Hiro narrowed his eyes at her. He couldn’t understand why she was so biased about the entire pubic hair thing. “It’s a pleasure doing business with you, Yuna. You made this so much easier. I’m Hiro,” he said. Slowly but surely he made himself grin widely, showing teeth. A little wave of his hand and his feet started to walk to her front door.
Yuna nodded slightly, giving a light grin. “No problem,” she shrugged, going to open the door for him. “Tell Ursula I said hello, the next time you see her.”
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“I imagine there’s not much in the basement aside from a few spiders and maybe a cockroach or three… no reason to be worried about it,”  Walter said,” Magic or no, spiders and cockroaches can’t do much to you.”
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Yuna kicked her feet a little, letting them sway slowly through the air. “I’m not afraid of cockroaches or spiders,” the British woman answered back, “I’m just... the murkiness and the darkness isn’t really for me. I get weird feelings down there.”
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Yuna sat on the counter beside her sink and crossed her legs. “The water isn’t flowing out the tap,” she pouted, “I’ve not lost anything recently. If I had, I’d know... I have a very specific number of things,” Yuna breathed out and leaned back against her mirror. “My magic only goes so deep. And I’m not a fan of... going to the basement on my own. I avoid that.”
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“Something in the basement?  Perhaps.  I wouldn’t rule it out,” he said, almost to himself.  He was a bit distracted by the task at hand, to notice anything outside of what he was looking for to fix the her issue,” Have you lost anything recently?  Washcloth or anything that could fit down the drain? Could be a blockage.”
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“It’s okay to be selfish every once in a while,” Yuna said, running her hand through Sarah’s hair gently as she listened to her and thought about what she’d say. “You don’t know that. I know it’s scary, not knowing what the future’s got for us. But, no matter what happens, whether he comes back or not, just know he’s not forgetting you.”
“He many say he loves me but his brother will always mean more to him. He will always choose his brother before me, and I know it sounds selfish of me to wish he wouldn’t but I wish I was first. And that sounds wrong, so ugly and cruel and I hate that I feel that way but he’s not coming back. If Douglas doesn’t come back, Kieran won’t. That I know.”
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A soft smile brushed across Yuna’s lips and she nodded lightly. “Of course, don’t even worry about it,” she lifted her shoulder in a shrug. “My name’s Yuna. Just call me Yuna,” she waved her hand dismissively.
    There was a blush on the side of his face where Yuna was looking. He huffed a breath and looked towards her door. “As mutual friends to Madame Ursula, I trust that this stays between us?” he asked, moving his face back sideways to partially glance at her. “I appreciate your help, miss..umm..”
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Yuna could’ve easily found him by projecting herself out of her body and around the house, but where was the fun in that? She was already able to detect his presence, because as she looked around, she suddenly found that from a specific spot, a feeling she knew well as fear was reaching out to her. She dragged the experience out for as long as she could, sometimes passing the cupboard in which he hid slowly. 
It was until Ursula called out for her that she ended her little charade, and opened the cabinet door that he’d shut--which really wasn’t a wise decision on his part, considering it was a clear giveaway to all the others that were open--and said ‘boo’ in a very soft, almost eerie, manner. He shook his head and started to plead before Yuna shook her head in retaliation to his almost-plea, making a zipping motion across her own lips as his sealed shut. She took him by his arm and dragged him out. She towered over him, unsurprisingly enough, as she lead him down to Ursula. “I found him. He’s not very good at hide and seek.”
Watching Yuna wander down the hall, she could practically see the gears turning in her head. Whatever she planned out, Ursula wasn’t concerned. As long as he was left mostly unharmed, she would be able to fill the missing place in her tank. She saluted to the other woman and murmured her thanks, already on the hunt for her payment. No corner was left untouched, no door unopened.
