Jeon Woojin (전우진). Graduate of Yonsei University with a degree in Psychology. Formerly a model and survival show contestant. Presently a singer and actor, summoned in the heart of Seoul after completing his military service.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
starter for @scrcndipty
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you like this but...” without finishing his sentence, it is very obvious to what happened to him. His lips are busted with blood, and his cheeks are coated with stains of crimson, and scraps. “I got into a small accident and... I need your help.
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starter for @thelonelynoones
“I had a feeling this will be a good day.” Woojin smiles after exhaling happily, inviting his hands to the other; encouraging to come and spend the day with him. “And because I am in a very good mood, I will treat you a meal. Anywhere, as much as you want. Name it!”
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starter for @fucking-jungkook
“I wouldn’t post that if I were you.” the singer actor strongly warned the younger idol. “The fans will flipped once they see that.”
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"Hey hey, calm there sweetie.” He uttered low, pressing a palm over the female’s back as he pat her gently, even stealing her phone from her grasp. “You’re over thinking. It’ll be fine. It’s just a night out, two friends hanging out, and enjoying a meal As long as we are careful, it’ll be fine.”
After all, the last thing he wants is for the night to be ruined; specially because of the popularity, he really didn’t ask for.
Starter for @wccjnq
“Oh my god, stay over there until the others arrive. What kind of scandal do you think would happen if someone saw us waiting together? Do you want to ruin your career?” Bitna didn’t even make eye contact with her friend, instead putting her phone up to her ear and acting as if she were speaking on her phone. “And make sure that you’ve got your face mask on properly.”
This is what she got for showing up early and wandering too close to the restaurant. “I’ll go and get the table ready. We shouldn’t be alone too much longer.”
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Pile of scripts to read and study. Plus, a collection of sample tracks recommended by the agency. Truth to be told, there is so many better things left to do than to spend the night hunted house hunting. Woojin had all the liberty to decline the other’s suggested, albeit in the end, he insisted. And now, finding his tall built self inside a gloomy abandoned house with a fellow artist. Funny, he find the circumstances funny and childish, albeit he could also admit that the whole plan is a fuck up idea. Why in the world would they batter themselves in such ridicule? Even though Woojin is confident he is not a scardy cat and ghost do not exist. He cannot condemn the nervousness in his chest. Perhaps, it is all because of the ambiance.
“Please.” He rolled his eyes, voice rang an obvious sarcasm from the other female. It is very obvious that she only teased him to cover the fact that she is afraid to do this alone. Woojin could bet a hundred box that she will jump onto him the moment something creeks out. “Focus on the way, and not to me. The flooring is creaking and weak, don’t get yourself hurt, honey.”
@wccjnq wanted a starter after spotting this!
Haunted houses. They couldn’t be that bad after watching tons of horror movies, right? Chaeyeong thought wrong. The moment she took one step closer towards the entrance of the house, which was supposed to make her pee in her pants and scream like someone was going to murder her, she could feel the small butterflies fly in her stomach. But as someone, who wanted to look like a strong woman, she tried to brush the feeling off by quickly looking at the male who she dragged along with. She tried to see any signs of nervousness from his facial features. But nothing. Her own nervousness was too distracting.
“You know, you can hold my hand if you’re too scared.” The female informed, trying to find his inner nervousness with her words. Though it was also a subtle warning; as soon as someone would jump behind the corner, she would cling to his arm while screaming. But the artist wanted to do it. For a long time, she has wanted to go to a haunted house, see how it is ( thinking it wasn’t actually that scary than they made it look on television ) and proof to herself how she didn’t get scared easily.
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hearing that she hummed as she nodded her head before calling the number up to order them some food. as she finished she laughed a little as she grinned. “well are you going to make a film?” she asked curiously as she looked at him. she didn’t know if he was or not, she never really had time to keep up with movies. “just coping?” she asked as she smiled a little. “i think you’re doing better than coping. but really you should remember to have fun before you get bogged down by being in the public’s eye once more.” she at least thought so, as she poked him a little. “try to relax a little and maybe do something you enjoy.”
the talks of making a film this year is still undecided. there’s so many aspects to talk and in need of discussion. it may take a while for woojin to receive details for that whilst, the actor only responded with a shrug. “here she goes...” he jokes, roaring a soft chuckle in the end. “I thought of having a trip while I am on break, as you say, I may need the time to have fun. But then again, I don’t like traveling alone.” his cheeks puffs for a second, before he release the air along with his sigh. “any place to recommend? somewhere with nice beaches, or... bitches.”
