welleducatedfck · 4 months
Real question? Whos winning?
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Just some conversations with the AI lol
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welleducatedfck · 4 months
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Just some conversations with the AI lol
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welleducatedfck · 8 months
i enjoy writing stories, but when i don't have time to put them on paper, i’ll have conversations in my head like a lunatic. like i'll be every character at once, and sometimes these will turn into fleshed-out stories that i write down.
recently, i noticed that i always start these conversations with the phrase "we dont know anything. and thats the point." and i realized how good of an initiator that sentence is like it could be about anything, a murder mystery or a romance? take your pick. because point of the story is that we dont know anything at the beginning and we will know by the end. thats the whole point of the story. so i was like feeling good about myself thinking "this is good, i should continue this"
but then, i started wondering if it's a subconscious thing like my general lack of knowledge, not just about stories but life itself. because in a way, we don't know much about anything. so i had a half of an existential crisis and a full mental breakdown over this. so take it as you will - it could lead to a good story or mental breakdown.
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welleducatedfck · 2 years
i truly believe public transportation is one of major factors that fuel my hatred for the human race
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welleducatedfck · 4 years
One of my worst habits is starting a recipe without looking at the whole, i am half done with it and it says 'now add in the slips of yew silvered in the moon’s eclipse'. What the hell am i supposed to do now? Warn Macbeth about the Macduffs?
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welleducatedfck · 4 years
Its that time of the year again, time to get doot dooted.
every single person who reblogs this
will get “doot doot” in their ask box
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welleducatedfck · 4 years
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if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to live in the midwest, this is it. 
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welleducatedfck · 5 years
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welleducatedfck · 5 years
Yeah, sex is good, but have you ever tried philosophical discourse.
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this theatre magazine from 1993 really gets it
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welleducatedfck · 5 years
Do i have to choose one style and stick to it? Yes maybe sometimes i want to be a sad goth bitch and wear all black, and the next day wear every fucking color in the rainbow because fuck you that's why. I need multiple styles for my multiple personalities. Long story short wear whatever you want, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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welleducatedfck · 5 years
While stalking my coworker on instagram, i accidentally liked a picture from 2 years ago and i heard his notification sound go off, we made eye contact and he looked at his phone.
I'm driving off a cliff.
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welleducatedfck · 5 years
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welleducatedfck · 5 years
This song just hits me differently. Whole album is amazing and filled with things i couldn't come to terms with, on my own.
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welleducatedfck · 5 years
We just ordered some mcflurries at work and finally i have something to look forward to. Or it's gonna be the only thing i can think about until it arrives but that's a gamble im willing to take.
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welleducatedfck · 5 years
i’m so mad, my broke and working ass has not yet seen far from home and if i don’t see it by next week i’m gonna blow up this house
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welleducatedfck · 5 years
I'm also in a new job and i can't remember peoples names and its driving me crazy, they're so nice tho.
I'm an asocial social animal,
and it's challenging.
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welleducatedfck · 5 years
I'm an asocial social animal,
and it's challenging.
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