walkerchained-blog · 8 years
Shipping Call - Send me one if you want to plot one or more of these
💚 - friendship 💙 - kinship ( blood or symbolic familial bond ) 💔 - past relationship 💜 - hateship ( they hate each other but can’t stay away ) 💛 - hateship ( enemies ) 💟 - friends with benefits ❀ - romantic relationship
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walkerchained-blog · 8 years
shane walsh ;
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Confusion settled on his face and he rested his hand against his gun, taking a step back in order to restrain himself. He would not get angry and force her to do anything because that was not how people made friends. “Goddammit, that’s exactly what Negan says.” Shane moved his hand from the gun, “I want to talk to Rick. I can just show up but it might go over well if I have a guest with me. I promise, he wants to talk to me. He just don’t know it yet.”
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Wants to talk to him ? As if the Savior was some kind of old friend of Rick’s . Michonne’s teeth gritted together , trying to think of some excuse as to get out of this situation . “Rick isn’t in Alexandria right now,” That was as good as an excuse as any . “I’m out here looking for him.”
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walkerchained-blog · 8 years
tristan ;
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  he could tell she wasn’t one for a conversation. he wasn’t offended. he’s had customers like her before. no talky, just looky. they purchased whatever they had picked out, and left. it happened more and more as he realized people were getting sick. but he didn’t really pay no mind to it. he just figured that’s how some people were. now, he understood why they did it. acted so closed. maybe they had to be. the things they’ve seen, been through. he’d probably do the same thing. then again, for someone who lost his wife and two children, he was being quite talkative.
  ❝ right, ❞ he said, furrowing his brows as he watched her turn again to leave. he figured he wouldn’t say anything afterward. but it was so strange to him. how good she looked. no, no, not that good. how she seemed to be getting by kind of good. did she have a hideout ? food, shelter, other people to be with ? and was he stupid enough to find out ? maybe.
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She simply left it at that , done with wasting her time . Michonne wanted to go back to Alexandria with the small amount of spoiled food she had found and stay there for awhile . It felt as if she hadn’t been there for some time , though in reality it had only been 2 or 3 days . That was a long time to be away from your family , in a world like this . Or any world . Michonne didn’t even spare a glance back toward the man as she wandered back into the trees , decapitating a lingering walker before she continued on .
Deep down , she hoped he’d be okay . He’d survived this long , he can make it a little bit longer . She would have taken him back to their home , if they weren’t already having trouble feeding the people they had there . It was all about give and take , and there wasn’t any of either , she assumed . 
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walkerchained-blog · 8 years
rick ;
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Rick listened, lips pursed together as he tried to remain silent. It’s not the right time. Not yet. He allowed the second in command to go on and on about the archer’s escape and the fate their community would face if he ever showed up in Alexandria. Whatever he was saying, Rick knew was no bluffing.
“You made your point.” He said sharply, tilting his head to the side as he observed the features of the taller man. He could see that behind that mask of confidence, his mind was starting to fell troubled, as if he knew the subjugated group was up to something. Well, he wasn’t wrong. Taking a step back, Rick stood closer to Michonne now. His hand held on to hers instinctively before opening his mouth again. “He wouldn’t be stupid enough to come back. You’re wasting your time here. You’re wasting OUR time.”
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Michonne’s lips pulled up into the slightest of smirks, unable to control it. Rick had changed so much since the first time she’d met him, even more in the weeks since Negan’s line up. He was unpredictable, stone faced, and the perfect leader for his people. She squeezed his hand in encouragement , staring at Simon with the same set eyes that Rick had .
“We aren’t hiding anything,” she added firmly. The Saviors thought they were scared, thought they were stupid. Afraid, that might have been, but that did not make them any less strong, any less brave. They were standing up for themselves, just enough to get under the Saviors’ skin. And Michonne loved it.
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walkerchained-blog · 8 years
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#relationship goals: look at someone the way michonne looks at rick
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walkerchained-blog · 8 years
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smol starter call <3
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walkerchained-blog · 8 years
carl ;
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Carl had been sitting on his bed, lost in thought. Deciding whether another ‘suicide’ mission would be the answer to their problems. When Michonne entered his room he had to blink a few times before he understood what she was trying to offer him. A weak but genuine smile played on his lips and he looked at the chocolate bar. “I can’t believe you managed to find one of them!” he grinned at her and moved a little so she could sit down on the bed as well. “I thought all of them would’ve been gone by now.”
