Warcraft RP Directory
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Welcome to Warcraft RP Character Directory. This aid rp blog helps those who wish to find active rpers for World of Warcraft.
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Pathia "Runeclaw" Wildmane
CHARACTER’S INFORMATION:  Name: Pathia “Runecle” Wildman Gender/Pronouns: Female - she/her Age: Young adult  Class: Druid (Feral dps/boomchicken) Race: Tauren Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Hetero/demisexual/romantic
Physical Appearance: Runeclaw is best described as a ragamuffin. She often appears in various states of disarray from hoof to horn, but she is not to be mistaken as someone lacking hygiene. While her leather may be scuffed and frayed at the edges, her fur is clean and silky and often smells of sweet flora. 
Feathers, claws, and teeth are randomly attached to her armor, braids, and neck resulting in a discordant mess. Her mane is littered with fragments of herbs and flowers, and speaking of her mane, inspired by her time in Pandaria and their funky-punky coifs, she decided to dye part of her auburn locks a brilliant shade of turquoise. A thick band of color runs rampant through each braid.
Her tail appears to be about two feet too long for her body and often drags along behind her like a trawling line. She seems quite practiced at keeping it out from under her hooves though and is rarely seen tripping over it, even if others might be getting caught up by it. The horns sprouting from her crown aren’t much better, and one might have to wonder how she doesn’t have neck issues holding up her head. 
She walks with the confidence of youth and a bouncy step that goes well with her buoyant personality. She is particularly short but her build is well-muscled, if a bit fluffy around the middle, and speaks of the hours she must spend honing her skills and traveling on foot as well as stuffing her face with delicious delights.
Personality: Runeclaw is optimistic and perky to the point of being almost, but not quite, obnoxious. Her cup of joie de vivre is overflowing, and she loves to make everyone around her feel as good as she does. She tends to be a bit of a clutz and misadventure seems to be her bread and butter, but she always comes through smiling and seeing the silver lining. She is caring and nurturing, fiercely loyal to her friends and family, and keeps a menagerie of pets to keep her company but her favorites are her blue and green whelps.
——————————— Occupation: Wanderer Skills: Inscription, herbalism, sneak attacks Hobbies/Interests: Nature, exploring, calligraphy, cooking Misc Information: She comes from a large family and a Wildmane tribe that used to dwell in Feralas. After Cataclysm, her entire tribe disappeared and she’s been searching for her parents and siblings (a set of younger m/f twins as well as her own twin brother who went missing long before Cata). ——————————– ROLEPLAYER CONTACT: Name: Sioranth Contact Information: dragglehoof.tumblr.com Best way to contact: Message Preferred platform for rping: In-game. Skype and Tumblr are fine, but you’re less likely to find me available for long periods. Additional Information: I play on WrA but Runeclaw started on Ravenholdt back in 2008. Stories that have been written over here years are posted on my DeviantArt.
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People have been finding this blog again and actually using it! If any of you can promote this blog, I would appreciate it.
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Welcome to Warcraft RP Character Directory.
What is this blog about?  Warcraft RP Character Directory is an rp aid blog that tries to help roleplayers find other active roleplayers by posting and promoting their character on here. In-game WoW’s roleplay community can be often intimidating for individuals that don’t know where to start or are scared to approach others in a public environment. This blog’s purpose is to help people who are nervous to do walk ups or whispers by listing off a few available people openly available for roleplaying.
Currently this blog is new and depending if it either takes off or not, we’ll see to working on this blog more and more! If you any questions about this blog, feel free to ask! We’re working on add more to the guidlines and set up a FAQ.
