— * SHE / DEVIL.
26 posts
woman is a ray of god. she is not that earthly beloved: she is creative, not created.
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
send me a symbol for...
✿  five times my muse almost texted yours, and the one time they did.
▲  five time my muse thought about kissing yours, and the one time they did.
☠  five times my muse thought about hitting yours, and the one time they did.
★  five times my muse though yours looked breath-taking, and the one time they voice it.
❤  five times my muse says they don’t love yours, and the one time they admit it.
▼  five times my muse has wanted to dance with yours, and the one time they do.
♫  five times my muse swears it’s not a date, and the one time it maybe is.
☪  five times our muses almost hold hands, and the one time they do.
☁  five times my muse has thought about yours, and the one time they do something about it.
send me a symbol for...
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
Send ❤️ for a romantic kiss. Send 💝 for a plationic kiss. Send 💞 for a awkward kiss. Send 💓 for a heated kiss. Send 💟 for a delicate kiss. Send 💔 for a interrupted kiss. Send 💘 for a static shock kiss. Send 💗 for a repetitive lip peck kiss. Send 🖤 for a forced/harsh/firm kiss.  Send 💚 for an eskimo kiss. Send 💙 for a spiderman kiss.  Send 💜 for a quick kiss. Send 💛 for an air kiss. Send 💕for good night/morning kiss. Send ❣️ for a kiss to a specific spot. <insert location> Send 💑 for a first kiss.  Send 😍 for a surprise kiss. Send 💋 for a random kiss. <receiver’s choice>
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
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━━━ * PHOEBE TONKIN  &  CISFEMALE  / /  here we’ve got YELENA VLADIMIROVNA, the FOUR HUNDRED year old VAMPIRE  -  luckily, SHE actually looks about THIRTY years old. with a reputation for being  + PRUDENT,  + DIGNIFIED,  - STOIC, and  - MERCILESS, it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about them. you hear ON THE NATURE OF DAYLIGHT BY MAX RICHTER? that means you’ll see ‘em soon.
you can locate her formal dossier at THIS LINK.
born a cousin to the great tsar of the romanov dynasty, yelena had been groomed from a very young age to assimilate into high-class society. try as she might, she’s never really been able to unlearn this part of her.
most of her mortal life was spent attending grand balls and celebrations across russia. there was always a part of her that enjoyed a life filled with luxury. and yet, all of the glamour, glitz, and her youth would eventually fade. this beautiful life she lived would wither away and return to dust in the end, and when finally faced with the mortality of it all, yelena had an incredibly difficult time reconciling that fact. for a golden girl who had the world in the palm of her hand, she still lusted for more.
she eventually grew close to a young man at court, a few years older than herself. and while he was not formally betrothed to the princess; the two spent much time together, and grew particularly fond of one another. andrei remains to be the only soul she has ever told her most hidden thoughts to, the deepest workings of her mind. in any case, it was rather devastating when yelena discovered that she was engaged to marry another a few months later.
during their last meeting before her wedding night, andrei seduced her with promises of an eternity spent together -- one in which they would never grow old, and never be parted. drawn to the idea of an immortal life spent by his side, yelena was turned into a vampire that very same night. the two stole away before dawn, and were never seen again. she’s spent the past centuries travelling and partying with the wealthiest of them all, naturally. 
unlike most vampires, yelena sincerely enjoys her immortality, and does not regret her decision to become immortal. others often consider her strange for it, though she really pays them no mind. and while she doesn’t necessarily enjoy killing for sport, she doesn’t feel particularly bad about it either.
yelena can very easily come across as stern and unfeeling at times; i promise you, she’s just trying to become better acquainted with her emotions and is learning everyday how to communicate them after a mortal lifetime filled with suppressing it all. however, she does have a mean streak when provoked, proving to be both unforgiving and merciless when she’s crossed.
while she tends to be materialistic more often than not, yelena is capable of being very nurturing, and loving. ( to a very, very select few ). it wasn’t a trait that had been prized in her family, nor has she met many people who bring it out in her. but it’s very much there, hidden under her surface.
is probably the tidiest and most orderly person immortal known to man. finds a great joy in organizing and re-organizing everything. ( it honestly drives her man mad, but he’ll never say no to her ).
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
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#the movement of their hands is so light and sensual #like fuck me up
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
what excites you?
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a luxurious party, good wine, the promise of immortality, the thrill of hunting for her meals, the moment right before you sink your teeth into someones neck, having power… the list really does go on. and let’s not forget, the idea of being with andrei still gets yelena as excited as it did four centuries ago.
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
do you miss anything about being human? do you think you and andrei could’ve been happier together if you guys had a simple, human life?
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the only thing yelena truly misses about being a human is her family; never able to see them again, or say goodbye after she was turned. i’m sure she had no complaints about being a princess either. though, she certainly considers herself to be even more fortunate now. a mortal life filled with every luxury she could want had never been enough for yelena – so she hardly thinks that she would have been happy with any ordinary, human existence. andrei and herself were never people who craved a ‘ simple ‘ existence. having lived exhilarating centuries as vampires, she really can’t imagine them living any other way.
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
if you were a god, how would you prefer to be worshipped?
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half gods are worshipped in wine, or flowers. real gods require blood.
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
what does your character do when they wake up?
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yelena rises earlier than most others; sincerely enjoying the calm of the morning, and having the house to herself for a little while. always being the type of person that showers before bed, she probably tosses on whatever silk robe she can find and heads to the bathroom to brush her teeth and take care of everything else for the morning. afterwards, i’m sure that yelena probably crawls back into bed for a bit longer, mainly to wake andrei up so he doesn’t sleep for the entire day. she enjoys sitting with him for a while, playing with his hair and coaxing him out of whatever dream he’s in. talking with him first thing in the morning is something she’s always enjoyed. afterwards, yelena heads downstairs to make coffee and grab the paper from outside. she’ll likely decide to cook whatever type of  poisonfood she’s decided on for the day – though, it will likely remain untouched by either one of them. she spends most of her morning sitting in her robe, drinking her coffee, and reading the news, honestly.
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
no dawn, no day, i’m always in this twilight in the shadow of your heart
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
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vladimirovnas · 7 years ago
thoughts on love?
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in yelena’s mind, love does not come often. though, it is love which truly sustains you, and provides you strength. it drives some, and nurtures others. love keeps you grounded, and allows you to be better in-tune with both yourself, and others. it is understanding. it has immense power, as well – it’s not to be underestimated or toyed with for that very reason. and while love is far from perfect, it’s worth fighting for every single time.  
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