12 posts
I SHALL CHALLENGE YOU, OH GREAT BEAST MICHAEL J. CABOOSE WHO HATES BABIES! after I get my peanut butter sandwich… I am quite hungry…
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
violet-the-bandit · 9 months ago
Violet stood for a second, watching in awe as she flung herself into the crowd. His eyes matched and followed her movements. He became slack jawed as he marveled at her grace, her finesse, her brutal recklessness with the giant hammer she wielded. Her violent prowess and trained movements indented themselves into his core memory, as every single action she took was copied down. There was only two things on his mind. One was that he NEEDED a hammer like hers, if there was ever another out there, and the other was…well… more verbalized. “There is no other explanation, the Valkyrie’s appearance, a divine intervention indeed. Holy graces upon me, gifted by the very fates! Nay, perhaps even the Beast himself! CHARGE INTO BATTLE! BLOOD SHALL SPILL!” He sprinted forward, a look of violent conviction spreading across his helmeted face.
“rraaaAAAGHH!” He screamed and leaped through the air, the ground cracking beneath him as he soared up and over the wave of marines. Careful to avoid quickly and radioactively ending the divine Valkyrie who was totally there by mystical intervention, he fired his fuel rod cannon at the tail end of the brainless goons. Balls of plasma bounced all over the place, imploding with such a bright glow it would’ve made a Geiger counter blush.... that is, blush with an annoying clattering noise signifying imminent doom. He landed back on the ground with a loud THUNK, as the sea of soldiers was parted into a burnt, bacon-smelling crisp.
“Such few rods left… NO MATTER! I will make the most of my explosive caba-capa—Cabapiltees!” He said, his words sputtering out as he struggled to pronounce capabilities. What? I mean it’s not like he graduated top of his class, he’s a sim soldier after all. Firing the first round into front end, he used his more damaging, long range powers to draw attention to himself, unintentionally giving Alaska the Valkyrie the advantage she needed to charge forward. “YES!! YES!!! HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT! LET ME FEEL YOUR STRENGTH!!” He shouted, cackling as he marched ever closer towards the crowd enemies.
“DO NOT RUN! DO NOT HIDE! Stand and FACE ME DOWN!” He cried out, blasting another rod into the crowd as it exploded a few into a fine, green mist. Violet had no other thing on his mind now, just the destruction of the marines, their captain, and the entire base itself. Flashes of the strange blue man that sent him out on this holy crusade in the first place flew through his mind, as a deep and powerful force of determination bubbled in his chest, rising up like a flaming geyser from hell. He remembered the holy mantra spoken to him that fateful day, as his voice boomed out, “I AM VIOLET! AND I HATE BABIES!”
violet-the-bandit: Violet had finished pummeling through what seemed to be the last of them, his brow furrowed underneath his Mk. V Helmet as he sighed, happy with his work, yet disappointed at the lack of effort from the now dead adversaries surrounding him. That is, until he hears the loud slam of something behind him, startled as he jumped with an “AH!” and turning around to face the silhouette behind him. “A WHITE WOMAN?! No, a woman IN white? A Valkyrie, here to aid me in my fight?” He cocked his head curiously, eyeing this strange lady up and down. He wasn’t stupid enough to confuse her as another soldier (surprisingly) as she didn’t have the same armor, and was also standing behind a group of soldiers she had smashed with her hammer. But then, who was she? Unfortunately, that question lasted in his head for about… yep, five seconds, as his attention immediately snapped to her hammer. It whirred with a pulse that caught his ear just as much as the strange bladed side caught his eyes. It looked deadly, dangerous, but most of all, it looked fun. “Woah… a hammer. A very pretty hammer…” he said, his pupils dilating like that of a cat discovering catnip for the first time in their life, before snapping back to reality, as the intercom began to blare loudly, a robotic voice booming with one repeating message of: ‘INTRUDERS IN THE SECTION B-2 BRIDGE . ALL UNSC MARINES REPORT TO SECTION B-2 BRIDGE IN COMBAT POSITIONS’ “Uh-ohh…” Violet looked around, raising his fuel rod cannon up onto his shoulder, as the sounds of footsteps seem to march in from all directions. The sheer violent energy of the incoming soldiers stomping their way to them was so palpable, so strong it was as if Violet could reach out and touch their determination, their rage, their vigor. “They want us dead. Really dead. I WOULD HAVE IT NO OTHER WAY!!! AHAHHA!!” Violet cackles out, his cannon vibrating to life as its safety is switched off. His head leans over to Agent Alaska, a grin rising to his face as he calls out to her, “Mysterious Valkyrie, draped in white! You asked before if I needed assistance. I have my answer… it heads this way.” As the soldiers get closer, red dots appearing on the motion detector in his helmet’s UI, he tenses up, preparing himself for one hell of a brawl. “LET US BATTLE!”
