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webz4dayz · 2 years ago
“Hush you this took me all night and I’m very proud of its progress, plus I thought you wanted to know more about my lives passions” Johari rolled her eyes playfully at the other before nodding her head at the other’s comments “Benji every the shining knight I was just doing a test with it, it’s not as if I steal cookies on the daily” She mused taking a bite of said stolen cookie anyhow, it’s not like the other had even noticed that she’d taken it.“Right? There are so many possibilities like it’s silent enough to blend in but powerful enough to get good intel, Insects seemed to freak people out but they are the perfect spies if you really think about it. Do you really think so Benji? I mean I know I’m new and I’ve been building things pretty much all week, this place is pretty amazing.” She mused before looking at him for a moment “why aren’t you sleeping, Benji? You look even more tired than normal, to be honest.”
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     “You should know by now that I’m only teasing you, ya silly goose. I’m glad you came to show me your new project. It’s definitely one of your better ones.” Benji was happy that she came to him with the new project. It had been a long week with little sleep and not much good happening, so it brightened his mood. “Yeah, I definitely think there’s a lot of potential there. That’s why I suggested you bring it to your teachers. It has a great potential for immediate usage, and I genuinely am proud of you. It’ll be great for you and for everyone here as well.” He hoped that giving Johari the extra push would help her go to her teachers to get the credit she deserved. “ I haven’t been sleeping well because it’s been a long week, and not the best in regards to my luck. I’m hoping to get some sleep and start the new week off well rested.” He really prayed a good night’s sleep would turn his luck around.
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webz4dayz · 2 years ago
Dimitry smirked at the other something about Benji always seemed to ignite a joyous feeling within him. The boy took an instant dislike to him which wasn’t uncommon after all his personality was lacking some social queues but he didn’t let that bother him. ��You say that but here we are standing looking at one another” He smirked chuckling “and have you blocked my number this earlier in the semester? No, I want to save that for something even more devious” He mused moving to snap his fingers to make his schedule appear “Just think unless you plan on failing your last year you won’t have to avoid certain areas daily due to me actively. Whatever will I do with my life knowing you won’t be around to piss off anymore?”/
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    “If a miracle would occur, you’d finally do something productive once I graduate. We wouldn’t have this issue of disliking each other if you weren’t such a cocky, self-righteous person. Things like this would just be banter between friends..” Benji lost himself in his trail of thought, which created a pause. He noticed this and continued before Dimitry could insert a sly remark. “Neither of us want to deal with each other. We should be working towards getting better with our relations instead of furthering our feud.” While Benji didn’t care to do as he said, teachers had been noticing the feud/distaste between the two. He had been approached by his teachers and told that a better example needed to be set by a last year student. While it was the last thing he wanted to do, Benji really preferred to stay on his teachers good side. He wanted the ability to slack as much as possible in his last year of school.
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webz4dayz · 2 years ago
Johari was always one to talk a mile a minute when it came to her inventions, she loved being in her element and just working on equations and piecing together things to create something new. Working here had definitely challenged her in a way she didn’t expect with the tool they had to offer. ‘Thank you I knew you’d love it, basically, I had to totally change my way of thinking when it came to utilizing the tech available to us here, so it’s not as well done as I’d like but it does have style” She mused pulling out her tablet as she entered little commands having the little bot move down the table and stealthy and steal a package of cookies from someone’s tray who wasn’t paying attention. “Right now he is limited but he has audio, video, and light stealth”
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     “Oh...so you’re showing me a mere prototype. When was I downgraded to being shown prototypes?” Benji chuckled at his own joke. He knew it wasn’t that good but the man was too tired to critique himself. “it definitely has style, I’ll give you that. It’ll be one heck of a finished project. Don’t keep using it to snag cookies though. You can always ask me for some, and I can buy them or make you some.” He hoped she didn’t make him regret this offer but the words had already left his lips. “This would be a great recon device, especially once you get the programming down and can make many different kinds of spiders that are smaller and easier to hide. You should show this to your teachers. They would be proud of you. I know I sure am.” Benji would love to indulge Johari more, but he could feel the weight of his eyelids getting heavy. “I would love to learn more, but I am pretty exhausted so I need to get some rest. You should too so you can keep making cool inventions like these.”
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webz4dayz · 2 years ago
     Benji laughed at her joke. “Don’t you remember silly? I told you I couldn’t do that back when we were pen pals. I can, however, do this though.” He smirked as he turned his hair to needles with ease and shot them with pinpoint accuracy at each target’s bullseye. “I got pretty good at this when I kept to myself to learn my abilities and now it’s second nature. You seem like you might need some help with your...destructive level.” He laughed and gave his childhood friend a gentle shove. Benji enjoyed teasing her. He never really gave himself much time to relax and have fun, so he cherished moments like these where having fun was the only thing that really mattered.
