Working to Zack Bryan… screen on night mode … boys watching just add magic … Maxie sidles up… daaadaa you’ve been working for long time … it’s time to cuddle up with me… I say .. you’re right Maxie … but you cuddle up with Zander too… he says … but I need someone big to cuddle up with … you come cuddle now … I follow his lead as Zack Bryan says… I remember ev-er-ey-thing… gosh I want to remember it all…. Cuddle time!
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Be well.
Our healthcare model is about
Treating the disease.
Find bad things and make it go away..
But what if we lived with principles around:
Nourishment and …the
Joy of feeling well
Ayurveda means longevity knowledge… or the knowledge of longevity… and is over 10,000 years old…perhaps much much older.
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What is this experiencing
This shedding of concern
This translucent tingling behind ear
A happiness to close eyes to see ..
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We are hair on neck’s back … feeling … nothing separate in that feeling… the hair is not saying … or wondering… what other hairs are thinking … not pondering its existence relative to neck or anything else… it is hair + moment + neck + … lost and found in shiver that senses feeling moment… the infinite ocean in an experimental drop … shivers down spine … lightning strikes … vajra explodes and brakes you all open … the ocean in a drop is a deluge of blessed bliss..
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On the go train… passing rivers and lush green resilient trees …. Land … cutting though oblivious… aimless focused on … what? Thoughts and feelings draw me to play and breathe deeply… to allow silence and focus on absolutely nothing lead me to higher plains … to new abilities to create new realities… to access all that is and truly get the illusion of time and space… shadows of higher dimensions of infinite potential… possibilities… i return to the window … dog walkers… dogs running… morning reflections on glass … I can feel connections to it all… I tap into love … this is all a play place to create … what will I create?
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It’s wonderful how time folds in on itself … how gratitude and reflection become the pages and pens of our story’s voices… today I spent the day with my mom…
…when I’m with her all is just perfect … it is her birthday today … but moments with her are a gift to me… I see her with my boys… and I get goosebump glimpse of our memories… bus rides… feeding ducks … making roti… science homework… gardening… after dinner strolls… all
the things I didn’t see that protected and provided… the best days are those where we can just be and watch the flowers bloom … those are the best days … you are so beautiful… I love you mom / Aaaajeeee!!
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What max said last night …
Max, do you want to know what I did today?
Max said: Yes!
I went to the doctor to give me a good check up. She looked at my blood and said everything was fine.
Max said: and they ask you want you eat?
Yes max!
Max said: and they ask you if you have any red in your poopoo?
Yes max!
Max said: and the ask you how much you work?
Well yes max!
Max said: and they ask you how much you play with your babas?
Well yes they did max!
Max said: good! Now can you sing I love my maxi muffin and pat me?
Oh yes max. I would love to do that my sweet man!
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Zander and Maximus! I love you the most… is what I say to you both… and that grows and grows … both of you are raising me… you are so incredibly amazing little humans… little royal lords… creators … do-and-be-anything-ors”… you say what you mean… You let me know how you feel… you like when I’m around… involved… paying attention… being in the moment with you… enjoying our lives together… learning… laughing… listening to each other… not doing what we say… not merely following orders… but hearing each other and… helping each other… knowing that we love each other and are each other… my best little loves… my very best friends… not mine at all… I have always existed to be in your presence … present in your presence… I love you boys … you truly are everything!
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Now for a night cap wisdom tip…
Art of living…. There is a Natural Law that you can only have a problem if you already have the solution… within💕
From dad. July 2022.
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...you know that winning starts at your beginning.
...you get that legendary leaders rise at dawn so they have an hour to strengthen themselves.
...you understand that the early hours are the days' quietest hours so wisdom demands that we use them well.
Amar, I encourage you to perform the following 5 acts of character training—each morning before 8AM—to help you create consistently superb days. And a spirit that soars.
1. Write a letter of gratefulness to someone who deserves to be recognized. Every person alive today craves sincere appreciation. Handwriting a letter to a good soul is a gift you both get to receive.
2. Read from a profound book. We live in a world where very few go deep. We seek informal news in bite-sized chunks and scroll our feeds in hot pursuit of glitter. Before 8AM, sit quietly and read from a great human’s autobiography. Or from a text of philosophy. To ground you on what’s important, before you live out your day.
3. See your highest life. Take 5 minutes, with eyes closed, to imagine yourself behaving and performing as the person you most long to be. Make the movie vivid and colourful and real. Over time—as your self identify rewires—you’ll begin to inhabit the life you’ve invented.
