Grab a snack
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A 25 year old male who writes about feederism.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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weightgainworld · 9 hours ago
A nice soft belly to lay my head on would be good right about now.
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weightgainworld · 10 hours ago
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Oinky oink🐷
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weightgainworld · 21 hours ago
what if... it was even BIGGER? 🤔
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weightgainworld · 22 hours ago
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by ムロク
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weightgainworld · 2 days ago
Feeder thoughts
I just want to tell you about some of the feeder thoughts I have been having. Something that comes to mind is rubbing your crotch with a used burger wrapper after you get done stuffing yourself with 4 extra juicy fatty meals. There would be pieces of burger along with drops of ketchup that you would lick clean in a stuffing induced haze, or more accurately, I would force you to lick clean to ensure you don't let anything go to waste. You would be able to hear the embarrassing crinkle of the wrapper as I rub it on your sensitive body. It would feel weird at first, but it would always serve as a reminder that you are getting off to food. Nobody but a true glutton would think about using that wrapper as anything but garbage. However, you are here letting me get you off with the reminds of an 800 calorie meal. I would still make sure you had something to do with your hands though. You would be tasked with holding a simple box of honey buns. There would be 12 inside. All you would have to do is unwrap them and eat before you cum. In most cases, you wouldn't be allowed to cum before eating everything, but isn't it more fun sometimes to feel pleasure while eating yourself fatter? I would be kissing your inner thighs, playing with your nipples, and making sure your crotch felt good while you worked hard keeping that mouth full. You can moan, groan, and curse at me if you want, but if you don't finish off all 12 before you lose to the pleasure, we are doing an all-day stuffing. I bet that sounds like a reward to you, but I would keep your achingly full all day while a vibrator played with your naughty crouch. You wouldn't be able to think about anything. You wouldn't get to move or focus on TV. You would just be a lazy blob that squirmed while worrying when their mean feeder would bring in the next course. Hope you are hungry.
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weightgainworld · 3 days ago
Your posts make me so horny 🥴 My boyfriend stuffed me silly of pasta and made me chug a ton of milk n watched me grow even more with a liter of water.. I came twice tonight and i still want more
If my posts make you horny, I want you to use them as inspiration to keep stretching your belly. You should have someone read them out to you as that person helps you get even bigger. I write fantasies, but there is no harm in trying to make your dream come true. Spend all day eating till it hurts, bloat your belly till it is just a jiggly wave of heavy liquids, or rub your crotch till your brain melts. As long as your goal is to make your belly bigger, you are doing something right.
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weightgainworld · 4 days ago
My asks are open if you have anything interesting to say.
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weightgainworld · 4 days ago
My asks are open if you have anything interesting to say.
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weightgainworld · 4 days ago
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Slime boy
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weightgainworld · 4 days ago
It is a shame kinks like feedism, inflation, and vore are separated into their own groups. At the end of the day, big bellies are hot. Of course, we all take a different path to get there. However, it would be cool to just come together for the love of the belly. Also, how can you say no to someone with a tight belly pinning someone to the couch after a huge stuffed? They are too full to even roll over, so they are just stuck there as someone pushed down on an extra long bike pump that's stretching out their sides. They just lay there and moan till someone forces themselves down their tired throat. Their sides get these rough red stretchmarks from the sudden expansion. The only relief comes from a guttural achy burp as they win about being too full.
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weightgainworld · 5 days ago
It's such a shame really....
You could have been somebody. All your talents, your expressive personality, everything about you screamed someone who would leave their mark on the world.
Yet here we are.
You just couldn't help yourself could you? This little curse. Finally meeting someone who could indulge your embarrassing fantasies left a greater impact than you realized.
Believe me, I wanted you to live your most fulfilling life. To see the world, to change it. I saw all the people you touched around you, how you changed their lives for the better. It was truly selfless.
Yet here we are.
Perhaps that selflessness left a daunting shadow. The more of yourself you gave to other the more your desires gnawed at you. Hiding in the periphery of the mind, quickly being suppressed whenever the topic of weight or eating caught you off guard. The introduction of me into your life obliterated any defenses you put up to hide this little secret.
The first time I indulged you it likely altered the entire chemistry of your brain. You were shown something so intense, so carnal, that it almost terrified you. You've never even seen that side of yourself before. A desperate pleading mess. Stuffed to the brim. Crotch damp and burning. You've never felt so submissive in your life. The self-assured confidence which you had been living most of your life in was gone in that moment and all that you could feel was a horrifying feeling of desperation to grow. To swell. The idea of you filling up the entire bed suddenly became very very real. Too real in fact. After the 8th time you came, you started sobbing. This wasn't you. You couldn't do this to yourself. There were people that relied on you. What were they going to do if you were just a helpless pile of lard.
