10 posts
Just a girl who takes writers choices very, very personally
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watchit-kal ¡ 2 years ago
The Purge Franchise is one of my Favorites of all Time
Personally, I do not believe James DeMonaco ever got the proper recognition for his creation. In a time of regurgitation, rinse, and repeat, he made something brand spanking new. A few weeks ago I sat down and watched every movie “in order,” so join me as I rank them and sing DeMonaco’s praises along the way. From how he chose to draw in the audience to who he chose to direct the film, James DeMonaco has earned himself a spot on my people to watch list. I honestly want to rewatch the series as well, but I just watched it a few months ago (for the third time), so it seems a tad over the top.
Now, I will admit some of The Purge fans are downright weirdos comparable to those brainless The Boys fans. There is, however, a subgroup of each that is actually capable of critical thought, and I invite you to join us as we appreciate the story behind the violence. Firstly, let’s agree on the proper timeline:
The First Purge 10/10
The Purge 7/10
The Purge: Anarchy 9/10
The Purge: Election Year* 8/10 (the timing was what was most important about this release if not for actual worldly events the timeline may have flown better)
The Forever Purge 6/10
The Purge is unique not because no one else could have ever possibly thought about, but because someone was brave enough to simply do it. No source material to pull from, no visible demand for its relation, just art. The purge debuted at a time in our country where we were being more and more divisive. I like to think The Purge explores a very probable reality for the United States. It is important to note Michael Bay was involved with the Purge franchise and that man does not pick duds. In the first Purge movie released, starring, Ethan Hawke, DeMonaco did what had to be done in order to encapsulate audiences moving forward. In order for someone to be capable of writing The Purge, you must also assume they are a great observer of people, what they care about, and how they operate. I think this is demonstrated perfectly in the order in which he wrote this franchise and also who he chose to center stories around. In the first movie we follow an upper middle class white family. People who typically should not be effected by this gruesome holiday. A husband whose income relies on the continuation of this dreary day and a family that remains grateful. It was only fitting Mr. Hawke had to meet his end by the conclusion of the film, after all his family was only targeted because of his occupation. Although, I found them painfully boring they were the perfect family to draw in the majority of the world, which hates watching white people die. It was with them DeMonaco taught us the rules of this night and began to pull back the curtain on its gruesome nature. He also showed us above all else, people can be good.
Personally, The First Purge, when DeMonaco teamed up with director Gerard McMurray, will always be my favorite of the franchise. McMurray is also responsible for Burning Sands, a beautifully shot heart wrenching story about the dangers of hazing. he is moving forward to direct The Resonant, a post apocalyptic comic book series, that he will certainly execute perfectly. McMurray has this way of telling stories through his lens that makes it impossible for you to look away. I also adore that DeMonaco is only ever willing to hand over his babies to hands more capable than his depending the story he wishes to tell. While DeMonaco may very well be Italian or something, the man is white. So, the choice to pick a Howard educated director with an affinity for telling stories of oppression for this film was not lost on me. Do not tell me about his skeletons, DeMonaco is invited to my cookout. The first purge is the tale of how the purge came to be and also the reveal of why it was really created. For me, everything about this film was perfect. The cast, the cinematography, the plot line, and the survivors. This film felt the most real and accurate of all the others (excluding the series). I would actually watch an anthology series depicting the first purge in each city.
The others are pretty repetitive, same idea different layout, the public fighting the rich. The rich starting to lose. Some rich people being kinda okay. The usual. I will say though I felt so bad about being attracted to the Cowboy Casanova initially until this past year when he also played our Black Panther villain, then I gave myself a pass, because I obviously just have impeccable taste.
Anyway sorry for the long break I have been really sick, so even this is some shit, but go watch the purge series its very underrated and tell James DeMonaco you love him.
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watchit-kal ¡ 2 years ago
The Romcom will never die. A world in which there is no romcom there is no me.
Something from Tiffanys -
I’m not gonna lie, TW: I was coaxed into supporting and rooting for an interracial relationship.
