It’s college move in season, and I know not every college allows pets in the dorms but mine allows fish, and I’ve noticed some college kids love to impulse buy fish. Especially Betta fish. Betta fish are not a novelty item to put in a Tiny bowl. Do your research if you really want to have a fish in your dorm room. I got my betta because someone in my dorm that I work in decided to abandon their betta in the fire stairwell in a tiny dirty bowl. Luckily my coworkers found him and I adopted him and got him into a proper setup because my coworkers didn’t understand what he really needed, but please do your research before you buy a fish because Bettas are like any other pet they require certain things to thrive and live happy healthy lives.
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What if you stack them in three vertical stacks instead ?
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Uh oh I don’t have anymore room for my cds I acctually have no idea wtf I’m gonna do please send help
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What is my life
I’m currently a 24 year old woman curled up in a chair eating pop tarts and drinking coffee and watching the lion king 2
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Psst, hey, hey you, yes you
Everybody who reblogs this before may 25th 2019 will get a little cryptid design based on their blog, url, etc.
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Been messing around with vintage Barbie patterns, I wanted my reproduction Hair fair Barbie to have more outfits
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Wow my blog turned five today :)
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I can’t believe Mega Man and Mario are fucking dead
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You know technically there is a thirteen o clock in military time so I never got how this was supposed to be funny
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“Please give me [sound of mid 90’s disc reader reading/buffering… it’s indescribable if you’ve never heard it]… one half tray of salad… Please give me… [more brief disc reading noise] one half tray of… Thank you! [loud munching noises]“ 
JumpStart 1st Grade, Knowledge Adventure, 1995 
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Me two years ago: The Umbrella Scene™
Me today: The Dance Scene™
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So I'm leaving tumblr for a few days that way I don't have the new season of miraculous ladybug spoiled for me, because I'm waiting for the French release on the 26th, because I know I'm going to see spoilers on here if I stay
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Honestly, to this point I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO
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It’s that special time of year again! (Ps please unmute)
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Does know one notice that they sell ice for a dollar
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A rare McDonald’s with only one arch!
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