Lady Sif of Asgard
215 posts
I am Lady Sif, of Asgard Indie RP account MCU based Mun 21+
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warrior-lady-sif · 7 years ago
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It was a strange feeling that hit Sif on hearing of Loki’s death. There had been so much animosity between them over the past few years, and yet they had been friends before, and for a lot longer. Really, she had already mourned the friend she’d lost, but that didn’t mean she didn’t feel sadness at the news. Of course, her own grief was nothing in comparison to what she knew Thor must be feeling, and so as soon as she could, she’d sought him out, finding him with the ease that only someone who knew him well could. “Hey,” she smiled softly in greeting as she walked up to him. “How are you holding up?”
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warrior-lady-sif · 7 years ago
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Sif Week - Day 3: Sif the Warrior My heart has no place in this. I have orders.
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warrior-lady-sif · 7 years ago
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[ ϟ ]—– Appreciation for the comments blooms upon the god’s features, softening the frown that had settled upon forehead, lips curling briefly in a faint smile. Sword and counsel, she had offered both countless times before, and in a sense it was comforting the latter was still given to him without reservations, equally comforting to realize her ferocity had not been smothered in doubt and concerns.
Perhaps she was merely indulging him, attempting to ease his troubled thoughts and guilt, ration quick to turn worries a fraction worse. Yet she was not above scolding when needed, the brain reminded, fair and just in her assessment of his character and actions in most cases, and he offers a nod in gratitude whilst she speaks further, the name she uttered eliciting a soft growl from the prince.
‘ Thanos. If I am to believe only a fraction of what is being whispered he is at our doorstep, biding his time to strike Yggdrasil, impossible to wound let alone defeat. Servants and followers increasing in numbers, yet he is nowhere to be seen or found.’ A scoff escapes him, a clear sound of annoyance whilst they move onward, glittering bridge beneath their feet humming as if delighted at their presence.
‘ I am torn. We are the beacon of the Nine, supposedly the best defense should come from us, and yet we suffered from the likes of The Dark Elves in a fashion we should not have. What is to be protected firstly…. our home, or others?’  The brief silence between lasts for the duration of a few, firmly planted steps, and more escapes him after a short-lived glance towards the warrior.
‘ What would you do fair Sif?’ 
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“Nothing is truly impossible.” A shake of her head accompanies her words, as does a fierce determination in her eyes, a stark reminder that she may be a Lady, but she is also a warrior. “Perhaps some things are more difficult, and require careful planning in order to succeed, but I do not believe that he cannot be defeated.” She can’t let herself believe that; whilst a warrior must always be prepared to die fighting, they cannot enter into battle believing that their death is inevitable, else it surely will be.
She falls silent, lips twisting thoughtfully for a moment as they walk. “We cannot fight all the battles in the Nine Realms,” she starts at last, her thoughts still turning even as she speaks. “Whilst our numbers may be decent, and our warriors strong, to attempt such a feat would be foolish. Our armies would be spread too thin, and would have to fight harder as a result of that.” Turning to glance at him, she shoots him a look which silently lets him know that she speaks only her opinion on the matter, and that no matter what he chooses, she will support him. “If it were up to me, I would say that we need to take it one battle at a time. Start with our home, protect our lands and our people, and once they are safe we can move to the next.”
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warrior-lady-sif · 7 years ago
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All yours…
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warrior-lady-sif · 7 years ago
So, I’ve just got back from seeing Ragnarok and I have so much Sif muse! I’m heading off to bed now because it’s late where I am, but hmu if you’re interested in plotting or anything
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warrior-lady-sif · 7 years ago
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female awesome meme: [3/10] warriors
I’ll die a warrior’s death. Stories will be told of this day! — Sif
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warrior-lady-sif · 8 years ago
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i refuse to apologize for this
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warrior-lady-sif · 8 years ago
Send “UNF” to pin my muse against the wall with DESIRE
Send “UGH” to pin my muse against the wall from FURY
Send “DONT” to pin my muse against the wall to prevent them from LEAVING
Send “AH” to pin my muse against the wall but letting a RANDOMIZER choose
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warrior-lady-sif · 8 years ago
Sif, would you like to see Thor light up a lightbulb with his dick?
“It would certainly be an impressive trick if he wanted to try, but I wouldn’t mind if he’d rather not.”
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warrior-lady-sif · 8 years ago
episode 001-004.
‘something’s coming. something hungry for blood.’
‘wait a minute. did you hear that?’
‘we’re in deep shit!’