It took what felt like hours for Ursula to finally find what she was looking for. She was close to giving up when a flash of blue caught her gaze. “There you are,” she purred and pulled the prism shaped stone from its hiding place. “I found it,” she called out louder for Yuna to hear and made herself comfortable on one of the armchairs in the living room, toying with the bright stone and watching the way the light flashed on it.
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    Yuna didn’t understand why people were so skittish and nervous about things that came along with the human body. Maybe her modesty was just very low. Despite that, she shrugged it off, feeling the uncomfortable feelings just oozing off of him. "It’s okay. Hospitality is alright, I suppose--uhm... At least I could help.”
Still felt creepy touching something like a pubic hair and being in a space where she would normally be naked in. “Okay, I appreciate the hospitality,” he said, sheepishly. He cleared his throat and began making his way to her doorway, walking sideways once he had gotten to her. “Excuse me,” he said, looking anywhere else but her.
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Why are you so fake lol not such a bitch now Ella's gone, nobody to be fake for
       There’s no one to be real for, either. I don’t see why you’re so concerned about me when you could be doing something more productive with your time. If you don’t like who I am, go see and pay attention to somebody else.
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       See, I try to be nice, and I try to be useful and playful and happy like I used to be, but sometimes my mind just doesn’t work that way. I’m not fake. I’ve just got a lot going on in my head that you couldn’t possibly even pretend to comprehend with that tiny, little brain of yours. Leave me be if you can’t handle that.
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Yuna looked at her, almost with indifference. It was as though Nani was a stranger to her, but it was just that she hadn’t seen her in so long. “I guess a game of catch up wouldn’t hurt me too much. Tuna.”
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“So, you’ve got the choice of the ham sandwich or the tuna sandwich. What do you say, free sandwich in return for your company on my lunch break?”
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"Kieran loves you, Sarah," Yuna hummed, "He'd stay because he loves you. And he does, more or less, love the circus. He's probably off to find his brother. I don't know what's in store for the future but... I can't imagine him without you. And like I said, I'm here for you. You don't have to be alone. Anytime you need me, day or night, I'll be here for you."
Yuna opened her mouth to say something, but sighed instead, the tall woman’s arms immediately enveloping Sarah. On top of the fact that she herself didn’t want Sarah hurting, Yuna knew Kieran didn’t, and she knew how much Eva cared for the twins, and Yuna loved Eva. Naturally, this felt right in every sense. “Ohana means family… family means nobody gets left behind. He will come for you, but meanwhile, I am here for you. You are not alone.”
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"I don't know what you've been though together. But there's a possibility it wasn't your fault," Yuna reasoned, giving a small smile, "Maybe she left because there were still things she needed to figure out on her own."
Yuna didn’t have any more relative family. Yuna only had Lilo and Nani, and they were somewhat distant cousins. She knew how this felt, except reverse. “Elsa, my mother died when I was young, I can’t even remember her. We moved to England with my grandparents. I grew up there, my dad got his degree. He was never around. He resented me. My grandparents were everything to me–they were my parents. We moved back to Hawaii with my grandparents, and after I turned fourteen, my grandmother died. A few weeks later, while my dad wasn’t home and my grandfather was asleep, I left. I left without saying goodbye, because home was slowly getting worse and… I loved my granddad. I left him. And somehow I ended up here. Every day I wonder if he’s still alive, if he still remembers me. I went against my family values because I couldn’t stand to see him hurt. Take it from me, just because people leave doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong. It doesn’t mean we don’t care or love you. It’s just… sometimes it’s what’s best.”
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Yuna didn't have any more relative family. Yuna only had Lilo and Nani, and they were somewhat distant cousins. She knew how this felt, except reverse. "Elsa, my mother died when I was young, I can't even remember her. We moved to England with my grandparents. I grew up there, my dad got his degree. He was never around. He resented me. My grandparents were everything to me--they were my parents. We moved back to Hawaii with my grandparents, and after I turned fourteen, my grandmother died. A few weeks later, while my dad wasn't home and my grandfather was asleep, I left. I left without saying goodbye, because home was slowly getting worse and... I loved my granddad. I left him. And somehow I ended up here. Every day I wonder if he's still alive, if he still remembers me. I went against my family values because I couldn't stand to see him hurt. Take it from me, just because people leave doesn't mean you've done anything wrong. It doesn't mean we don't care or love you. It's just... sometimes it's what's best."
