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warrior-komatsuhime · 11 months ago
"You will never be able to hate yourself into a version you love"
- Random Quotes
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warrior-komatsuhime · 1 year ago
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Here's a rough Portal-Cloak animation test from a while ago that I forgot to post.
[Image ID: A GIF of Danny Phantom stepping out of a swirling black portal, looking around, and then jumping out of frame to the right. Phantom has light green skin and white firey hair. As he turns to leave, Phantom flicks his hand over his shoulder and the portal behind him turns into a black, flame-like cloak. /. End ID]
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years ago
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I really liked the idea of half-ghost Jason, so I did my take on a design for him 😀
Unlike Danny, Jason's halfa mode is closer to Vlad since the death and rebirth didn't happen at the same time.
It looks more like what the person wants to project as vibe?
The spectral cloak was initially there look more ghostly, but then my brain cooked up the idea that it acted almost like a bunch of whiskers, sensing ectoplasm or potential threats around him (like an octopus, idk if it's funny or cursed 😅)
Jason would probably use (maybe abuse a bit) of his ghostly powers after Danny somehow purified the Lazarus waters in his system (Danny, head in his hands : I didn't mean to perform accidental halfa creation).
- - -
The Bats are not having a good time. There is someone killing off criminal left and right in Crime Alley and the culprit is extremely efficient and clearly trained.
No sign of entry at the crime scene. Not even a spec of dirt left behind.
Crime Alley has become suspiciously calm recently.
They whisper about a boogeyman, a red ghost.
(I honestly really want to continue this ❤) Edit: Here is Part 02!
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years ago
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okay but can you imagine—
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years ago
You know the popular hc that most ghosts believe Clockwork is a myth? And Danny is the only one to have ever interacted with Clockwork. And all the other Ancients know him because CW is an Ancient as well. But what if most the Ancients think that CW is a myth as well? Because CW has been chained and bound a lot longer than Pariah Dark ever existed by Observants of the past. CW would've been unbound when PD killed the Observants, but PD bound CW himself before killing all the old Observants. PD kept the younger/ new ones alive because even though he's a tyrant he knew that the Infinite Realm needs at least a few Observants.
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years ago
DPxDC idea thing
So picture this, the Justice League have just captured the new vigilante called Phantom. So far he has refused to talk to any JL members and seemingly vanished every time they tried to speak to him. After a particularly difficult battle Superman is finally able to put power restricting cuffs on Phantom and bring him to the Watchtower. Phantom has been silent since being subdued and looks like he's being walked to his execution.
Meanwhile, Red Hood has been brought in on an unrelated case and is speaking to a League member when he feels a kind of tugging in his chest. He starts walking in the direction he's being pulled and looks through the one way mirror looking into one of the interrogation rooms. He locks eyes with the green eyed boy and feels fire start burning in his chest as his brain screams protect king help. He's consumed with a feeling almost like the pit rage as he bursts through the door and makes a beeline to Danny. Batman starts to step in front of him but Jason throws him into the wall and undoes Danny's cuffs. Once Danny is free Jason blinks and looks around, feeling unbalanced now that the all consuming need to protect Phantom has subsided.
Danny is completely stunned as he looks at this leather clad mountain of a man that radiates safe protected friend. He's quickly snapped out of his shock as Superman enters the room and starts to grab Jason's shoulder. Danny's protective king instincts kick in as he darts between Supes and Jason, in a voice filled with static and cracking ice he says, "Don't touch my Knight."
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years ago
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I listened to My Goodbye - EPIC: The Musicalc and oh my God
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years ago
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*screams* Can't believe I managed to complete 12 pages of something!
But yea this was an idea born from the good!Vlad au I'm coming up with; the idea of "what would need to happen for Vlad to actually make the first move and reach out to Jack and Maddie?"
I hope his suffering brings you joy :3
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years ago
I'd like to think that Clockwork is fully omnipotent. However, CW just decides not to check every timeline ever because where is the fun in knowing everything all the time? There is none! And we all know how much mischief CW likes to get up to.
For the super villian Danny, having Clockwork drop him off in the DC universe give big this is my playground/playpen energy to me like to Clockwork Danny is just a bae bee just a wee liddol one he's basically dropping Danny off in another universe like it's a sandbox and telling him to go ham
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years ago
So there are two specific HCs of what Jason did when he came back to life that I adore.
1. He went around the world and trained with the best like Bruce. But also learned magic unlike Bruce.
2. He became a doctor. A thing Bruce failed and abandoned. But something Jason succeeded in.
I propose he did both. As Jason traveled around the world, he learned medicine and medical techniques as well as magic. And then when Jason came back to Gotham, he set about getting his U.S. medical license. Jason even knows how to use his magic to heal.
