Where has the spears not plunged?
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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“Hard to be Sera...” An echo mostly for herself rather than the other, recalling her decision from back then. Though she no longer has the wig nor the dress, both left in tatters, it is something that never left her. Not even when the soldier slumbers. “Then, what you do prefer to be called?”  
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❈ —⋮⋮⊱ “People … grow, that’s all Mukuro. People rarely stay the same. That includes me. And with my line of work, it’s hard to be Sera. That’s why I have to be … different.” She was glad that the soldier actually made eye contact with her. If she hadn’t, the blonde would have felt even more guilt then usual.
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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At the mention of her sister, her eyes narrows, glaring daggers at the creature. Her contempt growing as she continues to listen. But Mukuro doesn’t care about its words, twisting and confounding in her ears as her primary objective takes importance. However, one thing is certainly clear; that triangle definitely knows more than it lets on.
Nevertheless, this bit of information doesn’t help her. Never the one performing a negotiation or deal with people in general, her mind drew a blank of what dialog she should say. It was always her sister who manages all of that as the soldier watched her back in silence. The question of what’s worth to her throws her further into dilemma. There wasn’t anything of worth that came across her mind. None but one. Something that her talent has allowed her to achieve before: 
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A familiar sensation returns, numbing her emotions and takes holds of her. The screeches were left ignored as Mukuro mulls over the reason she is here and her failure to be by her sister’s side; especially since the only one who could understand her sister is no longer at her side. “The most I can offer is despair.”
“I’m a disappointment, after all. To her.”
[☢] ┅
Instead of opting to provide a straightforward response to her question, Bill hovered in those same lopsided circles just above comfortable eye level, making it clear that the myriad sounds from the encroaching darkness that grew more prevalent with each passing moment were not forcing his agenda unduly forward in the slightest; he couldn’t say the same for his quarry.
“AND QUICK ON THE UPTAKE TOO! NO WONDER YOU WERE YOUR SISTER’S RIGHT HAND. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY: DON’T LET YOUR RIGHT HAND KNOW WHAT THE LEFT IS DOING! OH, WAIT, HAVE YOU GOTTEN TO THAT PART YET?” His feigned lapse in knowledge didn’t last long, the outcomes that had real potential which spiraled out from their explosive siblings’ quarrel made moot by no less than the destruction of her former world. And while it would be fun to watch the emotional fallout that revealing the specifics of her demise would cause, there would be time enough to kick over that particular beehive once his business was concluded.
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“ANYWAY, THE QUESTION ISN’T WHAT I WANT - IT’S WHAT YOU CAN OFFER! LET’S HEAR WHAT YOU THINK IT’S WORTH.” Like an exuberant auctioneer, the dream demon raised already unfiltered tones in flagrant disregard of stealth, attracting the interest of the town’s other residents. A bone-chilling screech emanated from just beyond normal line-of-sight, prompting nothing but peals of laughter from Bill. “SOUNDS LIKE I HAVE A BID ALREADY! GOING ONCE, GOING TWICE– !”
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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As the other gather her thoughts, Mukuro waits in silence, having no intention of disrupting her. Or rather, she is quite comfortable with the hush, listening to the sound of a squeaking ceiling fan. Her ears didn’t pick up much else, so she assumes that there isn’t any other customers in the store with them. Though, her attention returns when she is prompted with a task.   
“This?” A short clarification is asked before she reaches up to grab the mention item. “Here.” 
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“Are you purchasing anything else?” Mukuro asked, briefly after passing the tea. “I saw someone carrying a basket earlier. You could lend it.”
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   『✿』 Really, she should be intimidated by now. Surprisingly so, she isn’t. Shy? Definitely, but not intimidated. When inquired, Mary took a moment to think about it. Did she need anything? Not really, but she would make an excuse in order to stay with the girl for a little while, she sympathized with Mukuro’s obvious loneliness.
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“Tea.” she chirped out before pointing to a shelf out of her own reach, but perfect for Mukuro’s height. “Hm, could you.. get me the green box?”
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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With no signs of aggression from the other party, Mukuro allows her arms to fall to her side, watching as the other lays on the ground. She certainly did not expect to see another member of her previous affliction here, nor does she knows much about their leader besides the times during their missions; her focus mainly directed towards surviving until they returned to Koi.
