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Hello! Alex, 27, nb, they/them, french + english. Teacher, crocheter, singer, writer, forever trying to create something. Ask me anything!
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 6 days ago
y'all i just fnished s1e8 of severance
what the actual fuck
hey so i just finished s1e7 of severance
what in the ever loving fuck
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 6 days ago
hey so i just finished s1e7 of severance
what in the ever loving fuck
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 7 days ago
Just tried to play an ancient flute and it started filling the room with this awful miasma that wont go away
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 7 days ago
Hey folks, if you want to fight back against the twitterfication of tumblr USE IT LIKE IT'S TUMBLR!!!!!! REBLOG THINGS!!!!!! USE THE TAGS TO SCREAM AT YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!!!
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 9 days ago
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Ich weiß nicht einmal, wie ich das kommentieren soll.
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 9 days ago
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Poob has it for you
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 9 days ago
when i was a teenager in high school, we learned about hitler's rise to power. his party, the campaigns, the promises, the changes to germany's constitution after the election to make him chancellor, the rampant xenophobia and antisemitism, and how all that set the stage for ww2.
i remember being angry, and so so confused as to how that could happen. so i raised my hand and finally asked the burning question:
"why did the germans let it happen? why did no one do anything? surely they weren't all aligned with the nazis?"
my teacher paused, a small sad smile on her lips. finally she said:
"some did not see the nazis' true colours until it was too late. some fought back right away, and were imprisoned or beaten or killed, and it scared others away from the protests. but mostly, people were busy living their lives."
and i know now that she was right. in the 1920's, germany was going through an economic crisis so terrible that people had to fill wheelbarrows with banknotes to buy a loaf of bread. on top of that, they had just lost ww1. there was very little hope of things getting better, and a lot of resentment. and in came a guy who promised to fix the economy, protect his people from outsider influence, and rebuild a crumbling nation.
many believed him and voted for him, and realised their mistake too late. (many others, of course, were aligned with hitler's views from the beginning. i'm not saying there were no nazis)
those who saw through the facade had a choice: protest and risk what little safety you have, or keep your head down and go back to figuring out where your next meal is gonna come from, how you'll pay the gas bill, or take your kid to the doctor's.
these days, when i hear about trump or musk and americans' reactions to them and their actions, i think of the germans in the late 20s and early 30s. every day i forgive them a little more. maybe one day i won't feel weird for baking cookies while the world crumbles around us.
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 9 days ago
it's gotten to the point of winter where the notion of summertime feels like a distant dream. "you will be warm, not just cold-and-also-sweaty, AND it doesnt cost any money to get warm. and all you have to do is wait". sure, and after we die we go to the land of gumdrops and honeydew. tell me somehting more plausible. i know i will be cold forever
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 10 days ago
thinking abt the inherent tension that comes with being the last person shown to do a task on taskmaster. being the last shown in the selection means you've either aced the task first time or you've fucked it up beyond belief and there is very little in between. sometimes you can tell which it is by the contestant's face before it cuts to VT but sometimes they don't even know themselves. its amazing
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 10 days ago
Shout out to that time I read out a Ronald Reagan speech in DnD (with some words changed to fantasy stuff) to give my players a bad guy politician to interact with
The aftermath was hysterical. The guy I made agreed with their primary concern, but was otherwise a total conservative cunt. One friend caught it immediately (not Reagan, but the undercurrents of it) and I was like yeah that tracks, she's very switched on. She'd written down the most egregious lines lol
The argument after the speech was particularly funny cos they totally dropped character they cared so much. And they sorted through what they thought. Then they complimented me on the very good speech and I was like lol thanks it was Reagan.
Man, the fury. We ended the session there, they couldn't come back from it lol
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 10 days ago
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 10 days ago
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 10 days ago
sometimes i feel like im climing up this incline again alone but thankully sisypus and the itsy bitsy spider and here with me
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 10 days ago
Time for a Blast from the Past
please go to your browser and type in https:// [insert your url here] .tumblr.com/page/1000
Look at the first 5 posts that come up
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 10 days ago
in these dark days, i cannot recommend watching or rewatching the lord of the rings enough
a group of profoundly different people banding together against a force of evil that is likely to destroy everything? one of the main themes being that hope is the most powerful weapon of all, and friendship and community being pillars of the war effort?
soft men, strong women, magical creatures, a group of friends and a powerful score to make you feel like you're not facing the end of the age of men alone?
does not cure my depression but makes me believe it can be defeated and that's half the battle my friend
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 10 days ago
Use your own judgement as to what "counts" in regards to things like airport layovers and trips taken before you could remember.
We ask your questions anonymously so you don’t have to! Submissions are open on the 1st and 15th of the month.
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we-fucked-up-evolution · 10 days ago
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Thirty-seven-year-old bank employee Brian Terlaine is apparently spending his entire adult life avoiding any activity or decision that might give him the smallest bit of satisfaction until both of his parents have died.
Despite the fact that he is a grown man capable of forming relationships, seeking a job, or wearing any article of clothing he chooses, Terlaine has apparently opted to postpone any such choices until his entirely healthy parents Tom, 68, and Barb, 64, are no longer alive to second-guess or disapprove of them.
Full Story
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