voskreshat · 5 years
Thanks I hate it
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voskreshat · 5 years
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voskreshat · 5 years
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voskreshat · 5 years
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Every time I think it gets better it becomes 10x worse
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voskreshat · 5 years
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voskreshat · 5 years
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voskreshat · 5 years
“Autumn. Dead space. Deepening sorrowful distances. The ultimate murmur of winds that rustle the leaves. Why are you not with me, friend, in these nights, in their sorrow ?”
— Konstantin Balmont (Russian, 1867- 1942), from “Autumn” “Осень. Мертвый простор. Углубленные грустные дали. Завершительный ропот шуршащих листвою ветров. Для чего не со мной ты, о друг мой, в ночах, в их печали ?”
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voskreshat · 5 years
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voskreshat · 5 years
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voskreshat · 5 years
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Everything slipped away in a moment
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voskreshat · 5 years
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voskreshat · 5 years
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voskreshat · 5 years
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                                               i call for him to RESURRECT
template credit ( x )
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voskreshat · 5 years
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voskreshat · 5 years
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐅 — the awoken’s return to sol, where queen mara sov’s plans and the awoken’s history up to and after the battle of saturn are documented.  
“They need us, and that’s where we belong!“
“I was ready when he pulled two knives on me.”
“So they need our help, don’t they?”
“With all my respect, who died and made you Queen?”
“When I die, I know it’s going to be something I choose to do, and it’s going to be incontrovertibly heroic.”
“I always expected I’d die violently.”
“I’m not the Queen.”
“You never seem to think about him at all. But he’s dashing himself to pieces for you.”
“You’ve got to have secrets from each other so there’s room for them to fill in the gaps with their own happy illusions.”
“You won’t die. I won’t allow it.”
“People are literally safer when you are around.“
“I cannot deny what the cosmos has made of me any longer.”
“I am your one and rightful Queen.”
“We are no longer in the realm of pure science.”
“That was where I should have died.”
“Never underestimate these beings. They’ve lived in the void longer than us.”
“I live because of you.”
“Gather in one place and you make yourself a target.”
"This secret is mine alone.”
“On the day you worship me, you cannot love me anymore, for to worship is to yield all power.”
“I cannot love what has no power over me.”
“I knew that it was coming. I knew that the stroke would fall and that I had to stop it.”
“Well, here are my secrets. I love you. I have always loved you.”
“Without you, I could never have been anything at all.“
“What’s gotten into you? Why are you acting like this?”
“You know, when you talk like that, what you’re actually saying is, ‘I don’t want anyone to understand me, but I want them to understand they don’t understand me.’”
“I have this secret, this thing I did, and I don’t know if anyone can know it without hating me forever.“
“I don’t think you could’ve confessed anything, anything at all, unless it were a way of keeping a deeper secret.”
“You cannot fear and flee from death. You must face it.”
“It’s hell out here. You won’t survive.”
“Welcome back to your ancestors’ home.”
“Did you mourn for her?“
“How much can you survive and keep on living?”
"I concede your point but I do not have to acknowledge it.”
'I am not your pawn. My will is my own.”
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voskreshat · 5 years
「 ★ 」   ⋮    A N A T H E M A.   ⋮  ━━   …   Okay,   this   was   tough.   The   child’s   eyes   widen   slightly   upon   the   ’   easier   nicknames   ’.   Those   names   weren’t   AS   difficult   to   say      …   but   the   strange   accent   that   only   got   heavier   and   heavier   made   it   even   more   of   a   challenge.
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               ’   Oh,   thank   you   !   Your   hat   is   really   nice   and   fluffy   !   ‘   
              He   spoke   as   hands   brush   against   his   OWN   hat;      choosing   to   focus   on   that   just   to   buy   him   a   few   seconds   of   time   to   actually   think   of   what   to   do   about   his   own   predicament.   Gosh,   what   has   he   gotten   himself   into   ?
              The   child   remains   silent   for   a   few   moments;   debating   on   which   of   those   names   was   the   EASIEST   for   a   Japanese   child   to   pronounce.   What   should   he   do   about   this   ?   He’d   asked   the   man   for   a   suggestion   ….   and   now,   it’d   be   REALLY   rude   not   to   take   one   of   them   !
              Slowly   CAREFULLY   the   foreign   names   roll   off   his   tongue   haphazardly;   most   of   them   fairly   butchered.   But   hey,   he   was   trying   his   best   !
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A softer smile pulled across his face as the boy complimented his hat, but it faded when the names were being mis-pronounced. He realised the language barrier between him and this child was greater than he anticipated, and he didn’t wish to impose a hard name on him, so, perhaps he’d try to suggest some native Japanese names! 
Except, when he tried to think of one, nothing really came to mind. He’d only been in Japan for a few weeks, but that entire time had been spent underground with the Rats, he hadn’t the chance to properly meet any locals or learn any names. Only through Fyodor, did he learn the names of Osamu Dazai and Mori Ougai, but he didn’t wish to suggest them. What horrible names for a child’s plush toy.
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❝ You speak those names pretty well. ❞  He decided to encourage the kid’s attempts, foreign languages were hard to get the hang of, after all. ❝ I am impressed! ❞
❝ Perhaps I could suggest Japanese name for you, but... I do not know any yet. ❞
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voskreshat · 5 years
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