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Michonne gladly took the spot on Carl’s bed, snapping off a piece of chocolate before handing it off to the boy for him to take some. Watching his face light up was almost enough to convince her that the world was normal again. She liked seeing him happy; Carl deserved to be happy. Chocolate slowly melted in her mouth before she spoke. “I did a little digging. Still good, too.”
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walkerchained-blog · 8 years
rick ;
Up until a few days ago, he would’ve been terrified. But now? He simply couldn’t wait to take back what was theirs. The desire for revenge burned in his guts. With his eyes still fixed on the diesel trucks, Rick pulled over, taking a moment to calm down and think his next move through. He felt the squeeze on his hand, which made him turn his head to look at the woman sitting beside him. “ ‘s alright.” His calming words were accompanied by a slight nod. “He ain’t here.”
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The reason of their visit was obvious for the both of them. Daryl. As long as they stuck to their plan, no one would get hurt. Rick got out of the car, talking out loud before even shutting the door. “You’re early. Again.” It was Simon the one that caught his attention, causing his next words to be aimed directly at him. “If you give us some time we WILL find more stuff for your people.”
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The words were crisp, biting, and Michonne loved Rick that much more for standing his ground in the face of this world’s true evil. Lucky for them, Negan hadn’t tagged along, but Simon was almost as bad. The second in command approached Rick with a sick grin on his face, saying something snarky about them not having the supplies they needed. Then he brought up Daryl, and Michonne’s body tightened.
He wasn’t there, lucky for everyone involved. He was safely in the Kingdom, though if Michonne knew Daryl, he wouldn’t be for long. But he wouldn’t come back to Alexandria, not until it was time to fight. Eyes burned as they stared at Simon, lip snarling as he told Rick they would be searching, and most likely destroying , Alexandria, looking for their escapee.
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walkerchained-blog · 8 years
lori ;
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“You saved my husband’s life, of course I do.” Lori didn’t want to discuss the matter any further. There was no point in thinking of what could’ve happened when she was already bogged down by what did happen. Carl’s injury was no one’s fault but Ron’s, and Michonne truly did save Rick.
Lori wasn’t even looking at the other woman and yet she knew there were tears in her eyes. She could hear them in Michonne’s voice. Lori’s own throat tightened. “You know, you – you mean a lot to him,” she heard herself saying all of a sudden, her voice higher than usual. It was as if these words were bursting free of their own accord. “You’re his best friend. That’s something Rick and I can’t give him.” Her voice broke and she dropped her gaze down to her lap. Maybe giving Michonne a third thank-you was in order.
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Heart lightened ever so slightly at the words that escaped Lori, lips upturning into a watery grin. Carl meant so much to all of them, Michonne loved him both as a son and as her own best friend, and it was heartbreaking to see him in such a state as this. Carl had mentioned before about how he had been shot when he was smaller, right through a deer and into him. Michonne had lost a son, she could imagine what Lori was going through, and for a second time.
“He loves you,” Lips quivered slightly as she dared to move closer, placing a soft hand on Lori’s shoulder. “You and Rick - he loves you more than anything.” Eyes traveled back toward the boy, still, on the bed. “And he’s going to love you just as much when he wakes up from this.”
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walkerchained-blog · 8 years
benjamin ;
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morgan seemed like a HARDER man to crack than ezekiel. he was so set in his ways that ben was SURE he would turn him down. they had grown CLOSE over the last little bit but there was still so much about the man that ben would NEVER know and he was fully aware of that. worrying his bottom lip between his teeth, ben let out a sigh and nodded. it felt like the WORLD was slowly beginning to weigh down his shoulders. “ i’ll TRY. that’s all i can offer you. convincing morgan
might be even HARDER than ezekiel. d’you think rick could talk to him too? ”
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“Rick’s going to try, but . . .” The Alexandrian leader was capable of many things, anyone who had been around him for even a moment could see that. But Morgan and Rick were always on thin terms, inching on a line that one of them could cross at any moment, making the other snap. They had very different views, but Michonne knew they all wanted the same thing, and so they’d do everything they could to convince the right people that they needed to fight. “First we need to worry about Ezekiel, and Gregory. I know you can do this,” A soft grin was given to Ben. “And we are thankful your help.”
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walkerchained-blog · 8 years
shane walsh ;
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“Oh that is so fucking rude.” Shane lowered his hand, his gaze drifting over to the man on the ground, “That doesn’t matter. He did it and he got people killed for following him. These be the breaks, ninja warrior.” Shane looked at her, “I had a friend that once gave me advice about broken windows. Leads to Chaos.” Shane unholstered his gun and scratched his temple with barrel, “I bet you can take me to Alexandria, can’t ya?”
