vraceni · 6 years
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i miss khr
*DO NOT REPOST MY ART. reblogs are fine.*
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vraceni · 6 years
ᕦʕ •`ᴥ•´ʔᕤ   !!!!!!!!!!!!
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vraceni · 6 years
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30 days of KHR: Day 1 - Favorite Male Character ↳  Sasagawa Ryohei (笹川了平)
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vraceni · 7 years
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Kyoko doesn’t like him watching early morning cartoons 
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vraceni · 8 years
SHOUT OUT to the people who write muses from LESSER-KNOWN, SMALL FANDOMS OR “UNPOPULAR” pieces of media: old movies, obscure comics, little-known games, forgotten manga, literature no one’s touched for years, short-lived TV shows, and all the like. The fact that you like it enough to pick a character, and be creative about it from it is great!  Good on you! 
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vraceni · 8 years
silver pls B)
send me a color and I’ll write a drabble with our muses with that color as the theme. ( ac ! )       @dxnamis.
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                      BENEATH SLEEPY SKIES    swept in WISPY clouds, SMOKEY stories told in ASHEN tones THE WHISTLE BLOWS. mind sees hills in WAXEN shades momentarily. a quiet dust settled disturbed again suddenly. GUNMETAL hues are   a l i g h t   with fire. wrapped knuckles long since pink DRIP and stain MILKLIGHT strands. marring deep by body’s red  (   theirs   &   adversaries  )           he is BATTLEWORN.  harden by years, torn and shaped into being — scars to add in the ever growing garden  ;  bruises dancing upon sun kissed skin.from vocal cords rip a cry as if THUNDER itself come alive. REFLECTIVE sleek silver SHINES hot with flame. from fists comes ways paved. determination a second skin   ( what you have to give: sweat, soul, body, tears. )   &   and  CONTINUE  what rampage is to happen. damage dealt is SECOND to leeching frustrations tasting METALLIC. energy contained yet EXPLODING. slate colored pools hold BRIGHT emotion in their depths; taking in companion of storm once fight is over.            fingers find home in LIGHTLY colored strands if only a moment, damage assessing ---- practice and there is still strain as flame seeps and pushes into bone, muscle, skin ; a sharp and hot spark. pearl incisors dig &. tear into pink lip and chew. STERLING brows draw together & singular and steady as steel is FOCUS in its importance.  
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vraceni · 8 years
ryohei: yama i'm,,,i'm famous???
yamamoto: u are?????
ryohei: i just realized,,,someone wrote a song abt me
yamamoto: no way
ryohei: ,,,ryo ryo ryo ur boat gently down the stream
yamamoto: i can't believe i'm friends with a celebrity
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vraceni · 8 years
friendly reminder that i really love ryohei sasagawa
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vraceni · 8 years
                         ❛    WE STILL DO A LOT OF THAT, KID !!!!!  ❜  & except eat paste--- and maybe bake. ryohei shouldn’t be allowed in the kitchen, honestly.         
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   ❝ Remember those days when we were singing and clapping, happy and napping, baking cookies, eating paste? ❞
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vraceni · 8 years
(・∀・)つ⑩ :Does your muse enjoy saving or spending money? Or are they indifferent?
                              send me a face for a headcanon about my muse! ( ac ! ) 
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well, i like to think he’s pretty much indifferent ?    he’s probably learnt to budget thru kyoko ?  like before he’d buy snacks and stuff a lot or pick me up things ?    ( protein shakes, small servings of fruits )    and he probs did it willy nilly until kyoko was like ‘brother i don’t think that i heart boxing shirt was necessary that’s the 6th one you own’ and ryohei was like ‘what no kyoko i need it listen–’ but she sat him down and was like ‘you could have gotten this is you didn’t spend 1247 every other week’ and he was like ‘u rite’. 
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vraceni · 8 years
( ´Д`)ノ(´・ω・`) ナデナデ
                              send me a face for a headcanon about my muse! ( ac ! ) 
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          i can confidently say that he’s done this to kyoko !!     and probs lambo.  i wouldn’t be surprised if when he was younger it was done to him ?? like neighborhood parents ?      
