Fanfiction Writer that hopes to eventually write real crap. But, until then, here’s where you can send me stuffs. This is also where I’ll post my AO3 updates and talk about stuff. Woohoo!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
And surprise 3. Me: I am both.
There are two types of writers:
1. 'It's fiction, it doesn't need to make sense!'
2. 'I didn't account for the rotation of the planet and how that affects the constalations while my characters stargazed at different times of year, I have failed as a writer, and this entire thing is trash'
#memes#meme#writers#writerscommunity#writers on tumblr#writing#my writing#on writing#creative writing#writer#ao3 writer#writeblr#writers and poets#writblr#story writing#writing life#writing process#authors of tumblr#authors#ao3 author#author
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Things I’ve noticed are essential in plotting and would probably have saved me a lot of time if I had considered it earlier
The START of your story - how fucked up flawed is your premise/character at the start? what do they have to change? why are they HERE?
The END of your story - How do you want your main character/theme/universe to change after your story? Does it get better or worse? THIS SETS UP THE TONE DRASTICALLY.
What you want to happen IN BETWEEN - the MEAT of it. What made you start writing this WIP in the first place. Don't be ashamed to indulge, it's where the BRAIN JUICE comes from. You want a deep dive into worldbuilding and complex systems? Then your start and end should be rooted in some fundamental, unique rule of your universe (what made you obsess over it?). Want to write unabashed ship content? Make sure your start and end are so compelling you'll never run out of smut scenarios to shove in between scenes (what relationship dynamics made you ship it in the first place?).
The ANTE - the GRAVITY of your story. How high are the stakes? Writing a blurb or interaction? start with a small day-in-the-life so you can focus on shorter timelines and hourly minutiae that can easily get overlooked in more complicated epics. Or you can go ham on it and plot out your whole universe's timeline from conception to demise. Remember: the larger the scale, the less attached your story may get. How quickly time flies in your story typically correlates with the ante (not a hard rule, ofc, but most epics span years of time within a few pages, while a romance novel usually charts out the events of a few months over a whole manuscript.)
Everything else follows….?
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sometimes you need dialogue tags and don't want to use the same four
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This is like so cute….
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I have watched the entire series at least once, and… this did actually happen.
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When your Character...
Gets into: A Fight ⚜ ...Another Fight ⚜ ...Yet Another Fight
Hates Someone ⚜ Kisses Someone ⚜ Falls in Love
Calls Someone they Love ⚜ Dies / Cheats Death ⚜ Drowns
A Ballerina ⚜ A Child ⚜ Interacting with a Child ⚜ A Cheerleader
A Cowboy ⚜ A Genius ⚜ A Lawyer ⚜ A Pirate ⚜ A Spy
A Wheelchair User ⚜ A Zombie ⚜ Beautiful ⚜ Dangerous ⚜ Drunk
Funny ⚜ In a Coma ⚜ In a Secret Society ⚜ Injured ⚜ Shy
A Magical Item ⚜ An Aphrodisiac ⚜ A Fictional Poison
A Coping Strategy ⚜ A Drink ⚜ A Medicinal Herb ⚜ A Mentor
Money ⚜ A Persuasion Tactic ⚜ A Quirk ⚜ To be Killed Off
To Become Likable ⚜ To Clean a Wound ⚜ To Self-Reflect
To Find the Right Word, but Can't ⚜ To Say No ⚜ To Swear
Astronomy ⚜ Baking ⚜ Cooking ⚜ Cocktails ⚜ Food ⚜ Oils
Dancing ⚜ Fashion ⚜ Gems ⚜ Herbal Remedies ⚜ Honey
Mushrooms ⚜ Mythology ⚜ Numbers ⚜ Perfumes
Roses ⚜ Sweets ⚜ To Argue ⚜ To Insult ⚜ To Kiss
To Make False Claims ⚜ Wine ⚜ Wine-Tasting ⚜ Yoga
Allergies ⚜ Amnesia ⚜ Bereavement ⚜ Bites & Stings
Bruises ⚜ Caffeine ⚜ CO Poisoning ⚜ Color Blindness
Facial Hair ⚜ Fainting ⚜ Fevers ⚜ Food Allergies
Food Poisoning ⚜ Fractures ⚜ Frostbite ⚜ Hypothermia
Injuries ⚜ Jet Lag ⚜ Kidnapping ⚜ Manipulation ⚜ Mutism
Pain ⚜ Paranoia ⚜ Poisoning ⚜ More Pain & Violence
Scars ⚜ Trauma ⚜ Viruses ⚜ Wounds
[these are just quick references. more research may be needed to write your story...]
Writing Resources PDFs
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Writing a Fictional Monster
From Count Dracula to Ramsay Bolton, some of the most memorable characters in literature are monsters. Use these examples and tips to generate great monster ideas for your own writing.
