welcometosotano ¡ 1 year
//Help a guy out and use my invitation code for Nu Carnival.
Invitation code: LYH7R8
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welcometosotano ¡ 1 year
Aster, does succubus blood taste gross? Have you ever had wolf blood? Do you think Yakumo's blood would be poisonous?
"I'm offended you think I'd stoop so low! Drinking from that dumbass incubus? Ha! No way!" The pink haired familiar poorly hid a giggle behind a hand. His perfectly manicured claws stood out against his fair skin-- Today, each pointed nail wore a sparkly coat of polish to match his hair.
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"As for yokai, I can't say I've ever sampled their blood. I just have so many human men throwing themselves at my feet that it's hard to be adventurous." A dramatic sigh of faux distress escaped pale pink lips as he collapsed onto an expensive chaise lounge.
"There's only so much one adorable little vampire can drink. Woe is me~"
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welcometosotano ¡ 1 year
Quincy looking submissive and breedable tonight.
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Sometimes, the best response is no response at all.
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welcometosotano ¡ 1 year
The power of Garu's enthusiastic nodding made his wolf ears bounce. Kuya always had interesting tidbits of knowledge. Most of which Garu found himself unable to verify because of the specifics or grandeur. For example, he once told the young wolf the Lord of Yokai went through a phase where he wore nothing but short skirts and fishnets three hundred years ago. Garu wasn't alive to see it, so he had to take Kuya's word.
"Oh, that's right! If anyone knows cooking, it's Mister Yakumo." That's his master, always knowing just what they should do. "The herb is found deep in the Wood territory, so Mister Quincy could help us navigate too!!"
They already had a team in mind. Now, all they needed to do was gather supplies, collect everyone, and head out on this quest! Garu couldn't stand still, bouncing from foot to foot. However, the hand between his ears grabbed his attention, stilling him and slowing his tail to slow sweeps.
"He said it's called Sky vine and grows on a mountain range not far from his territory," he explained further. But Eiden still looked dubious. Did he not believe him? Had Garu not explained it correctly? His tail stopped.
"Do you think he lied to me?"
"Master!" Garu ran up to Eiden, tail whipping behind him so fast it looked like a blur. "Mister Kuya told me about something really cool! He said there's an herb that makes all veggies taste like barbecued meat!"
Eiden couldn't help but beam at the excited little yokai. He was so cute when he was worked up like this! And when he was pouting, and when he was worked up in other ways, too. Garu was just cute no matter what he was doing, honestly.
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"He said that, huh?" If it had been Kuya who had said it, there was a good chance it had been a lie, or a dangerous half-truth, at best. But, Eiden didn't have any way of knowing that; he didn't know much about cooking, and even less about the plant life in this world. Which was good, because he wasn't so sure he'd have the heart to shatter Garu's excitement so outright like that.
"We can ask Yakumo or Quincy or even Aster about it later, definitely! I'd like to try that out, myself! But uh, try not to get your hopes up too high, okay?" The blur that was Garu's tail told Eiden it was already far too late for that, though. "Kuya has a habit of not always being the most truthful, doesn't he?" Eiden placed a hand on the wolf pup's head, partly for comfort, partly because he just couldn't help it.
"Did he happen to mention what this mystery herb is called, or where to find it?"
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welcometosotano ¡ 2 years
//Started playing Nu Carnival (18+ gacha game) and need some friends.
Invitation code: LYH7R8
Friend ID: 367461384
Join the Guild: 80642438
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welcometosotano ¡ 2 years
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welcometosotano ¡ 2 years
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welcometosotano ¡ 2 years
A hand shot out once Kuya turned his back on Karu. The subconscious act to stop the fox from leaving shook him. Luckily, he was able to stop himself halfway, arm yanking back as if it encountered fox fire. Clutching it against his chest, he watched the older yokai meander towards the trees... in the directions those lustful beasts fled...
They may be fearful of the fox's power, but... they had been rather keen on sinking their claws into Karu. Was it wise to venture into their territory even in the company of a mighty yokai?
The hesitation only lasted a moment, his pride winning out in the end. He couldn't bare to look weak in front of anyone; weakness led to getting killed. Boots pounded the grass as he rushed to catch up. Despite the darkness, Kuya's fresh scent was easy enough to track.