This time however, things are different to say the least.  
“I didn’t plan to fight you.” Her tone is kept flat as she replies him. A warning added towards the end by force of habit. “Unless I have to.” 
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Holding out a gloved palm, she motions for him to grab it for support. “Here, take my hand.”
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Ecstatic to see the familiar face Jed bounded over with a quick hop, skip and jump ultimately hoping to give the girl a bit of a scare as a greeting. Of course, it didn’t seem to work out quite how he envisioned. He probably should have been less surprised when he found himself on the ground in pain moments later. 
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“Long time no see…”  Raising both hands in the air as a gesture of surrender, the young man wore an embarrassed grin. Next time he’d need to make sure not to prank a professional soldier. 
“Glad to see my second in command raring to fight, though I can honestly say I’m no match for you in any shape or form.”
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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Junko is save. 
Foreign and yet soothing feeling washes over her as Mukuro repeats those words in her head. Her helplessness of the situation may not have faded. But, Sera’s reassurance gives her enough to believe that at least she had done something that is not a complete disappointment for once. That, at least she has probably prevented Junko from being mortally wounded.
“I did, didn’t I?”
While she is feeling much better now than before, the emotional toils of the day finally got to her. Today has been a day which she has to tackle far too much feeling than she usually does; and it has left her weary in result. The lids of her eyes droops and she becomes drowsier as the seconds continues ticking. “Alright...  I trust you, Sera.”
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Slowly, a pair of worn out arms rise and gently wraps them around the other. Not too tight so that she wouldn’t hurt her, only holding enough to show her gratitude for just being there. Allowing the warmth to encompass her, Mukuro surrenders, her fatigue winning the war as the spots in her vision grows bigger and bigger until it overwhelms her. 
“...thank you.” 
 [☢] ┅ 
She’s got a name, Junko. Has Junko ever appeared here? Sera’s mind raced through the countless amount of names she had heard during her stay, trying so hard to remember but she came up blank. That was good right? That meant Mukuro’s sister never arrived here. That meant Mukuro hadn’t failed at all.
At least … that was what she could assume. She hadn’t been here that long and time itself was a strange concept, much like it was with Koi. As long as the soldier didn’t remember that fact, Sera could continue the story. “Mhm, you did. I don’t remember hearing any Junko while I was here so that means she’s not here.”
Her hug tightened ever so slightly as her crimson eyes stared into blue; she wasn’t sure how she should feel about that smile - it was too strange. Mukuro didn’t smile not that she knew of anyways. She was always more careful with her emotions. Junko must have meant that much to her, huh? A sibling … the ginger’d probably be the same if she were in Mukuro’s shoes.
Only she could never be in the same situation because her only sibling was long dead.
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“You saved your sister, Mukuro. Saved her. She isn’t here, in the afterlife because of you. Be proud of that.”
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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Hi there. To explain what going on, my holiday kinda got cut short so I had to return much earlier. Which also leads to me disappearing without a trace. I’ve been really busy these couple of days, without having much time to myself so I took a little break before Monday starts again. I’m doing much better now though, just tired.
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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“Is that all?”  Apathetic of the triangle's perspective, whether it is about her decision or its opinion, Mukuro continues to scrutinise the being until to what seems to be the end of the conversation. A conversation that prompts the image of a certain bear to mind. 
With no intention of staying any longer, especially with the approaching sunset, she turns to cover more ground when her primary objective is openly exposed to any prying ears. Instantly suspicious, the soldier holds her ground, gloved hands tensing as she fully turns to face the other. “You have my attention.” 
There is no doubt that this triangle is dangerous. Information regarding her objective shouldn’t have revealed under normal circumstances, as she has made sure to remove every evidence before her departure from her base. Nevertheless, she is far more inclined to have a lead rather than to wander about aimlessly. 
“What is it that you want in exchange for that information?” 
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“OH, I GET IT, YOU’RE A REAL TOUGH ONE, HUH.” The timepiece vanished as easily as it had appeared, its owner leaning forward, imaginary weight leant on his cane so much so that he was essentially upside-down.