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years ago
I don't know if anyone has thought of this yet, but hear me out. Danny Phantom x Death Parade crossover. If anyone come up with something please tag me because I would love to read this or see some art.
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years ago
Gothamites assume this random kid with a knife in his stomach is a meta and deciding not to call anyone about it. Because they know Batman has a no meta rule and this kid is just minding his own business so they don't want to make Danny's life any harder on top of being a teenager in Gotham with a stab wound.
And when the batfam just happen to run meet Danny at Batburger, they are very concerned about how not concerned this child is. Then Danny grabs his order and leaves. The bats try to follow Danny, but he straight up vanishes and they can't find him.
Danny, Jazz, and their parents all go to Gotham for some reason, most likely something sciencey or related to Jazz and college, IDC.
(Danny has only been in Gotham for a single afternoon and he’s already had 4 people attempt to mug him, almost been run over, and walked through what he’s pretty sure was a gang fight. But the weirdest thing that had to have happened to him so far has been the multiple random people keep giving him weird looks and asking if he’s okay way to often for Gotham don’t-trust-people City. It must be his Fenton luck.)
After all the randomness Gotham throws at Danny he like most teenagers exhausted and hungry late at night goes to get fast food. He walks into Batburger (it’s a Gotham staple he wants to know how it compares to the Nasty Burger) and the cashier stares at Danny as he orders like 12 peoples worth of food for him and Jazz.
The cashier, a literal midnight shift customer service worker asks Danny if he’s okay. Danny even more annoyed about people asking that just let’s put an exaggerated sigh and says something about being “Just tired and hungry.” The cashier, who is not paid enough for this drops it, rings Danny up, and gives him a order number.
Danny’s order takes a while so he just leans on a wall and surfs the web, maybe messages Jazz or Sam and Tucker. Just vibes, leaning on the Batburger wall.
Eventually some of the bats shows up mid patrol to get something to eat and all pause in the doorway. Causing Danny to look up from his phone and see all of them looking right at him. Danny an annoyed teenager just asks them what they’re looking at.
One of them breaking out of the awkwardness asks Danny if he’s okay. Danny who’s been asked that 15+ times in the last 45 minutes just yells “Why do people keep asking me that?!?”
One of the bats responds with something like “… because you have a knife in your stomach.”
Danny looks down and sees that yes he does have a knife in him and just didn’t notice it. His only response is along the lines of “Oh, I liked this hoodie.”
The bats are thinking this kids in shock or something and Danny’s just thinking now he has a free knife because it��ll be healed in a day or so.
Danny order number gets called, he gets his food, and he just walks away ghosting the concerned bats.
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years ago
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So I read something where Phantom becomes a Lord of Order. Also he and Klarion are shipped (if anyone know what I'm talking about please send the post to me). But I want Danny to be something new and different. Something that didn't exist before him. Danny is the Lord of Neutrality. Little bit of chaos along with a little bit of order. Or in the face of great chaos he'll act as order. But if the powers shifts to order, he'll cause a little bit of chaos to even it all out.
If anyone decides to write this please tag me. I would love to read it.
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years ago
So I read something where Phantom becomes a Lord of Order. Also he and Klarion are shipped (if anyone know what I'm talking about please send the post to me). But I want Danny to be something new and different. Something that didn't exist before him. Danny is the Lord of Neutrality. Little bit of chaos along with a little bit of order. Or in the face of great chaos he'll act as order. But if the powers shifts to order, he'll cause a little bit of chaos to even it all out.
If anyone decides to write this please tag me. I would love to read it.
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years ago
That's probably the canon explanation. But I personally like my explanation better.
There is a scientific reason as to why Phantom's skin is blue in a lot of fics and as Dan. Cyanosis is when the skin appears bluish as a result of oxygen deficiency in circulating blood. Danny Phantom's skin only turns blue when he realizes he doesn't actually need to breathe in ghost form and stops doing it.
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years ago
The Observants' Control
The Observants are more than mere observers. Of course that is the majority of their job. However, the Observants love to be in control. They need to make sure everything is the way they want it needs to be. Plus, the rush of power they get from that control. It's such a pleasant buzz. Not many beings can say they control an Ancient and a God. That rush is intoxicating. Although, Clockwork is the only one they can control at the moment. They are hopeful to control some more soon. The more powerful the Observants can become, the better everything will be for the rest of the Infinite Realms and beyond.
However, controlling an Ancient wasn’t and still isn't an easy task, especially one such as Clockwork. The Observants used Clockwork's past relationship with Pariah Dark as a threat against them. The Observants made sure to keep the threat vague, knowing Clockwork's own imagination will be far worse and keep them in line better than any direct threat they can make. A bit of ghostly magic helps as well. Although the Observants aren't very powerful or skilled, their numbers and that threat should keep Clockwork in line should their spell fail at any point.
