von-deutschland · 3 years
Bad Münstereifel, a small town near where I live. The western part of Germany and some areas in the Benelux states have been spontaneously flooded after heavy rainfalls all das yesterday (14th July 2021). At least a handful of people died, others are missing. Several villages and districts are still being evacuated. Dam walls are spilling over and even threatening to collapse. A lot streets aren't passable, there's a huge amount of damage. We were without power most of the night, some people still are. I still haven't heard from my grandparents, probably just because mobiles aren't working properly, but I'm a bit worried. What fucking chaos.
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von-deutschland · 4 years
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von-deutschland · 4 years
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my last 2 braincells
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von-deutschland · 4 years
Les échecs ♟♟ - French vocabulary about chess
le jeu d'échecs = les échecs
le jeu de société - board game
le jeu de réflexion - puzzle game
l'échiquier = la planche = le tablier - chess board
la case - square
la case claire - white square
la case sombre - black square
le réglement - the rules of a game
jouer à tour de rôle - to take turns
les pièces - chess pieces
le roi - king
la dame - queen
la tour - rook
le fou - bishop
le cavalier - knight
le pion - pawn
en face = ci-contre - in front of
le coup - move
le coup legal - legal move
C'est ton coup. - It’s your turn.
la pièce à longue portée - a piece which can move as many squares as needed
se déplacer en diagonale - to move diagonally
capturer et retirer une pièce de l'adversaire - to capture and remove the opponent’s piece
la partie - a game of chess
l’ouverture - chess opening
le gambit dame - queen’s gambit
le roi est en échec - the kind is in check
l'échec et mat - checkmate
mater quelqu'un - to checkmate someone
être mis(e) échec et mat - to be checkmated
le roi est en prise - the king is in checkmate
le camp des blancs - white side
le camp des noirs - black side
le roque - castling
le petit roque - king side castling
le grand roque - queen’s side castling
la prise en passant - when a pawn captures a piece by moving diagonally behind it
la promotion du pion - when a pawn is promoted to a different piece
le pat - stalemate
la partie nulle = le match nul - draw
la perte au temps - timeout
la tricherie - cheating
échiquéen(ne) - related to the game of chess
jouer en famille - to play with family
jouer entre amis - to play with friends
jouer dans des lieux publics - to play in public spaces
jouer en club - to play in a club
jouer en tournoi - to play in a tournament
jouer par correspondance - to play remotely
jouer entre ordinateurs - to play across computers
jouer au niveau amateur - to play as an amateur
jouer au niveau professionnel - to play professionally
Follow me for more!
PS It’s the second time I’m making this because Tumblr deleted my post when I was minimizing the browser, it all disappeared and I was already done by then ☠ so there may be some typos since I’m typing this in anger 😩 I’mma go play some chess now 😌
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von-deutschland · 4 years
rating german dialects
based on scientific research, peer reviewed, confirmed by the german government
1. bavarian
this is what inexplicable selfconfidence and ego and privilege sound like
2. saxon
this is what the rest of germany thinks extreme rightism or extreme leftism sounds like
3. hannover
genuinely cant understand a word they say <3
4. berlin
being loud and rude and arrogant isnt a contest but apparently it is
5. swabian
oh look, its the funny dialect used for comedy and being hilarioso because all it knows are diminutives and funny vowels
6. platt
is this its own language or are danish and dutch just german dialects?
7. swissgerman
this is what inexplicable selfconfidence and ego and privilege sound like
8. hessian
also a funny dialect but certainly not the go to comedy accent within german comedy
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von-deutschland · 4 years
Halloween - German Vocabulary
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Gruselig - Creepy Dunkel - Dark Unheimlich - Eerie Mondhell - Moonlit Mystisch - Mystical Gespenstisch - Spooky der Apfelmost - Apple Cider die Fledermaus - Bat das Blut - Blood der Knochen - Bone das Lagerfeuer - Bonfire der Besenstiel - Broomstick die Süßigkeiten - Candy der Kessel - Cauldron das Kostüm - Costume die Taschenlampe - Flashlight der Geist - Ghost das Halloween - Halloween das Spukhaus - Haunted house die Maske - Mask die Nachbarschaft - Neighborhood die Eule - Owl der Kürbis - Pumpkin der Rabe - Raven die Vogelscheuche - Scarecrow der Schatten - Shadow das Skelett - Skeleton die Spinne - Spider der Werwolf - Werewolf die Hexe - Witch einen Kürbis schnitzen - to Carve a pumpkin Sammeln - to Collect Sich Verkleiden - to Dress Up Jemanden Erschrecken- to Frighten nach Luft schnappen - to Gasp auf Süßes-oder-Saures-Tour gehen - to Go Trick-or-Treating Spuken - to Haunt  Heulen - to Howl Schreien - to Scream
Was feeling festive! As always, I’m learning, so if you see a mistake please let me know!
