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If you wanna be real mad, im_organa on Twitter has a thread about how they reused footage for the last shot on Rey on tatooine. This movie is a mess.

Huge “fuck it, our audience is all a bunch of morons anyway” energy
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In The Last Jedi, writer/director Rian Johnson asks the question “what if anyone could be a Jedi”? And I think we’re not giving enough credit to JJ Abrams, writer/director of The Rise of Skywalker, for asking the logical next question “what if anyone could write and direct a Star Wars movie?”
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Carrie Fisher behind the scenes of Star Wars: The Last Jedi
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Why do some people apparently always have choices and not others?
Every Jedi faces the dark side. And it’s very easy to fail.
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The fact that what truly happened on the night at the jedi temple is relegated to supplementary material and that the movie will always have Luke's unreliable version as the most well known explanation makes me so fucking angry
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The rise of skywalker only manages to make every fucking skywalker but ben look retroactively worse
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me: okay, it’s been twelve days since I saw the movie, I’m fine
me, ten seconds later: but Ben Solo was so full of light and goodness that it took him twenty-three years of constant manipulation to fall and he hated it the entire time, he was always Ben, and he went running armed with only a blaster to save his beloved and rose from an abyss with no help from his ancestors purely to help her, and he didn’t even hesitate before he gave her his life, and he used his last seconds to just look at her, content with the knowledge that she’ll live on, and when she kissed him, it set him free; he finally grinned for what must have been the first time in years–
narrator: she was not fine
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The downfall of Star Wars rests with producers at Disney who somehow convinced themselves (and us) that a blockbuster trilogy didn’t need the presence of any kind of overarching narrative architect to ensure at least a modicum of tonal or philosophical consistency. It was an act of pure hubris—a supremely corporate, unearned sense of confidence that IP and branding mattered far more than a carefully planned story. In the end, “trilogy” isn’t even the right word, because it implies the existence of three films that fit together in a planned, form-fitting way, as three chapters of a single story. These films? They aren’t a trilogy. They’re more like direct rebukes of each other.
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As it stands, though, it looks like the major difference between Ben and Rey was that Ben was found by Palpatine as a child and was manipulated by his voice, and Rey wasn’t found by Palpatine because she got a childhood from hell To Build Character or whatever. Which is such a messed up message, because the movie is basically saying that if you’ve been abused, your family can and will replace you with someone who wasn’t abused in that way, and that your parents’ cruelty always has good reason
Well, and they take away Rey’s chance to be angry at what was done to her in favor of casting her as the pure heroine. She’s not mad at her parents for failing her — they tried their best and she’s happy that they “protected” her! She’s not struggling with rage and abandonment issues; it’s just the Palpatine influence in her, and that’s easily overcome because she’s so good and pure of heart.
Ben is much messier, so we’re just going to put him over there and not really deal with that. Shame that he was too far gone, or something.
Some of the earliest discourse and meta in Reylo was with the whole Good Survivor vs. Bad Survivor dichotomy, and TROS hammered that home in some pretty appalling ways. The story gives up on Ben Solo and tells us that there really isn’t a way home and undermines Rey’s past hurt and anger in favor of an “all better now” Band-Aid in the form of her parents’ good intentions. It’s just… so badly done, and I’m sorry for the survivors who were failed by that execution. Rey and Ben included.
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I don't come from an abusive home, but I felt sorry for Ben and all I wanted was for him to live a happy life and for his family's sacrifices to not go in vain. I can only imagine this feels 10x worse for people who do come from abuse. You don't have to be poor to come from a broken family. Ben proves that. He could have set a great example for people with mental illness to know that their abuse does not define them. They can live happy lives and start over. It's just tough to stomach this.
I know plenty of low socioeconomic status children who have very loving and strong childhoods. There are many kinds of privileges to be had.
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It is ironically fitting that the last character to challenge people and make them think about concepts like unconditional forgiveness and compassion for wrongdoers, the character who performed the last real thematically-appropriate action onscreen in a SW movie, dies in TROS. The death of Ben Solo is emblematic of everything SW used to be dying with him, as overwrought as that is to say. The film kills him unceremoniously and ignores he ever existed, just like it did with all of SW’s messaging.
He’s the last Skywalker in every possible sense, the last gasp of the myth. He was side-lined, paid the barest lip service, and finally thrown away to prop up some bullshit, and it’s a perfect fucking metaphor.
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That Chris Terrio interview.... how the hell do you hire a guy who so fundamentally does not get Star Wars? I mean, it wasn’t like there wasn’t any massive warning signs that he’s a talentless, film series destroying hack (cough Batman V Superman) before, right?
And I’ll say it, Kathy Kennedy deserves some stick for this. I know everyone will solely blame JJ, and he deserves more than his fair share, but Kathy crosses the t’s and dots the i’s. The buck stops with her, and frankly her talent recruitment, for the movies at least, has been exceptionally patchy.
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no offence but if we must wear makeup can we all just shave our eyebrows off and draw little lines over them and wear so much blush we just have little pink circles on our cheeks…i’d support that actually
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Canon TLJ Leia fights TRoS Leia.
A petty little comic in response to Chris terrio’s comments about the Skywalkers and Ben’s redemption
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