Regardless of how it's done, the Observants have some way to sort of keep Clockwork in line with how they view the world and how the future should be. However, Phantom is making the Observants' lives very difficult. Especially after defeating Pariah Dark and having a claim to the throne of the Infinite Realms. And now because of that freak of nature halfa, Clockwork is slipping from their grasp. Because of Phantom, Clockwork is repairing their broken heart and moving on from Pariah Dark, finding love elsewhere and with a mortal no less. That does the Observants no good. This mortal, Alfred the Observants believes that's what Clockwork called him, most likely won't become a ghost at all which means the Observants won't be able to control Clockwork using the same methods. That is to say, if Clockwork hasn't made the human immortal already. That was well within Clockwork's powerset after all. In order for the Observants to regain their control over Clockwork, they gathered and captured Phantom, that abomination, and Alfred along with Pariah Dark, securely locked in his coffin of Eternal Sleep, and hidden them from view of Clockwork.
Hiding three people is almost impossible from Clockwork. However, there are a few ways to do so. The first method would be to erase them from existence. This doesn't do the Observants any good. They have no leverage that way. The second option is killing them. However, Clockwork would still be able to view their timeline and find out the truth. The last option would be to use ghostly magic. A specific spell will hide the intended target from the detection of any and every being. This will get Clockwork's attention and show them that the Observants aren't very pleased with them. So, the Observants went with option three. Plus, this way, the Observants will have enough time to think of a way to also control that disgrace of a ghost, Phantom.
It wasn't long before Clockwork came storming into their observatory, growling in anger, eyes glowing with untold rage, and exuding a dangerous, oppressive aura that threatened pain beyond imagination for those who wronged them. Clockwork realized their playthings were missing a lot quicker than the Observants would have liked. The Observants watch Clockwork in faux calmness, all secretly terrified of what might happen. It's fine though because they have the three beings that Clockwork cares most about from All’s creations. Clockwork zeros in and immediately flies over to the leader of all the Observants.
"Ah, Clockwork, nice o-'' the Observant is cut off when Clockwork doesn't stop their advance, but instead speeds up and slams the Observant into the nearest wall with Clockwork's fist balling up the front of his robe. With Clockwork's face so close to the Observant, he can see the tears of frustration rolling down Clockwork's cheeks and landing lightly on the Observant's robe.
Clockwork is not playing around. They had enough of the Observants' bullshit. It was fine when it was just Clockwork and their sleeping husband. However, when the Obserants took their child and boyfriend somewhere Clockwork couldn't see, not even All can protect the Observants from Clockwork’s vengeful wrath. Clockwork never claimed to be a merciful god. The Observants will receive a small taste of their wrath.
"You took them away from me. So now I will take something from you." Wisps of smoke escaped Clockwork's mouth as they angrily rasp their words mere inches away from the Observant's face. The heat of more than Clockwork's voice was making the Observant sweat.
"You shall observe no more," the calm rumble of Clockwork’s voice makes the Observant sweat more in fear. They lift their right hand and delicately place their fingers around the Observant's enormous eye, fangs bared in threat.
It happens so quickly, and so painfully. Clockwork probably used their time manipulation ability to exact their revenge. The Observant screams in agony as blood splatters across Clockwork's fangs and the rest of their face.
It’s so dark. He can't see anything. For the first time in his existence, the Observant can't see anything. Unfortunately for the Observant, he can still hear everything. The terrified and pained screams from his fellow Observants. It’s brutal. The Observant leader's imagination is going wild with what Clockwork is doing to his fellow Observants. Whatever it is, it can't be good.
However, that isn't what concerns him the most. The Observant leader isn't foolish enough to think Clockwork will grant the Observants the mercy of properly healing themselves. He knew Clockwork will use their power to manipulate time in a way so that their eyes will regenerate incorrectly if at all, leaving them permanently blinded. The thought of seeing nothing, not even darkness, terrifies the Observants. Having their worst nightmares come true is so much worse than they ever thought it would be.
"Now, where are they?" The Observant leader yelps and pathetically jumps away in fear. The feeling of Clockwork’s stinging breath on the side of his face is a lot more terrifying now that he can’t see. Not being able to see is going to probably kill the Observants sooner rather than later.
If he is going to die anyways, he might as well make sure Clockwork is miserable for the rest of their eternity. How dare they have the audacity to defy the Observants. Clockwork is just an aid for them to use to observe the known. Clockwork is little more than a tool for the Observants. At least, that's what Clockwork was supposed to be. Clockwork deserves to suffer for what they have done to him and his fellow Observants.
"Somewhere you and your powers can never reach." The Observant laughs in defiance at Clockwork.
"I never thought the Observants would be foolish enough to take a chosen of Aether, let alone what is mine." The deep rumble of Clockwork's voice is a lot more petrifying when one isn't able to see anything.