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Craving that “holy fuck I’ve missed you” sex. Shove me up against a wall, throw me on the bed like I couldn’t get there fast enough. Tease me and make me beg and just take fucking control.
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( 2K RECORDS / JULY QUESTION ) How do you think others perceive you? What kind of person do you think other people think you are.
Slow moment of silence wrinkled on the male actor’s face as the inquiry traced in his head. Soft hum lingers from the tiny crack of his lips, transitioned into a light sigh. Perhaps, this is the last question he’d want to sit and ponder for today. The perception of other people at him is often the topic he’d want to dodge, mainly because he is afraid to overthink, and overcompensate. Woojin is very certain that he can be a very stressful person to deal with, and maybe it is the huge defect he sees at himself, that makes him worry for others.
“I supposed, others find me intimidating.” He began, releasing his fingers from the sharpness of his chin, to the side of the couch he is resting on. “I have this exterior that elude those kind of vibes, specially in my neutral expression. I do hear of that first impressions almost all the time.” he paused, almost exposing his soft smile. “I have a friend who called me a neat freak, because I have this tendency to be very organized, and to plan things ahead. I don’t usually take that as a negative way, but hearing it a couple of times makes me wonder.”
“I think, people see me as a straightforward person who knows what I want in life. It doesn’t necessary a bad thing, but my friends would advice me to loosen up a bit.” For he is young, and there’s too many things to experience in life. “I am giving my best to live life to the fullest. But we’ll see about that.”
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mun :: I got really busy the past week from so many deadlines. Apologies from the delayed starters I promised. I will do them slowly today, and queue for the rest of the week. Thanks for the reblogs and follow. I really appreciate them. If you want to plot. My IM is always open. Have a nice day everyone!
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oc ( idol verse ) - literate - nsfw - krpg like & follow / reblog = starter
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Would anyone like to be interested in putting their character in a role in Hyesu’s new movie? we wouldn’t have to roleplay anything out (unless you want to) and everything can be updated through articles, instagram posts, twitter posts, etc. this can be good for adding something else to your character’s history and it might be a good way to meet new rpers and characters. more information if you are interested will be below the read more.
Keep reading
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“hey deviating from the plans is what makes things fun sometimes.” she teased as she hoped he wasn’t worrying about it too much. “sure black bean noodles sound great.” she calculated her expenses in her head, and they seemed to add up well enough to afford this. “i guess you don’t have to have a good reason.” she hummed as she called and ordered them both some black bean noodles. “so what’s going on now with you? i mean besides being chased and adored by thousands of girls?” she poked his cheek.
woojin over analyze every single detail in his life, which is kind of alarming, according to his college friends - he’d sweep those allegations way easy; what’s wrong on planning things ahead? that’s why there’s such thing as family planning. he puff a sigh, letting go of his thoughts so he could focus on his friend. “there’s this chinese restaurant who delivers great black bean noodle set, plus they are cheap.” he shows the number from his mobile screen, situating beside the female. “hey, that’s an exaggeration. they only followed me because I was with jongsuk-ssi earlier. they thought we’d be making a film or something.” turns out, the production wouldn’t be possible, as jongsuk’s enlistment is up in par. “I’ve been coping up with life, and trying to make a living as much as possible, I guess?” the last part wasn’t even a joke. after spending 18 months in the military, it is time for woojin to get back on track, and save money for his future.
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send one to see how my muse reacts / soft edition.
[ trail ] for your muse to start a trail of kisses down my muses neck.
[ shift ] for your muse to move hair off my muses face.
[ stroke] for your muse to gently stoke my muse’s face.
[ chin ] for your muse to gently grab my muses chin.
[ tuck ] to place a blanket on my muse.
