voesposts · 4 years
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Dear friend, Today I will be sharing with you lesson two and how I got to learn it. Before I do, permit me to say that learning does not happen in one night or one day. It is possible to identify the lesson, but being able to apply it consistently and make it a part of yourself may take a while. In other words, hearing it does not equal learning it. We can hear what we have not learnt. For example; you may have heard that it is more blessed to give than to receive and still have a problem giving because you have not learnt to give. Everything God teaches us is so we can learn it, become it and teach it. But we immediately try teaching it without trusting God to help us learn and become it. Lesson two stood out for me because in the midst of the hard week I was often without what to say. I did not even know how to explain anything to anyone, so I would preferred not to say anything at all or to talk about what was happening. So I was often asking God to let me know what He was saying. Little did I know that there was also a lesson in it for me. LESSON TWO 2. Words cannot say everything. You must learn not to always be the one talking. Do not also try to always talk your way out of a place. Sometimes we must learn to let things (gifts, a trip, a hug or a listening ear) do the talking. The time I spent listening to God, took away the many questions I had and wanted to ask. I noticed that within everyone who came to the house, some did not know what to say, other did, but could not find the right words, and the rest had the right words and were able to communicate it properly. Nevertheless, I discovered that some persons who came with gifts did not have much to say, and other who came to just be with us (by spending a night or two), their presence said, "I am here for you," just like the people with gifts, and for me that was loud. Certain times when you cannot talk, just spend time listening to God. When words fail you, just let a simple gift or a hug say what you intend to say. You can spend quality time with someone and not talk but say everything you ever wanted to say. Words can be limited, they can only go as far as they can go. To be continued... https://www.instagram.com/p/CAKW8RxlviV/?igshid=eso1wq4qh4tt
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voesposts · 4 years
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Dear friend, It is always beautiful to see the dawning of a new day regardless of how bad and difficult the times may be. Every new day comes with new experience, and within these experience are lessons for us to learn. Do not dread a day to the point that you were unable to get anything good out from that day if it finally comes. There are certain days we can not run away from, certain things we cannot prevent from happening, we would get into difficult and painful times even if we do not want to, and it would be unrealistic if we believe that everything will always go smoothly. With that said, they past few weeks has really been not just difficult but challenging for me and my family. But within all of it, I see God's hand, and that hand has lead me into the reality of what Jesus is working out for us. Remember, "our faith is our sight," we may not see it but we believe it. I was able to pen down some lessons I got from all of the happenings, and I'll love to share them with you. LESSON ONE 1. Always know who you are speaking with. Every body who came to the house, called or sent in a message almost had the same thing to say, and I believe it was simply because they had some knowledge of who they were talking to. At each point I received a condolence visit or call from a friend, church member or a neighbor, I knew it was not because I got a new job or a new house or a new bride but because I lost someone. However, within the visit, call or text, some persons had something different to say to me. Just a very few people knew I had all the comfort I needed because I have the God of all comfort (2Corinthians 1:3-4). That group of people had something entirely different to say to me. In addition to that, knowing who you are talking to also helps shape what you say and how you say it. If a woman is sure she's speaking with her husband, it sure should be different from how she speaks to her younger brother. An employee also speaks differently to his or her boss because of the knowledge of who they are talking to. Do not be ignorant of the person who speak with. If he is your Pastor, speak to him as your Pastor not your pal or room mate. If the is pervert and.. https://www.instagram.com/p/CACfXgZFTQv/?igshid=1kpi0vzyiugm0
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voesposts · 4 years
