walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
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walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
closed starter for @ofmaggie
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he couldn’t REMEMBER. it was like a small part of his memory had been wiped, no matter how HARD he tried to think -     he couldn’t r e m e m b e r. his last memory had been of negan’s sick game, but mere moments before he said “you are it!” everything had gone dark. but the runner didn’t recall any pain. he didn’t.. die, did he? no, no. that’s impossible! but who did? who was the unfortunate soul who had to succumb to that sicko’s spiked bat?      abe? michonne? maggie?! maggie -    where was she? she couldn’t have -    she didn’t. she didn’t. no, not her. glenn’s breathing became uneven and messy at the thought, an anxiety attack on the brim of exploding. he ran a shaky hand through his unkempt hair, wanting so badly to be able to stop time and just -     just think. he had to get some sliver of peace, of order     so he walked. only stopping when he spotted a quiet, virtually stowed-away area. he stood against it, back to the rough wall, arms tightly crossed, and hopelessness spread across his face.
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walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
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jumping from the end of the world, to a place across the sea -     where their biggest crisis was an unsolved murder -   was odd. it wasn’t exactly a nice change of pace, but at least he didn’t have to worry about fighting an undead suspect. maybe his experience in horrible things was why he seemed so calm -    and why when he glanced over at an young redhead, he could sense something.. off. glenn casually strolled over, listening in on her quiet sentence. ❛ yeah. me too.  ❜  
Floor 2
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Jean turned around, trying to calm herself, even if she tried to calm the others, this situation was very awful to her. She was just afraid to lose her control here with all the people, she needed to find someone familiar now or at least try that “I hope we can get out of here soon…” She muttered to herself.
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walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
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❛ it is a pretty sweet place to settle down -      get one of those oddly tiny dogs, a house.. but i think i’m just gonna be a typical tourist until my wife shows up. ❜  
“Think you’re going to settle down here, then? IT seems like a good place to do that.”
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walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
text // glenn
rey: Oh, my name's Rey!
rey: Sorry I still don't really know a lot about how these things work
glenn: It's alright, all this next gen technology is pretty tricky to me, too.
glenn: and I'm Glenn :)
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walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
text // glenn
rey: Oh
rey: Thank you so much :)
glenn: No problem!
glenn: ... Who is this, by the way??
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walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
text // open
rey: Can someone help me???
rey: My TV isn't making any noise and I don't even know which button I pushed
glenn: The mute button?
glenn: It looks like a speaker with an 'X' marked through it. Just click it again, you should be good.
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walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
{ OOC: } Hey, I was wondering if you would like an Maggie or Rick?? I didn't want to join as Maggie if they wouldn't have an relationship because I just adore them together (( and I didn't know if you did too :) )) so I was wondering on which you would like to see? c:
I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE A MAGGIE AND RICK. OMG. gleggie is my life -    i absolutely love them together, they’re otp goals lbr. AND AHHHHH that’s such a hard choice, whichever one you have more muse for, i guess ! i’ll love them both equally ! :^)
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walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
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walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
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❛ i’m.. not too much of a traveler      so i can’t say i do. sorry. ❜  
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“Well, I might as well enjoy this city while I can, know of any places?”
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walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
Darling, you try to save everyone. But when the time comes, who’s there to catch your fall?
(via wnq-writers)
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walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
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walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
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Requested by anon.
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walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
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“What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you?”
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walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
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walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
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Atlanta Five Character Descriptions | Season 6
‘Everything we’ve done, we’ve done together. We got here together, and we’re still here. Things have happened, but it’s always worked out for us, ‘cause it’s always been all of us. That’s how I know. ‘Cause as long as it’s all of us, we can do anything.’
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walkerbcit-blog · 8 years
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aesthetics: glenn rhee we honor the dead by going.
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