this was no path to glory;
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tina rae ♥ 27 ♥ missouri villains or heroes, we are all somewhere in between ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛
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wearethelyons · 5 years ago
just a little life update:
I HAVE SURVIVED AUGUST. it was sooo exhausting and i pretty much spent two weeks in illinois. but. i did the thing. it’s over. and now i’m officially back home and will be working either in town or in the surrounding areas. (there are a few times when i’m working in rolla which is about 1h 45m so i think that’s the farthest i’ll have to go. and that’s not until, i think, october.)
but. thing. so i worked the illinois state fair and we all carpooled because there weren’t enough parking passes. except almost everyone went home early on sunday so there were only, like, three of us left. so i drove myself that day. and THE ONE DAY I DROVE MYSELF, this asshole who shouldn’t have been driving one of those giant work trucks, BACKED INTO MY CAR TWICE.
so. long story short, the guy who owns the company he worked for wanted to settle without insurance so i had an estimate done on my car and where he hit it, is a place that’s hard to fix (there’s a dent right in the middle of the trunk and apparently it’s a place that’s hard to buff out) so basically the damage was more than the value of my car. so he just paid us what the car is worth which means we have the money to move!
which was a long way of saying we will be moving into a house at the end of the month! the only problem is we still have not found a house to move into. so #stress. and we already gave a notice to our building.
so basically my life currently consists of cleaning and packing and panicking. it’s fine. it will all be worth it though since we have REALLY outgrown this apartment. (and hopefully we’ll be able to get better internet now since the internet in this building SUCKS; and maybe tumblr will actually work right!)
anyway, that being said. i’m not going to open how to get away with horror until we move. and it’ll be just in time for halloween! and i’m hoping to make my high seas sites today (in between cleaning breaks). today was supposed to be dalton’s day off and we were supposed to go look at houses but he got scheduled today (and only has one day off this week. AWESOME.) so i’m doing chores and things.
but. just letting you know where things are in my life right now and why i’m still kind of ~missing. my work schedule has definitely calmed down and now it’ll be the same routine as before (just weekends so i should have weekdays free for roleplaying and tumbling!) we just have to actually get through moving.
so i’m sorry i keep having things pop up and disappearing. once we actually move and are settled and such, i should actually have free time again. it’s just right now i have to pack up and clean a one bedroom clusterfuck and this time i don’t really even have any help. (because dalton works a lot and i’m home and can work on packing; but he’s also super messy and basically undoes all of my cleaning as soon as i do it. IT’S FINE. i’m not stressed or anything. ~actually feels like cinderella but without the helpful birds. WHY CAN’T I SING AND HAVE BIRDS HELP ME DO SHIT? WHY DO DISNEY MOVES GIVE GIRLS SUCH UNREALISTIC LIFE EXPECTATIONS???)
okay that’s all. sorry this is long. now i’m going to go clean the kitchen. that or organize and pack my desk. something like that.
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wearethelyons · 6 years ago
okay so. *reappears a month later* i finally have a life update!
i got a new job. my other was going downhill fast. (it was my second time around with this company. it’s still a shit show but it paid better this time. but for the last few months, they’ve been treating me like shit. and now they’re changing their commission scale so now it won’t pay better. so. it was time to get out of there for good.) so now i am doing the exact same thing with a different/better company. and for more money.
and, honestly, it sounds like it’s going to be way better? plus. there will be lots of opportunity for promotions and raises and such. so. hopefully this will be a good thing.
the only downside is they don’t have an office in my area so right now everything i do is run out of the st. louis office. and since i’m just starting, they haven’t booked any shows in my area. (but they will start booking them around here now.) so for the next month, i’m going to be working a lot and pretty far from home. sooo. i’m going to be all over missouri for the next month and spending a week in illinois at the end of the month???
but basically this is a long way of saying, i finally know what my schedule is like for the foreseeable future so i’m going to have to do a hiatus until september. after that, my shows should be in my area and then i’ll be back to just working weekends. so i’ll probably open how to get away with horror at the beginning of september (yay closer to halloween!) and actually be able to jump into whatever else is going on. ugh. (though i might have to do a mini hiatus at the end of september since dalton and i are trying to actually move into a house at that point. *fingers crossed*)
so. yeah. that’s what’s going on with me rn. mmk. now i’m going go learn the new pitch for work and sleep for a few days before i spend the entire month working. ahaha. *is already exhausted*
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wearethelyons · 6 years ago
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RAYNA REESE || the survivalist || jessica rothe (happy death day)
relationships: Charlie Vance (best friend), Zane Lyons (annoyance), Poppy Lyons (kind of friend?)