4. Perform an act of generosity. Before 8AM every day, do one tiny gesture to make someone’s life a little better. It could be a smile to a stranger or a hug to your child. Paying for the coffee of the person in line behind you or thanking the bus driver.
5. Turn off your phone until 8AM daily. The early morning hours have deep magic within them. Life’s too short to miss this glory because you’re addicted to technology.
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Hard work is not the path to Well-Being. Feeling good is the path to Well-Being. You don’t create through action; you create through vibration. And then, your vibration calls action from you.
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Caught him and Zander having a little tussle.. Maxie … at thr top of his lungs yelled at Zander…
“Zander!! How many times my tell you!! Call… me …Maxie Muffin!!!”
Later that day…
We were doing some yard work
I was mowing with our little push mower - going green while tending to thr greenery… my gym membership… enjoying thr process more than the outcome…
Both boys came running to me … daaaadaaaa!!!! Stooopppp!! You are cutting the dandelions!!” Then Zander said rather quietly to me…. “jeeeze dada… they are like people… be careful!”
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Today Max was very chatty… here’s what he had to say:
Dada… you know when happiness comes… the love goes straight to your heart.
… and your heart is here… in the middle … and the blood goes all all all over…
These are muscles… your heart is here.
… and when people listen to you … the love in your heart goes up up up …
… and when people don’t listen to you … the love in your heart goes down down down…
I asked: who told you this?
He replied: no body… just me!
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All this will happen again...
What a feeling ... de ja vu... That this is all some loop ... some manifestation that only seeks to realize its substrate and crawl back itself... shiva. Some loop de loop... some symphony playing itself ... sequential tricks ... little drums in these ears ... electricity catching up ...observing observing ... when becomes less useful and now fills lungs and the invisible tunes in... slight smile ... disappear into it all...
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Coffee and child’s play.
I go for coffee. We miss each other. Dadaaaaa!!! Fills the halls. Boys run to me we hug and kiss and rejoice. We wash hands and cry. I struggle to be present. When I am. I am water. Wave. Swimmer. Naw. No effort. Just. Is. Om tat sat. This is being. Don’t fail at this. Don’t think hard. It’s child’s play... get lost in the scribble.
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You are this limitless sweetness. Your giggle and smile and chatter must be a glimpse of heaven itself. Maximan you’re perfect! Family is this workout for the heart and soul. It flexes life like a muscle. Making it tired and sore at moments but stronger and bigger at the same time.. when I see you hear you watch you hold you kiss your neck and feel your laughter... my heart and soul zooms around the universe and back... collecting moonbeams and stardust and pure light and stuff I can’t yet imagine ... you’re magic Maximan!! To say I love you is of course the most true thing... but that is the very tip or the the first note in a raga so long and intricate and perfect... you see my Maximan ... you’re not mine at all... I’m all yours and I’m here to serve and guide you and your big bro Zander and sometimes guiding will place me as your faithful follower... going to new places and new plateaus... this world is a playplace for you to discover. .. keep dancing Maximan. You create such awesome rhythm. Duk duka duk. Duka duka duk!!
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Well before all of the challenges of the day.... long ago.. or... a far far way in the future... take your pick. We were connected... all joined up like flowing glowing music. The concept of magic was not built on some made up house of cards....with all its dependencies... magic was Real. Magic was and still is this attainable feature of nature. This force that gives and takes and is only empowered to and perfected by the most righteous. I’m not sure when all that self balancing goodness stopped.... but it’s happening again. Take a moment and hop on a swing with your kid. In that moment of security what more do you want?. Is it their happiness? Is it yours? Is it anything more than the wind and the slight tummy giroscope twirling and tumbling. We call those moments magic don’t we? And then we head home ... the past and future flood out the magic and we disconnect from the moment. We disconnect from connection and secretly and helplessly wish for it again... our connection to each other and to our earth is so severed... we can’t even define what we want out of this lifetime... how foolish we think... that this lifetime is ours to begin with... stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Just stop it all. Just keep stopping till you stahl... and float. ...and stay there... fool. Fool. Connect. Connect with the thing that made you and moulds you. And keeps you up at night. And lulls you to sleep and in between. Fool. Find it. Re Find it all. Re find the truth that the way you treat others and the earth is the golden rule. It’s not for anything else but itself. It’s the way sun shines. Be that sunshine. For goodness sake be it. Find it. Search and reach. And hunt for that magic and return us all to balance. Where the earth grants us magic and regulates it.. don’t ever think that you’re more than this... you’re alll of this.
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