‘don’t be a pussy!’
‘just twenty more minutes!’
‘yeah, she’s turning into a real jerk.’
‘the cause of the power outage is still unknown.’
‘he came home last night, right?’
‘that’s disgusting.’
‘do it, freak!’
‘it’s like you have superpowers or something.’
‘we just made out a couple times.’
‘i’ll climb through your window. she won’t even know i’m there.’
‘mornings are for coffee and contemplation.’
‘he’s not like that. he wouldn’t do that.’
‘the entire east wing will be evacuated within the hour.’
‘she can’t have gone far.’
‘you think you can steal from me, boy?!’
‘this isn’t some lord of the rings book.’
‘do i make myself clear?’
‘is that why you ran away?’
‘you gotta answer a few of my questions first.’
‘all i know is that she’s scared to death.’
‘you think we got a problem here?’
‘we should be helping look for him.’
‘i always had a distaste for science.’
‘i always figured there was enough going on down here, i never needed to look elsewhere.’
‘this is crazy.’
‘smile looks good on you.’
‘we’re not going back.’
‘i know i haven’t been there for you.’
‘i don’t even barely know what’s going on with you.’
‘i should’ve been there for him.’
‘this was not your fault.’
‘do you guys hear that?’
‘is that blood?’
‘you’re freaking her out!’
‘this is mental.’
‘she’s probably a psycho.’
‘and tomorrow night, we go back out.’
‘hey, um… i never asked your name.’
‘i can’t eat.’
‘you can’t get like this, okay?’
‘we’ve been waiting six hours.’
‘we’ve been searching all night.’
‘he was scared.’
‘if he sees the cops, he’ll think he’s in trouble. he’ll hide.’
‘he’s good at hiding.’
‘cops are good at finding.’
‘you’re in trouble, aren’t you?’
‘they want to hurt you? the bad people?’
‘just stay here, okay? stay here.’
‘what do you say? are you in or out?’
‘oh god… that’s depressing.’
‘i just wanted to say, you know, um… i’m sorry about everything. everyone’s thinking about you.’
‘he’s a smart kid.’
‘all that matters is, after school, the freak will be back in the loony bin, and we can focus on what really matters.’
‘just trust me, okay?’
‘i’m so sick of your excuses.’
‘he’s not coming, is he?’
‘you shouldn’t like things because people tell you you’re supposed to.’
‘i don’t know where my boy is. he’s gone.’
‘did you see him? last night? on the road?’
‘i’m not mad at you.’
‘is everything okay?’
‘i need you alive for the next few days, at least.’
‘missing kid, suicide… you must feel like a big city cop again, huh?’
‘are you out of your mind?!’
‘i think she knows what happened to him.’
‘do you know where he is?!’
‘stop it! you’re scaring her!’
‘that boy was never very good at taking care of himself.’
‘why am i just hearing about this?’
‘it’d be super weird if i’m not there…’
‘it’s just a loud noise. it’s okay.’
‘they won’t tell anyone about you. they promise.’
‘we wouldn’t have upset you if we knew you had superpowers.’
‘what is “friend”?’
‘you promised that you’d go.’
‘we’re gonna have a great time.’
‘he just wants to get into your pants…’
‘make sure i don’t get drunk and do anything stupid.’
‘you ever feel cursed?’
‘hey, come back inside.’
‘you are a cliché, you do realise that?’
‘yeah, she’s smart, you douche!’
‘you’re bleeding.’
‘just go ahead and go home, okay?’
‘jesus, you scared me!’
‘i didn’t think it’d be a big deal.’
‘you can talk to me.’
‘nothing happened.’
‘you need to stop this, okay?’
‘people are looking for him and they’re going to find him.’
‘can you just try and get some sleep? can you do that for me?’
‘you seriously think that the weirdo knows where he is?’
‘if there is something out there, i’m gonna shoot it in the eye - and blind it.’
‘use your powers, okay?’
‘if you get hungry, eat his snacks, okay?’
‘i know the kid’s not in there, but i gotta check off this box.’
‘no one breaks in here. certainly not some kid.’
‘who’s in charge here?’
‘science doesn’t make any damn sense to me.’
‘i seriously have no idea who you’re talking about.’
‘he’s in danger.’
‘he’s dead.’
‘i’m a dick.’
‘he must really have something to hide.’
‘yeah, this isn’t creepy at all.’
‘this is called stalking.’
‘that’s the thing about perverts. it’s hard-wired into them. you know, they just can’t help themselves.’
