wardenofeast · 4 days
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above the clouds
Red hair sprawled out against the blue satin pillowcase. Jessamyn's finger traced the bird embroidery that decorated the large wool blanket. Jeyne was beside the open window, looking across the vast cloudy sky. It was far too early for Jeyne to be this deep in thought. Her hair danced lightly as the clod breeze drifted through the open window. “It won’t kill you to come back to my arms.” Jessamyn softly spoke out, hoping her words would find Jeyne in her haze of anxious thoughts. Jeyne’s hand reaches to grip her nightgown. Sighing she finds her feet walking for her. Stopping before falling to her bed. Jessamyn gets up before slowly moving to embrace Jeyne’s rigid body. Tension leaves her body as Jeyne slumps forward. Decorating Jessamyn’s shoulder with soft kisses. 
Jeyne's favorite place has always been her bed. She always finds herself enjoying the time she spends in the comfortable blue sheets. From reading to embracing her lover; Jeyne has never not enjoyed her time lazing around in her bed. “We will have to make fast soon.” Jeyne sighed before searching for Jessamyn’s eyes. Threading her finger in the long red locks. Jeyne brought her head to meet Jessamyn’s forehead. “Ahh not so fast dear, It won't hurt to have you rest your eyes for a bit longer.” Jessamyn quipped.
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wardenofeast · 9 days
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Jeyne Arryn is searching for Jessamyn Redfort
The third child and only daughter of the late Lord Redfort and his Lady Wife, Amanda, Jessamyn is 27, and Lady Jeyne's closest confidant and companion; the pair are said to be inseparable and at times rumored to be lovers. Jessamine is famously charming, considered one of the most beautiful woman in the Vale, and a talented musician, though her short temper has been the source of much gossip within the Arryn Court, as has her continued disinterest in marriage even now that she's nearly 30.
home - plot - wanted - apply - discord - message - q&a
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wardenofeast · 9 days
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Jeyne Arryn, Ecem Sena Bayir, she/her
Welcome, Lady Jeyne of House Arryn !
We’re delighted to see they have arrived safely on their journey to King’s Landing. Around the court, the 32-year-old has been praised as Thoughtful, Forgiving, and Wise, but some have whispered they are also Controlling, Overbearing, and Stubborn. Upon their arrival, it is clear that they are excited about the upcoming coronation of Westeros’ first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new queen, House Targaryen, and the future of Westeros, their true allegiance will always be to House Arryn of the Vale.
(Venus, 19, any, pst, ableism)
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wardenofeast · 10 days
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her gowns were,  more often than not,  made of linen,  cotton,  and velvet,  with lace and silver lining embroidering details. though jeyne was almost always in rich blues and cool-toned shades.  among her very favorite hues are royal blue,  indigo,  prussian blue,  storm gray,  cool silver,  and cream white.  
typically,  her wardrobe consisted of large headwear and various types of cuts, lace and embroidery,  as well as long sleeves. upon becoming warden of the east.  to her standards her dress became much more extravagant,   the embroidery more detailed, more statement necklaces ,  however,  when the weather permitted,  her gowns and cloaks become more simple; less flashy.
while her day-to-day dresses are more comfortable,  gowns reserved for special occasions are far more detailed with their embellishments.  containing complex embroidery and fine lace and silver accents.
if her gowns are simple,  she will choose to (in some eyes) over-accessorize to compensate.  here she displays extravagance;�� body chains,  arm cuffs,  lots of rings with varying golden metals and large polished stones,  and thick metal cuff bracelets inlet with expensive gems.  she can almost always be found sporting long,  dangling earrings with stones that match to the color of her dress.
when it came to jewelry,  she wore a strict set of stones,  arryn sapphire with vale silver.   sapphire gems were often set in ornate rings / earrings / necklaces.  she prefers having baelish pearls accent the arryn sapphire gems.  jeyen refuses to wear bronze or rubies,  among her favorite pieces of jewelry was a large rectangle sapphire necklace,  a gift from her late mother. worn almost daily. 
when it comes to footwear,  she spent her childhood with sturdy leather boots,  and such changes when becoming the warden of the east.  she  is expected to wear more fashionable and ladylike velvet,  low heels over typical leather boots.  Often adorned with lace and ribbons.
jeyne's hair is a dark brown,  long (cascading past her shoulder blades),  with her hair being straight  that she uses to her advantage when she styles it.  most often worn in a long braid, she tends to incorporate headwear and silver jewelry in most of her daily styles. soft and silky to the touch. occasionally put up or worn fully down.
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wardenofeast · 13 days
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Away From Prying Eyes
— @sabithafrey-asoiaf-rp
It was not often the Kingswood was open to the other nobles of Westeros without a King leading a royal hunt. The Red Keep looms in large, Its red color pops against the rich greens of the forest. Jeyne listened to the slow clopping of her brown stallion slowly pacing the Kingswood. The air is far from being as chill as the Eyrie. But nonetheless it gives Jeyne comfort to be surrounded by the wild and beautiful wilderness. She rode further into the woods. Travelling aimlessly with no goal.