“I WOULDN’T BE SO LACKADAISICAL IF I WERE YOU - WITH ALL THOSE BREAKABLE HUMAN LIMBS - BUT, HEY, I’M NOT YOU, SO SUIT YOURSELF!” His words were blasé rather than chiding, both fully aware of the fact that she wouldn’t heed them. Besides, Bill had never been known as one to encourage mortals to err on the side of caution, even when he was playing nice.
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The final remnants of sunlight were fading in earnest, an effective hourglass for his intended proposal. It was time to change tactics. “BEFORE YOU MARCH OFF, LET ME EVEN THE PLAYING FIELD. WHAT IF I TOLD YOU I KNOW WHERE YOU CAN FIND WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR? OR SHOULD I SAY WHO?”
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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“As long as it‘s crystal��clear.” Although the other’s motivations for participating seems sceptical, she pushes the thought aside in favour of her current situation. The soldier may be experienced in this field, however the terrain is still rather somewhat new to her. And with what that has been said, her understanding of this ‘Afterlife’ grows even less by the moment. 
But, those are questions for another time.  
“I was supposed to get to the supply crate placed nearby.” She nods towards the general direction of the said crate before continuing. “Then, head towards the location and infiltrate without being discovered until I get the item. Once it is acquired, all evidences should be removed.”
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It is a basic run. All worded exactly to the instructions given to her by the anonymous source. Or it would have been if she was on time.
“But, the truck entering the area has left a minutes ago. We’ll have to find another way in.”
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“Stick around me a little more and you’ll realize I don’t take sides easily. Besides, do I look like someone who acts charitable?  You’re one of the few I’d trust with a secret or two. That, and I’m not going to just watch the havoc if you do make enemies here. Think of it as a thanks for the fun the back then, of course I’ll help.” She released her hold on the younger, stepping back.
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“A fair penalty, I suppose, though I doubt I’ll stay dead for long.” If it wasn’t one thing it was another that kept her from dying. Though, to be fair, she’d like to die on her own terms than from failing a retrieval, of all things. At least she’d be brought back to exact revenge.
“So then, what’s the exact plan you’ve got brewing?”
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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“But you were right...” With some hesitation, she lifts her head, still expecting more words. After all, her sister always had more to say or do whenever mistakes were made. The girl takes a small breath before meeting the other’s eyes. “Everything’s different. Like you said.”   
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[☢] ┅
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❈ —⋮⋮⊱ … Did Mukuru have an innate ability to make her guilty with only two words? Because this seemed to be a thing, even back when she was Sera. Crimson eyes shifted to the side for a moment before she sighed, “Don’t … apologize. I should be sorry for being so … blunt, I guess.”
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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“You’re not on the enemy’s side.” A statement more to herself than anyone else leaves her mouth as she lowers her weapons. Though, the arm hanging on her doesn’t help ease the tenseness in her grip and her confusion grows further with each line being said. Tilting her head, she voices this subject. “Earned?— What do you mean?” 
“You want to help?” The thoughts of having a tea party raises alarms to her causing her to hesitate. A certain Ultimate Gambler has given her quite a surly impression of it. This situation only further aids in increasing her nostalgia. 
Was this another game? 
Mentally shaking the memory away, the soldier forces herself to return to the task at hand. For now, she would just have to focus on the mission. This isn’t much time left and having another teammate, one whom she has worked together, would increase her chances in survival.
“Fine, but-” With that said, Mukuro walks out of the other’s hold and turns slightly to meet eye to eye, suspicion reflecting within those orbs. “-I will kill you if you get in the way.”
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If this is a game, she will deal with the consequences as they come, like usual.
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“The wonders of playing with time, but thankfully I look young and youthful as ever.” Four years, she counted. Nearly four years after leaving Koi, and her death. But there was no change to her appearance, it remained static and deceiving as ever. It gave no hint to what she’s done in the year she’s claimed to have passed.
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“Stop you? Why would I do such a thing?” A quiet laughter left her, casually slinging an arm around the younger. “Don’t cut off my arm, just yet at least. You know, you’ve earned my favor more than most of these people here. Count it as a blessing, because I can help you. Then you can hop off this roof and have a tea party with Jedi and Sera for all I care.”
“How about it? You know I won’t hold you back.” Despite the short time they’ve been together, Mukuro has seen her take care of those monsters back in that world. But to what extent her supernatural powers reached, that was still a mystery to everyone in the Guild ( and perhaps herself ) and it was quite an advantage.
