of my dress in 7. My preference for cheese buns. The name of our math teacher when we were little. Reconstructing his memory of me is excruciating. Perhaps it isn’t even possible after what Snow did to him. But it does feel right to help him try.
So we have only one sentence in “Mockingjay” about this outfit. And still I decided to draw it because I have a theory (head canon?) about it. Ok, look. There are this couple of quotes: [1. At dinners, we are borderline delirious in our love for each other. We kiss, we dance, we get caught trying to sneak away to be alone.] and [2. You're so ... pure,” he says finally. “I am not!” I say. “I've been practically ripping your clothes off every time there's been a camera for the last year!”] and [3. I sit next to Peeta on the sand to eat my rolls. For some reason, it's difficult to look at him. Maybe it was all that kissing last night, although the two of us kissing isn't anything new. It might not even have felt any different for him.]
So my theory is that something really steamy happened during Victory Tour dinner in District 7. I mean, Peeta couldn't remember his favorite color, but for some reason he was interested in the color of her dress in 7. I think there are some very vivid memories associated with that night, which Peeta may have replayed more than once in his head (and that's why they're so tightly stuck there, haha). I suppose that they succeed in sneaking away to some private room (or balcony, I prefer balcony 😏) and tried to be really convincing about why they wanted this privacy. Just a little more intense kissing you know. I think that’s why Katniss suggested that Peeta “might not even have felt any different” because they already had some really passionate kisses. And something like “ripping his clothes off” too, not literally but... Well, Katniss was stressed and focused on their purpose (to appear “madly in love” when they would be caught) but I think for Peeta it was really... ugh... hard night. In many ways 😂.
Actually I even started to draw a comic based on this head canon (with a lot of passionately kissing everlark haha) back in November but it’s so difficult and detailed work, it will take me days to finish it. Maybe I will return to it eventually...Or I can set a goal for this comic on my Ko-fi, if anyone is interested 😏.
Ok, well, now to our outfit. I think red dress is perfect for some passion, right? Peeta has dark red + black + a little bit gold which is also sexy color combination. Hope you enjoy this one! ❤️
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wenslena · 22 days
That should have been my quickest series but somehow I managed to finish it only now ;) I don’t know why but this one was the hardest to draw. I already draw Katniss on her wedding day (with primroses) so I used the same design for her. Peeta wearing the waistcoat is the praise to his father’s wedding suit. I think that day was not only happy but also pretty sad for both of them. So many people who should be there for them but… yeah. I know many people think that Katniss and Peeta never married officially (just toasted) but I like to think that they actually had small ceremony and celebration with close friends. Maybe I just love to think about future Katniss as Katniss Mellark haha. Anyways, I hope you like my take on Katniss and Peeta’s wedding photo ;) and I will upload this series all together tomorrow ;)
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wenslena · 22 days
So incredibly sweet!!! And the PEARL hasn’t been lost or forgotten ❤️
They are different people. They have different stories. And once they were h a p p y.
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wenslena · 22 days
Oh my God, it’s impressive but so scary !!! 😱😭❤️
I meant it when I said it would be angsty.
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wenslena · 22 days
That’s so amazing, touching, tender 😍
“I will focus on my main series” said Lynx on October 5th and then have drawn EVERYTHING but her main series 🤦🏼‍♀️. Seriously though, I really tried. I knew which one should be the next and I opened the sketch several times but something always went wrong. I didn’t like the pose, the faces, suit, hair, everything. I kept redraw and redraw it and it became even worse. So I gave up. But well, I still want to finish this series so I opened this file again and made myself finish it. Maybe it’s not perfect (obviously) but I’m relieved that it’s finally done. So. This is Everlark Outfits #18: Interview after the games.
What do we know about this outfit: When Cinna comes in, he shoos them [prep team] out and dresses me in a white, gauzy dress and pink shoes. Then he personally adjusts my makeup until I seem to radiate a soft, rosy glow. <…> Then Peeta’s there looking handsome in red and white, pulling me off to the side. (The Hunger Games, ch.27)
We finally have some information about Peeta’s outfit, my inner Portia cries in happiness. Also, this is the last outfit of the first book! I’ve drawn them all :) I will post them all together after I redraw/fix some of them (lol, that’s what happen when you draw too slooooooow and can’t look at your first illustrations anymore).
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