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von-deutschland · 4 years
Dark German Vocab
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Vergangenheit (f) - past  Gegenwart (f) - present Zukunft (f) - future 
Zeit (f) - time Zeitreise (f) - time travel Wurmloch (n) - wormhole schwarzes Loch (n) - black hole Maschine (f) - machine Zeitmaschine (f) - time machine
Kind(-er) (n) - child(-ren)  Elternteil (m) - parent Fremder (m) - stranger Polizei (f) - police
Selbstmord (m) - suicide Brief (m) - letter Höhle (f) - cave Wald (m) - forest Atomkraftwerk (n) - nuclear power plant
vermisst [inf. vermissen] - missing [inf. to miss]  verschwinden - to disappear
zweitausendneunzehn - 2019 neunzehnhundertsechsundachtzig - 1986 neunzehnhundertdreiundfünfzig - 1953
Let me know if there are any mistakes!
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von-deutschland · 4 years
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Monschau Germany
Monschau is a small historical town located in the hills of the North Eifel in North Rhine-Westphalia (German: Nordrhein-Westfalen) in Germany, situated just 4 km across the Belgian border. The picturesque old town center has many preserved 300 years old half-timbered houses along the river Rur.
© J.Höhn
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von-deutschland · 4 years
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von-deutschland · 4 years
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von-deutschland · 4 years
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I read that somewhere.
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von-deutschland · 4 years
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von-deutschland · 4 years
i want to be the opposite of an influencer i want to use sex appeal to discourage people from buying things
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von-deutschland · 4 years
Wo Wann ist Mikkel?
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von-deutschland · 5 years
The Apocalypse in Germany -  Week 11
Long queues in front of Aldi stores because of a discount on desinfectants
Munich: Man sprays desinfectant at Chinese woman while screaming “Corona”.
James Blunt plays without an audience in Hamburg, instead his concert is livestreamed on the Internet.
All clubs and bars in Berlin closed
Desinfectant stolen from hospital again.
They had to change the bus schedule in my town because the Alsace is now considered a risk area and the bus drivers who live there can’t come to work.
Schools are being closed in every state for at least one month.
Pretty much every state bans events
Osnabrück: Guy starts a fight with employees of a supermarket because he wants to buy 50 packs of flour but they told him he was only allowed to buy 20.
Hamburg Fish Market canceled for the first time in 300 years
1. FC Union Berlin selling virtual beer and bratwurst on the internet
Borders to Denmark, France, Switzerland and Austria closed
Tourists no longer allowed to visit islands in the north sea and the baltic sea
Bavaria is going to declare disaster
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von-deutschland · 5 years
Der Junge futtert die Meerschweinchen mit Salat. The boy eats the guinea pigs with lettuce. Der Junge füttert die Meerschweinchen mit Salat. The boy feeds the guinea pigs lettuce.
Umlauts save lives.
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von-deutschland · 6 years
German vocab #4: Internal organs
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die inneren Organe - internal organs 
die Leber - liver
der Zwölffingerdarm - duodenum
die Luftröhre - windpipe
die Schilddrüse - thyroid gland
die Lunge - lung
das Herz - heart
der Magen - stomach
die Milz - spleen
die Niere - kidney
der Dünndarm - small intestine
der Dickdam - large intestine
der Blinddarm - appendix
das Gehirn - brain
der Sinus - sinus
der Gaumen - palate
die Zunge - tongue
der Kehlkopf - larynx
der Adamsapfel - Adam’s apple
der Rachen - pharynx
der Kehldeckel - epiglottis
die Stimmbänder - vocal cords
die Kehle - throat
die Speiseröhre
die Körpersysteme - body systems
das Atmungssystem - respiratory
das Zwerchfell - diaphragm
die Vene - vein
die Arterie - artery
die Verdauungssystem - digestive
das Herz- und Gefäßsystem - cardiovascular
das lymphatische system - lymphatic
das Harnsystem - urinary
das endokrine System - endocrine
die Drüse - gland
der Nerv - nerve
das Nervensystem - nervous
das Fortpflanzungssystem - reproductive
die Fortpflanzungsorgane - reproductive organs
der Eileiter - fallopian tube
der Eierstock - ovary
die Gebärmutter - uterus
der Gebärmutterhals - cervix
die Scheide - vagina
der Follikel - follicle
die Blase - bladder
die Klitoris - clitoris
die Harnröhre -urethra
weiblich - female
männlich - male 
der Penis - penis
der Mastdarm - rectus
der Hoden - testicle
der Hodensack - scrotum
die Prostata - prostate
das Samenbläschen - seminal vesicle
der Samenausführungsgang - ejaculatory duct
der Samenleiter - vas deferens
Sorry I haven’t been posting any vocab lately, but I have been very busy with my first week of lessons at school :) more coming up
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