What would they think...
The thought scared you so much that the next morning you had a long discussion with me about what was best to do with this kink. This was just something we did on occasion. A special treat after a long month of helping others.
Yet here we are.
It's hard to say when the last time you left the house was. You vaguely remember going to a buffet with me for our anniversary and being asked to leave after you couldn't keep your moaning quiet enough after the 5th round of food. You felt deeply embarrassed about it, they had to seat you in the back area where they did banquets given none of the other tables or booths would be able to fit you. Plus it's likely the staff wanted to hide you away so as to not scare off the other customers. And to imagine you were once someone who literally could choose between making powerful change in the world through art, activism, or science. I was fortunate enough to take up the mantle in your stead and so perhaps not all was lost. Perhaps it was simply time for you to retire and finally indulge yourself.
Your wandering mind trips back into reality as the sound of a blender roars. Another round of gainer shakes. 5 gallons in total today.
Your gut rumbles.
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weightgainworld · 6 days ago
You don't belong in the gym
You don't belong at the gym fatty, you belong at the buffet. You should be surrounded by food that sits there and tantalizes your taste buds while frying your inhibitions like a drug. You tell yourself you should lose weight and that being healthy is the best. However, you can't stop your body from losing control when you are somewhere with food coated in grease and cheese. Fattening foods deep fried to a crisp till it is golden brown. Big belly sluts like you can't resist salty crunchy pepperoni with oil dripping down a large cheese pizza, a double patty burger with empty calorie sauce, and all the sugary drinks you can consume. You don't even belong anywhere near an exercise machine. The only machine you should be using is one that fucks your fat rolls, so you can get pleasure when you're scarfing food down your fucking throat. Your two hands will be too busy to focus on anything. You should just stay in the bed. Why should a food-indulgent blob need to get up? You need to eat calories for when you go back to the gym right? Keep telling back to the gym right? Keep telling yourself that. The only muscle you should be worried about growing is your stomach. You won't be getting a 6 pack anytime soon, but you should be happy you can suck down a  6 pack of soda. Why, would you bother thinking about a place that makes you feel terrible? You end up a sweaty slob each day you go. You can be one at home after your gut bulges to the ceiling. Of course, you can still use that scale you bought to track your progress getting bigger. However, I don't think you need to worry about counting calories after 200 pounds turns to 300, and 400 creeps up on your waddling frame. Remember when you thought a large size was too big? I can't wait to see your shocked flabby face when 4xl fits too snugly. So tell me again, why did you go to the gym? You wasted your money on a gym membership when the only membership you need is to Ubereats. How about we cancel it together, and I will buy you a tube of ice cream on the way home?
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weightgainworld · 6 days ago
Fantasy thoughts
Even though I know it's impossible, I still have feedism fantasies that cross my mind. One of these things is forcing a feedee to eat a tub of butter. Not a stick, not a spoonful, but a whole tub of solid grease. It wouldn't taste very good, but do you know how many calories are in butter? On average, it's about 100 per tablespoon. Every time you are scooping some out for your fried eggs, that's an extra 100 fatty points you added to your daily limit. It is sexy to imagine someone being made to eat something so bad for you that even a small amount can be more calories than some food. However, the best part to me is just the humility in it. Imagine being so down bad for anything that makes you bigger to the point you let your feeder feed you butter. If you have never tried butter, it coats your mouth and tongue with grease. You can try to just swallow it, but your throat will feel caked in it. Your body isn't forgetting something that horrible as well. When people say you can't run away from a bad diet, this is what they mean. No amount of exercise or salads will change what straight fat will do to you. It's not always about eating food so good you can't stop, sometimes it's about adding so many extra calories you can't waddle them off. The funny part is, you are going to be devouring something with butter in it today. Good luck keeping under 2,000 calories a day fatass.
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weightgainworld · 6 days ago
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Fuck he’s already gained 25 pounds this year! Help me feed that big belly on Patreon!
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weightgainworld · 6 days ago
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You should check out the newest edition on ManyVids! Three new videos posted this week alone- the Mukbang Q&A for Free, and then plenty of gut popping, orgasmic screaming fun to be had. <3
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weightgainworld · 7 days ago
Sometimes you just want to feel your belly get tight and sore as you push your limits during a stuffing. You want to make both yourself and your feeder proud by chewing through the discomfort of feeling like you are going to burst. You are scared your belly button might pop out from the pressure, but it feels good to know all the calories from the huge meal are going to stick to your body in the morning.
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weightgainworld · 7 days ago
feeling like a stuffed pig lately
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