"W-what do you mean? A chosen of A-Aether?" The leader's voice trembles in even more fear. How is that possible?
The deep, rumbling chuckle sent another shiver of fear running down the Observants' spines. "I am not the only Ancient or God to claim dominion over Phantom."
"What?" gasps the leader in surprise. "No..." the Observant's voice is barely above a whisper.
"Yes!" The Observant can hear the feral grin in Clockwork's voice. "That child, you Observants despise so much, is more powerful than you will ever know. And has the favor of those even far more powerful than him." Clockwork bellows with unhinged glee in their voice. With too much hatred and disgust in their voice, Clockwork continues. "I'll let you all suffer in your pitiful unseeing state. It's more mercy than any of you deserve." Clockwork sighs deeply with faux exhaustion. "However, I'd rather not have Phantom disappointed in me. I want to keep his favor. After all, my child will find his way back to me sooner or later. And I'm sure he'll bring the loves of my existence with him.” It sounds like Clockwork is talking to himself now.
With the small hope that Clockwork is distracting themself with imagining their future, the leader tries to crawl away. He needs a place to hide, heal, and recuperate. The other Observants are probably attempting to do the same thing right now. Probably not. The leader hears the pained moans and groans of his fellow Observants. Most of them probably can't even move.
"And where do you think you're going?" Seething rage is back in Clockwork's voice.
The leader stops dead in his tracks, shaking in fear. "P-please," his voice comes out as nothing more than a trembling whisper. "I need to rest and heal." The Observant becomes acutely aware of the sweat making his robes cling to his back and the big drops of blood leaking out of his eye socket.
"Fine," Clockwork says casually, it gives a small breath of relief to the leader.
Then suddenly the leader can feel that same smoke from earlier on his face again. The Observant barely notices that he isn't even touching the ground anymore as he is presumably lifted and leveled up to Clockwork's face. The tension comes back full force to the Observant.
"I'll make sure you heal." Smoke billows into the Observant's wounded eye socket making it sting and burn just that much more.
In the back of his mind the Observant wonders if that is regular smoke. Probably not. It’s probably some sort of toxic temporal residue. Not toxic to Clockwork, of course. Just toxic to anyone else. His nice little distractive musings didn't last long.
"However, the healing process will be painful." The leader can feel the hateful glee in Clockwork's aura as well as their voice. "And your scars will be so painful. Even a breeze will make you kneel in crippling pain."
If he was capable of it, the Observant leader would have probably died of fear at this point.
"That goes for all of you!" Clockwork addresses the rest of the Observants.
The room is filled with the terrified shrieks of his fellow Observants. However, they are drowned out by his own tormented screams as Clockwork begins. Clockwork takes their sweet, painfully slow time with each and every Observant. They all know Clockwork went deliberately and excruciatingly slow with this process just to draw out their revenge.
By the time Clockwork is done, an aura of contentment with an underlying flick of rage surrounds them. Clockwork leaves, covered in Observant blood and flesh, feeling satisfied with their work. They need to prepare for Danny's, Alfred's, and Pariah Dark's return. They should probably start with cleaning the bits of Observant off themself. And then preparing a meal with all the eyes they collected sounds delicious. Although, Clockwork will make sure to prepare something human for Alfred to enjoy as well. Clockwork is content in their domestic tasks as they wait for their loved ones to return to them. After all, everything's the way it’s supposed to be. 
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warrior-komatsuhime · 2 years ago
Have also considered that Clockwork is also Danny's dad? Like CW would take half the summons while Batman takes the other half. And wouldn't that be even more terrifying? People are losing their minds because you potentially have the God of Time and ghost king or you have a bat furry that even shadows are scared of as the ghost king. People will be coming up with crazy theories. Like is Batman and CW married? Do they fight and more or less take off the crown every week? If that's the case Batman has a way to defeat Father Time?! Tf?!
Meanwhile, Danny is all blissfully unaware of all of this. He's just trying to survive school, random ghost attacks, and his parent's inventions. Danny just need a nap and so much coffee.
Danny is a minor, so when someone tries to summon him, it auto-redirects to a parent. In unrelated news, batman hasnt taken off his suit in like three weeks because he started getting randomly summoned by people trying to reach the ghost king and he needs to protect his identity.
In the Middle of reading this I was gonna direct you to a post where Jack and Maddie get teleported instead because Danny is a minor but nah this is fucking hilarious.
Because like imagine the consequences of that.
People now think that Batman is the Ghost King.
How fucking terrified would the magic users of the JL be? How anyone who knows about ghosts would be? How any magic user period would be? People think this man is the literal demon of darkness and despair when he actually just can’t wait till his kid turns 18 so he doesn’t get teleported to bumfuck nowhere America for the nth time.
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