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At the mention of her home, Michonne stiffened, eyes growing fierce at she stared at Shane. She could, but she wouldn’t. That was where her family was, where Carl and Rick and Judith lived. She didn’t want any more Saviors there than had already entered and destroyed what they had. “No,” The word was low. “I can’t.”
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walkerchained-blog · 8 years
remy ;
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             astonished grey irises flicker back to michonne, almost in DISBELIEF. ❛ oh, goddess, that must have been terrifying. ❜ she whispers, giving a visible shudder. careful fingers turn over the multi-colored feline over and over, looking at it almost in a sense of AWE. ❛ anyways, it’s beautiful. in it’s own special way. ❜ remy holds it back out, movements cautious and respectful all the while.
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“It was,” But knowing Carl was waiting right outside of that building for her return gave her comfort in running back inside. The figurine wasn’t the main reason she had gone back in there , it was to get the picture Carl had found. The cat just happened to be a bonus. The grin grew a bit as she set the cat back into its spot. “Can’t say I wouldn’t miss it if it was gone.”
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walkerchained-blog · 8 years
daryl ;
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         The apology was unnecessary in truth, yet the archer chose to remain silent. Only giving a weak nod as response before scooping another spoonful into his mouth, again a free moment to collect his thoughts. He’d never stopped to think of how describing what had happened would be like, what he would say or what he would do, “
.Most of tha time i was just kept in one room.” It wasn’t a lie, yet it didn’t seem to describe the full horrors the room truly held, “
Try ta make you work for points. More points, more supplies ya get.”
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Brows furrowed in distaste for the way things were run in Negan’s little Sanctuary. Of course everyone needed to help out within a community, but to give more supplies to those would worked harder than others . . . It seemed wrong, even if it didn’t sound that way. Michonne’s head shook slightly at the sentiment, knowing there was more Daryl wasn’t telling her, besides him simply being held in a cell. “Negan’s sick,” Maybe it was necessary, but she wanted to reiterate that fact.
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walkerchained-blog · 8 years
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smol starter call <3
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walkerchained-blog · 8 years
let’s all be reminded that i’m back in my work week swing , which means limited activity . plus an extra day of work this week . sorry </3
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walkerchained-blog · 8 years
jesus ;
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“he needs to see what it’s really like out there, and who exactly we’re dealing with,” jesus paused for a moment. his mind immediately went to the first day they met the saviors. it was the same day negan brutally killed the young kid, in the middle of the hilltop. “-or at least be reminded,” he said, finishing his sentence.
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“Then remind him,” Finally calming down, Michonne’s arms crossed over her chest, eyes lightening ever so slightly as he glanced back to Paul. “We’re lucky to have you on our side. But we need the rest of them to fight, too.” Of course, Jesus already knew that, but Michonne couldn’t understand why Gregory wouldn’t listen. Actually, she could - he was a coward and a bully. Michonne shook her head a last time. “We can’t win this without Hilltop.”
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walkerchained-blog · 8 years
rick ;
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Slowly, painfully, they were getting back up on their feet. Their trip to the Hilltop and the Kingdom could’ve gone way better, to Rick that was out of the question. They could’ve agreed on forming an alliance against the abuses perpetrated by the Saviors. But even when they were coming back home, empty handed and without an army, the former officer couldn’t give up hope. With Maggie stepping on Gregory’s heels and Daryl back at the Kingdom it was only a matter of time until it all fell into place.
With a smile etched on his face, Rick drove, leaning closer to Michonne’s touch. Once again he felt confidence running through his veins. Together they were unstoppable. However, as the road came to an end at the very gates of their own home, the smile faded from Rick’s face.“Shit.” A large truck awaited, menacing, outside the walls. “They’re here.”
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They seemed to invade Alexandria at the worst of times, especially when Rick wasn’t there protect what was rightfully theirs. Michonne knew right away that this wasn’t a normal pickup. They had finally realized that Daryl was missing, gone from their grasps, and thought he was stupid enough to travel back to Alexandria. 
Michonne instantly sat up, eyes going stoney, jaw setting in a hard line as they rolled through the gates of their once safe home. That feeling of hate and revenge coursed through her veins, but she settled it by squeezing Rick’s hand one last time before exiting the car. She waited just outside, watching the Saviors watch her, waiting for Rick to speak.
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