vvxmx · 14 days
Draco is a Top Model in Dress to Impress.
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vvxmx · 2 months
My take on Till and some things about him which i observed because i don't think i can emotionally recover after R6 (Ivan is alive guys i swear)
(mind you, this is MY personal interpretation, perhaps also a bit of me being delusional (also Till is my baby))
From what i have observed, Till was treated really badly by the aliens compared to the others, even in the flashback to when Till saw Ivan for the first time in the R6 mv, you can see in the backround that on Till's glass cage thing there are signs that say that he is being sold for 50% off, to stay away, not to touch etc. He also has the muzzle thing ,which i assume prevents him from speaking, which none of the other Alien Stage members (of those that we have seen) had.
It is also shown that he was quite abused by his Alien guardian, who possibly just saw Till as a sort of lab rat (Till's rebelion probably didnt help the abuse/torture). So how i see it is that Till is simply very traumatized, and his thought process and the way he acts is probably reflecting that in some way.
Compared to him, the others were treated significantly better (from what was shown atleast) . While Ivan and Sua weren't treated particularly well, they wer simply seen as a sort of pet, perhaps like a house cat for the aliens, unlike the lab rat treatment Till got. Sua was like a little dress up doll to her alien guardia, and Ivan was just a peaceful thing for his.
Mizi on the other hand was innocent, she was relativley cared for by her alien guardian, and therefore remained pure and angelic is a sense.
I belive that Till's crush on Mizi came from a sort of need to cling onto something that was as far away from his trauma. He saw Mizi as a sort of pure angel who wasn't touched by the cruelty of the world (which was a true observation), someone who could perhaps be his savior. We can see this because any time Till remembers her, he thinks of the sweet child version of her. And that is also why he was so utterly crushed and perhaps in denial, looking at her after R1, and escpecially after R5.
And in the flashback of R6 when he imagined her, he didn't see her as she is now, insted he saw the bright child version of her, the version that was furthest away from his abuse and trauma, extending his hand to him as a sort of savior angel. He is very deeply attached to this image that he created of her to perhaps cope in some way with the abuse, and the fact that she changed, escpecially after seeing her in R5.
In R6, i suspect that he thought that he was going to lose, and probably accepted it. He was going against Ivan after all, and Ivan is perfect, and he is more liked by the audience. So i belive that Till simply accepted death by the time R6 begun. In R6 he is alot more... Depressed? His vocals are raw and full of emotion, and his eyes look like those that have given up, escpecially once they finished, he was just looking downward as if accepting defeat, and as if he saw that coming.
That didn't happen though, and Ivan FUCKING KISSED HIM (sorry i will just never get of tht kiss). Now. When Ivan kissed him, Till is not in any way disgusted or angry(which is what Ivan perhaps thought Till was) , instead he looks confused, because he is, and that is his general reaction to things, his eyes look like he is searching for answers. Because i belive that Till probabky literally had no idea or thought that Ivan possibly loved him like that:
From what i have gathered from the mvs themselves and from official posts, is that Ivan is a quirky littley guy. He has weired quirks, and he can act and talk quite funny, so if Ivan tried to tell Till, or somehow allude to him that he likes him, Till would probably assume that it's just Ivan being Ivan, and think nothing of it.
This can be kinds seen in the scene in R6 when they were in the cafeteria place. When Ivan touched Till's cut, he was probably looking to make Till annoyed or mad, which would be Till's typical reaction. He was clearly annoyed at first, but then he saw that it was Ivan and kinda brushed it off, since its just Ivan, he is just a quirky little fella.
Therefore i belive that Till would shrug off any attempt as confession or flirting from Ivan.(Didnt seem like Ivan was doing that anyway)
Any show that Ivan loved him and not just being friends happened when Till was ither unconscious, or not paying attention/not looking.
Till is a silly little guy, but how is he supposed to know or assume when there is no proper communication happening?
( he could also have been to focused on Mizi to notice)
I belive Till loved Ivan. Perhaps not in the way Ivan loved him, but he probabky loved him as a friend would, because they did spend like alot of time together.
I also belive that Ivantill can work out if they had proper COMMUNICATION, and if Till realized that his crush of Mizi was a way to try to escape his trauma and abuse and get something pure and innocent. ( I could also be very delusional )
Anyway, this is my interpretation of Till as a charecter. I do have alot more thoughts on him like his natural talent for music and composition, but my fingers are tired typing this out:)
( also i did not reread it so forgive any spelling/grammar mistakes:))) i just needed to vent a bit)
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