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I think it's a common misconception that domesticating animals is somewhat like enslaving them. It really is more of a symbiotic relationship. No wild animal would have willingly put up with early humans if they didn't get something out of it. Wolves wouldn't have stayed with us and become dogs if they weren't getting food and safety out of it. Many large herbivores that are now domesticated could and would have easily trampled their early human captors or broken their enclosures open if they didn't have a reason to stay. Sometimes individual animals still do if we don't give them what they need.
The animals that have stayed with us for thousands of years have evolved to cooperate with us better. Dogs have additional facial muscles around their eyes that wolves lack in order to mimic human facial expressions. Sheep grow their wool perpetually while their wild counterparts don't because a bigger fleece means they're more likely to be allowed to breed and be kept around. Domestic dairy cows produce much more milk than wild bovine species and domestic hens lay more eggs. Do you know how energy costly producing eggs or milk is for an animal? It's pretty intense! They wouldn't be able to do that if we hadn't given them the food and safety from predators and the elements to.
And we really need to show these animals respect and gratitude for what they give us by taking excellent care of them. They gave up a lot to be with us, often including the means to take care of themselves in the wild. That's a huge reason why I'm not against using animal products, but I hate factory farming. They are still living, breathing creatures with needs and feelings. They deserve a comfortable life and, when the time comes, a humane death.
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I am not a certified scientist or a researcher I do shit, and act as if I'm shoto todoroki and enjoy it! but i do Infact like it when there's tins of logic when it comes to stories!
Basically some mad scientist blah blah blah we get it, and you do how most mad scientists do stuff!
They decide on to make it and, make it happen! So basically they cross-bred two species, the flying species (Eagle's, large Bats, Falcons, etc) with a lizard/reptilian species (Alligators, Crocodiles, Komodo Dragon, etc)
They can be anything honestly as long they have the usual characteristics of one dragon! they can be any, as long they have
Thick Skin
Fire Breathing
Which they last one don't and not yet!
So here comes the 2nd part of the experiment usually the takes of animal abuse which i dont vote for! Honestly also i didn't even finish my first half as to why and how can they breathe fire other than "its barf!" which is ignorant of me because i didn't fully explain or explore how so they do which in results of this!
How can they actually breathe fire?
That! that his how and how, I am not verified scientist at all said again! but this article is one i recommend reading if you prefer a persay?? scientific logical esque?
BUT there's another one which ill hold honestly? which is there's a beetle that can actually sort of breath fire! which is by hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinones in its abdomen! which it ejects when threatened. The chemicals mix in the air and undergo an exothermic (heat-releasing) chemical reaction. And sprays attacker with a hot liquid! I think we've strayed but my point taken! i hope.
Dragons 8: Their Abilities. How they breathe fire and fly?
Dragons, they're not pretty creatures unless you're a furry artist, still they don't there's more function than aesthetic;
And the most unrealistic of the things that could fly, unless again rightly proportioned like cupcake batter, too much will overfill and too little will not rise to your ideal height and size.
So to continue on how does the dragon have/why ____?
We will be focusing on three main topics the qualify as a "dragon" in a logical sense yet choatic-ly by choice of the spin the wheel app.
Armoured Wings/Skin (there are some that doesn't but that's a different topic)
Fire Breathing (again some not, some yes)
Flight (some not some yes)
Before we begin with all these topics quick reminder, I'm not a certified doctor nor Scientists or Researcher, although I enjoy making theories as if I'm shoto todoroki, which I'm not but you can imagine me as one.
So, there's a thing I call the "E's with an M and P" Basically 'Evolution, Experimentation, Phenomenon & ✨Magic✨, it's basically an easy way to dissect and learn how did this happen, which is already easy if bored and have nothing to do.
So How?
Reptiles & Birds, specifically flying type the able to aviate in the sky. They were crossbred by a force of nature or perverse human who got the goal to give their kid a dragon for their birthday realising it's much more easier to make dinosaurs be alive than a fictional being like a mermaid or vampire (will not focus on that rn)
But how can they breathe fire? Like how snakes have venom and scorpions with their poison...its by their digestive system! probably? It's barf probably, as I remember by a character of "how to train your dragon" they can smell the fire of some dragons like bones or fish! so i assume it's their barf turning into this chemical powder that when it comes in contact with their mouths and carbon dioxide they produce it bubbles then explodes whenever they aren't ready!
Now how do you so can relate dragons like lizards/reptiles and birds?
Now dear Sarah, it's quite easy actually dragons here actually are flying creatures and they come from eggs! But don't lizards also come from eggs? They most certainly do that's why crossbreeding them is actually possible and not much of a struggle to happen than most.