"Illusion magic?" Now that he mentioned it, weren't they in the library only moments ago? Was the wily fox playing a trick? Yet, the scents filling his nose couldn't be faked, right? Tch, maybe. Unfortunately, he didn't quite grasp how this magic worked. At least, it hadn't warped his mind... Yet.
"If you're tricking me, I'll bite... grrr."
//Continued from here. @nu-carniblog
Why did Master Kuya bother with this musty room? The scent of aged parchment and ink soured the wily fox's essence, making him harder to find! Karu spent a majority of the afternoon searching the sprawling Aster estate. If it weren't for all this blasted dust his superior nose would have located him in two shakes of a tail! Speaking of...
Kuya's tail, currently invisible to a lesser beast's eye, caressed his cheek as he passed. Aww, there was that masculine smell~ Karu's chest expanded, his olfactory senses taking a deep sampling.
"Tch... I suppose you have a point." His eyes flickered open, not even the pleasant aroma enough to wipe away his frustration. "But how foolish can these pathetic humans be?! Is it not already obvious I could easily kill him!?"
Unfortunately, killing wasn't really Karu's end game plan. If he smited all the humans, then he'd be left with no servants to worship him. Stomping a foot in frustration, his wolf ears folded back against his skull.
Hurrying after the fox, he hopped onto the rolling ladder affixed to one of the towering shelves. Peering down through the rungs, he thought back on their last lesson. "I suspect he's hiding his true abilities. He's proven impervious to all my usual tricks, and even the hypnotism you taught me..."
That last venture ended... in humiliation. "Master Kuya, could you spare another of your methods?"
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welcometosotano ¡ 2 years
Garu, are tummy rubs a trap? Will you bite if someone other than Eiden rubs the tummy? Will Karu bite even if it is Eiden?
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"Belly rubs feel good! I don't see why I'd stop anyone unless Master tells me to." His frown fell and the little wolf suddenly looked very serious. "I won't let him hurt Master! I'll take control if he tries!"
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welcometosotano ¡ 2 years
Even with his tightly clenched, the heat of fox fire warmed his skin. The glow permeated his lids, creating those odd floating shapes in the darkness. His body was tense though, even the assumed safety of the other yokai's arms made him wary. Perhaps because Kuya hid his yokai features in some misguided attempt to...
Look more human.
The realization felt like a punch in the gut. Was that really the wily fox's reason? He, himself, hid his ears in the past to go unnoticed by humans so he could be wrong... As the snarling beasts receded into the trees, their pungent stench of lust left with them. Only then did Karu dare open his eyes. The first thing he saw was lilac locks gently tousled by the wind, and the glint of fangs revealed by a smirk.
The matted wolf tail swished slightly, the fear of being taken in front of Kuya keeping him from fully indulging in the praise he so desired. "I can handle anything!" He hissed, not able to let that small detail slide. Albeit, it wasn't convincing when he was practically attached to the older yokai. "I don't need my lackeys to protect me, but..." He finally managed to pry his frozen fingers from Kuya's robes and back off, white-knuckled fists at his sides. Under this much stress, he'd usually wrap his arms around himself to self soothe, but he refrained before Kuya. "If they're dumb enough to make extra work for themselves, that's their problem."
//Continued from here. @nu-carniblog
Why did Master Kuya bother with this musty room? The scent of aged parchment and ink soured the wily fox's essence, making him harder to find! Karu spent a majority of the afternoon searching the sprawling Aster estate. If it weren't for all this blasted dust his superior nose would have located him in two shakes of a tail! Speaking of...
Kuya's tail, currently invisible to a lesser beast's eye, caressed his cheek as he passed. Aww, there was that masculine smell~ Karu's chest expanded, his olfactory senses taking a deep sampling.
"Tch... I suppose you have a point." His eyes flickered open, not even the pleasant aroma enough to wipe away his frustration. "But how foolish can these pathetic humans be?! Is it not already obvious I could easily kill him!?"
Unfortunately, killing wasn't really Karu's end game plan. If he smited all the humans, then he'd be left with no servants to worship him. Stomping a foot in frustration, his wolf ears folded back against his skull.
