They wouldn’t allow “max-kanté-stan-account”
123 posts
Gecko/lee, 16, they/them, I’m here to talk about and draw miraculous ladybug stuff. I also very much encourage asks, I enjoy it!!
Last active 3 hours ago
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
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I haven't been active in like 1-3 months, time to post best girl again <3
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
people who think giving max the monkey miraculous is a good idea during a kwami swap should never deserve good things in life <3
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
"you're writing angry posts because someone likes a fictional character you don't." isn't that what you're doing too, going as far as to call marinette fans deranged because you continue to word yourself poorly and make childish insults? Maybe take your own advice and focus on something more important than insulting people who like a character you don't like that/dislike your favorite character
edit: Should clarify this is /nm meaning I'm not trying to be mean
Okay, so, this fandom needs to stop using some incredibly heavy words for Adrien/Chat.
He's a murderer.
He sexually harasses/abuses Ladybug.
Excuse me, but what the actual fuck? I mean, HOW?
Regarding the first point, I believe, it comes from the NY Special where he accidentally 'kills' Aeon and then the current Hack-San episode. If there's anything else I missed, let me know.
So, you consider him accidentally killing Aeon a murder? An act of desperate pains which he regretted throughout the episode? You think you blame him for that? As a result, he gave up the only thing that gave him hope and happiness — his miraculous. Plagg is literally the only person who's seen him at his worst and best and it's clear how much Adrien loves Plagg. But obviously, let's ignore all that that follows and put all the blame of the accident on a traumatized boy. Incredibe.
I saw this accusation floating around a lot when Hack-San happened. That he was going to kill Alya. Yes? That was his first thought? What YOU as a viewer knew, Chat didn't. YOU had the advantage of being a viewer, Chat didn't. Had YOU not known Alya was going to get the Ladybug miraculous and seen only Adrien's POV, YOU'D see things exactly the way Adrien did (considering the fact you can't recognize the face of the superheroes). But instead what do I see?
AdRiEn tRiEd tO KiLl aLyA.
Because due to lack of information, HE didn't know the Ladybug miraculous was temporarily passed onto someone else.
Then comes the second point — Chat sexually assaults Ladybug. Okay, let me take a deep breath. This is possibly worst accusation on the boy.
First of all, if Chat was sexually assaulting Ladybug, she'd have told him to fuck off. He is pushy. He is reckless. He doesn't know how to take no for an answer. But how the heck does that translate to sexual assault when his behaviour doesn't go beyond his playfulness?
He playfully flirts with Ladybug. He flirts with any female superhero that comes along. He flirts with Marinette. With Ladybug, even she flirts back with him. She gives him mixed signals. So, does that mean Adrien's behaviour towards her is right? Nope. And that's the point. His behaviour stems from the fact that he hasn't had an ideal female figure in his life to look up to. He's still a kid, and at this age boys LEARN about these etiquettes, which pass into their adulthood. Most probably his mother wasn't exactly a good mum either. Chloe isn't someone you'd trust who made Adrien understand what kind of behavior girls like in boys. That leaves him only Ladybug who says no to his advances but also flirts back with him. It's likely they don't spend much time with together either.
So, that means Adrien is sexually harassing Ladybug. God, no. He isn't.
But, is his behaviour right? Again. No.
However, his behaviour has an explanation and it can change if, and only if, there's someone telling him he's wrong. I think the show doesn't use Plagg to right Adrien's wrongs the way it uses Tikki to show Marinette mirror in wake of her blunders. In other words, he needs to be told he's wrong. Because, otherwise in the circumstances he's lived and the people he's surrounded by, it's hard for him to understand that's not how girls like boys.
Maybe. Just maybe Luka someday helps him understand this simple fact.
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
If I see anyone on here participating in wh*tev*mber with the miraculous characters, you're getting blocked on sight /srs
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
Being a Marinette Stan and an Adrien stan at the same time is actually really easy to do. You see them as two teens that can make mistakes and learn. Also, crucial step, do NOT demonize either one of them.
Like being a Marinette stan doesnt mean you have to hate adrien.
Being an Adrien stan doesnt mean you have to hate Marinette.
