waterdrop-stars · 6 days
thank fucking god I'm not 14 anymore
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waterdrop-stars · 18 days
for pride month 2024 we're gonna nuke 10 of your mutuals' blogs and 9 of them are run by transfems 😍
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waterdrop-stars · 18 days
“nobody understands me” but not in the “edgy suffering from teenager syndrome mad at mom” kind of way, but the “lonely isolating young adult realization that the specific combination of mental illnesses and past experiences i’ve had have resulted in a pattern of behaviors that are often misinterpreted and misconstrued by others” type of way
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waterdrop-stars · 18 days
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waterdrop-stars · 18 days
Happy pride, my only goal this month is to not let you forget for a fucking second that this website is transphobic and horrible down to its core. Don’t give them money, make an absolute stink about the fact that their CEO personally permabanned a trans woman, leaked all her sideblogs, then chased her to Twitter to pursue a personal vendetta. Remember that this is not a safe place for the queer community, and that has nothing to do with us, the queer members of the userbase, and everything to do with the continuing actions of Tumblr’s staff.
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waterdrop-stars · 18 days
no moderation at all would be better than this. legitimately. i can block the nazis and zionists and transmisogynists myself, the only time moderation staff step in is to remind me nd my friends that we're not welcome. they're fucking cops, they dont serve shit, they dont protect shit, they're just in it to hurt people and exert power
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waterdrop-stars · 18 days
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waterdrop-stars · 18 days
Nervously, I pull from the tarot deck. It’s the Nine of Clocks. My fate is revealed to me: It’s my bedtime, and I gotta go to sleeps
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waterdrop-stars · 18 days
happy 6/6 to the repeating numbers fandom
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waterdrop-stars · 18 days
trans ppl are NOT real neither are gay people or men .
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waterdrop-stars · 18 days
Squidward is so babygirl - every pose he did here in such short time frame is just fjejfj
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waterdrop-stars · 18 days
Anyway for those of you not enmeshed with tumblr’s transgender mycelial network, or otherwise on its periphery, basically every damn day of pride month another couple trans bloggers have gotten wiped, regardless of blog content, following, blog age, anything, and it shows no sign of slowing. In general it seems to be hitting transfems more liberally, but transmasc and nonbinary friends of mine have also been wiped for their steadfast solidarity or Just Cause. There’s also been an uptick in posts being almost immediately marked mature by community tags for no discernible reason beyond “Posting While Trans”. This is a time to stick together like goddamn epoxy resin. Vocally defend and support each other. Block and ignore any wretched cunt spreading callouts or stirring up shit. Make sure you have a way to talk to your friends beyond this site. Don’t buy badges, don’t blaze, cold shoulder the fuck out of mod blogs, and give voice to your discontent.
Bite the hand🖤
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waterdrop-stars · 1 month
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op turned off blogs on one of my favorite posts so here it is again
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waterdrop-stars · 1 month
y'all missing the whole point of stardew valley. it's supposed to be slow paced. you're a farmer. crops do now grow instantly and you wont be making millions in a season. enjoy the fucking game, take your fucking time. take days off to just forage and talk to people. aren't yall tired of the grind from real life??? do you want to experience burnout in a farming game too??????
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waterdrop-stars · 1 month
carly rae jepsen is throwing bricks at my house but what am i gonna do, stop her?
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waterdrop-stars · 1 month
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waterdrop-stars · 1 month
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