( ´Д`)ノ(´・ω・`) ナデナデ: does your muse pat others on thehead ?   if not, do they get pat on their head ?
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vraceni · 8 years
..... i want to know about ryohei’s parents..... i want to talk about this.... 
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vraceni · 8 years
Send me a face for a headcanon about my muse!
(`・ω・´) : What does your muse completely gush over?
_| ̄|○ : What situation would your muse give up in?
(`-´)> : Who does your muse honor the most?
(´;ω;`): What brings your muse into a state of
ヽ(´ー`)ノ : What calms your muse down?
ヽ(`Д´)ノ : What irritates your muse the most?
(#゚Д゚) : What does your muse do if they're angry?
( ´Д`) : Is your muse loud in bed?
( ゚Д゚) : What does your muse do when surprised?
┐('~`;)┌ : When your muse can't answer something, what
do they do?
(´∀`) : What could your muse care less about?
( ´_ゝ`) : Who or what is your muse most indifferent
Σ(゜д゜;) : Is your muse easily scared?
( ゚ヮ゚) : When is your muse happiest?
キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!! : What does your muse do when
very excited?
⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ : Does your muse like to cuddle?
( ´Д`)ノ(´・ω・`) ナデナデ: Does your muse pat others on the
head? If not, do they get pat on their head?
(((( ;゚Д゚))): What is your muse terrified of?
Σ(゚Д゚): What would your muse be most shocked to obtain?
( ゚д゚): What amazes your muse?
(´ー`)y-~~ : Does your muse do any drugs? Smoke?
( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) : How often does your muse drink?
ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ: How friendly is your muse around new people?
('A`) : What does your muse do when they're alone?
(´-`).。oO( ... ) : What does your muse think about a lot?
(゚Д゚;≡;゚Д゚): Is your muse impatient?
( ´д)ヒソ(´Д`)ヒソ(Д` ): Does your muse enjoy gossiping?
(・∀・)つ⑩ : Does your muse enjoy saving or spending money? Or are they indifferent?
(゚д゚): When your muse didn't expect something, what do they do?
(゚⊿゚) : Is your muse in denial a lot?
(・∀・) : Does your muse like to tease people?
(・A・) : What does your muse consider to be bad?
(゚∀゚) : If your muse was a drug, what kind would they be?
( つ Д `) : When your muse is sad, what do they do?
♪┏(・o・)┛♪ : Can your muse dance well?
d(*⌒▽⌒*)b : What makes your muse the happiest they could ever be?
(╬ ಠ益ಠ): What infuriates your muse to the point they may kill whatever it is?
(≧ロ≦): Is your muse a screamer in bed?
(ΘεΘ;): How much of a tsundere is your muse?
(‐^▽^‐): What does your muse's laugh sound like?
┌(;`~,)┐ : What discombobulates your muse?
ε=ε=ε=┌(;*´Д`)ノ : How does your muse run?
ヽ(´▽`)/ : What does your muse look like when happy?
ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ : Is your muse violent when angry?
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vraceni · 8 years
op: ryohei is such an annoying brat he-
kyoko: [cracks knuckles]
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vraceni · 8 years
"Senpai! Happy birthday~ Let's meet up after practice and celebrate, ne?"
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             ❛   CELEBRATE TO THE EXTREME !!     ❜        ——————– that’s a yes. 
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vraceni · 8 years
the BEST part w/ Hannah Pilkes
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vraceni · 8 years
☁ please and thank you !!
          send me a ☁ for a thought my muse has had about yours.  ( ac ! )
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        ❛     OH !! KYOKO !!     ❜            charcoal hues snap to his sister, having suddenly remembered ———–         ❛     your friend, the one that wears costumes a lot, eats a lot of cake,  –   sawada’s friend !!   I almost FORGOT I ran into her !!   ❜       quite literally ; he’d been out on a jog and rounded a corner into her.     &     eyes light at the description   (  almost PROUD, as if perfect   )   and hold a certain pride in remembering the interaction in general.      ❛    she said she’s looking forward to saturday ?   are you guys going to eat cake again ?   ❜ 
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