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Dear friend, Not matter how much we do not want certain things to happen or how soon we want them to happen, they are beyond us and must all happen at their own time. We can either choose to prepare for them or not, but we must learn not to fast track certain events or even try to slow them down. In as much as we try to determine the time and all that, we would be causing more harm if we try to make them happen earlier or later than the time set for it. Numbers helps us keep date and time. If you cannot count you cannot keep memories. Time is all about numbers and so are dates. Every time God makes a promise to us, He makes them in the space of a set time. Time and numbers are of great essence on the earth and God has chosen to work with us within the confine of them. If we do not learn how to make every day count we would waste every opportunity God brings our way. Listen friend, every time spent is meant to prepare you for the set time. If you do not value and appreciate your relationships now, you will not be prepared when it finally ends. If you do not make today count, you will never be ready for tomorrow. Invest in yourself today, love today, learn today, appreciate today, value today, fail today, get up today, try today...make it count. It is preparing you for the set time. Knowing that every day counts, we should wake up each day with an intent to make it count. Everyday brings you closer to the set time. You cannot sit and wait for the set time to meet you without any preparation. As you count, prepare!!! Time does not only take you closer to the set time, it also takes you away from the unset time. Let me explain it this way. If you count from 1 down to 10 and keep counting, the numbers will lead you to 10 and eventually away from 10. My advice is; even when things gets bad, do not stop counting, because those numbers will take you away from the bad times and lead into a good time. Never wake up with the thought that there is no need to make the day count because something bad has happened or is happening. Never get stock in a bad time and loose count of the good times. Never allow yourself stop counting. Do not forget that one of God's... https://www.instagram.com/p/B_4Htt4lvdR/?igshid=1egzmveh5799z
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voesposts · 4 years
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Key scripture: Genesis 4:3 And in process of time it came to pass... Dear friend, In as much we would love certain things to happen very fast and others slow, or suddenly and randomly without a due process, everything has an order/process which it must follow. For example, we were taught to start counting from one, two, three...and not from three, one, two. Life is not any thing different from counting, because if you must get to number ten you have to go through nine. It is an order and it has to be followed for you to get things right. Never forget the set time. Counting helps you keep track of time. You cannot afford to forget the set time, simply because, you can stay longer than necessary in a place if you do not know it is time to leave. Sad to say, some of us may still remain in this pandemic after a number of us has walked out of it and it is gone. It is all about counting. God promised Abraham a child at a set time (and I can imagine Abraham started counting), and God also promised that Isreal would leave Egypt at the set time. Abraham got a child at the set time but Isreal stayed a little longer than the set time because they did not even know it was time to leave and they became comfortable with the slavery. Never get comfortable with today's pandemic. Do not get used to this way of living. Keep counting, and as you prepare for a life after here, find the answers to these questions: 1. What will you do when this is over? 2. Who will you become? 3. How will you begin to think from here onwards? 4. How will you begin to relate with people around you? Start them now!!!! Time gives us process. Number gives us progress COVID-19 is not the first pandemic but it is a different one and it is advanced. However, the fact it is advanced is a sign that we are not where we used to be. We are no longer counting 1, It is obvious we are now in 19 heading to 20...lol My point is, if we face the same problem we faced last year this year, then we are not in progress. The fact that this is new is a sign that we are moving. Things you must do now: 1. Keep counting: Do not stay at a place and loose count of how long you have been there. Everytime you.. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_wkVNBFciJ/?igshid=13pjphq3qb38h
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voesposts · 4 years
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If there is any thing I believe this season has done is; reveal to us who we are, where we stand and what we need to work on especially in relating with people. #voe #keepgrowing #Relate https://www.instagram.com/p/B_uavVrlyBY/?igshid=qkq2xpv69gwd
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voesposts · 4 years
