weibearie · 6 years
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weibearie · 7 years
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Journal: 10-7-2017 Tomato Green Vernissage (Solanum lycopersicum) I dissected a juicy tomato to retrieve its seed babies! The temps are fluctuating now, and my tomato leaves are no longer that brilliant green. So time to go everyone! See you next season tomatoes!
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weibearie · 7 years
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Journal: 4-23-2017 Tomato Green Vernissage (Solanum lycopersicum) Oohhh~ Did a little transplants a few days ago so some if the leaves wilted. But the new central grown is growing nice and healthy. Hope it grows another 12" and begins making flowers. Green 🍅
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weibearie · 8 years
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Journal: 3-12-2017 Tomato Green Vernissage (Solanum lycopersicum) This packet came as a freebie with all the herbs my husband had ordered from Baker Creek. They were planted yesterday, so I'll take some pics when they sprout.
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weibearie · 8 years
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Journal: 3-12-2017
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Day four of ginger growing. These are store bought pieces that were originally one whole piece. I cut them into sections where I knew eyes would develop. Then soaked them in luke warm water overnight and planted them the next day. The eyes are now finally apparent! Can’t wait for these to grow into nice long stalks!!! Stay tuned~
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weibearie · 8 years
Dreaming again
Now that I'm an adult I keep fantasizing about running away. Just wake up on a Saturday morning pick up my dog, take my husband's hand and just walk away. I don't know to where we'll go, just leave this life behind. I just want to wander the world.
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weibearie · 8 years
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Whoever is doing this, I applaud you.
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weibearie · 8 years
I saw that you had some sweet pea tomatoes, and I was wondering how long it took from planting to flowering? My plants are 4 months old and still haven't produced any flowers...
Sorry but I bought the sweet pea tomatoes as a started plant from Territorial Seed Co. So I can't give you a good answer
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weibearie · 9 years
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weibearie · 9 years
This is so surprisingly accurate!!!!!
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now this…. this is POC solidarity
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weibearie · 9 years
New York Times is Awesome~
Well I'm proud to say my hubby and I have been mentioned in the New York Times! It's a small 2 paragraph blurb, but hey it's s good start. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/07/04/nyregion/helping-immigrant-farmers-sow-seeds-from-home-on-american-soil.html?referrer=
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weibearie · 9 years
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No, not really. I'm pretty sure my guests would say: Umm... Why is there a radish tied to a napkin on my plate?
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weibearie · 9 years
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weibearie · 10 years
Turn your handwriting into a font
I discovered this by accident and I thought it was really funny and cute:
1. Download the template from MyScriptFont website
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2. Write out the alphabet and numbers in your style, using a black marker (felt pen). This is mine:
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3. Scan the template  4. Upload to the MyScriptFont website, name it, set the format and click “send file” 5. Download it to your computer and install
And check out my result!
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weibearie · 10 years
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weibearie · 10 years
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Yesterday a friend brought back delicious treats from Taiwan! Num num nun!!!!
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weibearie · 10 years
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Journal: 2-28 Jamaican Sorrel aka "Roselle" (Hibiscus Sabdifera) Hope these will grow big and strong!
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