[ wrap ] for your muse to walk into the room and say nothing before wrapping their arms around my muse.
[ fidget ] for your muse to comfort mine during a bad dream.
[ braid ] for your muse to braid mines hair.
[ sponge ] for your muse to give my muse a sponge bath.
[ drape ] for your muse to help pull off / unzip my muses clothing
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• “My stupid friends roped me into a mall scavenger hunt and you’re on the list” AU • “We both wanted to rent a bike for an hour but the only one they have is a tandem bike” AU • “You’re adopting the cat that I’ve been trying to adopt for a week now” AU • “You just moved into the house next to my mom’s and she has you doing her yardwork” AU • “I’m on a terrible date and you’re my waitor please help me” AU • “My brother/sister asked me to break up with you for them i’m so sorry” AU • “I’ve been receiving all your freaking mail since you moved out and you keep getting weird gifts from your brother make it stop” AU • “Our dick landlord just evicted us both” AU • “We both just moved in with our siblings and they’re neighbors” AU • “I’m your neighbor and I can hear you fucking someone who shares my name” AU • “Your cat got my cat pregnant and now I have all these kittens please take them” AU • “I’m your ex, you are a cop, and I just got arrested for being drunk and disorderly” AU • “Remember that one time in college when we were at that party and you asked a random stranger to pretend to be your boyfriend/girlfriend? Yeah well that was me and we’re adults now” AU • “You’re sort of famous and we vaguely know each other through bumping into each other all the time but the media thinks we’re dating” AU • “You’re a cop, I’m a firefighter, we always work the same shifts” AU • “You always ask me for help but I have weird health conditions that prevent me from doing so” AU • “Your roommate cheated on me and I just threw your laptop out the window thinking it was his” AU • “My kid just shot a bottle rocket into your window” AU • “We’re both in the vegetable isle and I just burst into tears while staring at the cabbages” AU • “That’s my fucking fish that you just caught give it back” AU • “I’ve had a crush on you since the 11th grade but you’ve hated me ever since that one time” AU • “The advertisement did not do you justice” AU • “You jipped me of those concert tickets so I came to your house asshole” AU • “You think I’m nervous because you’re interviewing me for this high end job but actually it’s because you’re stupidly hot” AU • “Oh shit this isn’t my car” AU • “You fell off the map 6 years ago and you think you can just waltz back into my life. Literally. You’re the dance instructor for my best friend’s wedding and we have history” AU • “It’s 2am on the night of my 21st birthday and we gotta fix this fucking mess by morning or else we’re fucked ” AU • “My dad’s a cancer patient and you’re his nurse” AU • “Did I mention that I had a dream about you last night? Oh right we’ve never talked about before” AU • “Lol this was a terrible idea” AU • “juSt a game? jUST A GaMe????? FUCK YOU I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO WIN” or the “so competitive it’s almost sexual” AU • “Aren’t you the person from marti gras last year?” AU • “We’re both on the same multiple stop flight schedules to go to the same destination so we might as well stick together. Also your shoulder is a very comfortable pillow.” AU • “Fuck you and your bee farm I’ve had enough” AU • “We’re in an exam study group and I just send you my nudes by accident oops” AU • “Somehow my gallery sculpture piece looks exactly like you how weird” AU • “That tattoo on your chest is the exact same as mine” AU • “I was actually awake when you did that thing” AU • “Why do we keep running into each other when we live on opposite sides of the country?” AU • “We need to be really quiet but you have the hiccups” AU • “Why do you always walk your dog at exactly 12am every night? Do you not enjoy sleep?” AU • “For the love of God, what is making that noise?” AU • “Somehow you manage to scare me everytime we run into each other and i already get frightened very easily let me live” AU
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The wait is over, as the new revamped Double Kill is finally opening again to the public. With updated resources, guidelines and exciting new features for everyone to enjoy, Double Kill is ready to accept applications and reservations of those who are interested. With these latest changes we hope to create a more welcoming and motivating environment where everyone can enjoy themselves and feel at ease! Weekly features to enjoy such as prompts and events which we will be organizing more regularly! Are you interested in finding a home for your artist muse? We’re here to be the place for you!
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