voidinmychest · 4 years
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voidinmychest · 4 years
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voidinmychest · 4 years
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voidinmychest · 4 years
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This is one of the most important skills to learn- providing your own support when no one else is there to provide it for you. 💓 It’s really tough and might feel unnatural, but it’s really important to be your own best friend! Life can be easier to go through when you are kind and loving towards yourself.
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voidinmychest · 4 years
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A soft, resting duck to remind you to take care and rest. ☕️ You have so much time ahead of you, so you can take time for yourself now.
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voidinmychest · 4 years
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voidinmychest · 4 years
You’re most powerful when you honor your own rhythm. If your circadian rhythm is nocturnal, don’t follow those “waking up at 4 am changed my life” routines because they’re not for you. If you function best when you focus on a single task, single job, single goal, then working half a dozen sidehustles may not be for you. Honor your own rhythm, work with it instead of against it, and you will achieve so much more than if you blindly follow what’s considered “correct” by social conventions of the time.
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voidinmychest · 4 years
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voidinmychest · 4 years
self care sounds so basic but please don’t underestimate how difficult it is just to clean your teeth and wash your face when all you want to do is die
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voidinmychest · 4 years
Discovering what it means to be you and what is authentic to you is a beautiful proces. You do not have to hurry. 🌸
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voidinmychest · 4 years
Bad people don't spend that much time worrying about being good.
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voidinmychest · 4 years
reminders: it’s ok if all you did today was exist
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voidinmychest · 4 years
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alex_elle ~ Instagram
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voidinmychest · 4 years
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352 notes · View notes
voidinmychest · 4 years
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voidinmychest · 4 years
be kind to yourself, especially when you don’t think you deserve it
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voidinmychest · 4 years
You deserve to recover, even if you think you don’t.
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