Her blue silk headwear shone in the catching light of the sun as it rose slowly into the sky. The rich blue stuck out against the black wool that she had been wearing in the proceedings of the death of King Viserys. In the distance Jeyne could hear another horse approaching. It was to her knowledge that the smallfolk lived and roamed the Kingswood. Jeyne slows down her stead to a full stop turning her head in the direction of the approaching person. 
The sight before her startled her. It was no smallfolk, the person approaching was a woman. A noble woman from the looks of her attire. Jeyne searched the women's attire for a house sigil or identification. Something to point at the identity of her approaching companion. There located on the nobel women’s horse were symbols for the two towers of house frey. It dawns that the woman before her was one of the newly appointed ladies waiting for the Queen. 
Jeyne bows her head as the Frey woman approaches closer. Jeyne hopes in raising her voice the striking woman would be heard as she speaks to her.
— ‘ You are quite far from the Twins my lady? Apologies for my jest, It's quite shocking to see a lady in waiting so far from her Queen.’
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wardenofeast · 14 days
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→ Aegon III’s regents + hands of the king (131-136 AC)
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wardenofeast · 14 days
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→  The great houses of Westeros during the Dance of the Dragons (129-131 AC) : House Arryn
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wardenofeast · 14 days
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HOUSE OF LADIES WEEK 2020 ❧ Day 6: House Arryn
Jeyne Arryn, Lady of the Eyrie and Maiden of the Vale, proved a staunch friend to Rhaenyra Targaryen and her sons, ultimately serving as one of the regents for King Aegon III. From that day, every Targaryen to sit the Iron Throne had a bit of Arryn blood. ― The Vale: House Arryn, The World of Ice and Fire.
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wardenofeast · 14 days
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Lady Jeyne Arryn
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wardenofeast · 14 days
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jeyne arryn sketch commission for @ rhaenyratruther on twitter 💙
if you want a commission like this of a character of your choice, it comes with the complimentary deck of cards i've drawn 🫣🥰
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wardenofeast · 16 days
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challenge five wc: 190
Write a scene in which your character is preparing for Viserys' funeral, this may be a mental or physical preperation or a mix of both.
Death comes for us all. Corwyn knocked on her chamber doors gently informing her a raven had received from the Royal Family. It wasn’t to often that the crown knocked on the Vales door. And it was less common for the Arryn family to leave the Vale. Jyene nibbled at her lip as she read the contents of the brief but tragic letter. Dread slowly crept up her body. Her brows pinched. She was never close to King and neither was her father. A time long ago she once jealous of the prince now king marrying her dear beloved cousin. Her shoulders drop as she finally slouches in her chair.
She was all to familiar with lose, first it was her mother who had always been ill. Then came her father’s turn to meet with death, dying of shivers. And then there was Rhea. She winced as her heart began to ache, she was far too old to be crying she repeated. Her eyes finally drifting back to the doors. Then she finally called for Corwyn. It wouldn’t be long before she and her party left for the Red Keep.
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wardenofeast · 17 days
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wardenofeast · 17 days
[a part of @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood]
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Welcome, Lady Jeyne of House Arryn we’re delighted to see they have arrived safely on their journey to king’s landing. around the court, age thirty-two year old has been praised as Thoughtful, Forgiving, Wise, but some have whispered they are also Controlling, Overbearing, Stubborn. Upon their arrival, it is clear that they are excited about the upcoming coronation of westeros’ first ruling queen, and while the eyes of our court may be fixed on our new queen, house targaryen, and the future of westeros, their true allegiance will always be to house Arryn of the Vale.
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full name: jeyne arryn. also known as: lady arryn / lady of the eyrie / defender of the vale / warden of the east . age: thirty-two. orientation : cis woman, she/her, aro lesbian. title(s) : heir of the vale. father : lord arryn. mother : lady hardyng. siblings: none. other relatives : [cousin] arnold / [first cousin] rhaenyra. faceclaim : günseli hatun. hair : dark brown, long, straight. eyes : brown, greyish. height : 176cm / 5'8".
──── headcanon
It was quite common knowledge for the Lord and the ladies of the Vale; especially the ladies that Lady Jeyne was quite fond of her companionship with other woman.
From a young age Lady Jeyne has been very fond of the idea of flying. often making her maids reread the story of ‘Visenya and the Vale’. She hopes one day she will finally sore free.
It is no surprise that Lady Arryn was was her Fathers daughter. She kept close to him even when he fell deeply ill. To the point of becoming controlling of the Maesters aid.
──── rumors
It was said that the Lady Jeyne Arryn was quite to found of her cousin Aemma Arryn, upon finding out that her dear cousin wants to be wed she threw a massive fit before her late father Lord Arryn rationalised his daughter. [true]
Miss Jeyne once age 6 nearly jumped out of the moon doors atop the vale after telling her maid that she wanted to sore the lands. [undecided]
It is unclear if Lady Jeyne and Princess Rhenys truly got along. She had mentioned in passing that she thought the Princess let her rule her mind and that is why she was to unfit to rule the Kingdom. [false]
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