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webandblogsolutions-blog · 5 years ago
32 Best SEO Plugins for WordPress
Are you also looking for best SEO plugins for WordPress, if yes, then you are at the right place? In the last month we’re often asked about what are the best WordPress SEO plugins that we recommend. Our visitors also demanded for preparing a list of best SEO plugins for WordPress in 2020. On the demand of our loyal viewers, we have tried our best to include each and every plugin that can improve your site ranking in the search engine result pages (SERP). This list of SEO plugin will largely help your site performance and you will get better results in the form of showing your content in search results.
As you know that search engines are a major source of traffic for most websites on the internet. And when you optimize your website for search engines, it will help you rank higher in search results and significantly grow your business. In this blog post, we will show you the best WordPress SEO plugins that you should use for your WordPress website or blog.
WordPress plugin directory is full of a large number of free plugin. It is often easier to understand and install, and you can really choose from a wide range of SEO plugins with a lot of different features. These SEO plugins will show you SEO projection & recommendations on your page and post editors. Some of these SEO plugins are limited in their features, but they offer unique features such as options for checking broken links or minimizing the file sizes of images.
Important points to keep in mind about WordPress SEO Plugins
Whenever you start searching and reading about SEO tips, or “best free SEO plugins for WordPress” you’ll be presented with a large number of articles. These articles or blog posts will be equipped with several dozen tools related to that topic. However, if you are newbie, this can be really overwhelming for you.
The main reason behind that logic is that as you are non-techy user, so you do not need too much best SEO tools for higher ranking in search engines. As we have already told you in the above lines that on the internet you will find most blog posts, including ours, that will present you most of the popular SEO plugins. But you have to understand the use-cases of each and every plugin.
Let suppose you are looking for “best free WordPress SEO plugins” and we provide you a list of top SEO plugins that includes, Yoast SEO, All in One SEO, Rank Match and SEOPress. Now in this case you will be required to choose one SEO plugin for the list. If you want to use more than one SEO plugin, there’ll be plugin conflict arises and you have to avoid such type of plugin conflict.
With that said, let’s take a close look at our SEO expert choice of the best WordPress SEO plugins. To start of the list for best SEO plugins for WordPresss, we have provided table of content that we will cover in this blog post. We’ll talk about SEO plugins for WordPress in this whole article. We highly recommend scrolling through the more thorough reviews we’ve completed on the best SEO WordPress plugin options below.
If you want to read the full article, please click here.
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webandblogsolutions-blog · 5 years ago
To make your blog posts more attractive you can add featured images or post thumbnails into your WordPress site. These featured images are also known as post thumbnails. And this is really one of the standard feature in WordPress template. If you visit the WordPress Themes Directory and look at their features, you will find
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webandblogsolutions-blog · 5 years ago
20 Best WordPress Backup Plugins for 2020
Backup plugins are very important for any website. If you are using WordPress, fortunately there are several popular backup plugins available for WordPress. WordPress backup plugins are very important when you are updating WordPress site from older version to the WordPress new version.
Probably you may be working with your client and updating their WordPress site from older versions to latest WordPress version. With the passage of time newer versions will come with automatic security and also will bug fix updates that can happen at any time. Updating WordPress from older to newer version is really a good practice. But one point should be kept in mind that without any reliable backups, any updates may be disastrous if any kind of code conflicts occur within your WordPress theme or plugins.
Due to ignorance or un-seriousness, many WordPress users have lost their website data before. Still a lot of users forget that they need to regularly backup their sites. We recommend to use manually backup your data or use backup WordPress plugins for your site, even if your hosting provider company offers backups.
There are different methods used for backing up your WordPress site data. For instance, you can manually backup your site using cPanel that is offered by your hosting provider. Similarly you can also turn to a WordPress plugin in order to make the process automated.
There are some hosting companies that offers automatic site backups. You have no need for using backup plugins, if you have also hosted your site in anyone of this type of companies. In this case, you will have daily backups to fall back on; and you need nothing to do for backing up your site data. The company will do everything for you. You will be able to restore any previous working integration of your site very easily and simply, with just one click action.