‘maybe she freaked out when you went all psycho on the psycho.’
‘why did they hurt you?’
‘friends tell the truth.’
‘i understand.’
‘tell me what to do.’
‘i think something happened. something terrible.’
‘this is CIA-sanctioned research.’
‘i’m not saying that there’s some grand conspiracy. i’m just saying maybe something happened.’
‘maybe he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and he saw something that he shouldn’t have.’
‘don’t waste your time with her.’
‘we are not calling the cops!’
‘please tell me it’s not the kid.’
‘you were supposed to help us find him alive.’
‘why did you lie to us?’
‘what is wrong with you?’
‘whoever you found is not my boy.’
he was hiding from that thing.’
‘you’ve gotta stop this…’
‘you’re talking about grief.’
‘i swear to you, i know what i saw. and i’m not crazy.’
‘i’m not saying that you’re crazy.’
‘i need you to believe me.’
‘i want you to try and get some sleep, if you can.’
‘can you please stop that?’
‘i thought we were friends, you know? but friends tell each other the truth.’
‘you hurt me.’
‘are you sure you’re gonna be alright here by yourself?’
‘screw his funeral!’
‘yeah, okay, but why didn’t you just talk to me? that’s crazy.’
‘i don’t know… i was scared.’
‘my parents are gonna murder me!’
‘this is not an okay time for you to shut down.’
‘maybe he’s haunting us.’
‘he’s out there somewhere. all we have to do is find him.’
‘you look pretty good.’
‘we just talked.’
‘the troopers are on duty and you should be safe because we think this is just an isolated incident.’
‘remember, if anyone sees us, look sad.’
‘do you think you can open it?’
‘she’s missing and something terrible happened to her. i know it! and no one is listening to me!’
‘just leave me alone!’
‘pull me out! pull me out!’
‘what? who is interested in this? this is so stupid.’
‘i think that’s a real messed up thing to do.’
‘grief shows itself in funny ways.’
‘i shouldn’t have come here today.’
‘she’s smart. she’s real smart.’
so why are you lying to me, man?’
‘what’s your problem, bud?’
‘stick your nose someplace else.’
‘thanks for ruining the game, dick.’
‘you’re gonna get us both killed!’
‘she’ll find him.’
‘i need you to find him.’
‘hurt him?’
‘i i guess i’d rather observe people than, you know…’
‘jesus, the hell happened?’
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warrior-lady-sif · 8 years ago
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I am the Lady Sif. Born a goddess and forged a warrior. I have been baptized in the tears of my enemies. And their children’s children fear my name.
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warrior-lady-sif · 8 years ago
“Perhaps you are right,” Thor sighed, though his tone betrayed his thoughts. He did not believe such things. He knew he would marry for politics and not for love – though the thought bothered him more than he could say. “Life would be simpler if I had you at my side,” he admitted softly.
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"Of course I’m right,” she nodded. “I’m always right!” Despite the teasing tone of her words, however, the way Thor had spoken pained her. She always did whatever she could to help him, but there were times when all she could do was stand by and hope things worked out. As he spoke again, she tilted her head to one side, her expression soft. “You’ll always have me,” she promised. “For whatever you need.”
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warrior-lady-sif · 8 years ago
“The food was his relations!” Thor scoffed. “Of all the pigs at that feast, you picked the one that runs towards the smell of roasting pork. I do not believe there is a less intelligent animal in existence.”
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Sif gasped, feigning shock at his words. "Do not blame me for the choice of pig! Besides,” she added, attempting to hold back a laugh. “The beast was most likely tempted by the smell of other foods, not that of his kin!”
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warrior-lady-sif · 8 years ago
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warrior-lady-sif · 8 years ago
“How was I to know that was the direction the beast would choose?” Thor countered. “An intelligent animal would have run for freedom and fresh air.”
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“Clearly he was not an intelligent creature,” she chuckled. “Or maybe he was, and simply made his way to the nearest source of food instead.”
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warrior-lady-sif · 8 years ago
“Doing as I ask and helping to bare the burden are very different things, Lady Sif,” Thor pointed out with a sad smile. “When the task is done, those who have been asked return to their lives. The one that will sit beside me must bare the weight of asking along with me.”
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She shook her head gently, the soft smile still in place. “I think you underestimate just how much people care. Perhaps not all of them would be willing to share the burdens that come with sitting on the throne, but I do not believe it will be quite as difficult as you seem to think.”
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warrior-lady-sif · 8 years ago
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gif meme: ↳ anon requested: sif + full body shots
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