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Lord Westleigh Kriegerbar
CHARACTER’S INFORMATION:  Name: Lord Westleigh Kriegerbar Gender/Pronouns: Male - he/his/him Age: 35 Class: Warrior (Protection/Fury) Race: Human Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual/Questioning Physical Appearance:
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Personality: Usually a man of serious demeanor, though his protective nature of those close to him give him an unwillingly cuddly impression on those around him. Could be described as a “grumpy uncle”. - Occupation: Lord of Kriegerbar Hold Skills: Weaponsmaster / Basic blacksmith’s skills Hobbies/Interests: Acting as a teacher to a small group of aspiring adventurers. Telling his stories at the Blue Recluse tavern. Misc Information: Though he is lord of Kriegerbar Hold and master of his House, both his family and home were lost in the Third War after Arthas’ betrayal.  He also keeps a pet polar bear named Kleinebar, who has a condition that prevents it from growing larger than a cub. He cares for it, as it would not be able to survive on it’s own. The bear is also the sigil his house, so he has claimed the bear has his ‘Living Sigil’, so it may accompany him at court. He has trained it to follow commands, similar to a dog. - ROLEPLAYER CONTACT: Name: Matt Contact Information: lord-kreigerbar.tumblr.com Best way to contact: asks/messages Preferred platform for rping: Tumblr chat to start~ Additional Information: I do play Alliance on Moon Guard. If you’d like to RP there, just let me know!
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Name: Valmiel el'Aran Starshatter(Val, Vee) Gender/Pronouns: Genderqueer, He/Him Age: 102 Class: Warlock, Demonology spec Race: Sin'dorei, formerly Quel'dorei Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Panromantic Male-attracted Physical appearance: Valmiel is rather slight and androgynous, even for one of his species. His features are narrow, angular, and refined, denoting his aristocratic bloodline, and toes the line between ‘handsome’ and 'pretty’ in a way that confuses some. His eyes are large, their natural color lost to the blazing fel glow that has only brightened as his Warlock training has progressed. Limbs are long and finely shaped, and his trunk is rather narrow, which is a boon to his preference for dressing in extravagant robes and gowns typically more familiar to females of his race. His golden hair is well-kept and generally bound in a thick plait draped over his shoulder, decorated in small jeweled ornaments, and his ears are pierced several times and hung with similar baubles. His tongue has a small barbell through it as well. Personality: Unlike most warlocks, Valmiel can only be described as a grinning ray of sunshine. He has an easy smile and a bubbly sense of humor, giggling often. While slow to anger, though, if that line is crossed he can and will become quite terrifying, as warlocks are given to bouts of seething, violent rage. A troubled past marred by tragedy is hidden below the smiling facade. He is somewhat of an introvert, prefering his books, sewing and jewelcrafting to lots of company. – Occupation: Warlock in the service of the Horde, currently stationed at Warsong Hold. Skills: Journeyman-level Jewelcrafter, Tailoring Mastercraftsman. Hobbies/Interests: Archaeology, demonology aside from his own Warlock skill, socializing. Misc Information: Hopeless flirt. Flirts with 90% of males he meets, regardless of race or affiliation. Has picked up a lot of Common and Draenei from a long time working in Outland. – Roleplayer Contact: Name: Amanda Contact Info: http://belorezaram.tumblr.com Best way to contact: Tumblr message Preferred platform for RP: Tumblr or Skype upon request. Additional information: Returning to Moon Guard with Legion. 21+, nsfw likely but always tagged and under readmore. Love to plot! Very comfortable knowledge of lore.
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Lispier Silverthorn
* Name: Lispier Silverthorn
*Gender/Pronouns: Female / She/ Her
* Age: 3200
*Class: Hunter (Survival)
* Race: Nightelf
*Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Heteromantic/Bisexual
* Physical Appearance: Her long dark teal hair normally stays in a neat braid with her goggles resting on the top of her head. She has a long jagged scar that runs down her face. It begins at her hairline over her right eye, cuts over her nose, and ends at the left side of her jaw.
Lispier is much shorter than her Nightelven brethren, standing about as tall as a human male (5ft 10in) Her body is thin; small breasts and soft curves. She does not look powerless however, what little girth she has is lean and toned muscle.
  Her skin is a pale pink, looking odd compared to her usually vibrant and brightly colored heritage. Her shoulders have slight discolorations that look like white freckles. Her facial tattoos represent Shadow and are a deep teal color matching her hair, although a bit distorted from her facial scar.
  Her left eye is silver and her right is gold. She believes that the cause of this is the strong heritage in Druidism, being from two powerful druidic bloodlines, although she is not a druid herself. She is very sensitive to dark energies.