If you define being a stan based on who you hate more than who you love, than Clearly you are not a stan, but a salter.
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
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Why do I feel like this post is directed at people calling Pee Girl out, and she’s put herself in Lila’s and Felix’s shoes???? Like, keep in mind, she keeps getting pissed people aren’t giving her chances and is pissed she got exposed for her actions and therefore, publicly humiliated in her eyes.  I’m just suggesting, since we all know in comparison to what she has here, she does the opposite and posts about random users she doesn’t like, aka writing hate. 
But yeah, this post is hiliarous with the context that this implies shes STILL reading adrien salt fics clearly and getting mad….that said salt fics probably don’t like Lila or Felix??? When she can look away???? And like, as a former bully victim myself, I can confirm- do not take her advice on bullies. Bullying and its solutions can vary. Ignoring and keeping the peace can lead to bad situations still happening, and its not going to solve everyone’s bullying as a result.  And therefore, no, its not bullying if Marinette exposes Lila, cause as many salt fics shes likely stalking, points out, Lila’s lying IS bullying and even got Marinette expelled in Ladybug, but knowing her, she was probably fine with it, since she’s basically all for Marinette suffering to the point she’s fine with Chat betraying Ladybug with Hawkmoth possibly in the 100th episode. 
And her saying Felix and Lila aren’t as bad as people think makes me think more this is projecting about herself, but uh, sorry, we don’t take bully advice from someone who still has yet to stop stalking people and acknowledge what she did wrong fully.  “We stan a pacifist!” where is it, though? Don’t see one on your blog.  “But your not ready for that conversation” like your not ready to talk about what you did already??? 
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
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Look, I just wanna say I do feel for you when you said you've been bullied as a kid. No kid should have to go through something like that and its good things managed to settle down. However, this post honestly rubbed the the wrong way. Why? Because I was also bullied as a kid.
Giving them time and space isn't always going to work because not every bully works like that. For me, the bullying didn't stop until my teacher go involved and had to tell him to stop bullying me. You also mention "some bullies are misunderstood, *but you're not ready for that conversation" which is true on some occasions, but sometimes a bully picks on people just for the sake of bullying people
You talk about being a pacifist and finding peaceful answers but guess what; exposing someone for being a bully can be a peaceful answer. Pacifism is believing in a non violent solution which includes revealing someone to be a bully.
"Being a bully and trying to expose a bully never makes them a good person" You literally contradict this at the end talking about how bullies (felix and lila in this case) can change for the better?? Which also reminds me of another post of yours (see below)
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"Marinette yes. She's not redeemable! Same with Alya. and even alix." So lila and felix are misunderstood and redeemable in your eyes, but not the previous three characters in the tags of that post? Completely disregarding all seven (the former 5 I previously mentioned plus max and nathaniel) are all flawed teenagers that honestly are completely capable of growing as people?? Have your opinions but do yourself a favor and make a little bit of sense while you do it
*"You're not ready for that conversation" oh please, you've clearly seen some fandoms going out of their to justify the actions of characters cause of their backstory that completely ignore the severity of said actions
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
I can't really explain it, but I feel like things probably would've been a lot different had chat noir's identity been completely unknown and/or there was a different chat noir
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
Okay, so I have posted this screenshot already today, but as an anon on @aeonghaseyo ‘s blog, pointed out, AOY looks to be Aeonghaseyo, and HH looks to be Harriyanna Hook, aka, @harriyanna​ :
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This is basically Pee Girl now threatening two people she doesn’t like, just because they called her out and made it clear her ‘apologies’ aren’t working. She’s basically in the corner, throwing a tantrum and now resorting to threats. Please keep in mind, shit like threatening people is WHY she got called out in the first place, and now she is basically threatening two users over a fictional character and her weird ass kink. 
If you are an enabler still of this user, who is now currently the user, fairlyoddfriendshipspoofandfoop, formerly, PlaggAndAdrienBondingIsTheBest, then please, dear god, STOP.  She is threatening two users now over a fictional character at the end of the day. She has shown in the past she can basically make alternate accounts as fast as Creepshow Art has, and basically has harassed and stalked Harriyanna on both youtube and tumblr, and has now resorted to threats as a result. 