Characteristics of a Monster
The word ‘monster’ stirs up various ideas of traits and psychological aspects of creepy creatures people fear, but there are a number of ways monsters can be portrayed:
Physical characteristics. Monsters can be massive and powerful, like King Kong or Mothra. It can have slimy body parts, rows of sharp teeth, tentacles, a coat of thick armor, or be a completely small and unassuming sort of thing. The physical characteristics of your monster aren’t just for effect, either. Your monster character design should make sense with the background you’ve provided. For example, if it has wings, it should use them to fly. Monsters aren’t decorative—they're reflections of peoples’ deepest rooted fears.
Psychological traits. Some believe that the true monsters are the ones that lurk inside our own minds. Monsters can scare us when they play into phobias, like Pennywise from Stephen King’s It (1986), who appeared as a vicious clown but also took the form of the main characters’ greatest fears. Monsters can also be symbolic or emotional manifestations. Sometimes monsters don’t need to interact with the characters at all—the characters build the fear around the idea of the monster themselves—which can amplify the terror that readers and viewers feel along with them.
Its targets. Does it feed on children? Is it attracted to despair? Does it get violent at the scent of blood? What triggers your monster? When does it appear, and why? Knowing what motivates your monster is the key to figuring out why it behaves the way it does and creates a sense of understanding for your audience.
Its weaknesses. Is there anything that can vanquish your monster? Is it able to be defeated? Does it hate daylight? Giving your monster its own rules and limits can help establish a believable creature. However, lacking a weakness can also be part of your monster’s horror as well.
How to Write a Monster
If you’re looking for how to make a monster of your own, there are a few guidelines you can follow to make your new monster feel like a real monster:
Provide a little background. Your monster may not exist in the real world, but it still needs some logical follow-through. Where did it come from? Why does it look the way it does? Is it man-made like Dr. Frankenstein’s monster in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1823)? Or is it a natural creature like Beowulf’s Grendel? You don’t have to answer every question about your monster in your writing (sometimes the unknown is just as scary), however, the audience should know a little background information to envision a full enough picture.
Leave space for the imagination. Even though you want the audience to get a complete picture of your monstrosity, a person’s own imagination can always be scarier than anything someone else could create, like the Jabberwock from Lewis Carroll’s nonsense poem The Jabberwocky (1871). Leaving room for your reader to fill in the gaps may result in them imagining their own worst personal fears in conjunction with whatever horrors you’ve already laid out.
Give it a name. Personifying a monster draws it a little closer into real-life, and giving something a name makes it feel more tangible. Sometimes the fear of a name lies in its ambiguity, like John Carpenter’s ‘The Thing,’ or it can be a name that feels scary and powerful, like Tomoyuki Tanaka’s ‘Godzilla.’ Or sometimes, it’s the existing name of a horrific mythological villain like ‘Typhon.’
Make it hard to kill. Sometimes a monster is relentless and needs to be physically fought, and sometimes there’s a secret or trick to killing it that is unknown until later on in the story. Monsters that cannot be defeated easily create big moments of tension and anticipation for readers and viewers alike. The harder to kill, the scarier they become.
Examples: Monsters in Literature
Monsters can be science fiction creations with gaping maws and poisonous fangs, but they can also be like human beings as well, like a rogue android or possessed parent.
Count Dracula: Infamous vampire from Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897).
Balrogs: Menacing monsters of fire and shadow in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings series (1937).
Mr. Hyde: Evil alter-ego of the character Dr. Jekyll, from Robert Louis Stevenson’s Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886).
The Giant Squid: The monster from the depths in Jules Verne’s classic, Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1872).
Jack Torrance: The alcoholic father from Stephen King’s The Shining (1977).
Source ⚜ Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
#monster#fiction#writeblr#literature#writers on tumblr#writing reference#writing tips#writing advice#dark academia#spilled ink#save for later
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Heya @quiven! Yes this is a tricky thing to write about.
(for me personally, the hardest things to write are the simplest, mundane, everyday occurrences) Depending on the context this is how you could write silence,
1. A minute passed. Then five. No reply from the other side.
So quiet it was almost unnatural—as if the universe had swallowed every last sound, leaving only a void of unspoken secrets. At this point she wasn't sure what she was waiting for anyways. An apology? A confession? A whisper of hope? All the while, she could hear the tic-tic-tic of the clock, the distant laughter of children playing outside, the hum of traffic. Yet the sound she most longed to hear was.....
(I imagined the woman holding a corded landline phone here, old times, maybe she's a school teacher)
2. The air grew thick with the things unsaid. As if they were both afraid. Afraid of what they might bring into existence by naming that delicate, unspoken longing that hovered between them.
3. His silence was a bruise. Purple. Tender. And she kept pressing it to check if it still hurt.
4. They didn't speak. They didn't have to. Spending years in each others' company, they could read even the slightest shifts in expression. How a twitch of an eyebrow meant annoyance, how ....
5. He froze mid-sentence, words caught in his throat, choking him.
6. The phone rang, unanswered. One ring, two ring, three—by the fourth—even the quiet had grown teeth.
7. He’d always hummed while he worked. A habit she'd always found annoying. But now she missed it.
9. She’d always hated quiet. It gave her thoughts too much room to scream.
10. .....Each breath felt like swallowing glass, sharp with the truth they’d rather bleed out than speak.