  Her face is softer than most of her more regal looking race.. When she flashes one of her rare smiles, two small faint dimples appear.
  She often wears armor and clothing that fully covers her skin, for practicality and comfort.
  Lispier has a plethora of scars along side her trademark slash on her face.: A long vertical slice that starts at her collarbone, and ends at her navel. She has two matching scars that cut along the upper curve of her breasts. A stab wound with an entry point above her stomach and the exit wound through her back. Her back riddled with a dozen or so whip marks.
  * Personality: Lisp is a very soft and calm elf, being smaller than most elves she has grown accustomed to listening rather than talking. She can be a bit shy at first but can warm up quickly to anyone regardless of race, gender, or faction. Easily excited at events and new scenarios. She can also be a deadly enemy is threatened, a silent killer and assassin if needed to be.
Occupation: Engineer, Assassin, Mercenary for hire.
Skills: Exceptional communication skills with her animal companions. Lightening quick runner and agile however very fragile in close combat. Gnomish Engineer, making goggles and sights to her specifications.
Hobbies/Interests: She can be a bit of a dork studying engineering and tinkering often. Always interested in anything Titan related, even venturing to Storm Peaks just to scavenge spare parts.
  Misc Information: Incredibly susceptible to Fel energy. Prolonged exposure can cause her to become terribly ill, unconscious, and possibly even kill her. Will never step foot in heavy fel areas (ex: Felwood, Tanaan Jungle. Shadowmoon Valley [Outland])
* Name: Kat/Kit/Xikra
* Contact Information: Skype:Xikra93, Bnet:Xikra#1779, Email: [email protected]
* Best way to contact: EMAIL
* Preferred platform for rping: Email/Skype/ Out of game
Additional Information: Wyrmrest Accord US
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Name: Tylan Tattersal
Gender/Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 38
Class: Mage
Race: Worgen
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Demiromantic pansexual
Physical Appearance:
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The mage stands at a tall six feet four inches, built into his muscular frame with years of combat training and adventuring behind him. He’s usually seen in casual wear, with his thick, black locks clasped behind his head in a loose ponytail, face nearly cleanshaven. With a square jaw, hazel eyes, and thin (but nearly always smiling!) lips, he could be considered handsome by most standards. There’s just the slightest hint of laugh-lines and crowsfeet on his face, evident of his overall cheery attitude.
Personality: A people’s person, Tylan tries his best to make those around him happy - whether it be with jokes, playful banter, or all out celebrating someone’s existence with endless rounds of drinks at the nearest pub; he strives to bring positive feelings to everyone and everything. When it comes down to it, however, Tylan can be almost scarily serious, offering his years of experience in different situations to help anyone who needs it. Definitely family-oriented, and holds that value dearly - once someone gets close to him, they will notice how fatherly he can be, caring for his friends as if they were his own children and/or family.
Occupation: Warmage of the Kirin Tor (on leave), slight adventurer
Skills: Alchemy, combat, pyromancy, singing, basic medical training
Hobbies/Interests: Magical/arcane knowledge, history, he really loves books, storytelling
Misc Information: Is a widower, and has twins - a son and a daughter, aged sixteen. Loves to playfully flirt, but it will take him some time to develop true romantic feelings for someone. Has had interactions with the bronze dragons, and has gotten himself in quite a lot of trouble because of it. Absolutely despises squirrels, but surprisingly loves any other critter.
Name: kellin!
Contact Information: al3xstrasza.tumblr.com
Best way to contact: on tumblr!
Preferred platform for rping: in-game & tumblr
Additional Information: he resides on wrymrest accord (us)!! he’s also on tumblr, right here
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Name: Garridel Wyllithen
Gender/Pronouns: Male. He/Him.
Age: 97
Class: Monk
Race: Blood Elf
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Panromantic/Sexual
Physical Appearance: A handsome, young figure, Garridel’s body is lithe and thick with muscle. Over his usual, traditional clothing, the man is tall and bulky with a good-looking face of sculpted cheek bones, large fel green eyes and a small, rounded nose. His chocolate brown hair is always seen pushed back, maintained by wax with a headband tied around his forehead.