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Dear friend, "With God all things are possible" may sound too familiar to our ears right now, to the extent that we think it does not change anything anymore. However, I do not think God would offer to make the impossible possible for us if He does not have what it takes to do so. God is always in the best position to help us. There is never a time he runs out of options, resources or a way out. You see my friend, the fact you are out of options and you think nothing can be done here does not put God on the same page with you. God never says nothing can be done about a problem! He knows more than you do and even much more than he reveals to you. Anytime you give up because you think nothing can be done or you are out of options, it is obvious there is something you do not know or cannot see. God is certainly not an absent God. We do have absent fathers, mothers or friends, and their absence is seen or experienced when things gets rough, difficult or bad. Jesus on the other hand is never an absent God. He is always present even in times when it feels like he should not be or would not be. The fact that He has not taken the pain away does not mean He is away. I would want us to take advantage of His presence. Spend more time with Him; studying, praying, listening to messages and gospel songs...build a solid relationship with Jesus, because within that relationship is your life line. God's presence is the only presence that is granted. Nobody would always be there when you need help, not even your Pastor or closest friend or parents but Jesus. He is in it with you to the very end. He will get into whatever trouble, difficulty, fire or pain you are into just to help you get out of it. Is that not amazing ? Why not take a few minutes and say thank you to Him for being here always? Within His presence is help. Jesus will never show up without a way out..Nooo! He has a plan for you and it is a good plan. Before you give up, give Him the chance to help you out. Let go of your way for His. As long as He is here, help is here. He does not leave us to go get help, He is all the help we need. God is our help not just our helper. God is not just the supplier... https://www.instagram.com/p/B_mLJJ-FiKo/?igshid=1cidlhwftf5an
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voesposts · 4 years
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Within God's word is all the answers you need. #voe #keepgrowing #faithoverfear https://www.instagram.com/p/B_krkMblxKR/?igshid=1no8vlakl20x3
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voesposts · 4 years
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Our homes should be a safe place. Keep the fears, rumor and worries outside. #voe #keepgrowing #faithoverfear https://www.instagram.com/p/B_kreBiFrUk/?igshid=yv5ecy4mdx2t
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voesposts · 4 years
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Why not just dwell in a place of peace? #voe #keepgrowing https://www.instagram.com/p/B_krW__FM_O/?igshid=11ot8z9w1m0tw
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voesposts · 4 years
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God will not lead us into a fiery place without a sure place of refuge. #voe #keepgrowing https://www.instagram.com/p/B_krQbMFldp/?igshid=a8tre51k7rlm
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voesposts · 4 years
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We walk by faith not by sight because we see by faith. You can change what you see with your eyes by changing the way you see it with your mind. God is able to do far above what we can ask or "think." #voe #keepgrowing #faithoverfear https://www.instagram.com/p/B_hvrLUFylL/?igshid=1qow1gz7pwr1z
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voesposts · 4 years
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Dear friend, I strongly believe that everyone of us at a certain point in our life's journey would need help. And it is true that we mostly need help with what we seemingly cannot handle. We also need help in areas of difficulties, to get things done fast and much easier than we would have if we did it alone. So I came to the conclusion that everyone needs help. You can not get to your place of success without a helping hand. However, not everyone is willing to accept that they actually need help or even ask for it. The help we need is a call away. At the course of last week, I learnt to make the call. I learnt that there are able and willing hands, ready to help if only we would make the call (ask for help). We do not have to do everything alone. Things are only difficult because we try to do them alone. Years ago I learnt from a wise man that the very problem with you and your dream is that you try to do it alone. If that dream is of God, then you need Him and the people he sends your way to make it happen. If we do not need help, God would not give help. The first step to receiving help is acknowledging that you need a helping hand. If a shop owner does not need the help of a sales person, no one will apply or offer to help serve as a sales person. Likewise, If a husband thinks he does not need help, but believes that he is will do fine and get things done without his wife, he will never see her as a help meet but as a burden. That is why God can not and would not provide help for a man who thinks he does not need any help. Help is not on the way, help is here. Sometimes I imagine that God quickly starts thinking of what to do the moment we ask for His help. But we fail to see that before things becames difficult, before we were tempted, before the challenges came, God had already made help available (the way out was open before the temptation came). God does not suddenly show up when we need Him in bad or difficult times, He is present through it all. Scripture says he is a "very present help..." I want us to rest today, just knowing that God is not far away because things got difficult for the world or for you. Neither is the difficulty as... https://www.instagram.com/p/B_eeklPFjz6/?igshid=1cgdnakihtahe