For obvious reasons I recently took it upon myself to have a Zoey Deutch marathon. That’s right I watched everything from Vampire Academy to The Outfit. Because, before I make baseless claims, at least when talking about movies, I like to know what I am talking about. With that being said, while the collective is anti-nepotism right now, Zoey Deutch gets a pass from me. She makes it easy by not being downright awful. I would also like to take this time to dub her the resurrector of the romcom. They truly, if even just on accident, took their time developing Zoey as a timeless and forever loveable character. Like tell me how they had me rooting for the date her step brother storyline in Flower, which I totally thought was going to be a queer film, but okay. In order to reach the heights of her potential peers, such as, Katherine Heigl, Meg Ryan, Kate Hudson, Julia Roberts,and Drew Barrymore she had to master the levels of love stories. You see, in order to be a true romcom queen you need to be stripped down bare and made to be loved unconditionally. Films like Before I Fall, Not Okay and The Outfit, exploring her characters’ journeys on self love and acceptance. Also, seeing just how much of a terrible person they could make her character and have the audience remain on her side. They have also done well to establish her as a timeless beauty, with roles in Rebel in Rye and The Outfit. Then finally, the romcom we all needed, Set it Up. All of this preparation is the reason Something from Tiffanys went over so well with me. Not only was it the first time I found myself rooting for an interracial relationship, but I also enjoyed the ever so gentle commemoration of Audrey Hepburns, Breakfast at Tiffanys, quite literally building the entire plot around breakfast and a piece from Tiffany’s. With that being said, I did think it was a beautifully done film. It was nice to see a healthy female friendship dynamic and also the lesson “don’t let your partner stop you from meeting your spouse,” play out on screen. Lastly, I cannot even lie I do enjoy seeing Shay Mitchell on screen, you can tell she is sick of the online slander that only Troian could act. Overall 10 Cornettas/10. Looking forward to what Zoey gives us next. And thank you Hollywood for your recent interest in paying homage to classic films.
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watchit-kal ¡ 2 years ago
I have a low level of faith in Amazon movies but occasionally they slap. This however, did not slap, punch, kick, scratch, or even snap. I will never get this time back, in fact, I did not even finish the final few minutes after the reveal, because, I was so upset. I will not talk about the actual content of the film. If you want to watch it for yourself go ahead, but I do not recommend it. So, for my Girl Meets World fans Farkle was indeed present and he is indeed our villain. I knew from he moment it started it was about to be some “as an outcasted white man I relate to you as a woman of color,” bullshit. There is a scene where they truly discover they are targets and the main character has “nothing” written across her. It was meant to fool the audience into thinking something cruel and dark, but I knew better, it was actually that moment I realized whoever wrote this needed lots of therapy. As they began to construct the storyline that nerdy white men were an oppressed group whilst having this group of kids seemingly fight for their lives I realized someone greenlit this. Someone greenlit this, but somehow we did not get a second season of Lovecraft Country? It is giving, good cinema is an oppressed group in our country. I really have nothing more to to say about this project I truly just want to forget I ever watched it. In fact I almost did until i opened my notes app. I would like to see the female lead in more projects moving forward, but other than that, may this project be reaped. All in all do not trust the white boy with a victim complex who thinks he is you just because no one asked him to the Sadie Hawkins dance. -4/10
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watchit-kal ¡ 2 years ago
An ode to Television
Let the Right One in-
Now let us get one thing straight. I consume a lot of media, specifically television shows. And honestly this account was never made to discuss the many shows I watch in a single year, let alone a single month. However, selfishly I NEED a season two of this show, so naturally I will be telling anyone who will listen about it. Now there is something about this show and the last movie I watched that reignites my belief vampires are indeed real. The show follows the lives of two children, and their effected families/friends. Seemingly two very different stories connected only in desired outcome, nothing more. As the show goes on we learn not only of the two kids very vague connection, which led to their current afflictions, but also the very different ways in which they learned over the past decade how to cope with it. A lot can be said about how their different societal backgrounds led to how they approached their very unique problem, but I will not open that can of worms at the present. All I will say is it IS a show to watch. On Showtime specifically. The end of season one was quite literally to die for. A harrowing tale of sacrifice, innocence, family, friendship, and survival. 100/10 looking forward to seeing my vamp-blended family in season two and hopefully Ms. Officer accepting her new role as mother, protector, and provider for our sweet girl.