Hurrying after the fox, he hopped onto the rolling ladder affixed to one of the towering shelves. Peering down through the rungs, he thought back on their last lesson. "I suspect he's hiding his true abilities. He's proven impervious to all my usual tricks, and even the hypnotism you taught me..."
That last venture ended... in humiliation. "Master Kuya, could you spare another of your methods?"
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welcometosotano ¡ 2 years
//Started playing Nu Carnival (18+ gacha game) and need some friends.
Invitation code: LYH7R8
Friend ID: 367461384
Join the Guild: 80642438
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welcometosotano ¡ 2 years
Master this, Master that... Karu didn't want a Master at all! Why did everyone just go along with this? Karu recalled no Grand Sorcerer-- and if he ever submitted to a human he'd surely remember it-- so why was he bound to this clan?
All these thoughts bounced around his head, but his lips merely trembled, uncooperative due to the fire roaring up his spine. The runes encircling his tail had him frozen to the spot. Yet, his knees trembled... Make up your damn mind, body!
Then, mercifully, Kuya's hold on him loosened, only small tingles continuing to prickle up his back. Teeth gritted, his brows scrunched at the particular word choice, clearly offended without having to utter a word. Still, with his indignant face flushed, he wasn't at all threatening.
"I don't get you..." He muttered under his breath, ears sagging. The petting quickly made amends though, and Karu slowly leaned in. Golden eyes vanished behind drooping lids as his nerve endings sang their approval. Karu never got attention like this before-- none he willingly accepted.
Due to the brief drop in the wolf's guard. He completely missed the setting fading around them. But, what his eyes failed to catch, quickly alerted his nose. The sweet scent of living foliage filled his senses, richer and far more diverse than the estate's garden. Eyes snapping open, his head whipped this way and that in utter confusion.
How could this be real?
"Master Kuya, what is--?" A rustling in the undergrowth caused his words to choke off. Tail bristling fearfully, he unconsciously huddled closer to the fox. "Grrah..." A tiny warning growl rumbled in his throat but it was nothing compared to the deafening snarls surrounding them. The prideful side of him argued that even a slavering beast was preferable to a human; at least they only followed instinct, not trying to hurt him for sport like humans had in the past. However, his instincts reasoned that Eiden was gentle and made sure to pleasure Karu too... The choice was obvious, but...
"I won't be some idiot creature's mate! But I'd rather that than let another human hurt us!" Angry tears stung his eyes, his face pressed into Kuya's chest.
//Continued from here. @nu-carniblog
Why did Master Kuya bother with this musty room? The scent of aged parchment and ink soured the wily fox's essence, making him harder to find! Karu spent a majority of the afternoon searching the sprawling Aster estate. If it weren't for all this blasted dust his superior nose would have located him in two shakes of a tail! Speaking of...
Kuya's tail, currently invisible to a lesser beast's eye, caressed his cheek as he passed. Aww, there was that masculine smell~ Karu's chest expanded, his olfactory senses taking a deep sampling.
"Tch... I suppose you have a point." His eyes flickered open, not even the pleasant aroma enough to wipe away his frustration. "But how foolish can these pathetic humans be?! Is it not already obvious I could easily kill him!?"
Unfortunately, killing wasn't really Karu's end game plan. If he smited all the humans, then he'd be left with no servants to worship him. Stomping a foot in frustration, his wolf ears folded back against his skull.
Hurrying after the fox, he hopped onto the rolling ladder affixed to one of the towering shelves. Peering down through the rungs, he thought back on their last lesson. "I suspect he's hiding his true abilities. He's proven impervious to all my usual tricks, and even the hypnotism you taught me..."
That last venture ended... in humiliation. "Master Kuya, could you spare another of your methods?"
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welcometosotano ¡ 2 years
Feeling an arm wrap around him in return, Garu's tail thumped the ground. Kuya's surprise attack was completely forgotten. So warm~ And he smelled so nice, too! Ahhh, Garu loved spending time with his Master. Karu's dislike of him made no sense.
"That sounds fun!" Despite his kind normally sitting near the top of the food chain among yokai, Garu was no stranger to being prey. Back when he and Karu were on their own, they often fell victim to attacks by the crazed creatures living in the Dead Zone. So, playing tag with Eiden wouldn't be difficult at all.