Remember that not all hosting services providers offers automated site backups. It is, therefore, very important to know about which backup plugin to install on your site or which one is recommended backup plugin. This is especially very important for newbies who don’t know much about this process. For instance, you are a web developer and are working with your clients with many hosting services and setups and also varying degrees of control over the hosting environment. In this case, all you can do is to make recommendation to go for the only option and that is a reliable WordPress backup plugin.
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What to Look for in WordPress Backup Plugin?
It is good to know about some feature and your backup file should at least consist of these qualities.
Create a backup of your WP database and site files.
Store this backup information where you can simply access it latter on when you need it.
Store the information in a format that allows you to easily restore the site from the backup file.
In addition to the above three main qualities, the plugin should also work in the background in such a way that does not interfere with your site’s normal operation. Similarly, your backup plugin should also allow you to customize the backup schedule to your liking.
In the below paragraphs we are going to present a list of WordPress backup plugin. The plugin in this list is included because they are better than the rest of others backup plugins that are available in the market.
For reading the complete article, please click here.
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webandblogsolutions-blog · 5 years ago
Are you beginner and want to double your site traffic with our list of free keyword research tools. 
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webandblogsolutions-blog · 5 years ago
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webandblogsolutions-blog · 5 years ago
These are most important WordPress plugins that every blogger should install on their website/blog.  In this article we will try to show you about 11 most important WordPress plugins that you will want to use to elevate your blog/website from the earth, “Hello world”, to the skies. By rightly using these WordPress plugins your blog/website will be boosted and will be ranked higher in search results.
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webandblogsolutions-blog · 5 years ago
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webandblogsolutions-blog · 5 years ago
Content Planning for Local SEO
In this blog post, we are trying to focus and explore somethings about content planning for Local SEO. Content is, the building block and, playing an important role in the success of any digital marketing. It doesn’t matter that on which channel or source the specified content appear. If your content is relevant and to the point, your business/website might be ranked higher in search engines results. As a result more and more searchers will find your business/website and they will visit it. To read the full article, please click on the link below, https://lnkd.in/f8wwQvp
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webandblogsolutions-blog · 5 years ago
any one here
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webandblogsolutions-blog · 5 years ago
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webandblogsolutions-blog · 6 years ago
To properly optimize your blog or website you have to do keyword research, as it is very important and necessary for site optimization. You can also say that doing a keyword research is the first step and therefore called the building block for site optimization.
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webandblogsolutions-blog · 6 years ago
Are you interested to display featured posts with thumbnails in WordPress? If you are really interested and want to display featured posts in WordPress then you are at right place. On the internet, you will have noted that, there are several websites publishing various methods related to this topic. We also have searched about this topic and found that almost all the methods and plugins lack something.
It is therefore, necessary that we compelled to write this article. In this article we will share with you a function that will help our blog visitors to select specific Post IDs and then display them as featured posts with thumbnails by utilizing the WordPress Post Thumbnail. This thumbnail feature that was added in the old version of WordPress 2.9. With the help of this method you will be able to avoid using sticky posts, which sometime important due to other functions in a custom project.
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webandblogsolutions-blog · 6 years ago
After reading this blog post you will be able to know about the SEO keyphrase and the length of focus keyphrase. hashtag#keyphrase, hashtag#keywordresearch, hashtag#keyword , hashtag#keywords , hashtag#seo , hashtag#seotips, hashtag#seostrategy , hashtag#seotools #
After reading this blog post you will be able to know about the SEO keyphrase and the length of focus keyphrase.
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webandblogsolutions-blog · 6 years ago
After reading this blog post you will be able to know about the SEO keyphrase and the length of focus keyphrase.
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webandblogsolutions-blog · 6 years ago
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webandblogsolutions-blog · 6 years ago
How To Switch Back To WordPress Old Classic Editor?
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webandblogsolutions-blog · 6 years ago
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