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Bang – bang – bang – bang – one after the other, the test dummies fell as Maggie shot bolts of crimson energy at them. They each landed on the floor with an echoing crash, smoke curling up in lazy tendrils from the gaping holes in their chests. “Whoops,” she said mildly, glancing over to survey the damage. “I suppose they have money to cover this.” She looked over at Benjy, whom she had invited to join her for the training session. “Your turn?” she quipped. A slight smirk touched her lips. “Maybe you can stitch them back together.” She made the vague little wrist motion like Spider-Man did for his webs.
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webz4dayz · 2 years ago
𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐚 - 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐢
          Clara felt every muscle in her body tense as the presence of her sponsor drew nearer breaking the personal space bubble around her. Her breathing hitched, lungs momentarily forgetting their function. It wasn’t often that anyone dared to get so close to her demonic form. “Really? Could have fooled me with the sarcastic asshole act. Maybe you should be an actor and drop the whole hero thing.” A soft laugh escaped her parted lips a the notion that anyone in the rehabilitation program wanted to be there. It was very superhero of him. “Because it’s this or prison, and do I honestly look like I’m fit for prison? They would suppress my powers.” The last sentence ended in a whisper, speaking more to herself than to him by that point. “Tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine then.” She crossed his arms over her chest in a self soothing act. 
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     Benji closed his eyes as he brainstormed how to respond. He knew it was a delicate matter and wanted to treat it as such to increase the chances of her opening up. “I wish I could give up my powers to someone that wanted them and take up acting instead. That would be a weight off my shoulders.” The man chuckled at how deep the words just felt coming off his lips. “I would love to have the freedom to do as I wish and be insignificant, but now that I have the powers I do, I don’t want to just waste them when I can do good.” Benji knew these words were very hero like but they were true. He didn’t want to waste the powers gifted at birth when they could do good for humanity.
     “I understand why you don’t want to be here and I don’t blame you. I think the concept of the rehabilitation program is a good one, but the execution is all wrong. I believe they should only have young children and people our age that want to change in the program. It’s essentially therapy for people our age. You can’t force someone into it, or it’s counterproductive. And to my point for the kids, if you want to implement good behavior, the best time is early on when they’re excited about school and making friends.” A big smile grew on Benji’s face as he paused and reminisced on childhood memories. It quickly faded though as the memories of losing his mother during those times came flooding in and a tear started to form. “You’re right, they would suppress your powers. I would only think of that as a compliment. Being strong is good, regardless of how you use it.” Benji knew the words were true but he still hated letting them leave his lips. They were letting the door wide open for her to just walk away unchanged.
     “As far as my life story, its pretty boring. My parents are Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson. My mom died while I was young.” Benji unintentionally paused and the tear started to run down his cheek. “With my dad being Spiderman, he wasn’t exactly around a lot or awake enough to do much when he was so I learned to do a lot on my own. Other than that, I didn’t really start getting any of my powers until my mid teens. Let me tell you, that was that a time of isolation at the start. I didn’t know what was going on, and I was to afraid to talk about it. Once my dad found out, that’s when he took me under his wing to learn about my powers. It was the most time I ever had with my dad, and they’re honestly some of my fondest memories. But anyways, after that, I finished out high school. I didn’t go to a normal college, so I spent some time working first before coming here. I wanted to fill my time with something useful so I did volunteer work. That about brings us to where we are now, other than my first few years. They were pretty uneventful though. Oh and I’ve never been in a relationship. Not that it matters but its usually a question that gets brought up so I wanted to just get ahead of it.” He blushed at the thought that he really just said this out loud to a woman. Benji couldn’t have been more embarrassed at the moment. It was at that time he finally noticed a tear had run down his cheek due to the cool line on his warm rosy cheeks. “Okay, I did my part. It’s your turn.”
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webz4dayz · 2 years ago
Dimitry took pride in how much he could piss off Benji, something about how heated the elder boy used to get whenever they were in the same room fueled him in ways he couldn’t explain. With the start of the new school year, he couldn’t help but seek out the other. “Aww don’t be that way Benji~ I thought that time we spent apart would’ve made you miss me even a little bit” He teased the other moving off the wall to the other dorm room. “I just came to do our normal check to ensure we don’t have any shared classes this term, don’t get your panties twisted”
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     Benji always despised how arrogant he came off. It felt like he really needed a slap back into reality. “Nothing could make me miss you, even if you tried.” He knew it was just a sly remark but he wouldn’t deny himself the opportunity to show his displeasure for the company he had. “You do realize you can just text me your schedule, right? Unless…are you here because you’re the one that misses me? Are you getting soft on me?” Benji knew this would stir the pot as arrogance didn’t let things go. Sometimes he didn’t mind the banter though. In fact, he wondered if they would be friends if Dimitry could get off his high horse. “Anyways, show me your damn schedule so this can be over with.”
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webz4dayz · 2 years ago
     Benji was surprised at how much energy she had this late in the day. Before responding, he took a second to wake himself up. Johari was super excited, so he knew he needed to match her energy to keep up with all the information she was about to bombard him with. “That looks pretty cool! You did a great job!” He put his hand on the top of her head and ruffled her hair. “Tell me all about it!” He said, intentionally feeding her excitement. Benji loved seeing people excited and passionate about things so he was happy to let her talk all about it.