The sudden playful bite pulled a round of giggles from the little wolf. He squirmed, but didn't really want to slip free. If he had to be eaten by someone, he'd prefer it to be Eiden. Stricken with warmth and affection, Garu lapped at the human's cheek gently, face pink. "Now you're gonna eat me too, Master?" Head tilted, his ears sagged with exaggerated betrayal-- he knew from experience that Eiden wouldn't harm him.
The fire hissed from fatty juices dripping down into it though, drawing Garu attention. Wow, that meat smelled ten times better now! Garu's nose twitched with interest. "Is it ready yet?"
Leaping over Quincy's prone form, Topper rejoined the group, a small canvas pouch gripped between his teeth. It smelled aromatic, similar to peppercorn or sage. Eyes gleaming excitedly, the ferret bounced and nudged the little bag against Eiden's thigh.
Garu puffed up proudly; it always felt good when Master relied on him. If the rapid thumping of his tail on the ground didn’t show how pleased he was, his smile would. Although, Eiden’s confidence in him might be misplaced, considering how the young yokai couldn’t even sneak up on Kuya. His wagging slowed to a light sway.
But, if Master believed in him, then he had to believe in himself.
“Why do we need fire for the meat?” The question popped out without a second thought. Immediately, Garu backtracked. “Not that your fire building isn’t great, Master!” Sure, the arrangement of timber appeared a breath away from toppling over, but Master worked hard on it and Garu would be damned if anyone took that accomplishment from him.
Maybe he meant emulate the fancy cuisine that Aster served? The memory of those feasts filled his mouth with saliva. Maybe cooked meat was tastier than raw? Suddenly, this meal became more exciting. There was only one problem…
The fire wouldn’t light itself. Yet, it sure felt like Eiden waited on just such a scenario. Hmm… Did they even bring a flint? If push came to shove, the could always raid Quincy’s supplies; the guy always had everything for forest survival.
“Play?” Eiden dragged him out of his thoughts. Ears perked, just like a dog hearing their favorite word. “With me? Really, Master?” Over everyone else in their little group? Wow! He couldn’t be more excited! What kind of games would they play?
“Ma–” The sudden blaze prompted Garu to act, wrapping his arms around Eiden and pulling him close to save him from his eyebrows getting seared off.
This was no ordinary fire. The twisting tongues of purple and blue didn’t materialize naturally, they undeniably formed with magic. Fox fire, of course. Garu only loosened his grip only when the blaze shrunk. Tch, who knew the fox was the jealous type? Well, tough luck! Master wanted to play with him today.
With all the chaos, it took Eiden a moment or two to realize he had an entire man wrapped around him suddenly. Not that he minded! Had Garu been protecting him, or seeking comfort, himself? It didn’t really matter in the end, he decided.
"Well, that takes care of that, then…” The meat was, in fact, cooking now. He just hoped the weird fire wouldn’t make the meat weird somehow, too. He wrapped an arm around Garu, turning the gesture into even more of a cuddle. He was so warm! “But, yeah! I figured after we fill our stomachs, we could …” work on filling other things, too. Bleh. Don’t say that. “play! I could try chasing you through the woods, and if I catch you…”
The other arm was around Garu now, too, and Eiden bent forward and buried his face in the nook between Garu’s neck and collarbone– or, that was his initial plan, but that giant collar had him changing course to his shoulder, instead. “I’ll, nomph!” Eiden bit his shoulder lightly, and what he hoped came off as playful, rather than actually threatening.
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welcometosotano ¡ 2 years
Garu, sniffing butts; an acceptable form of greeting, or no?
"It's the best way to really get to know someone!" His ears fell. "But I've been told most mortals find it offensive..."
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welcometosotano ¡ 2 years
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Nu:Carnival Birthday arts so far <3
Happy birthday Olivine!!!!
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welcometosotano ¡ 2 years
Good question. Why hadn't he? There was no way the human held more physical strength. So, it had to be something metaphysical. No matter how Eiden denied having magical abilities, his plethora of essence said otherwise.
"I suspect he's using some trick... Magical, most likely." Yeah, he probably cast some strange spell that made his cock extra pleasurable inside Karu, or used a charm to sap away his yokai strength. The last time they were together, Karu completely lost himself in the amazing sensations, limbs going weak and useless.