Silence isn’t passive. It’s a loaded moment — a held breath, a coiled spring, a grenade with the pin pulled. Give it purpose. Is it awkward? Heavy? Comfortable? Threatening?
The context matters. The context guides the imagery.
(this was a comment on my post: The power of Silence in Dialogue)
#writerblr#writing community#creative writing#writing tips#fic writing#fiction writing#writers#writers on tumblr#writing silence#writing#save for later
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Make them fall in love.
The villain gives their customary “join me and we can be great” speech. The hero accepts.
#do it#reddit#writing prompts#hero#villain#unexpected#writing#writing prompt#on writing#creative writing
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11? Rookie numbers.

#funny#lol#haha#humor#meme#memes#goth#tweet#twitter#i’m a writer#it’s kinda my job#except I don’t#get paid
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You’re welcome! And thank you for being there for me as well. Also, fanfic is amazing! Thank you Ao3 and fanfic writers for being there for us all.
fanfiction truly being the savior for everyones sanity
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Side Note To Fan Fic Authors
Here’s the thing.
I read a lot of scripts. A lot. From professionals to aspiring writers to complete newbies. Features and pilots. Specs and treatments.
And 8 times out of 10 the fan fic that I’ve read over the last, oh, 15 years is leagues better than this stuff. It’s more inspired. It’s more compelling. It’s genre bending and creative and heartfelt. It’s well-paced and intense and funny and sexy and meaningful. It’s smart and thoughtful and good. It’s novel-quality. Better than, sometimes.
Rare is the script I don’t want to put down, but how often have we stayed up until 3am to get to the last chapter of a 100k fic? And it’s not even a fan fic author’s day job. This is what they do on the side. In their spare time. For free.
So my point is, fan fic authors, you’re good. You’re good writers and great storytellers. I know it doesn’t always feel like it, especially if you’re one of the authors who’s not a BNF and doesn’t get the notes/hits that a few do. And because some people still view fic as “not real writing.” You guys know the shit that gets made into movies. You’re better than that. So be better than that. If writing is what you think want to do, then just know you’re already doing it. You’ve already started.
And you’re more talented than you might think.
#fan fic#writers#writing#writers on tumblr#emphasis on write what you want not what you think you should#writing prompt#writing process#my writing#on writing#creative writing#writer's block#writer#ao3 writer#writeblr#writers and poets#writerscommunity#writer stuff#ao3 author#authors of tumblr#authors#fanfic problems#write fanfic
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Thx for the resources though.
some fucking resources for all ur writing fuckin needs
* body language masterlist
* a translator that doesn’t eat ass like google translate does
* a reverse dictionary for when ur brain freezes
* 550 words to say instead of fuckin said
* 638 character traits for when ur brain freezes again
* some more body language help
(hope this helps some ppl)
#writer help#writers on tumblr#writing#writing help#writing tips#writing process#my writing#on writing#writing resources#writing research#fanfic
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Ya’ know, I don’t take drugs, I don’t smoke pot, and I don’t drink alcohol. But, sometimes I say stupid crap like this, thinking it’s deep. When really, it’s not, it’s just nonsense. But saying it, makes me sound like I do at least one of those things. What was I even thinking about?
*I say in a seductive voice* If to err is human, then honey, I’m the most human-y human you’ve ever seen.
#writing#writers on tumblr#writeblr#creative writing#writing process#writing prompt#my writing#on writing#writers#writer#ao3 writer#writers and poets#writer life#tortured writer#writers of tumblr#tumblr writers#writers life#what was i thinking#it’s not that deep#but it sounds deep
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Accurate representation of the Addams family. It’s now canon, it shall be so.
Pugsley, whisper-yelling: Shut up! Be quiet, we’re gonna get caught!
Enid: I’m trying!
Pugsley: Try harder——
Morticia, holding a lantern: Children it is 2 in the morning, why on earth are—
Pugsley and Enid freeze with their arms full of various snacks, while Wednesday freezes mid-sip of water.
Gomez, emerging from the pantry, arms also full of snacks: I got the—
#wednesday#wednesday 2022#wenclair#incorrect wednesday#pugsley addams#enid sinclair#wednesday addams#writing#writers on tumblr#wednesday netflix#lore#canon#addams family
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*I say in a seductive voice* If to err is human, then honey, I’m the most human-y human you’ve ever seen.
#writing#writers on tumblr#funny dialogue#funny#text post meme#it aint that deep#but it sounds deep#authors of tumblr#funny writing#funny memes#hehe haha#writers#writer life#tortured writer#tumblr writers#writers of tumblr#writers life#sometimes i write#idk man#what does this mean#?#i don’t know
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girl help i’m having creation ideas above my skill level
#skill#skill issue#send help#writing process#my writing#on writing#creative writing#writers#writblr#writblur#fanfic problems#fanfiction problems#fanfics#ao3 writer#ao3 author#ao3#ao3 fanfic
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