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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Upon listening to the other’s response, Mukuro is sure that he is one of them. She is also sure that there is at least a vein twitching on her head as her mind tries to determine whether she should leave or add more trash to the nearest dumpster. The soldier has seen many of his kind around her sister, though she has never encountered one personally.
That is until now.
“I don’t need protection.”  Her words is kept monotonous as cadet grey eyes peers at him, reconsidering until she states. “Just wait here.” 
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Once that is said, Mukuro heads towards the merchant not standing too far away, claiming that the male would be following her to the Forest. Apparently satisfied, the merchant gives a hearty laugh, praising her for her choice due to the giant monsters living there before walking away for an early lunch. 
The girl waits until the posh person is out of listening range, then she turns to the stranger.
 “You can leave.”
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It’s not like he’s got anything to do besides wander the streets looking for familiar faces. Sorey, Lailah… Hell, even Edna! But none of them were here, which meant either he wasn’t looking right or he’d been foolish enough to die by a hellion’s hand. But that wasn’t right, either. He remembered the endless rain and the malevolence, so…
Did this mean…? No, he wouldn’t dwell on it. That bred malevolence and, as a seraph, that was the last thing he wanted to do. Exploring this new world could wait until he got answers, and he never used to not wander about! Zaveid sighed, folding his arms against his chest. Although, he was snapped out of his thoughts by the lady before him.
Could he fight? Hell yeah.
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“Of course! I don’t look this good just by standin’ around,” Zaveid said with a smirk on his face. “Why’s a pretty girl like you askin’? Need someone to protect you?”
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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When clarification is asked, Mukuro supplies the question with a slight inclination of her head, staying rooted on the spot as she waits. Attentive ears listen while the other explains, the lingering flicks of curiosity fading with each word said.  
“Really...” A soft mummer escapes as the stranger responds in the negative. She hasn’t ask about any other information besides the initial one, but even she knows better than to interrupt while the other is speaking. Well, currently at least, after spending some time in Hope’s Peak Academy.  
Though, that doesn’t mean she has mastered being ‘normal’ by the school’s nonstandard.
“Mukuro Ikusaba,” she answers blankly, not understanding why this stranger just introduced herself since they might not even cross paths with each other again. It puzzles her. “It’s nice to meet you too, Kozakura-san.” 
True be told, she should have left by now. Expressed her thanks and make her payment. But the thing is, she isn’t in any hurry to leave this place’s warmth. With this in mind, she turns to the other girl, bracing the various thoughts ridiculing her actions as she manages another sentence. 
“Do you need anything?”
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[☢] ┅
    『✿』A relieved sigh escapes her lips in realization that she was of help to this girl, even though she barely had time to know this store, points to her 140 years lived. A nod was offered before the girl would look away, and Mary was ready to keep minding her business when the query was shot.
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“Related?” pink eyes blinks a few times before a warm smile tugged at the girl’s lips, and a brief shook of her head is offered. “No, I’m sorry. I just happened to arrive here, uh…” Mary took a moment to count on her fingers, “about three days, if I’m correct. I just happen to know a little bit about everything, hehe.” She hopes that she didn’t sound too full of herself, it’s just that living for a long time has it’s perks. 
Despite the coldness in those pale eyes, Mary felt strangely comfortable in this girl’s presence. Not completely comfortable, but that’s better than nothing. In Mary’s conception, a person’s past shouldn’t matter here, and that’s what she wants to believe in.
“I-I hope I’m not crossing any boundaries, but it’s nice meeting you… My name is Mary Kozakura!”  
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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“Really?” A brow is raised as she gives a reply. Mukuro has heard that time works differently here but it is still strange to think that a couple of years has passed for the other. To her, time has never actually hold much importance besides completing her objectives. “It’s only been several months.” 
But, the traquil moment shatters as soon as the next words are spoken. The grip on her knives tenses reflexively and the soldier observes for any aggressive movements. This time, Mukuro doesn’t need a watch to know that she would start her mission after the preset duration
“A retrieval.” She didn’t see the point of lying but doesn’t spare any more details. After all, it wouldn’t change the outcome, especially if they’re enemies this time around. “Are you here to stop me?”
