vyankarak · 5 months
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vyankarak · 5 months
But mother, he tries to fix me and I try not to ruin him.
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vyankarak · 6 months
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
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vyankarak · 7 months
One of my
greatest fear
is I will die
without finding
a single soul
who knows
what to do
with all the fire
behind my eyes
~ Cindy Cherie
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vyankarak · 7 months
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When death comes knocking, I'll grasp your hand tightly, vowing to reunite in every existence.
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vyankarak · 7 months
Unpopular opinion but being a chapri is wayyyy better than being a pretentious asshole
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vyankarak · 7 months
I am girl.....obviously I shower in boiling hot water
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vyankarak · 8 months
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Yayy thankyou for the flowers 😭🫶🫶
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vyankarak · 9 months
For a while, this used to be me. The thought that why does nobody ever care that i am behaving a certain way would sit in my mind throughout. I hated it. I was on a searching spree that why do I feel so invisible in this world. Why does the friend group I am in not care about me. These thoughts would slowly rip me apart. After a while of being in that constant rabbit hole of self loathing, I felt like why do I need to see myself from other's people's eyes in order to feel a little worthy of my existence? Why is it so necessary for me to look through their eyes in order to feel something? All my life, it was ME who was with me through thick and thin. It was me MYSELF who took care of myself when nobody could. It was ME who got me out of all the breakdowns and struggles. And after all of this, I still have the audacity to hate myself? Make jokes on myself? Let people control how I would feel about myself? After all the shit this very existence of mine has done for me? I am a kind of person who would have all the love for others but when it comes to showering love for myself, I am like "I don't deserve it". Why??! What in the massacre have you done to not deserve this? I told myself. Give yourself the autonomy to experience solitude. Enjoy solitude. Cliche? I know. Probably a million times you have heard.
Trust me you guys. Care for yourself. Youre sad? Be sad. Let yourself feel those emotions. And why does nobody care? Because you don't. How can you expect someone to be nice to you when you can't even be nice to yourself. What is the need to cling onto other person emotions in order to feel a bit of self worth. If you have noone, you will always have yourself, and if you are a theist, your God. You don't deliberately need anybody other than them. Don'r give them the authority to. The world is cruel. Be there for yourself.
Go out, eat well, EAT HEALTHY, eat timely, get in touch with nature. You deserve it. Do it for yourself. Do it for the body that protects and gives you home. Do it for the being that has always been there for you through thick and thins of life. Trust me, no matter how much you force to believe yourself that you don't. YOU DO. DO IT FOR YOURSELF.
why tf am i so fucking sad?
And why does nobody care?
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vyankarak · 9 months
chemicals in the water turning the frogs aromantic
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vyankarak · 9 months
I don't even love him, I just love writing poems
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vyankarak · 9 months
hating you makes my skin burn
till my veins carry boiling blood
blood that i got from you,
did you feel the same when i was born?
when they told you, “congratulations, it's a girl”
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vyankarak · 9 months
From being a "man hater" to being friends with only guys, I grew up :D
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vyankarak · 9 months
Only a krishna gopi can fix me now
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vyankarak · 9 months
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vyankarak · 9 months
waging a war against God all by yourself, beautiful?
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vyankarak · 9 months
"college is the best years of your life" "college is for meeting new people and expanding your mind" wrong. college is for discovering new types of grief. also the timeloop
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