vivgdi-blog · 8 years
MSSG → daddy's little girl.
chloe: duty means doing the things your heart may well regret
chloe: but yes i am here. neurotic psych major. what's your hypothesis??
viv: #deep
viv: wait why water u doin pal
viv: ugh don't remind me ok i'm happy w/speech path but psych > speech path
viv: ok ok so!! i've deduced that crushes are kinda dumb and unrealistic because half the time they're on people you don't know all that well?? so it's like this idealized version of whoever it is that makes them seem super special when it reality they're p much no more special than you are. so like you're technically. romanticizing a person. who also eats and shits and has shitty moments. amazing.
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vivgdi-blog · 8 years
MSSG → daddy's little girl.
viv: pal
viv: so!! i've been thinking
viv: and i have a hypothesis
viv: ok so not really a hypothesis but a thought and idk do ur duty of listening to my neurotic psychoanalytical rambles pls and thx ily xoxo
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vivgdi-blog · 8 years
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suji and little turtle  (✿◠‿◠)
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vivgdi-blog · 8 years
I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.
(via sevenwrites)
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vivgdi-blog · 8 years
I’ve just woken up and I’m about to get dressed to head out and run errands, but I might try to knock a couple replies out beforehand. In the meantime though, if we haven’t plotted we definitely should and I have this page up here for ideas as well if it’s any help! 
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vivgdi-blog · 8 years
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“I.. Wow.” She blinked a handful of times, nodding slowly. “You’re really passionate about uh -- about Pluto.” She chuckled, slight amusement lacing her tone. “Is it bad that I kind of forgot about the Pluto thing until you brought it up? I mean, as much as I like Pluto I’ve always been more of a Uranus kind of girl -- I mean, the planet!” She interjected quickly, her eyes widening as her own words had registered. “Not like -- your you know. Like, the planet. I swear. It’s uh -- it’s like the weird one - kind of, right..? Like it orbits differently or something.” She rambled on, aware that her tone made her lack of concrete knowledge beyond elementary school evident. 
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“..and that’s why pluto isn’t a planet. the astronaut union and neptune had to go and fuck everything up. i get why they did it, cause the definition of planet was really vague and could include a lot of other things in space, but damn, couldn’t have made an exception for poor ol’ pluto who was a planet for 76 years.”
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vivgdi-blog · 8 years
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“For a second there I thought you meant something else in the bathroom. In which case -- TMI dude, TMI.” A faintly teasing smile spread across her features, and Vivienne shrugged. “I mean.. Dick move, but you should have come prepared to pay in case it came down to it, right? Not that I know a ton there -- but I figure it’s common courtesy.” She shrugged again, raking her teeth across her lower lip. “But, you know.. Clearly they’re a keeper and all after dining and dashing. Put in a word for me as best man at the wedding one day.”  
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“You know what’s a fun idea of a date? Going to a fancy restuarant and having your date ‘go to the bathroom’. And by that I mean leaving me with me with the bill. Some people just have great hearts. Now I’m broke, thank you horrible date.”
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vivgdi-blog · 8 years
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“Wait, really?” Her eyes widened immediately, alarmed shame rushing through her veins as one hand reached up to touch the side of her mouth instinctively. “Of course I’d manage to get stuff on my face..” She trailed off, an embarrassed chuckle leaving her lips. “I’m going to need a bib at this rate -- like a um, a general life bib.” Vivienne attempted to joke, only to cringe as her words registered in her mind. “Is it -- is it gone now?” She interjected quickly, a vain effort to shift the attention from her failed joke. 
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“okay listen, i know this is a pretty serious conversation and everything but you’ve got a little something on your face and it’s been bothering me for awhile now. do you want a tissue or something? because it’s seriously noticeable and kind of gross, not to me though, maybe the next person you talk to might think you’re gross.”
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vivgdi-blog · 8 years
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“That’s one way of looking at it.” A smile crept onto her features as she glanced over at the other girl. “I, uh -- I get that..” She trailed off, teeth raking across her lower lip as she wracked her brain for an adequate response. “I would say that it’s a maturity thing but that’s debatable too. Maybe you need to start crushing on girl friends who aren’t focused on guys -- so like, none of the straight girls you’re friends with.” Vivienne teased, twirling a ballpoint pen between her fingers. 