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watchit-kal ¡ 2 years ago
The Invitation-
Because this is a newer release I am going to try not to spoil anything…too much. Firstly, I would like to commend them on casting. while admittedly I would watch anything starring either diet Chuck Bass or Missandei, may she rest in power, having them both on the same screen was a treat. The film starts rather slow. As a black person watching you will find yourself mad that the protagonist willfully follows this strange white man across the ocean in the name of blood relation. Like y’all JUST met girly if you don’t do some research first. But, as someone who has never really ventured into the original story of Dracula this retelling was inspired. It is not often a movie, especially a horror movie, can throw me to the point I cannot make a prediction on the ending. However, The Invitation, had my ass. From the opening scene to when they introduce our new devilishly handsome antagonist you can tell there is some type of connection between the houses original mistress and our sweet naive Evie. At this point though I am still assuming it is a ghostly tale. In fact, it is not until the climax, both literally and figuratively, the true nature of this horror film is revealed. It was invigorating uncloaking the danger as the protagonist did. Everyone around her in on the hidden agenda and already at terms with what must be done for their own survival. A true sacrificial lamb. As far as [redacted] films go, this one I will have to say takes the cake. It lacked the corniness of its predecessors, while keeping the sex appeal until it was no longer warranted. A perfect unmasking for the end of the year if I do say so myself. There was also never a moment you did not find yourself rooting for our main characters survival. It was definitely quite slow leading up to the reveal, but there is enough beauty in-between to keep you hooked on the screen. Overall 9/10 I would definitely be a maid on that property knowing the outcome. An honor to serve truly.
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watchit-kal ¡ 2 years ago
The People we Hate at the Wedding-
This movie was SO refreshing. I am also a Ben Platt apologist, he can do no wrong in my eyes. Kristen Bell as well. The entire cast was so well curated. Never a missed opportunity for comedic relief or for the perfect execution of the very real and human side of relationships. Like, honestly, I can’t remember the last time I watched a romcom that so perfectly showed the imperfect and messy parts of relationships. While yes, they did stick them into some mess, there was also a struggle with everyday common problems. A father who does not accept his child, and a mother who becomes the villain to preserve her child’s perception. Half siblings, and sometimes feeling like whole and others like none at all. Not being able to let go even for something better. Fighting with your family as much as you fight for them. Taco Bell being the glue of society. And maybe most importantly, appreciating life and people for what and who they are. It may just be my favorite movie of the year. Just a beautifully written story. I genuinely laughed out loud multiple times. Oh, we even got our Mean Girls moment towards the end. A proper chick fight (although I wish it had been over something better) remember ladies, leave that man alone he ain’t shit. Don’t listen to rotten tomatoes or IMDB on this one. I promise it is worth the watch. A good way to spend a Sunday wrapped in a soft blanket. Overall 10/10
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watchit-kal ¡ 2 years ago
Probably an unpopular opinion
Bodies Bodies Bodies-
Amandla Stenberg has never known how to flop. Everything they have been in has been a hit. However, this movie was SO bad. I wasn’t even going to watch it until I saw Rachel Sennott’s monologue on twitter. The thing is aside from the climax there is nothing redeeming or entertaining about the entire movie. Even the ending leaves you wondering if you could ever get the last two hours back. I was glad they killed Pete Davidson’s character early on, because, not only was his performance terrible, his character just sucked. I was upset to see them all attack Greg, he was very fuckable. The whole thing just felt very thrown together. Wasn’t quite a horror movie, not quite a comedy. Truly just a waste of production. Everything was too in your face except for the ending of course. Although once they make the reveal you kind of just slap yourself like, “of course that is what happened.” The overwhelming theme of movies lately seems to be “men are idiots why do we leave them in charge look what they do.” The true villains of the story are of course Sophie, Emma, and Jordan. Those are the type of women you steer clear of. Justice for Bee, Greg, and Alice (and her podcast). Overall 3 bodies/10, will be stealing that game though.
