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We Don't Want A Fucking Fairytale
I think it is safe to say we are far from the days where being a Disney princess and meeting Prince Charming is an actual goal in our life. Long gone are the days where The Notebook, Crazy Stupid Love, and The Vow are realistic love stories (sidenote: fuck you Hollywood). Things are a bit more complicated now, thanks to jaded love movies (500 days of summer! My fav!) we have learned that relationships isn't kissing as sparkly dust falls around us or that hot barista guy with the exceptional beard won't be sweeping you off your feet anytime soon.
So what the fuck do we want? Good question, and it isn't even that hard to comprehend. Let's start with something called effort and no it isn't that "WYD" text message you send when you're bored. It's taking out the time to show a person that they mean slightly more to you than a random stranger you said "excuse me" to the other day because they were in your way. It's doing something that makes that person realize that you thought of them and they didn't have to be present for that thought to occur. It might be a quick phone call, a 2.99 t-shirt you saw that you thought they would like, or that Urban Outfitters Lana Del Rey vinyl that you know I want soooo bad. Anyway, it really is a simple concept if you actually care just a bit about a person. Everything else seriously ties into the first concept. Told you it was quite simple!
As I have said before no one and I mean no one is looking to have someone slay dragons to save her from the tower of doom (sidenote: what horrible parents). You'd be surprised about what open communication will do for the honest man (guilt free friends with benefits, a loyal woman, the possibilities are endless!). We all have had a share of scars from people who have led us to believe that they were reciprocating that same feelings that we had for them only to be let down. I think it is safe to say that all a gal needs today is just to be met halfway. I mean we are all feminists here, right? Now, an irresistible beard, good conversation, and a nice smile won't hurt either.
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