+ had the most unusual childhood + grew up in a survivalist commune with her dad + so if there’s one thing Rayna knows how to do it’s take care of herself + but that was a long time ago + though it made Rayna the weird kid growing up + so she became that snarky sarcastic kid to compensate + that’s actually how she became friends with Charlie + they tried to out sarcasm each other and became friends + he’s honestly more like her brother + which is why she gave him serious side eye when he started dating Poppy + but Poppy has kind of grown on her???? + Zane definitely hasn’t + she actually hates everything about him + from his stupid hair to his stupid face to his stupid voice + she can’t believe he was invited to Charlie’s ghost party + she calls it that just to annoy him + but now she’s not going to have anY FUN because of him + and she’s not pleased about meeting the other six either + though when the killer shows up she’s going to be hella valuable + and their best bet at everyone getting out of there alive + because if there’s one thing Rayna can do it’s survive + it’s what she’s done all her life + and when it comes to saving her friends + surviving is just an old habit
taken by tina
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wearethelyons · 6 years ago
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CHARLIE VANCE || the horror addict || dylan o’brien (the internship, teen wolf)
relationships: Poppy Lyons (girlfriend), Rayna Reese (best friend), Zane Lyons (girlfriend’s brother)
+ has lived and breathed horror movies pretty much since before he could talk + the first movie he ever remembers watching is The Evil Dead + his older brother was having a sleepover and Charlie snuck in the room + he was the only one who wasn’t scared + his love for horror was born + it was his idea to go to the haunted house and look for ghosts + he brought all of his camera equipment + he invited Poppy and Rayna along + thinking he could be cool and protect them both + but for some reason they also brought Zane??? + literally can’t stand that guy + he’s going to ruin the entire night + all charlie wants is to see an actual ghost + he’s going to get the shock of his life when they find six other people there + not that he’s scared + he’s definitely not scared + he’s definitely annoyed though because they’re going to ruin his shoot + and even though charlie and poppy have been dating for a while + he’s still trying to impress her???? + because she’s way out of his league???? + and one day she just kind of picked him to date + and he’s afraid she’ll leave just as easily + even though he’s always kind of had a thing for rayna + but at this point she’s more like his sister than a girlfriend + they’ve been best friends forever + is the actual comedy relief + always has a sarcastic comment to contribute + especially at the least opportune moments
taken by tina
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wearethelyons · 6 years ago
if you’re in the mood to follow along with the trash updates, here you go
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wearethelyons · 6 years ago
okay i went through all the things. so, in other news, which rp would you like to see: clue, a scream based thing, that house of wax roleplay or some type of general cabin in the woods/horror thing (i’m thinking either the aforementioned 80′s rp or maybe something like sleepaway camp/friday the 13th). thoughts?
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wearethelyons · 6 years ago
does anyone remember that time when i was like “pick four portrayals and i’ll make a house of wax roleplay with them” and jenn made a gorgeous graphic AND THEN I NEVER DID ANYTHING WITH IT? well, if you don’t here it is.
i am trash. that’s what i’m learning here. (i say that like i didn’t know it already.)
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wearethelyons · 6 years ago
literally look at this gem. i am laughing. (especially about the sidebar, ahahaha)
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wearethelyons · 6 years ago
do you ever just look back over old roleplays you were working on and go “what the hell was i thinking???”
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wearethelyons · 6 years ago
okay I'm trash. who wants an 80's rp?
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wearethelyons · 6 years ago
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wearethelyons · 6 years ago
*sings* today’s the day! inthegardenofmemory is open for business!
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wearethelyons · 6 years ago
giadesstrin said: I haven’t seen that one yet but like and then there were none and ordeal by innocence - that whole series of shows ;D
giadesstrin said: I hadn’t heard of it either tbh! I’ve never read the book unfortunately!
Oh I haven’t seen Ordeal by Innocence yet but it looks really good!! I’ll have to see if I can find it and watch it. But And Then There Were None is SO GOOD. That is just such a well done mini series. I’m so glad they made it!!! (Also Aidan Turner <3333)
And I’m trying to decide if I want to get Crooked House from the library or if I want to just buy it. Or poke around some of the used bookstores in town and see if I happen upon it there before I just break down and get it on amazon, haha. But it honestly sounds really good??? I’m excited to read it! And to discover a new Christie book I’ve never heard of, haha. She wrote so many??????
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wearethelyons · 6 years ago
giadesstrin said: i saw crooked house!! it was quite good and max irons is a total DISH obv but tbh i didn’t think it was as good as the more recent miniseries, for example but still v much recommend if you’re in the mood!
which recent miniseries? are you talking about that one with john malkovich? because i also really want to see that one! (there are so many awesome looking agatha things ahhhh)
but ah, makes sense. a lot of agatha things are very hit or miss. i honestly had never even heard of crooked house though? so i’m trying to dig up the book before i find the movie. 
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wearethelyons · 6 years ago
lizzydobbs said: now I’m gonna have to go see if I can find my notes I’d started for it haha
okay but the date on it sounds like it might’ve been around when the mini series came out and the first person on the list is aidan turner. so i think we might’ve had this conversation before, ahahaha.
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wearethelyons · 6 years ago
okay but lizzy, you even have the site already. and i liked the post, like three years ago. *falls over laughing*
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wearethelyons · 6 years ago
giadesstrin said: I think it ~was soldierisland!
lizzydobbs said: YES!!! That’s what it was!! 
*tries to guess the name* *accidentally remembers the name* ahahaha
OKAY WELL. *starts petition to bring back soldierisland*
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