violet-a-art · 4 months
Regardless of my feelings about the BoS as a whole in the Fallout series, Maximus as a character exceeded all my expectations.
Maximus, honestly, to me, was the most nuanced and best acted character in the series. His situations were fantastical and yet the way he reacted to it all was so grounded. He was like a prestige drama character in a series full of cartoons. Don't get me wrong, I like the cartoons. Fallout leans heavily into parody and it's totally on brand. But Maximus' entire emotional arc was so understated and I really appreciated it.
He isn't a very vocal OR excessively emotive character because he knows being vulnerable hurts him. He shapes himself to that idealized memory of the knight in the armor even as he doesn't seem to really understand or care for the beliefs behind the armor. He's failing his classes as an aspirant. When talking of the BoS beliefs, he throws in a "or whatever". That part of it doesn't matter to him. The armor IS his belief system.
His whole story is about the cycle of violence and toxicity. The bullies who beat him. The abuse he endures. He wants power so that he can escape it but once he gets that chance he's doomed to perpetuate it, because that power is coming from the system. It's tainted. Deep down he doesn't want revenge, he doesn't even want power for power's sake, he wants safety. And he wants to be the hero from his memory, he wants the strength to save himself from this cycle.
And yet, he just keeps making he wrong choices. Over and over and over. He can't get out of it.
And then Lucy throws him a lifeline. And it takes someone from outside of the cycle to break through. And then he makes the choice to do the right thing even though it means making himself weaker, making himself less safe. He chooses to do the right thing for the first time in the show. And it means finally letting go of his dream, the armor.
And he sees a light at the end of the tunnel. He thinks his reward is going to be Vault 33, he's going to be safe and happy with someone who cares about him and makes him feel like a real, good person.
And by the end of the series, he's trapped in the cycle again.
There is just something so delicious about someone getting everything they wanted at the start and being miserable about it. There's something so REAL about wanting to be something but every instinct makes you sabotage yourself every step of the way.
And the thing is, he had all of these little moments of genuineness, selfishness, pettiness, virtue, I genuinely didn't know what he was going to do for most of the show. I thought he might turn on Lucy at some point. I honestly, truly thought he had sabotaged Dane even though Dane was his only friend. He is so morally hard to pin down because he's so full of life's little hypocrisies. His ideals and his feelings are in conflict so much and he doesn't have to look anguished for you to understand that. You just see it in his resigned stares, in his hesitance and his ultimate actions.
I just... I really loved Maximus. Bravo to Aaron Moten.
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violet-a-art · 10 months
That dumb clip of Percy being absolutely ridiculous in the woods - flossing and peeing and admiring a gecko and laying on a log - is the most important thing in the world to me actually. In a scene that had stunning cinematography, insane fight choreography, fantastic acting, and hints of baby percabeth, the bit that had me most hopeful for the show is Percy with his eyes closed, humming to himself and fidgeting with a leaf in the middle of a war game. Because they GOT it. That kid has actual, casual, believable ADHD. And the center here isn’t just his hyperactivity; it’s the quiet moments, the bored moments, the messing around with something because it has a cool texture moments. That kid is me and my siblings and my cousins and Percy Jackson, in all his neurodivergent glory, and it’s so not a big deal that it’s the biggest deal ever. I’m so, so excited for this show.
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violet-a-art · 1 year
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David Tennant as Peter Vincent FRIGHT NIGHT (2011), dir. Craig Gillespie
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violet-a-art · 1 year
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when he painted himself onto the bride, now THAT is cinema
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violet-a-art · 4 years
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You know some people just make things more complicated than they need to be.
(While this is a humor comic, mental health is very important. If you feel like you need to do so, please seek professional help.)
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violet-a-art · 5 years
|| 🎉 Happy Birthday Puddin’ 🎉||
Hi everyone! Today is a very special day. It is one of my best friend’s birthday!!! We love playing the female characters in Injustice II, so I decided to draw us as Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy 🌿🤡. I love you bits Ash! I hope you have a great day! 😘
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violet-a-art · 5 years
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violet-a-art · 5 years
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Here are some process comps for a project in my landscape drawing class! We have to make an illustration or poster like drawing based off a place we visited.
I liked figuring out the colors and values I am going to use. :)
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violet-a-art · 5 years
I’m a simple woman, I hear the Pirates of the Caribbean music, I become gripped with the urge to don pirate garb and fight cursed skeletons upon the open sea
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violet-a-art · 5 years
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violet-a-art · 5 years
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I revamped my character Bella Jones (aka Violet Belle, who is a superhero I created) for a storyboarding project! These are the character sketches for her. I forgot how much I love drawing her!
(The story I’m doing for the project is the story of how she met her girlfriend Christine.)
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violet-a-art · 5 years
Hehe my friend @raspberryimps drew my DnD character, Beth who I’m playing in a cool one-shot.
Beth is a big titty goth girl who doesn’t care about much, but kinda cared about her ex Jorts. I’ll be posting my iteration of Beth soon!
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Look at my new DND character. Look at his stupid face. I love him.
His name is George “Jorts” McDaniels, he’s a big jock who plays football but secretly loves DND and his little sister. The other character is Beth, played by @violet-a-art, his ex GF in the campaign!
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violet-a-art · 5 years
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Hello everyone! I am finally going to be posting my art on this blog and so I thought I’d introduce myself! My name is Abi, I use she/her pronouns, and I’m a second year at Savannah College of Art and Design. This is my iteration of the #toonme challenge.
I will be using the tags #violetaart #violet-a-art for my art.
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violet-a-art · 5 years
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A progressive transition to stress-induced madness by Steven "I'm Fine" Quartz Universe
fyi, he's not fine
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violet-a-art · 5 years
some playlists i’ve curated
when you want to be slutty but catholicism has repressed your sexuality (okay YEAH half of it is hozier and sufjan stevens, is anyone surprised?)
i’m sad and i need to fucking cry because i’ve been repressing my emotions my entire life 
i’m so emotionally drained and i need a breath of fresh air. all about that healing, luv 
i’m dealing with a toxic breakup and BOY OH BOY do i need to process it
the perfect playlist to slow-dance to in an open, empty field
i don’t regret loving you, but wow do i ever fucking miss you. you are my musical leitmotif; everything reminds me of you… of us.
summer fling turned sour (it’s entirely in french, though)
i miss you and i promise i won’t ever forget you. (basically if shakespeare’s sonnet no. 55 was ever made into a playlist)
feelin’ absolutely BUCK-WILD tonight! the sun is gone, it’s pitch black, and all i want to do is scream in exhilaration! wow, i’m really feeling that night-time rush. is this how teens in movies feel?
a comprehensive wlw playlist featuring soft, yearning emotions, to anger, to sadness… truly an entire spectrum
Bad Bitch Bangerz
i’m gay and i’m in love with my roommate, but he’s sending me mixed signals and i don’t know what to do (truly any mlm who’s loved a confusing boy will be able to relate to it)
imagine how things could have been if we were still together and i didn’t run away
bitch, i’m a CRAB
things are changing and i’m alright with that
is it simply that the stresses and strains of a long-distance relationship are taking their toll?
stuck in a painting 
they’re best listened to in order since i’m a nerd and i like it when my playlists make sense, sonically and in terms of narrative. also every image in my spotify were all taken by me! (yes, i have rainbow finger hands,,,,,,) 
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violet-a-art · 5 years
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violet-a-art · 5 years
YUNGBLUD - God Is A Woman/Lucid Dreams/Heart Shaped Box mashup
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