Komodo Dragon's are the nearest we can get to an actual dragon due to lenght but i think crocodiles/alligators are too possible due too. The fact is we have endless possibilities on how to make a dragon just like how we can mix a bat instead of bird to make a dragon, as long it's a large flying species!
Also I haven't told this but to as why lizards their skin is a wonderful example of a dragon's skin, as like snakes lizards can shed which can be perfect with its beautiful texture they have;
And why bird's? They have an almost identical diet like most birds! and nurturing for their young, take it from "how to train your dragon" and it's series, they usually eat fish and some have beaks! And caw like a bird, and they have a nest where they can take care of their eggs and feed them like birds and teach them how to fly! which is why I usually think of birds as a far relative of dragons as they do with dinosaurs! Less than usual flying creatures.
pt2 later or next week. or a month later
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like the economy here is different to the economy there, to abroad workers or residents there shouldn't compare prices here to there saying its cheaper in this country or its more expensive here.......THE ECONOMY THE MARKET THE ECONOMY ITS DIFFERENT EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT PLEASE STOP THE COMPARISON ITS ANNOYING IT ISN'T SOMETHING TO FLEX.
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Dragons 8: Their Abilities. How they breathe fire and fly?
Dragons, they're not pretty creatures unless you're a furry artist, still they don't there's more function than aesthetic;
And the most unrealistic of the things that could fly, unless again rightly proportioned like cupcake batter, too much will overfill and too little will not rise to your ideal height and size.
So to continue on how does the dragon have/why ____?
We will be focusing on three main topics the qualify as a "dragon" in a logical sense yet choatic-ly by choice of the spin the wheel app.
Armoured Wings/Skin (there are some that doesn't but that's a different topic)
Fire Breathing (again some not, some yes)
Flight (some not some yes)
Before we begin with all these topics quick reminder, I'm not a certified doctor nor Scientists or Researcher, although I enjoy making theories as if I'm shoto todoroki, which I'm not but you can imagine me as one.
So, there's a thing I call the "E's with an M and P" Basically 'Evolution, Experimentation, Phenomenon & ✨Magic✨, it's basically an easy way to dissect and learn how did this happen, which is already easy if bored and have nothing to do.
So How?
Reptiles & Birds, specifically flying type the able to aviate in the sky. They were crossbred by a force of nature or perverse human who got the goal to give their kid a dragon for their birthday realising it's much more easier to make dinosaurs be alive than a fictional being like a mermaid or vampire (will not focus on that rn)
But how can they breathe fire? Like how snakes have venom and scorpions with their poison...its by their digestive system! probably? It's barf probably, as I remember by a character of "how to train your dragon" they can smell the fire of some dragons like bones or fish! so i assume it's their barf turning into this chemical powder that when it comes in contact with their mouths and carbon dioxide they produce it bubbles then explodes whenever they aren't ready!
Now how do you so can relate dragons like lizards/reptiles and birds?
Now dear Sarah, it's quite easy actually dragons here actually are flying creatures and they come from eggs! But don't lizards also come from eggs? They most certainly do that's why crossbreeding them is actually possible and not much of a struggle to happen than most.
Komodo Dragon's are the nearest we can get to an actual dragon due to lenght but i think crocodiles/alligators are too possible due too. The fact is we have endless possibilities on how to make a dragon just like how we can mix a bat instead of bird to make a dragon, as long it's a large flying species!
Also I haven't told this but to as why lizards their skin is a wonderful example of a dragon's skin, as like snakes lizards can shed which can be perfect with its beautiful texture they have;
And why bird's? They have an almost identical diet like most birds! and nurturing for their young, take it from "how to train your dragon" and it's series, they usually eat fish and some have beaks! And caw like a bird, and they have a nest where they can take care of their eggs and feed them like birds and teach them how to fly! which is why I usually think of birds as a far relative of dragons as they do with dinosaurs! Less than usual flying creatures.
pt2 later or next week. or a month later
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#this is it#it's here#boom!!!#God im pissed#to that person who said is it a kite???#No it isn't hun#luv you please follow me#jk don't#i beg ya
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Zombie 101: What is a Zombie ?
A Zombie is a scientific or sci-fi creature it's well known in films novels and in scripture, games etc.
But what are they ? They are characters or npc that are called or revered as the "living dead" as to why so they're the living dead they're called, is because of usual antics the dead is revived!
Basically that's the usual case, a nameless corrupt scientist made a grave mistake as to why they are here at the moment;
Thou there is another conclusion nameless (or named [rarely]) scientis tried reviving a past lover, friend, hero, etc by stitching them apart or some freak of science (haven't dabbled in that part of study science of zombies will update tho if found apologies if you expected something);
Then there is this one usually not the logical route but it's a route, but it's a natural freak of science made zombies.
(I may or may not add a part two when my juice brains will adapt and react.)
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