vitiosxs · 10 years
{ Storybrooke Verse }
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      "Things will never be the same without Felix."
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vitiosxs · 10 years
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   "---Lost Boys can't love."
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vitiosxs · 10 years
Okay, so I was able to use my cousins laptop to do some replies. I have to pack then hopefully I'll be getting my computer by tomorrow. I hope everyone had a lovely holiday :]
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vitiosxs · 10 years
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     ❝You should feel lucky, that you remember your past life...I don't even remember my family, or even my birth name.❞
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              ( - ☪ - ) ❝Well… What I can remember of my family and the life I had before I ended up here.❞
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vitiosxs · 10 years
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   " You sure about that? I       don't mind helping. "
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vitiosxs · 10 years
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"Oooh, well don't you have fire in you. Unfortunately sweetheart, I'm not help. Pan thinks I'm still dead. Have fun and all, you know tearing down the island and such."
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"As good as. So he’s still alive, which means I’ll tear this island apart if I have to in order to get my kid back”
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vitiosxs · 10 years
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"I didn't hit my head. There is one thing I refuse to do and that is tell a lie. I know what I'm saying now. What, did I say fancy? I meant to say tolerate...yes, tolerate." Smooth one Slightly. "Okay, just because I sorta fancy you does  not mean that I like you, I still think you're annoying...but as my ears recall you did just call me handsome. "
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"I won’t. I’m sure this is a once in a lifetime thing. You probably hit your giant head on a low-hanging branch and now you have no idea what you’re saying. Hm? I have no idea what you’re talking about. I definitely didn’t say that. Nope… Are my ears fooling me or did you just say you fancy me?”
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vitiosxs · 10 years
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Bonum's eyes fixated back towards the girl. Keeping a rather close distance to her as he noticed now, he couldn't make a sound though. "Who knows this time.. the group has their sadistic ways of all the torment they like to cause...sorry, I promise I'll move the moment they are gone...if they hear the slightest noise they'll fire." 
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"What’s going on?" Anastasia asked with her eyes focused on just him “Why would we get punished? What have I- or we done wrong exactly?”
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vitiosxs · 10 years
Slightly smiled lightly, tilting his head to the side as he looked down at the other girl. "Oh sweetheart, I don't expect you to catch me because I am far from falling." He replied back, letting out a small chuckle as he leaned back into the tree on his side. "Pan told me to keep watch for pirates for the next few hours. Care to join me or do you prefer watching me from the view down there?"
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"Oh, totally. I just can’t stay away from you.” Disgust and regret had filled her just after the few minutes she had been in Slightly’s presence. She began questioning herself, on why she picked him to bother in her state of boredom. ”If you fall, I am not helping you.” She said as she watched his legs swing back and forth hanging off of the tree, instead of replying to the … compliment? They were one thing that the Lost Girl didn’t know how to deal with, and that made her uncomfortably confused.
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vitiosxs · 10 years
    ' wendy has been filling your head with loads of stories now, hasn't she?             you see pal, as terrifying as it is---evil does win and concur all.          and you're gonna learn it first hand. you're about to have a grand ol'          time, because all pan is goin to do to you now is play nothing              but games that will get deep inside your head... '
 { the pale boy warned towards the darling child. the part of him that was still a boy      who had a family was yet far from threatening him, although he was forced to      make it seem like so. if anything; felix was truly warning the male. you could     tell by his lifeless eyes and the thin line across his chapped lips, that he was     not lying at the slightest. he's seen siblings lose one another and sees the      blood of the other stained on pan's hands. } 
        ' let's see if you could be so wise once you get everything       ripe from you, because peter pan...never. fails, johnny boy.          your sister, is his now. i'm not saying this as someone           who is loyal to pan, i'm sayin' this as someone who's                        an outside------stop now while you can. '
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          ❛ he might be winning now felix, but you forget       the perceptions of evil, & that in the end, not even peter’s games will stand       to prevail, ━ ━ i, interpreted you had such a degree of knowledge,                                            that even you were wise to that. ❜                  lips purse tightly, in f r u s t r a t i o n,        & within some sort of anger, & even when such aggression dances through        his veins, & fuels a clever & yet ridiculous string of words,            expression remains as nothing, an ivory steel canvas, with water colour                                 features. 
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vitiosxs · 10 years
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"Who's side am I on? I'm not bloody stupid, Pan's to say the least. Rufio is one of many of my brothers, but I couldn't possibly betray Pan. Pan prefers that Rufio doesn't exist in his mind. At least, he tries to block it out that way. Oh, please. You just don't want to  admit it because you know I'm always right." 
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"Oh, really? Now this is some interesting information. Although, if everyone truly wants you on their side    which I doubt    then who’s side are you on? I’m curious. I didn’t think any of you boys were smart enough to think for yourselves. Maybe one day I will. If on that day I happen to hit my head on a very sharp rock and suffer massive brain damage.”
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vitiosxs · 10 years
I apologize I have not been on. My laptop broke and now the only access to a computer as I am here is my aunt's. I MIGHT be on sometime this week but, there is a possiblity that I will not be on until I get back home and leave Florida. But, I hope you all have a very merry Christmas. I love you all dearly and wish you an amazing holiday!
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vitiosxs · 10 years
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vitiosxs · 10 years
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vitiosxs · 10 years
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I’m drunk in love with William Moseley.
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vitiosxs · 10 years
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vitiosxs · 10 years
I was going to finish up my drafts but then I realized it seems to be 4:30 am...Well, goodnight. All will be posted tomorrow once I get back to my Aunt's house. Adios!
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