we are spark
4 posts
SPARK 是一支扎根香港的專業團隊,為各行業及機構提供富創意的活動統籌方案。 我們與專業藝術表演人士和技術團隊緊密合作,從安排娛樂環節,至提供整套活動統籌和策劃,SPARK 已為無數的企業、非牟利機構和私人團體帶來專業可靠的服務體驗。 Based in Hong Kong, SPARK delivers on creative event management solutions that our clients desire, and much more. From providing event entertainment to holistic event organisation, by working together with our professional performance artists and technical teams, we have brought lifetime experiences to countless private, corporate and NGO events.
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wearespark · 7 years ago
220918 IT National Day Celebration2017 Mapping Dance Performance
#wearespark #spark #sparktheevent #aw-alanwong #leddance #ledmapping #led #eventhk #nationalday #choreographer #director #video #mapping
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wearespark · 7 years ago
20180512 Rotary International District 3450 58th District Training Assembly
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wearespark · 7 years ago
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At this 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner of the Hong Kong Journalists Association, through creative performances based on body momentum, music and videos. Through the performances with our performing artists and journalists, we look back to the past half an century that the Hong Kong Journalists Association have experienced together with every one of us, for the good times and the bad, from the precious memories to the darkest hours, and to advance from our adventurous present for a forever-better future. "I am a journalist", march against the wind, adhere to the belief. Together, #SPARK shall march forward with you for many more years to come. #event #wearespark #sparktheevent #sparknationltd #programmecoordinator #journalistassociation#記者協會 #週年晚宴 #journalist #hkcec #記協 #Anniversarydinner #dance #hkdance #entertainment #ledmapping #dancemapping #choreographer #performance #ledmapping #videographic #逆風堅持 #真相 #新聞自由 #hkcec #會展 #香港 (在 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre)
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wearespark · 7 years ago
SPARK 是一支扎根香港的專業團隊,為各行業及機構提供富創意的活動統籌方案。 我們與專業藝術表演人士和技術團隊緊密合作,從安排娛樂環節,至提供整套活動統籌和策劃,SPARK 已為無數的企業、非牟利機構和私人團體帶來專業可靠的服務體驗。 Based in Hong Kong, SPARK delivers on creative event management solutions that our clients desire, and much more. From providing event entertainment to holistic event organisation, by working together with our professional performance artists and technical teams, we have brought lifetime experiences to countless private, corporate and NGO events.
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