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voesposts · 4 years
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Dear friend, Permit me to use this illustration to pass across my message to you for today. A friend of mine told me of this guy she liked, they got really close and she waited for him to ask her out. She said, "Amaechi I gave him all the signs I could, just for him to know I was ready and going to date him if only he would ask me out. So I asked her, what happened, did he finally ask you out? She said yes but he did it late. After I got tired of waiting and giving many signs, another friend asked me out a night before he finally decided to ask me out and I said yes. I hope you got the gist...so let me explain why I told that story. Every sign is given with an intent to trigger a response from you. Jesus did not just tell the disciples the signs before the end of age, he equally told them what to do without them asking. It is of great importance that we not just identify our signs but we respond rightly to them, and understanding why the signs were given is key to responding rightly to it. The aim of road signd would be defeated if no one obeys them. Jesus does not just want us to know that there would be pestilences, earthquakes, wars and rumors...(Which we see today) and then do nothing. The main question is, what then are we to do knowing this? (Almost) everybody knows of the signs that follows the end of age, but you'll be amazed to find out that just a very few know what to do in times such as this. The world does not know what to do either, so it would be aimless hoping it would give the answers. One of the benefits with walking closely with Jesus is that we know what to do. With God we are not permitted to be confused and not rightly interpret signs. Like I told you last week, "the secret place is the place where you get all the answers." From today, because you have the spirit of wisdom on the inside of you, you are not confused! You rightly understand your signs and respond rightly! Amen!! I was able to identify three things Jesus told his disciples we need in other to respond rightly in times like this, namely : 1. Sound Knowledge (Matt 24:4-5) : One way to take heed that you are not deceived is to hold on to sound knowledge. Know what you.. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_UDsRIlfkN/?igshid=1wn8lgy8igyc5
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voesposts · 4 years
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Dear friend, Certain things will not take us by surprise if only we are able to identify our signs. Reason being that, most things cannot happen without a number of signs preceeding them. For example; before you get a promotion at the office or a couple files for a divorce, before a woman gives birth or before a prayer is answered or before a relationship ends, there is always a sign. Sometimes we do not identify our signs as signs even though we see them. Jesus speaking to his disciples told them to look out for certain signs, and when they see those signs, they should know this or that is about to happen. What are your signs? However, a sign is a visible indication that something is about to happen. The sign is not what is about to happen, it is only an indication to what is about to happen. Our signs may differ simply because our happenings are different. That is to say, the signs that accompany the delivery of a child is totally different from the signs that accompany maturity in a young adult. These signs make it increasingly impossible for anyone not to know what is about the happen. Choosing to ignore your signs does not mean you did not have any. Your quest for a sign should be greater with an increase in expectation. Sometimes all we need is a sign. Look for your signs... There is absolutely nothing wrong to ask God for a sign. God in his mercy does not leave us without a sign, because they are good pointers leading to your destination. The difference is in what you do with your signs. The disciples of Jesus met him and asked for three things, namely: 1. When will this be? 2. What will be the sign of your coming ? 3. What will be the sign of the end of age? These questions and the answers Jesus gave made me see that the end of age is different from the second coming of Christ Jesus, and so does the signs. Most of the signs we see today are pointers to the end of age. Simply because the end of age will precede His coming. Time and space with fail me to explain in details, but all I want you to see today is that, "COVID-19 is just a sign." We are not expected to panic at the face of a sign, because signs are pointers to our desired... https://www.instagram.com/p/B_MSjFFlAhC/?igshid=1nun5wmvva372
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voesposts · 4 years