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watchit-kal ¡ 2 years ago
There are movies you wished had sequels, and movies you simply wish never existed at all, let alone their sequel.
The Thinning: New World Order
I would like to take the Thumper vow of silence, due to my lack of kind words, but I will say as much as I hate everything about this now growing franchise, I can not look away. It is like seeing a really ugly baby. You cannot help but to keep looking trying to figure out if it is just you, or if everyone can see it as well. Let’s get into it. Lia Johnson? Worst actress I have ever seen I honestly want her tried for her crimes, both against acting and JC Caylen. Peyton List also is not getting off with a warning, no she must also answer for her crimes and downright terrible body language. Jessie is having a tough week when it comes to flexing their talents. I will say they definitely know how to cast men to keep it interesting. But, I will not fall to the Paul propaganda. I feel as though I knew where they were headed if they chose to travel during the first movie. It was interesting to watch it all play out. The capitalistic overtones. Pointing fingers at people like Amazon and Apple as the worlds most aggressive slave owners, both currently and in the future. There was also a theme on the worker identity and how ‘they’ use that identity and those who identify with it most passionately to keep others in line. While it was absolutely terrible I am honestly not ashamed to say a I would indeed watch a third installment. With that being said it still gets a wtf did I just watch/10. Semi-recommended to bored commies who are touch deprived.
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watchit-kal ¡ 2 years ago
Neon Demon-
So, I was actually torn on writing a review for neon demon. Before I hop into anything too serious, I would like to take time to appreciate seeing my girl Johanna Mason. (I do not care she has a real name she will always be Johanna axe throwing Mason). From the foreshadowing in the opening scene I was hooked. We open to a doe eyed, supple, and pristine Elle Fanning dripping in what you could believe to be blood. She is trying her luck on a path a lot of young people know all too well. We later find out she is an underaged orphan living alone in a cheap LA motel. The perfect victim. Her only crime having access to everything they all wanted. She is young, beautiful, tall, innocent and searching for a place to belong. All things Hollywood feeds on. I also liked how they explored how men treat other men who treat women with respect. Also, the way in which they discuss women as objects and commodities. Oh, trigger warning there is a bit of sexual misconduct involved. I did enjoy the way they filmed this project, making it feel very cold, corporate and callous. Almost as if everyone involved had just gotten a fresh lobotomy. Every choice felt very succinct. Despite all of this though, they still fell flat in the ending. About halfway through you see they had this great concept they had no idea how to execute. You know something sinister is going to o take place, but even once they follow through on that plot line you are left thinking, “is that all?” So overall I am giving them a 7/10 mostly because I did like the idea and I m a Fanning Fanatic.
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watchit-kal ¡ 2 years ago
Honor Society-
Honor Society was a refreshing take on romantic comedies. Successfully recreating the societal significance of early 2000s Disney movies. The casting was perfect with amazing performances by Amy Keum, Angourie Rice, and Gaten Matarazzo (sadly). A great parable for believing nothing that you hear and half of what you see. Among other very important lessons, my personal favorite was, the foundation of friendship. Unlike its predecessors, such as, Candy Jar, they decided to focus on building community instead of the classic “girl gets boy.” Although, I will say I was NOT expecting my sweet boy to do all that. I also adored the way they broke down the plot twist. I found it not only inventive but playful. It allowed the same lightheartedness they gifted Angourie’s character as she used manipulation tactics to achieve her ultimate goal. Even still, I actually had to pause it, take a step back, and then accept he just played the most devious, manipulative boy I had ever seen. (Possible spoiler, but I watched this months ago, so if you haven’t by now, that is on you). I was actually rooting for the love storyline and my meddling future Harvard girl boss, who meddled for good not evil. Without her meddling we would have never gotten that masterful Victorian musical. This movie definitely has something for everyone and is an easy watch. A breath of fresh air while also offering a bit of drama, character development, good mother/daughter depiction, accepting father, strong female lead, singing, a bit of dancing, seemingly pure intentioned organic relationships, academic rivals to friends/lovers, and diet gossip girl vibes. Overall 11/10 future classic.
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