waitforiit-blog · 8 years
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          ———— are you a fan of delicious flavor ??
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waitforiit-blog · 9 years
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waitforiit-blog · 9 years
in case u hadn’t noticed yet -- this blog is an archive.
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waitforiit-blog · 9 years
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waitforiit-blog · 9 years
im sorry i havent been here!!!! shawn is evidently vvv hard to write and im not super confident at all with him so idk if replies will come today or tomorrow or in eighty years or never ? sry
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waitforiit-blog · 9 years
wife: Where are you?
me: I told you I'm at work.
wife: Swear you're not at Chuck E Cheese again?
*skee ball machine alarm goes off in the background*
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waitforiit-blog · 9 years
Ellie didn’t stop to think. When the raptors dropped inside the fence to attack Wu, she just turned and ran, as fast as she could, toward the far end of the lodge. There was a space fifteen feet wide between the fence and the lodge. She ran, not hearing the animals pursuing her, just hearing her own breath. She rounded the corner, saw a tree growing by the side of the building, and LEAPT, grabbing a branch, swinging up. She didn’t feel panic. She felt a kind of exhilaration as she kicked and saw her legs rise up in front of her face, and she hooked her legs over a branch farther up, TIGHTENED HER GUT, and pulled up quickly.
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waitforiit-blog · 9 years
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waitforiit-blog · 9 years
psa ;; please never expect me to respond quickly to anything ever. whether or not it’s a thread, it’s an ask, it’s a meme — whether or not I responded quickly the time before — whether or not I’m online — etc, etc, etc. I promise I’m not ignoring you, I promise I’m doing my best. I have tons of responsibilities not related to tumblr, && I also need to eat && sleep && sometimes I’m just not emotionally game. It’s not because I don’t like you, it’s not because I don’t want to do the thing, it’s because I’m human. show a little consideration, please && thank you!
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waitforiit-blog · 9 years
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                    dieter fixes him with a gaze that is equal parts exasperated               && unimpressed, if mild. he’s rarely over the top with his own               expressions; besides, he’s not sure if this guy is kidding           around or just stupid. he raises his left hand && wriggles               the three fingers that remain. 
                    “we worked together in the past.”
brows raise, and shawn tries to seem SYMPATHETIC to the other man rather than impressed, but he did get his fingers bitten off by a DINOSAUR, and that in itself was pretty cool.
“oh, man – that must suck.    why’re you here in the first place, then? seems to me like    you’d want to stay away from dinos after all that.”
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waitforiit-blog · 9 years
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psych challenge: [2/3] colors: gold
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waitforiit-blog · 9 years
“That’s interesting. You want to know why? I’m a doctor, and you don’t look like anyone about to die anytime soon…”
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“Unless you don’t give me cake.” He didn’t really even want it that bad, he just wanted to see how far the man would take this.
“...Prove it. Show me the metalscope.”
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waitforiit-blog · 9 years
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“ Because in case you haven’t noticed we’re in a bit of a deli- cate situation! “
“So a... tricerasaur got out. What’s  the big deal? Can’t really do much  damage, can he?”
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waitforiit-blog · 9 years
“This is a little embarrassing, and maybe it’s  just the deprived adult-child part of me, but-  I’ve never actually been to Smoothie King  before. I– I like mangoes, though.”
        There’s a sudden flash of her sheepish         puppy dog face after a second. Jan, no.
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“Oh, no, no, no. That simply will not do. See, I’m incapable of taking anybody who’s never been to Smoothie King out on a date. It’s a very serious disorder.”
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waitforiit-blog · 9 years
my brother is upset because he did not win the bug catching contest
my brother is in the United States Marine Corps
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waitforiit-blog · 9 years
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sry about the absence today!! i got shit done on ellie. i’ll be back tomorrow!! xoxoxoox
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waitforiit-blog · 9 years
Aries: Starts off all right, loses their temper and flips the board
Taurus: Bathing in cash $$$$$$
Gemini: Trying to talk their way out of debt
Cancer: Lending money to people with high interest rates
Leo: Has really cheap property but everyone lands on them
Virgo: Owns every railroad and utility like how
Libra: Is the bank but has difficulty understanding the instructions
Scorpio: Trying to sell their Get out of Jail Free card
Sagittarius: Keeps being sent to jail either by chance or landing on it
Capricorn: Owns a hotel on Boardwalk. That's it.
Aquarius: Has the most money and no one really knows how, picked the dog piece
Pisces: Has to start selling back property to the bank, makes a paper hat out of money
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