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Dea friend, Psalm 91 verse one has been a huge blessing to me in ways I can not explain. That passage of scripture to me is not just written, but alive. I found out something that has changed my entire thought and ultimately, my life and I'll share some with you. You see my friend, God's word will only be written in pen on a paper as long as it is just in a corner inside your room, but it becomes life to them that will chew it. What I'm trying to say is this, we should not just read what is written in scripture (that alone isn't enough), we should spend quality time meditating on it, so we can build a solid relationship with the word. Within God's word is God's presence Every time we spend time to mediate on God's word, we attract God's manifest presence. Amongst many things that God's presence can be to a believer, one of which is a shelter (a place of refuge, a covering from the rain or the sun, a place of safety). And I believe that is the very reason the world today is afraid...It tells how many of us are truly under His shelter. If a mother hen covers her chick, they have absolutely nothing to worry about because they believe nothing can get them under her wings. How much faith do you have under God's shelter? God's presence is safety and the best place to rest when things are weighing you down. Psalm 91 has always been a passage of security to me until now. It is more about a relationship than is it about security. The mother hen protects her chicks because of the relationship, bond and love she has for them, but they must 'dwell under'... and 'abide in'... That place is a secret place to them. Remember I wrote to you on Monday saying, "I know a place where the instability of the earth does not affect, and a place of rests... I just discovered that the place is more than I thought or would ever think. The secret place is all place in one place. If you are looking for a place to find answers, it is in the secret place. If you need a place of security, safety, love or comfort, it is all in the secret place. If you are looking for a place of healing, you'll find it right there. If you are looking for a place to call home, you'll find home... https://www.instagram.com/p/B_B-wv7loW4/?igshid=i9z2rjvu1epj
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voesposts · 4 years
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Dear friend, People are often defined by time and place. Every body is either in a place, from a place, leaving a place or going to a place. And what make the difference is time. The place can either be an object (a thing that has physical existence, for example: a country, house or an office) or it can be a situation (hardship, chaos, failure, plenty or lack). More so, who we are (the way we think), and what we are expected to do, are linked to place and time. Sometimes the way we behave or respond has a lot to do with the place we came from and how long we spent there. We enter into an entirely different place at a given time, and we are gradually or suddenly expected to start thinking and acting in a certain way. Trust me, within this few weeks of the chaos happening in the world today, certain thought patterns have shifted in the mind of a lot of us forever. We suddenly are now conscious that the days are fast coming to an end, or some of us now know we can't put hope in possessions, we also now see how much we need each other. Thoughts are changing... You can't leave a place the same way you stepped into it. Something either drops or adds. Who will you become when this is over? But God doesn't lead us into fiery places without a place of refuge. In the confusion, fear, pain and panic, you can always find rest. Never dwell in a place that is not shelter...because you will never find rest there. If it is not a covering, it can not cover you. Also be careful what kind of shelter it is. Certain shelters can not stand in a stormy day! One reason why just a handful of believers find rest even in the midst of the storm, is because they don't dwell here. In as much as they are in the midst of the same pandemic, they dwell in the higher place (the most high place), it's far above and called - the secret place; the shelter of the Most High. I now know a place where the problems of the earth doesn't exist. I now know a place where the instability of the earth doesn't affect. I now know a place where COVID-19 doesn't exist. A place that provides shelter to whoever chooses to dwell there in. A place where all men can find rest. I now know that only by... https://www.instagram.com/p/B-6Wzo7lNFp/?igshid=5nv4l31frnlt
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voesposts · 4 years
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Matthew 28:5 *The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where he lay.* I'll share this quickly with you. 'Jesus who was crucified' was the name he was known by until he was risen. Today he is, 'Jesus who is alive.' He is no longer here: at the cross or the grave. Jesus didn't remain on the cross when he dead, and certainly didn't remain inside the grave after he came to live. He walked out!!! Because of the reason of his resurrection and ascension, you also will no longer be known by the former place or the name you answered. You are leaving that place and leaving the old name behind! *Celebrate His Resurrection.* #voe #keepgrowing #he'salive #happyeaster https://www.instagram.com/p/B-4N4g3Fj9X/?igshid=y7xgzhjq1lm6
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