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vlqdimir-t0d 6 months ago
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vlqdimir-t0d 7 months ago
Vlad was skittering around his house, trying to get everything set up for his sleepover with Henry. He got snacks, drinks, and video games. What else do adolescent boys need?
Soon, there was a knock at the front door. Vlad bolted over and opened it, revealing Henry holding a duffle bag and wearing pajamas, which was really just sweat pants and a tee.
Vlad smiled, "Hey, man! Come in!" He said as he pulled Henry inside. Henry laughed but didn't complain or struggle as he was pulled inside the home. Vlad led him to the living room where a bowl of popcorn, cans of coke, cassettes/VHS, candy, and video games sat.
Henry chuckled, "You really went all out. Didn't you, shorty?" He ruffled Vlad's hair, Vlad slugged his arm in response, "Yeah, yeah! Let's have fun!"
They goofed off all through the night, laughter filling the house until 1 am.
Vlad glance over at the clock on the wall, "Duuuude, we should get to bed!" Henry laughed and nodded, "Yeah, I think we're all hopped up on sugar though." Vlad nodded in response.
He got up to turn off the light and snuggled up on the couch, Henry feigned sadness, "What? No good night kiss?"
Vlad laughed, "No! Now go to sleep, McMillan!" Henry chuckled, "Alright! Almighty vampire!"
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vlqdimir-t0d 7 months ago
Vlad what would you do if you did have a twin sister
Vlad: Well, it wouldn't be unwelcome but I'd be so confused.
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vlqdimir-t0d 7 months ago
You guys, if you have NO INTEREST in TCOVT please follow my main @spencer-vqmp
This is a roleplay and ask account! Please, follow my main.
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vlqdimir-t0d 7 months ago
Henry: How do you feel about Vikas before he backstabbed and after he backstabbed
(sorry if I explained that strangely)
Vlad: I sort of looked up to him prior to the backstabbing. I saw him as a friend, a guy I could trust... after, however, I'm stuck with this confusion. Was he actually evil the entire time? Was that just my dad controlling him? He didn't seem like a bad guy but... Everyone can play pretend.
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vlqdimir-t0d 7 months ago
Vlad's favorite drink other then blood
Vlad: Hm, I would have to say Dr. Pepper. I love it. :]
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vlqdimir-t0d 7 months ago
How much time during the week do you think all three boys hang out (Vlad,Joss, Henry)
They definitely hang out on the weekends. Go to the mall, the diner, have sleepovers, etc.
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vlqdimir-t0d 7 months ago
Hey, you guys can ask me stuff. :]
((I'll try to reply in character as much as I can.))
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vlqdimir-t0d 7 months ago
Hey, welcome to the batcave.
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