Alaska watched as the soldier had been startled by her, she stifled a chuckle, as much as she wanted to, now wasn't the time to do so and she knew it. "Apologies for scaring you." She'd respond to the man, being up close allowed her to get a better look and man, was he big, hell he could probably even rival Maine in size, or at the very least was close to the size of Maine. But she shouldn't focus on that, there were more important things at hand. "Woman in white is the better term, because I am not a white woman in the slightest. Also, name's Alaska, i'd say pleasure to meet you but, well, standing around and talking will only get us killed." They seemed a little bit weird, at the very least to her, a Valkyrie? Well, she wasn't going to question it very much, after all they in her mind she assumed that they'd never see each other again after this was over, an assumption she very often made when meeting new people. Though something she did wonder however was if this soldier was competent, after all, to her they HAD to be if they were so easily able to take out so many of the soldiers here. Unless this person was a complete idiot, which would confuse her more honestly. "Its a gravity hammer, a covenant weapon I got years ago. Pretty damn strong, though using it will probably destroy your legs if you are not prepared." Alaska could absolutely count the times where she hadn't expected the hammer to launch her into the air and hurt herself because of it, however for the most part that had stopped once she actually got used to it. Alaska would say more however the intercom interrupted her as she looked up, oh shit. "Looks like we are about to have company." Alaska got herself ready to fight, she was already in position so she didn't need to move one but, she did however take out a grenade. As the footsteps got closer she pulled out the pin of the grenade and hit it towards the cause of the noise with her hammer, but she could only do it in one direction. The grenade blowing up a few of the soldiers, not many, only like one or two but Alaska didn't really care, after all the other soldiers would be dead soon enough. "No shit they want us dead, cover me, I am going in closer." She didn't even stay close to Violet after she spoke, rushing into soldiers ahead and swinging at them with her hammer, also using it to launch herself into the air, landing into the crowd and blowing up some of them in a circle about her. Alaska didn't even hesitate to swing it in a circle afterwards, sending them back as they approached. This action was extremely risky, yes, she was at risk of getting shot and had already been so while she was in the air, her armor imbedded with bullet holes and bleeding a little bit but she figured she could at least try and clear out a good bit of them before having to play it safe.
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violet-the-bandit · 9 months ago
OOC Post:
You know, I like giving my OC’s theme music, so I’m gonna do that for Violet
Main Fight/Theme song:
The Disaster of Passion (by AISHA)
Alternative Fight Music:
The Wicked Wild (by SEGA SOUND TEAM)
Nerve Rack (by Tsuneo Imahori)
Through the Fire (by SEGA SOUND TEAM)
Alternative Theme Music:
Lazy Days -Livin’ in Paradise- (by Ted Poley)
Carrot and Stick (by Tsuneo Imahori)
Stories to Tell (by Tsuneo Imahori)
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violet-the-bandit · 9 months ago
Violet had finished pummeling through what seemed to be the last of them, his brow furrowed underneath his Mk. V Helmet as he sighed, happy with his work, yet disappointed at the lack of effort from the now dead adversaries surrounding him. That is, until he hears the loud slam of something behind him, startled as he jumped with an “AH!” and turning around to face the silhouette behind him.
“A WHITE WOMAN?! No, a woman IN white? A Valkyrie, here to aid me in my fight?” He cocked his head curiously, eyeing this strange lady up and down. He wasn’t stupid enough to confuse her as another soldier (surprisingly) as she didn’t have the same armor, and was also standing behind a group of soldiers she had smashed with her hammer. But then, who was she? Unfortunately, that question lasted in his head for about… yep, five seconds, as his attention immediately snapped to her hammer. It whirred with a pulse that caught his ear just as much as the strange bladed side caught his eyes. It looked deadly, dangerous, but most of all, it looked fun.
“Woah… a hammer. A very pretty hammer…” he said, his pupils dilating like that of a cat discovering catnip for the first time in their life, before snapping back to reality, as the intercom began to blare loudly, a robotic voice booming with one repeating message of: ‘INTRUDERS IN THE SECTION B-2 BRIDGE . ALL UNSC MARINES REPORT TO SECTION B-2 BRIDGE IN COMBAT POSITIONS’
“Uh-ohh…” Violet looked around, raising his fuel rod cannon up onto his shoulder, as the sounds of footsteps seem to march in from all directions. The sheer violent energy of the incoming soldiers stomping their way to them was so palpable, so strong it was as if Violet could reach out and touch their determination, their rage, their vigor. “They want us dead. Really dead. I WOULD HAVE IT NO OTHER WAY!!! AHAHHA!!” Violet cackles out, his cannon vibrating to life as its safety is switched off.