Remembering his humiliation, Karu's tail slowly curled between his legs. However, he perked at the cool hand coming to rest between his ears. It was rare that Karu got to enjoy such attention; his troubled expression softened. "By force," he parroted, golden eyes studying the handsome spirit's face. Karu never was a forceful wolf. He was small, perhaps even a bit scrawny, not nearly as powerful as--
"Eeek!" His spine stiffened as an electrifying bolt of pleasure shot through him, originating from the base of his spine. "M-master Kuya! N-not there!" A tremor ran through him that left his knees wobbly. Was there even a chance the more powerful spirit was unaware of what he was doing? No way. Plus, the musk of essence left no doubt Kuya was indeed responsible.
//Continued from here. @nu-carniblog
Why did Master Kuya bother with this musty room? The scent of aged parchment and ink soured the wily fox's essence, making him harder to find! Karu spent a majority of the afternoon searching the sprawling Aster estate. If it weren't for all this blasted dust his superior nose would have located him in two shakes of a tail! Speaking of...
Kuya's tail, currently invisible to a lesser beast's eye, caressed his cheek as he passed. Aww, there was that masculine smell~ Karu's chest expanded, his olfactory senses taking a deep sampling.
"Tch... I suppose you have a point." His eyes flickered open, not even the pleasant aroma enough to wipe away his frustration. "But how foolish can these pathetic humans be?! Is it not already obvious I could easily kill him!?"
Unfortunately, killing wasn't really Karu's end game plan. If he smited all the humans, then he'd be left with no servants to worship him. Stomping a foot in frustration, his wolf ears folded back against his skull.
Hurrying after the fox, he hopped onto the rolling ladder affixed to one of the towering shelves. Peering down through the rungs, he thought back on their last lesson. "I suspect he's hiding his true abilities. He's proven impervious to all my usual tricks, and even the hypnotism you taught me..."
That last venture ended... in humiliation. "Master Kuya, could you spare another of your methods?"
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welcometosotano ¡ 2 years
Karu's tail stilled, the thick fur fluffed out. Likewise, his ears folded too. Was that really how Master Kuya saw him? Someone weak and pathetic enough to need protection? If anyone else dared say such a thing, he wouldn't think twice before hurling a biting remark of his own.
Resting his chin on a ladder rung, his lower lip jutted in a subconscious pout-- the perfect image of a sad puppy without even trying. It took all his willpower to hold back a whimper. "It's not like that," he countered. "It's about worship, not protection! I've lived most of my life in the dead zone, so I'm used to fending for myself." While that was partly true, Garu did most of the heavy lifting in that regard. Man, everything he said really sounded like an excuse...
Thud! Karu leapt from his spot on the ladder, his boots hitting the polished floor with little regard for any scuffs they might leave. "You've completely misread me, Master Kuya. Garu may enjoy being under the human's command, but I don't. I want to be on top."
//Continued from here. @nu-carniblog
Why did Master Kuya bother with this musty room? The scent of aged parchment and ink soured the wily fox's essence, making him harder to find! Karu spent a majority of the afternoon searching the sprawling Aster estate. If it weren't for all this blasted dust his superior nose would have located him in two shakes of a tail! Speaking of...
Kuya's tail, currently invisible to a lesser beast's eye, caressed his cheek as he passed. Aww, there was that masculine smell~ Karu's chest expanded, his olfactory senses taking a deep sampling.
"Tch... I suppose you have a point." His eyes flickered open, not even the pleasant aroma enough to wipe away his frustration. "But how foolish can these pathetic humans be?! Is it not already obvious I could easily kill him!?"
Unfortunately, killing wasn't really Karu's end game plan. If he smited all the humans, then he'd be left with no servants to worship him. Stomping a foot in frustration, his wolf ears folded back against his skull.
Hurrying after the fox, he hopped onto the rolling ladder affixed to one of the towering shelves. Peering down through the rungs, he thought back on their last lesson. "I suspect he's hiding his true abilities. He's proven impervious to all my usual tricks, and even the hypnotism you taught me..."
That last venture ended... in humiliation. "Master Kuya, could you spare another of your methods?"
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