Personality: Garridel is big and bawdy. Having spent years immersed in Pandaren culture, he has fully taken on the carefree lifestyle of the race, often laughing, jovial and full of smiles. Never one to stray away from conversation, the man is a big drinker and likes to get everyone around him involved in festivities, even if there’s nothing to celebrate. He is extremely difficult to anger and often reacts to stressful situations with a dramatic emphasis, one to take things seriously, but not one to feel stressed about something. He is a complete extrovert and loves to be the centre of attention.
Occupation: In training at the Peak of Serenity
Skills: Knowledge in arcane arts. Brewing of fine alcohol. Combat specialist.
Hobbies/Interests: History. Cultural Literature. Drinking.
Misc Information: Likes to spar with whoever he meets. Also a shameless flirt, regardless of gender or race.
Name: Jack
Contact information: http://jackingtonthethird.tumblr.com/
Best way to contact: Tumblr message.
Preferred platform for RPing: Skype. In-game also works.
Additional Information: Steamwheedle Cartel/Moonglade/Sha'tar EU.
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Will be adding another rule to the guidelines soon but as a reminder: 
Submissions are open! You’re more then welcome now to submit your ocs on here now.
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Name: Yannah Autumnheart (Loremaster)
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 63
Class: Balance Druid
Race: Tauren
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Romantic asexual
Physical Appearance:
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She’s very masculine and tough looking, but mostly a gentle giant, although she is quite short (5.7’) for Tauren standards, but stocky. Physically strong for a spellcaster and rough around the edges from daily garden work and her part-time job as lorekeeper in Camp Taurajo (now Bloodhoof Village since Cataclysm), she takes everything in life a bit too serious at times, but that is somewhat understandable since her life was everything but a walk in the park. Having lost a promised life-mate hailing from the Runetotem tribe in the Great Cataclysm, she was left in her grief and anger having lost both her mate and her home of Taurajo to the Alliance vandals which burned the place to the ground, killing most of it’s inhabitants. Because of this, she helped in building the Great Wall between the Barrens and Mulgore, following the events and moving to Mulgore where she was allowed to keep her job as a deputy-Lorekeeper in Bloodhoof Village. She was offered the same position in the Crossroads, but refused after seeing the ruined, war-torn wasteland of what once used to be the Barrens. She left her heart and her soul in the past and swore never to look back, but forward.
Personality: Calm, motherly and somewhat sorrowful and reserved, but very friendly and helpful towards those who ask and need it. Loves her job and loves teaching curious younglings (and adults) about the history of the world.
Occupation: Part-time/Deputy Lorekeeper for Camp Taurajo (now Bloodhoof Village since Cataclysm) / Expert Herbalist (Gardener); skillful Alchemist (Elixir Master); casual adventurer
Skills: fishing, cooking, potion/flask/elixir making, storytelling
Hobbies/Interests: History of Azeroth, baking Mulgore Spice Bread and Savory Deviate Delights.
Misc Information: Mostly seen in her Moonkin form, meditating by a pond or fishing.
Name: Vaj
Contact Information: vajrus.tumblr.com (no point in listing battle.net since I play on EU servers and 99% wow rp is US on tumblr, unfortunately)
Best way to contact: tumblr message
Preferred platform for rping: exclusively in-game, rarely on skype
Additional Information: If you happen to play on Moonglade EU, feel free to contact me! Always open and looking for further Horde RPers.
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Welcome to Warcraft RP Character Directory.
What is this blog about?  Warcraft RP Character Directory is an rp aid blog that tries to help roleplayers find other active roleplayers by posting and promoting their character on here. In-game WoW’s roleplay community can be often intimidating for individuals that don’t know where to start or are scared to approach others in a public environment. This blog’s purpose is to help people who are nervous to do walk ups or whispers by listing off a few available people openly available for roleplaying.
Currently this blog is new and depending if it either takes off or not, we’ll see to working on this blog more and more! If you any questions about this blog, feel free to ask! We’re working on add more to the guidlines and set up a FAQ.
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