His head leans over to Agent Alaska, a grin rising to his face as he calls out to her, “Mysterious Valkyrie, draped in white! You asked before if I needed assistance. I have my answer… it heads this way.” As the soldiers get closer, red dots appearing on the motion detector in his helmet’s UI, he tenses up, preparing himself for one hell of a brawl. “LET US BATTLE!”
Violet had been looking for a decent challenge, one that could test his strength and teach him the way to becoming a true warrior, one powerful enough to contest the great Beast. When he had heard of a local UNSC Platoon stationed at a Charon Industry power plant (whatever that was), he knew he’d found a worthy contender. At least… he had thought… “DO YOU NOT TRAIN?! HAVE YOU NO SOLDIER WORTHY OF BATTLE?!!” He yelled, blasting his way through many unfortunate UNSC troopers. He pummeled and kicked past crowd after crowd, followed closely the waves of radioactive green plasma exploding through the endless swarm of marines as he lifted his cannon on his shoulders. “What of your Captain? Commander? YOUR LEADER! Surely they will give me the challenge I CRAVE!” His voice booming out with vigor as he looked around, slightly disappointed at the lack of skill amongst the fallen soldiers around him. Of course, what he did not know, is that this particular Captain, was a high level assassination target of Project Freelancer. Said captain was carrying top secret information on the treatment and misuse of not just the Alpha AI, but the implementation of the Sim Soldiers like him.
Those sounds were not good, Alaska took cover behind a corner, she hadn't expected anyone else to storm the power plant so this had taken her off guard. Cautiously she peaked out from behind cover, spotting the purple armored soldier, to her they didn't seem like they were with the UNSC, or even the project she was still working, or more, coerced into working for, especially with that canon of theirs, which to what she knew wasn't at all standard weaponry. Well at the very least they seemed to be killing off the soldiers that would make her job harder, to which she couldn't complain about really, she was more concerned if they were a hostile, and she didn't want to find out, nor be on the receiving end of that fuel rod canon. Cautiously she stepped out of her hiding spot, maybe she could sneak around them somehow? No, that probably wouldn't work, she'd need to find an alternate route, the hallway she was in had two split paths, she hadn't checked the other split path so there was a good chance that it might not be a dead end, well hopefully anyways, command hadn't given her any details, as usual, to her mission, just told her to go and kill some UNSC commander. "Think I might need a few words with them when I return, if I return." She'd hiss out to herself, trying to keep quiet so she didn't draw unwanted attention. Alaska made her move, bolting down the hallways and towards the hallway behind the mystery soldier only to get shot at by automatic turrets, a few bullets lodging themselves into her armor as retaliated, taking a pistol from her hip and shooting at the turrets, trying to disable them and managing to get two of the down, but that wasn't enough to safely get past them and she wasn't about to become swiss cheese trying to run through the turret's fire nor would she waste precious ammo disabling all the turrets even though she knew she could, it was a horrible idea. Now was a horrible time to not have plasma grenades and she silently cursed herself for not having brought any. Her attention moved away from the turret filled hallway and to the one with the mystery soldier, running down it and sliding upon getting close passing the man, putting her pistol away and taking out her own gravity hammer and swinging at the UNSC soldiers he was firing at, catching a few with the hammer and killing them. "You need assistance?" She'd ask him, while she hadn't wanted to make herself known to the other, her hands were kinda tied, well, here was to hoping she didn't get shot.
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violet-the-bandit · 9 months ago
Violet had been looking for a decent challenge, one that could test his strength and teach him the way to becoming a true warrior, one powerful enough to contest the great Beast. When he had heard of a local UNSC Platoon stationed at a Charon Industry power plant (whatever that was), he knew he’d found a worthy contender. At least… he had thought…
“DO YOU NOT TRAIN?! HAVE YOU NO SOLDIER WORTHY OF BATTLE?!!” He yelled, blasting his way through many unfortunate UNSC troopers. He pummeled and kicked past crowd after crowd, followed closely the waves of radioactive green plasma exploding through the endless swarm of marines as he lifted his cannon on his shoulders.
“What of your Captain? Commander? YOUR LEADER! Surely they will give me the challenge I CRAVE!” His voice booming out with vigor as he looked around, slightly disappointed at the lack of skill amongst the fallen soldiers around him. Of course, what he did not know, is that this particular Captain, was a high level assassination target of Project Freelancer. Said captain was carrying top secret information on the treatment and misuse of not just the Alpha AI, but the implementation of the Sim Soldiers like him.