As much as what she said comes off as the Joker owning a tumblr, it is best to try and get this user off the internet at this point, especially with this, so I highly plead with people to take a few minutes out of their day to sign this petition to have her removed, as she is nothing but a threat at this point to anyone really online, not just ML fandom. 
And if Pee Girl is reading this, cause we all know she’s stalking us right now: get off the internet and seek some fucking help. Enough with the excuses. Leave your former friends alone on your fetish alt, leave other people alone cause they don’t want to be dealing with you threatening them and just seek some fucking help. Because all this??? Over a fictional character??? It won’t help you in the long run- if you keep doing shit like this, then guess where you’ll be going? Something beginning with J and ends in Ail. 
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
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"They're personal" really? Or maybe you're just getting pissy over people sharing the posts you make where you continue to be garbage. Including the post where you added a baby onto a simp thread.
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
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I think this is pee girl trying to tell us the self awareness part of her 22 year old brain has been replaced with fantasies of 14 year olds pissing themselves
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
I honestly can't say i'm not surprised pee girl hasn't changed when she couldn't even be bothered to change that long ass bio of hers. It literally still says "I'm 21, turning 22 in august", we're in October
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
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“There are people who will defend me!” defend you sending game overs to people and defend you harassing harriyanna on alt accounts??? Must be desperate people to defend you.  “You made me lose-” correction, THAT WAS YOU- you said to that friend you would leave until november to get better and what did you do??? Not only come back next day but also start screaming at them for shading you on their blog- so don’t blame anyone but yourself.
And its still a disgusting kink for you- given you apply it to a MINOR, so don’t act like we uncultured for being disgusted. 
“I feel like I’m going to be harassed for the rest of my life!” OH SO ITS BAD WHEN YOU GET HARASSED?! Like, I’m not encouraging harassment, but hey, NOW YOU KNOW HOW OTHERS FEEL WITH YOU. 
But if anyones curious whats got her playing victim and acting like its bad to call her out, check out Harriyanna’s video on this grown ass adult throwing a tantrum when called out:  
And if anyones curious, she’s still stalking Harriyanna- how do we know? Because only harriyanna’s blog from my knowledge, has the whole idea this stan could be the infamous lila anon on AO3, and what did this stan post?
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I rest my case. 
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
little piece of subtweet advice (we all know who this is for)
Guess what happens when you become infamous for being a garbage person in a fandom, doing garbage things including the following;
harassing multiple people on multiple occasions
sending death threats
calling people slurs
guilt tripping your friends
bonus; apologizing for your behavior multiple times despite never showing actual improvement or growth
It's no shocker that people aren't going to forgive you for that stuff, let alone think you'll ever improve your behavior.
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
little piece of subtweet advice (we all know who this is for)
Guess what happens when you become infamous for being a garbage person in a fandom, doing garbage things including the following;
harassing multiple people on multiple occasions
sending death threats
calling people slurs
guilt tripping your friends
bonus; apologizing for your behavior multiple times despite never showing actual improvement or growth
It's no shocker that people aren't going to forgive you for that stuff, let alone think you'll ever improve your behavior.
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
Heads up: PlaggAndAdrienBondingIsTheBest has changed their URL, therefore keep your eyes out: cosmotheseeadrian7mlbnolonger .
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viperion-stan-account · 3 years ago
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I mean, like.... What did you expect? You harrassed a bunch of people, said a child deserved to be r--p--d, and wrote... or expressed that you wanted to see kink stuff of minors.
Getting that out of the way, it's been... a day, maybe two? You can't expect people to forgive you that easily, what you did is not a minor offense and you've done it more than once. I'm not saying that she isn't free to share how she feels, but maybe... maybe show people that you're WORKING on becoming a decent person instead of just posting statuses saying that you'll change
Exactly! @peachie-buns-blog you're so on point.
She could guilt-trip whomever goes to her blog but as long as she doesn't actively change for the better, she still won't earn back the friends and the respect she lost.
This is what happens when you choose to disrespect people and ruin their peace of mind through harassment over some character you're fixated on.
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