“I don’t know —— I want to be in a relationship, theoretically? But … you can’t spell disappointment without men. It’s that, or I end up crushing on a close girl friend and ruin my own life.”
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vivgdi-blog · 8 years
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“Listen,” An embarrassed blush rose to her cheeks, one eye squeezed shut as she recollected the events which had lead to the tumble she’d just taken. “I was just about to take that gym -- except a couple kids ran over yelling about Valor being the best ‘cause that’s classic Valor for you.” Vivienne paused, remaining perched in the same position as her gaze flickered to a small group of youths in the vicinity. “Anyways, I was still fighting the gym and I was really, really close to getting it when a couple more kids ran by and I swerved out of the way and tripped on my shoelaces.” She explained, her attention now shifting to the background music that was continuing to blare from her phone. “And then when I looked at my phone again Instinct already took the gym -- the sneaky little shits. Which is kind of brilliant but I’m still convinced they might be a little evil -- so really, it’s not my fault I’m on the ground right now.” She announced, the corners of her mouth curling upwards into a faintly sheepish smile after a few moments of silence. 
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vivgdi-blog · 8 years
hello hello, i’m sheena and i’m super duper late so i hope that it’s not too late to make pals and all that fun stuff bc that’s always a good time!! (also i apologize to those of you following me for the dash spam omg) i’m finally home from work and settled and i’m super excited to be here and rp with you all and your children so please do hit me up to plot and all that jazz! without further ado though, i’m gonna assume you guys probably want a better idea of what my lil darling over here is like: 
ok ok so viv is sort of like?? she likes to think shes tough and shes def tougher than she used to be but shes p much that girl who would be like ‘shh can u just let me do it’ and then falls on her ass and dies of embarrassment 2 seconds later
up until her junior year of high school, viv was pretty outgoing: she was talkative and lively, even cutesy to an extent in a childish manner that was somewhat over the top at times. she was also a pretty big pushover, and had a tendency to tell white lies in order to spare people’s feelings which is one of the many things that wore away at her over time when things took a downhill turn. 
but, skipping to the juicy bits since i could go on about what exactly people probably noticed before she left the regular high school for independent study: she sort of disappeared from social media and stopped talking to people apart from one or two people at the time, and while she became a lot more stable by the time freshman year of college rolled around -- most people who knew her in high school would probably be surprised to see how much she changed and hardened in a sense. 
viv is still the same girl she was at the core, she’s just a lot more sarcastic and dry, and she withdrew to the extent where her social skills became a lot more stunted and as such she has a tendency to be somewhat awkward and fumble over her words when speaking verbally with new people. 
doesn’t go out all that much (lbr right now what gets her out the most happens to be pokemon go since that kind of forces you to leave your batcave to actually progress in the game) and part of her wants to be more social but she also has some trouble connecting with others now
still has her cutesy moments: usually when she’s really excited about something even if it dies down after a while 
she’s kind of convinced that being the sarcastic girl is an effective way to get people to take you seriously?? which is something she struggled with before 
will probs be a lil mean to you if she’s comfortable with you?? 
tends to brush off physical compliments a lil rudely 
she’s bi but waaay more likely to talk about girls being cute openly
most likely to befriend your mom at a party instead of her actual peers tbh
okay that was long af and if you read that all then you deserve a cookie and we def should plot! i have a wanted connections page here with some fleshed out connection ideas if you’re interested in any of those, but otherwise we could always flesh something out together (angst is always a fun time and with viv’s timeline there’s def plenty of room for it) so just like this or message me and we can get the ball rolling! 
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vivgdi-blog · 8 years
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suzy in dream mv teaser
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vivgdi-blog · 8 years
i love to use phrases such as “well i’ll be” and “would ya look at that” because in all seriousness i thoroughly enjoy sounding like an astonished elderly southern man
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vivgdi-blog · 8 years
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Shake It Out, Florence + the Machine
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vivgdi-blog · 8 years
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vivgdi-blog · 8 years
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vivgdi-blog · 8 years
I aim to be lionhearted, but my hands still shake and my voice isn’t quite loud enough.
Michelle K., Earning Your Roar. (via michellekpoems)
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