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“Ever the busy gal. Not even a greeting?” Her smile never faded, easily brushing off her warning as the shifter stepped closer ( petting a cat, no less ). “I don’t know about you, but it’s been a few years since Koi for me. Don’t you think you can spare more than a minute for me?”
There was no doubt she was intruding, but when has she ever listened to silly warnings? From what she remembered of Mukuro, the younger has always been a serious person. It wasn’t as if she’ll go around without a care for her surroundings, but in a world as Amaranth there was no one going for her back ( they knew better ).
“Besides, I’m curious as to what you’re up to.”
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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Vague memories floats about as she picks up the product. There is a slight sting each time this happens but since this isn’t her first time, she ignores them and focuses on the ration. Her eyes scanning the bold letters before securing it in her grasp. 
“I see.” Mukuro looks away, her eyes returning to the merchandise before her. “I guess I’ll take these.” 
This much should be fine for now. 
With this matter settled, Mukuro was about to express her thanks when a curious thought comes to mind. A seemingly harmless thought that she doesn’t hesitate to voice out to the stranger.
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“You...” She didn’t fully turn to face the other, only landing her gaze on the other as she continues. “Are you related to the owner?”
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    『✿』The days in this peculiar world tends to feel empty, at least for Mary; so going outside to look through the stores had just become a new habit of hers, it’s better than staying locked up inside the dorm.
 Curious eyes are busy reading a can’s content when a voice caught her attention, one that sounded distant by its coldness despite the owner being so close physically. Blinking up from the two options, she looked at the girl, Mary offered a kind smile albeit her sky rocketing anxiety. Like she thought before: it’s no use locking up, right?
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“Since you asked, I’d recommend the the K-ration. Th-Those are the individual ones, hm? It’s not good for your health to eat processed food.” her nose scrunched up at the can she had in hands before placing it away. “Not that it makes much difference, I- I mean, we have passed away already.”
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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Appearances are always deceiving and at most, there are only the few rare cases of discrepancy, given her current location. As expected, her survival instincts are triggered upon stepping into the terrain. However, the soldier continues to trek forward, despite everything telling her otherwise, with one sole reason in mind.
Truthfully, Mukuro isn’t bothered. She has survived in plenty of hopeless situations before. This one would be no different, even as she is given a warning from this strange triangle... thing floating up above. 
“I know.” Her statement is then accompanied with her stare, proving that she has indeed heard it. “I didn’t forget.”
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[☢] ┅ 
One by one, the dim outlines that haunted the streets flickered out like candles in reverse, portents of the dangers of nightfall. Those who had been brave enough to investigate the town begun to filter into the vacated buildings, hearsay warning them against the strength that the forest’s monsters gained without the sun’s rays beating down on them. Bill, more monster than most no matter how he dressed it up in honeyed words and helping hands, was not so urgently moved, still drifting through the streets at an unconcerned pace.
Addressing one of the stragglers with veiled amusement, he produced a pocket watch from thin air and examined it as though either of them needed to be reminded of the time running out before them.
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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As someone who is always prepared for any kind of confrontation, it was hard for the soldier to adept to the Afterlife’s relative peace. Even at school, Junko has always kept her busy and now, the lack of something to do is very unusual to her. Although recently, she has found somewhere that has caught her interest.
It was a modest-looking store that has quite a variety of wares, but that isn’t what draws her there. It is the elder whose smile reminds her of a certain person and also the types of rations that are being on display: The C-ration (which are mostly canned) and the K-ration ( individual packs).
“Excuse me.” Mukuro calls the stranger, nodding towards the wares before continuing. “Here. Which of these two are better to you?”
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[☢] ┅ 
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weaponbychoice-blog · 8 years ago
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It had been an idle day for Mukuro and she is starting to grow a little restless. The soldier isn’t used to having so much free time. So, when she heard the merchant mentioning about a shortage of Vale Mushrooms, she immediately offered to help. Unfortunately for her, the shopkeeper didn’t it was safe for a girl to wander the forest alone. 
Therefore here she is, searching the crowd until she spots someone who seems capable of combat. Or at least, someone who could allow her to take the quest. With this goal in mind, Mukuro walks up to the male, clearing her throat as her eyes keeps away from his chest. 
“Can you fight?” 
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