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Closed Starter for @webz4dayz
Johari had spent a good portion of the night working on her latest invention, something she knew Benji would adore. So she started the search for him looking for him almost in every place on campus until she finally found him. “Benji!!” She exclaimed as she made her way over to him smiling “I’ve finally cracked it, but check it out, a little something I know you’ll love” She mused setting down her little mini robotic spider “It’s a little spy bot but I thought you’d like to animal shape I picked”
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webz4dayz · 2 years ago
Closed starter for @brokenbeauties
     Benji and Dimitry hadn't gotten along from the start. Shortly after Dimitry's untimely arrival to the school, the two happened to be grabbing lunch in the cafeteria at the same time. Benji, who was standing still in a whole other world inside his phone, hadn't noticed as Dimitry made his way closer with no intention of meandering around him. It wasn't until they crashed into each other that he noticed Dimitry who promptly demanded an apology. Benji wouldn't comply. It was that event that started the now ongoing feud between the two. “Dude, why are you even here? I thought we agreed to stay away from each other unless we couldn’t avoid it due to class.” Benji said to Dimitry with disgust when he saw him waiting in the hall near his dorm room. Benji had already had a long day and didn’t want to deal with anymore shit so he hoped Dimitry was just leaving.
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webz4dayz · 2 years ago
𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐚 - 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐢
         The crease that formed between Clara’s brows only deepened into a crevice as Benji laughed. She didn’t find the same humor in their conversation that he seemed to. “Clever.” Her eyes rolled to meet the back of her eye sockets, showing no outwardly noticeable difference in the yellow of her eyes. She didn’t take his words personally. It wasn’t the first time her mother had been used against her and she was sure it wouldn’t be the last. “Hmm,” she pretended to ponder on his question, tapping the front of her chin with her index finger. “Maybe a little bit of both.” Dropping her hand, she leaned back in the chair where she sat, a deep sigh forcing its way out of her lungs. “Who says I want to graduate? It wasn’t my idea to come here, you know that, right?”
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     Benji realized how more put-up with the situation she had been than he assumed. The initial thought was just that she didn’t want to deal with another sponsor, but he now realized how wrong that though had been. He sat down next to her, getting a little more serious and said, “Listen, I hope you understand I’m not trying to be an asshole. I just met your sarcastic front with my own.” Benji paused as he tried to think of a way to clean the slate and to try to get her to be a little more open minded. Benji had learned enough in life to know you can’t make someone do what they don’t want to or it will be completely counterproductive, so he made sure that wasn't something that would ever happen. Benji sat up and saw she was waiting on him to continue so he broke his pause and said, “I didn’t know you didn’t want to come here. Can you educate me on the situation and why you’re here still as a junior if you’re not dead-set on graduating?” He thought that would be a good start. She seemed surprised so he added, “I don’t want to make you think you have to tell me your life story, but as a sponsor, I want to know where you’re coming from so I can approach things properly. On top of that, I don’t want to waste either of our time. I think it’s only fair that we kinda explain ourselves and then give the sponsor/sponsee thing a try for a few weeks before just immediately scrapping the idea. What do you think about that?” He scratched the back of his neck as a nervous tick as he awaited her response to his new approach
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webz4dayz · 2 years ago
𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐚 - 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐢
       Clara’s brows pulled together at the bold statement. The need for help was relative in this situation and from her side it was more apparent to her that he was the one who needed help than the other way around. “Me? I think someone needs to help you with that stick up your ass? Can you feel that in your stomach?” She paused, allowing herself a moment of silence. “Are you even able to slouch with that thing all the way up there?” She questioned, letting the irritation in her tone nip at him. 
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     Benji burst out laughing. “That’s the first good comeback I’ve heard in years. However, if you want my comeback, you’ll have to scrape it off your mom’s teeth.” He smirked as he let what he said sink in, and then he asked, “Have you always been this bitchy, or do you just have an undying hatred for the male population? You’ll have to shape up if you plan to graduate.” While his words seemed basic, he knew how real they were as he’s seen how quickly things can go south without the right effort and mindset.
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webz4dayz · 2 years ago
𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @webz4dayz​​ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐥𝐝
          “You have come into my life when I needed you most.” Dry sarcasm dripped from each word as the sentenced escaped her mind, filling the room around them with an air of what was to come. Clara fervently disagreed with the program and it’s ability to rehabilitee whom it saw to be criminals. It was all very black and white while the area she occupied was more a grey. She didn’t belong there. She didn’t belong in the program. And yet there she was forced to be somewhere surrounded by those who could never understand her. It was Xavier’s all over again. An ironic hell. 
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     “I could have told you that. Have you seen how much help you need?” His rebuttal was full of contempt at her already negative mindset. He had dealt with this before and already wasn’t looking forward to all the extra effort he would need to put in. He was hoping for an easy sponsee this time around with it being his last semester, but his lifelong lack of luck when he wanted some struck yet again. He was not gonna let this ruin his last semester though. He was gonna give her a run for her money.
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