vocaloid-voltage · 25 days
Terraria but 3D, yeah.
What's minecraft
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vocaloid-voltage · 25 days
You... can't find Taillow in either of those regions though?
you’ll never believe what i just saw migrating
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vocaloid-voltage · 1 month
President-elect of Zekrom
Why "Chosen" anyways? Why not "Agent." Or "representative"
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vocaloid-voltage · 2 months
Slurpuff. Looks tasty. Could probably take it on!
Go here:
Generate 1 Pokémon, doesn’t matter if you know anything about Pokémon or not
Based on looks + whatever knowledge you have about it, COULD YOU TAKE THIS POKÉMON IN A PHYSICAL FIGHT?
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vocaloid-voltage · 2 months
I forgot Celsius existed for a second and was about to ask what kind of Eiscue you are.
in an argument with my sister whats the most optimal room temperature
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vocaloid-voltage · 2 months
What if you could bring them to your next Pokémon World?
...same problem. Might not be able to understand them. And... I'd probably have to catch them and. That. That feels weird. I don't wanna have to do that.
Plus, what they'd be able to do would be... really restricted. Considering. They're a Pokémon. In a world of humans.
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vocaloid-voltage · 3 months
20 minutes ago when I bought garlic bread on a whim.
now tell me, when did you last let your heart decide?
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vocaloid-voltage · 3 months
Ah fair
No this is more Tobor Sharpedoboy and Lavagirl than anything
A message from Hatsune Miku
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vocaloid-voltage · 3 months
I have legitimately no idea what this is in reference to, I just got cleared from the hospital.
A message from Hatsune Miku
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vocaloid-voltage · 3 months
A message from Hatsune Miku
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vocaloid-voltage · 3 months
Can I make a suggestion? Maybe don't deliver blackmail?
From LOVE LETTERS to BLACKMAIL Pelipper Mail is COMMITTED to delivering LETTERS of all kinds.
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vocaloid-voltage · 3 months
This is a personal statement from Hatsune Miku here. I haven't cleared this with my manager. I'm not going to. I don't really care if he wants me to say this or not.
If you hate Hybrids, I do not want you at my shows. Do not buy my music, do not use my brand, nothing. I don't want any association with you. Hybrids are people just like humans, and they deserve the same amount of respect.
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vocaloid-voltage · 4 months
That sucks. : (
It does... I wanna go home already. I wonder if the code will mean I get out sooner. It's already been like. 7 weeks, lemme out alreadyyyyyyyyyyyy!
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vocaloid-voltage · 4 months
How goes the recovery?
Haaaate this, breathing hurts. They want me to exercise to make sure I have full range of motion back but I don't wanna....
Part of me wishes I was more Porygon than human right now.
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vocaloid-voltage · 4 months
Breaking news: Unovans don't have hands.
Do you believe in white hand?
No. I don't.
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vocaloid-voltage · 4 months
Reblog if you’re interested in my Mega Man-themed rotomblr event
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The evil Dr. Wily has come to the Pokemon world and has taken over the Hoenn Battle Frontier and has made it his personal base from which to send his robot armies in his attempt to conquer the world!!! The mad doctor has 18 Robot Masters commanding his army, each carrying a special weapon and modified for combat with pokemon as well as people. Defeat them all and claim their weaponry to use as your own, or have your pokemon use as moves, before the final battle with Dr Wily in the Battle Tower!
Dr. Wily’s World Domination (attempt) is a mid-stakes event open to all of Rotomblr (and Gliscord (discord) if preferred) where your muse will be attacked by a Robot Master from the Mega Man game series (exact RMs are in the table below, though if demand is high I can bring in more). Each Robot Master has a type and thus, strengths and weaknesses. Your muse can either fight this Robot Master in a pokemon battle or a normal fight, either works. These robots aren’t the brightest in the box, so your muse should be able to win against them with relative ease. Once your muse defeats the Robot Master, they will retreat and drop their weapon, which your muse can use themselves (in whichever way is most logical) and can also use as a TM for their pokemon of matching type. 
Once all Robot Masters are defeated, then the Battle Tower will open and the Finale will begin. The Finale will be a high-stakes event where everyone will make their way through the Battle Tower, fighting 4 secret bosses along the way to the final battle with Dr. Wily. All Robot Masters will be assumed defeated on July 12th, thus the Finale will start on July 12th at the latest
If you have multiple characters, feel free to sign them all up! They’ll each get an RM to fight! If you have multiple blogs, same story! All types of PkmnRP blogs are welcome here, be they faller, hybrid, eeby, self-insert, and/or all or none of the above! Everyone is welcome to participate! So what are you waiting for? If you want to participate, reblog this post! If you wish to fight a specific Robot Master, put which one (see the chart below for the 18 Robot Masters involved) in the tags! Also the tag for this event will be #dr wilys world domination
If you have any questions the mod will be more than happy to answer them! 
(chart of the Robot Masters and their types (will be updated as people sign up))
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vocaloid-voltage · 4 months
I think he’s in Kalos right now.
It's Goro's birthday... I won't be there to celebrate with him :(
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