weeproshipscribs · 1 hour
“You cant ship weasleycest” they are already inbred
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weeproshipscribs · 1 hour
Everyone says “art disturbs the comfortable and comforts the disturbed” until i show them my weasley twincest art :(
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weeproshipscribs · 2 hours
Proship asexuals who write nasty smut completely changed my life. Thank you. Thanks to you, I've given myself permission to write and draw all kinds of things and just totally expanded my world. You're the real heroes.
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weeproshipscribs · 3 hours
you are not a bad person for your paraphilias <3 (yes, even the “really bad” ones.)
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weeproshipscribs · 3 hours
incest is adorable, you guys are just boring
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weeproshipscribs · 12 hours
*twirling my hair* god you’re a sick fuck!!
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weeproshipscribs · 12 hours
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this is my truth
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weeproshipscribs · 12 hours
anyway i should sleep but here's some mirabruno thoughts/headcanons:
-mirabel is the one to try and pursue a relationship. while she probably felt some level of disgust at herself for feeling like that, she quickly decided it didn't matter because the more she thought about it, the more she felt like they were meant to be. she makes fliartatious comments towards him that are innocent enough to make her seem oblivious but are still suggestive enough to leave bruno wondering.
-bruno on the other hand is a lot less excited about any potential relationship between them. he hates himself for ever looking at mirabel like that and makes a promise to himself to never act on those feelings. it gets hard though, with how much mirabel tries to get his attention. he suspects the feeling may not be entirely one sided and it makes him feel even worse because how dare he assume those things of mirabel? she would never. shes not disgusting like him.
-he feels tempted to look into the future just to know what might be next for them but hes too afraid to ever do it.
-eventually mirabel gets sick of dancing around the subject and confesses to him. her heart beats so fast it feels like its gonna jump out of her chest, but she knows she cant keep holding it in.
-bruno is shocked, horrified, ashamed, happy. a lot of things. for the longest time he's been thinking this was all on him and that anything that could indicate the contrary was merely his own disgusting projections. the realization that mirabel loves him back changes everything, including the way he sees her. she doesnt seem all that innocent anymore.
-to mirabel's disappointment, bruno still rejects her. he cant lie, not to her, so he admits that the feeling is requited. he simply isnt capable of allowing anything to happen. he couldnt do that to his family, to julieta. to mirabel.
-mirabel is hurt by this, but knowing that her uncle loves her back and that it isnt all inside her head makes her even more determined. she keeps chasing after him, not matter how many times bruno pushes her away.
-despite his guilt, bruno can only resist so much. he gives in, eventually. it seems like a horrible idea but he still cant stop himself. he wants to be with her so badly.
-mirabel is so affectionate and touchy, which flusters bruno to no end. sometimes her hands get a little too curious and he has to rush to stop her. he makes up a rule that nothing sexual will happen until mirabel is an adult. she finds it disappointing, but she can wait.
-they sit for hours on end talking about what it was like growing up as outcasts. they've never felt as understood by anyone as they have with each other, which only makes them feel like their love is truly meant to be.
-bruno suffers from a lot of anxiety and mirabel always tries to make it easier on him. she's his biggest support system.
-mirabel loves how unique bruno is. he feels self conscious about himself often, but everything he hates about himself she loves.
-bruno gets shy about holding hands or worse, kissing. mirabel finds it adorable.
-bruno calls her by a lot of pet names. "mi amor", "mi vida", "cariño", stuff like that.
-sometimes bruno cant bring himself to look julieta in the eyes.
-dolores knows and they know she knows. no one says anything about it. she was disturbed by it at first, disgusted even, but she was too overwhelmed to do anything about it. eventually she stops caring much. in a lot of ways, they're perfect for each other.
-mirabel constantly has this dreamy look on her face and spaces out while thinking about bruno. camilo teases her by asking if she has a crush. bruno goes pale when he overhears this the first time.
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weeproshipscribs · 17 hours
words cannot describe how much I love this game right now and yes, I do ship them
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weeproshipscribs · 22 hours
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weeproshipscribs · 1 day
"Do you prefer to harass others and send death threats because of ships or eating a brick?"
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weeproshipscribs · 1 day
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weeproshipscribs · 1 day
Get those abs off that twink right this instant let me see his ribcag
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weeproshipscribs · 1 day
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I just... i just needed to draw them
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weeproshipscribs · 1 day
Brother getting over a hard break up by fucking you and making you say “I’ll never leave you” with every thrust.
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weeproshipscribs · 1 day
Meeeee :3 I like seeing cute boys getting injured, haha. The characters/fandoms can be whatever takes my interest, which is currently hypnosis mic, dungeon meshi & TCOAAL, and hetalia since I first got into shipping.
Bonus points for a detached/clinical whumper who's basically just toying around and seeing what makes their whumpee tick ♡
Are there any proshippers that like Whump?
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If you do what's your favorite tropes/ types of whump? Whats your favorite character to whump?
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weeproshipscribs · 1 day
trans ciel and perv vincent . . .
vincent giving little ciel t shots so if anything happened to rciel, ociel can truly take his place as a man.
when he originally got the shots, the doctor warned him that the boys body would be altered forever. some places more than others. vincent cant help but think about if ciel had started growing a little cock and if he would ever grow tits that would stay small and barely there.
eventually he starts checking his sons body each time he gives him the shots (sometimes when he doesnt) to "just make sure hes okay" but really he enjoys spreading ciels lips and seeing how even then his clit was growing larger and small mounds of fat covered his chest.
he'd even go so far as to touch both and enjoy how his hand could completely cover those parts of his sons body. . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
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