weareupgroup-blog · 6 years
Good branding evokes emotion.
Brian Peete the Founder and CEO of UPGROUP
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weareupgroup-blog · 6 years
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The Apple Way... 
How Apple took a single fruit and made a entire philosophy. 
Apple did it different. They thought different. 
Apple is often remarked as the staple in minimalist design, and branding. Each box is a pristine while with a single photo on the front of what is inside. It’s simple to the point that it’s mind numbing almost. In a era where there is always more, and more is what is wanted they somehow figured out long before that that’s not what is needed. Steve jobs called it “zen-like” and he was right. 
Jony Ive is accredited with most if not all of the design that Apple has done in the past. The iMac was him from the very beginning. Steve knew Jony thought different from the very beginning, and took the chance on that original iMac, with the colored plastic. No one had ever done that before. It caused a ripple effect and Apple became what it is today. 
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In branding, we want one thing as a branding firm. We want you to feel emotion when you look at our work. If there is no emotion, you will just toss it asife like a bill that you want to pretend doesnt exist. (We’ve all done that) Weather it be a logo for a app, or website. A website as a whole, or social media site. If ther is no emotion, there is no point. When you see a logo, let’s say for a Ice Cream company. Blue Bell for instance. You see that logo, the signature text fond, and that gold rim on the lid. It reminds you of home, nights with the family. It evokes happiness. That’s what it’s all about in logo design, and branding. We want not only you as the client, to feel happy about your brand. We also want your clients to be happy when they choose you. The see that logo that you have and there is a connection. 
At The UPGROUP we strive for that feeling, as does Apple. They use the design of their products to evoke comfortability, and clean, easy, and simple. White backgrounds are the staple in all of their advertisements. That helps the product be seen more, and brings the focus to that product even more. 
In their operating systems, like their mobile operating system iOS they keep the same language. White is a key major player in that. Easy to read fonts, and bright colors on the actionable items such as buttons and links. 
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Now, Apple wasn’t always like this. They like all of us have history, and sometimes the history isnt all that great but it shows where we started and how we grew. Growth is good, as well as learning from that growth. 
Each day, Apple grows, and each day millions of people look at those advertisements, the logos, and all of what Appple is. Each day, someone. At least one person out there has an emotion tied to their brand. 
Emotion connects us all. 
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weareupgroup-blog · 6 years
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Firs post on the new blog for the UPGROUP. 
We are so happy to have come this far, and the many iterations that we have been through to get here. This is a place that we will post anything that we want and see fit for the UPGROUP. Follow us for more. 
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