She moved a strand of hair from Elsa’s face as she let go. “Did someone leave you?” she asked softly, understandingly. It was amazing how fast Elsa’d grown on her. At first, Yuna almost not even half tolerated her. Now, she was coming to her emotional rescue. She didn’t want to see her hurt. “If you need to talk about it… I probably understand what you’re feeling a lot more than anybody else.”
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"Don't worry, Hiro. I wear my trainers in here until I go to sleep practically," she waved her hand dismissively and smiled carelessly. "I'm glad you didn't slip or anything."
“Good,” she laughed, “Now you won’t be so boggled with this potion stuff. Did the bath try to trip you? It does that sometimes. Mind of its own, really. I’m surprised.”
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“I almost slipped, but I’m sorry I stepped in there with my sneakers on”
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The woman looked slightly down at him, a very almost noticeable pink flowing into her cheeks. She had to give him props--he was only an inch or two shy in the height department. Yuna was surprised that he wasn't confused by the way her apartment was laid out--especially because rooms looked larger inside than how you'd see them on the outside. Her large Victorian tub creaked and groaned. "The faucet. D'you think maybe it's something to do with the pipes in the basement or somethin'?" the English lady asked, twirling her thumbs around eachother anxiously. "I'm so sorry to have... interrupted you. I'm sure you had better things to do."
Yuna shut the door behind him, taking a breath. She hadn’t expected maintenance to look so cute. She just wanted the squeeze his cheeks and cook for him for a week straight. Was that weird? Yes. She decided it was. When she turned back around, he was waiting for her. “Well… uh… my bath is kind of… I don’t know what’s wrong with it. It’s not clogged and I already tried the pipes and it’s just not… flowing,” she laughed a little.
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“Good,” she laughed, “Now you won’t be so boggled with this potion stuff. Did the bath try to trip you? It does that sometimes. Mind of its own, really. I’m surprised.”
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“Yes,” he grumbled. Then tucked the plastic into his pocket.
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Yuna knew she was making him more nervous as she blabbered on. That was her specialty. It really didn’t bother her, she just liked seeing people squirm. She heard the tub creaking and rolled her eyes a little bit. “You got what you were looking for yet?”
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Hiro was still blushing and his hand was stupidly still holding her bar of soap. The woman’s laughing only made him feel more embarassed by this. He scratched his thumb through the plastic and finally got part of the soap and the pubic hair. With that he flipped the plastic over and sealed it tight. 
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She sat there outside in the hall, curling her wild hair around her fingers, watching little chicks run by and into the kitchen archway. He could probably hear her there, giggling like a child, “At least I offered. At least there’s consent here. I highly doubt anyone else would be up for this, you know,” Yuna hummed, quirking a brow. The clawed tub that he was looking in raised up and shifted in its spot as if it was taking offense to the situation, as if it was alive. Yuna smiled slightly, deep, quiet laughs bubbling up in her throat. 
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When she had her back turned, he began to follow her.  As soon as she disappeared out of sight, he furrowed his brows as he peered at the bathroom shower. The thought of being in his own apartment, screwing around with his hologram and listening to Tadashi talk to Baymax sounded so much better than what he was doing right now. He began to make his way pass her toilet and go for the soap in the shower. He had a plastic bag in his pocket, swiped out to cover his fingers and to pick up a pubic hair. Premeditating and blushing really hard, Hiro reached for her soap and picked it up, turning it over and over. He inspected for a speck of hair. A tiny curl appeared and it made him want to vomit, but that’d be too rude. Especially since he was invited in.
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