//this is the starter post if you’d like @specialagentalaska
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violet-the-bandit · 10 months ago
Just finished Halo 2 the other day and… what is this PENIS WORM TALKING ABOUT?!!
shoutout to all the gamers who had their whole brain chemistry completely rewired by that scene in halo 2 where the gravemind is talking to chief and arby
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violet-the-bandit · 10 months ago
I don't think you can be trusted with that hammer.
B-But it’s my hammer…. I like my hammer… :(
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violet-the-bandit · 10 months ago
lmao, pretty sure you'd easily be able to best him, because simply put, he's a dumbass
A… dumb of ass? A DUMBASS?! What HERESY You speak of?!! Michael J. Caboose, is a deity of war, the Great Beast who shall rule us for seven years!
He defeated me and my fellow reds—and also the blues—once before! His skill, his strength, his speed was almighty! No, DIVINE!!
And, I will be the one to rematch him, and beat him in combat!
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violet-the-bandit · 10 months ago
Violet swings his gravity hammer wildly, wielding it with the energy of a hyper-active raccoon on at least 8 different steroids. It is likely he will cause severe injury to others and enough property damage to classify as an act of terrorism, if not war.
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violet-the-bandit · 10 months ago
Caboose is a very dangerous man
Yes, he is! I witnessed firsthand his power in the wars of Battle Creek. He was an outsider, yet one dressed like those DIRTY, VILE, HERETICAL BLUES!! MAY THEY ALL BURN–
Ahem. Sorry, I have a habit. Anyway, I suppose even great gods such as him take on strange forms.
And one day… I’ll best him in combat!
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violet-the-bandit · 10 months ago
Blood Gulf?! A Gulf made of Blood? Does such a horrifying place exist?
Should it bring me closer in my holy crusade to challenge the great Michael J. Caboose, THEN I SHALL FIND IT!! NO TASK IS TO INDOMITABLE!!
Onward! To meet Sarge of Blood Gulf!
Having misheard Agent Alaska, he runs off, likely to tire out in 12-24 hours of constant searching, and return knowing sadly that some tasks ARE indomitable… you know… considering he doesn’t get lost or die first.
How do you feel about Sarge?
Who is this… Sarge?
Wait, I believe I remember the Beast mentioning that name before. Thats right! The Beast had a red friend no? Maybe… Sarge is also a worshiper of the great Beast like myself?!
I am unsure of this Sarge character. But, if he follows in Michael J. Caboose’s footsteps, then he is friend!
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violet-the-bandit · 10 months ago
How do you feel about Sarge?
Who is this… Sarge?
Wait, I believe I remember the Beast mentioning that name before. Thats right! The Beast had a red friend no? Maybe… Sarge is also a worshiper of the great Beast like myself?!
I am unsure of this Sarge character. But, if he follows in Michael J. Caboose’s footsteps, then he is friend!
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violet-the-bandit · 10 months ago
Here’s the bio for my cool, little rvb OC:
Name: Michelangelo (last name unknown)
Codename/chosen name: Violet
Age: unknown; likely his late 20s/early 30s
Occupation: Outlaw for Hire/Ex-Sim Soldier
Personality: A gleeful guy, with a tendency to get overly excited and easily distracted.
He’s also been described as erratic, with a habit of getting into fights and overly enjoying them (in actuality, just likes the challenge)
He’s known for having an obsession with sea life, ice cream, and a strange man he calls “The Beast” or “Michael J. Caboose” (yes, that Caboose). He often randomly breaks into weirdly religious, culty, brainwashed ways of speaking.
Appearance: Standing at 7’3ft, Violet has a beefcake build, adorned with tons of muscle and decent fat to healthily balance a body of his size & strength without dehydrating/starving himself (no freaky celebrity abs)
He has tanned, light brown skin, short black hair, and some slight facial stubble.
Armor Appearance: His older armor is much bulkier to fit his body, and is a mixed color of purples and violets, painted over his previously red armor.
Backstory: He was once apart of the red and blue zealots found at Battle Creek (the weird, religious cult guys in season 3). More specifically, he was among the red team.
That changed when Caboose & Sarge arrived. When Caboose forced himself to be angry, taking out both teams, Violet becomes inspired and enlightened by Caboose. He quite literally looks up to Caboose as a kind of deity and role model.
Since then, he’s cluelessly wandered from place and time on a crusade to become stronger and faster so that one day, he’ll meet the mysterious “Michael J. Caboose who hates babies” and challenge him.
He also chose to paint his armor violet. Not for some deeper meaning, but because he simply likes the color
Prefered Weapons: Fuel Rod Cannon; Brute Spiker; Gravity Hammer (DO NOT let him have the hammer for too long without supervision)
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