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vinku-iikku · 6 years ago
Yay I finally finished 2018 inktober! If you want to just scroll through them all please go here, and if you want to see some comments on each please look under the cut.
Day 01 Flowey and Overgrown Ruins This prompt I picked as is because as far as I remember Flowey stayed behind when the monsters left. If you can’t find him, he’s near the big root on the left. All other days the second prompt got randomised by a die (except when I reached the last two).
Day 02 Grillby and Exotic Flora Grillby’s on a journey to look at all the flowers that aren’t living in a wet environment. Maybe he’ll make some wine from the non-poisonous ones.
Day 03 Chara and Cave Entrance They are still curious about morbid things and places that could be portentially dangerous, practically running at danger.
Day 04 Undyne and Astral Plains/Dreamland Welp I’d rather have had her with some other prompt, but now she has an anime showdown/faceoff with a mean monster that harasses a moldsmal.
Day 05 Asgore and Rocky Ruins Asgore had a trip down memory lane and visited the place where their castle used to be, before the war. Not much is left any more.
Day 06 Frisk and Ancient Tree They are still precariously looking for adventure. I saw this article about a 800 year-old Finnish tree, as soon as I saw that top I wanted to climb that, looks like a perfect spot to see everything around you and chill for a bit.
Day 07 Temmie and Nature Untouched I did some research in a nearby forest for this one, the sales-Temmie has made a nest in a tree that has fallen down in a storm. The soil is shallow before solid rock so trees have their roots mostly close to the surface, when they fall the roots go up as well. Temmie on the left is sitting on an ant nest lol. There are seven Temmies in total.
Day 08 Muffet and Crystal Coves Crystal Coves is either a place where crystal business is the main employer, a cove that has crystals, or a cove with crystal clear water, I think. I tried to implement them all just to make sure. Muffet has now made a business in making spider-products with glass expertise.
Day 09 Fuku Fire and Freezing Fjord Finally back to the ‘monsters travelling’ theme, Fuku is taking a longer trip and is currently on a boat by Norway.
Day 10 Gaster Blasters and Townsquare The blasters are on their own for whatever convenient reason, Pap’s one is figuring how things work by destroying them, Sans’ is... playing with local children. :D The fountain is loosely based on Havis Amanda.
Day 11 Nice Cream Guy & Shanty Town He’s travelling the world and selling nice cream! Definitely inspired by Beadle in BotW.
Day 12 Mettaton EX & Cemetery This combination took me a moment, Mettaton is a bit loud and showy for a cemetery. Then I remembered that Napstablook said they’re already dead when you try to kill them, so here Mettaton’s visiting haunted places and telling everyone about this wonderful body he got and where to get one if you’re interested in becoming physical again. I worked in a cemetery for one summer years ago, felt weird pulling those visual memories to this...
Day 13 Toriel & Hall of Deities In order to become a teacher I’d imagine she’d have to brush up her knowledge on lots of things that’ve happened on the surface, and here she’s in a secret underground place with some sacred scriptures or something, she reads them and writes down notes and then returns the scrolls.
Day 14 Annoying Dog & Volcanic Terrain Another weird combination, but eh, it’s the dog. It’s feeding bones to the vulkins and admiring danger up close.
Day 15 Monster Kid & Path Along the Water I made a huge area with different textures so I could try learn something new by scribbling around, and I’m really happy how the boulders on top of the waterfall and the water itself look like.
Day 16 Doggo & Ancient Altar Room Took a moment to come up with an idea, then I read Doggo likes squirrels. So now he’s travelling the world too, and he always has time and seeds for any squirrel population he discovers.
Day 17 Alphys & Summoning Altar I thought I’d not be drawing Mew Mew, but here was a perfect opportunity for that! Alphys isn’t travelling, but discovering new things in her home, humans have such interesting books! All of the Japanese text mean something; the bowl has the kanji for ’love’, books under it are Mew Mew manga, there’s two yury books, a reference to Free!, Digimon, Pokémon, Rose of Versailles, Natsume Book of Friends... and it’s fine if you don’t get the one that says ‘corn’.
Day 18 Photoshop Flowey & Windmills and Grasslands I think the modern wind generators look super cool. I tried to make Flowey as cute as possible so he’d be more fun to draw there, this is some dream stuff or alternate universe since Flowey did stay behind.
Day 19 Papyrus & Desserted Drylands I’m pretty sure that’s an accidental typo, but since it was Papyrus I wanted to roll with the new pun meaning. First thought was Papyrus somehow being in the drylands and dropping a huge cake, thus ’desserting’ it, but that would’ve been a bit mean. This cake is made with 100% organic sand (some of which he ground himself when grooming Rocky), the tiny cow ornaments are modified mouse skeletons. :) The chef hat would be straight but there wasn’t enough room on the page of the notebook I draw these on... I remembered he had a triangle on the battle armor, but didn’t remember what way it points so avoided it by replacing it with a heart. :D
Day 20 Sans & By the Beach Sans is getting some more sand for Papyrus with his shortcut, then he took a nap unfortunately close to the tide..? The shore felt a bit bare so I added some animals to keep him company. I h/c that animals don’t mind having monsters around unlike how they usually try to run away when a human is near.
Day 21 Shyren & Buried Statue(s) She’s doing that Disney princess thing where you sit down and start singing and all small animals within hearing range come to listen.
Day 22 Asriel & Underwater Temple Another dream thing since Flowey stayed behind, this is how he imagines the oceans look like outside.
Day 23 Lesser Dog & Market Place Some people have to learn the hard way to not trust a dog that has opposable thumbs.
Day 24 Box Mettaton & Merchant’s Store Any website run by a popular monster must get an insane amount of curious folk, which leads to ad revenue being a good way to fund the next tour. There’s some.. insider jokes there if you’re in any kind of website business.
Day 25 Rocky the pet rock & Eldritch Forest I don’t actually know what the latter means, looking at Google images it’s probably just a forest that’s very dark or something. Wanted to try a different perspective for a change. Rocky has a bowl of food there but I can’t really think of any non-sad reason for why it’s in this forest.
Day 26 Froggit & Inn in th Middle of Nowhere Had to take a break for one day, regardless I’m proud of myself on being consistent this far despite everything going on. I first only had the top Froggit and the bg in the sketch, and didn’t like how it looked. Somehow adding more Froggits made it look a lot better to me...
Day 27 Burgerpants & By the Docs Birsd with human arms and birds sitting like humans will never not be hilarious to me.
Day 28 Bratty and Catty & Deep in the Woods Tried to play with perspective with this one, it’s kind of the opposite of the Rocky drawing.
Day 29 God of Hyperdeath & Idle Portal I had a hard time coming up with anything for this, so now poor goat is somewhere in a completely white dimention and the only way out is not active, though he’s quite chill about it.
Day 30 Amalgamate & Abnormal Formations This and last one’s world I didn’t leave for the die to decide, I really wanted to do Tetris with Napstablook and out of the two still left this prompt suits Endogeny more anyway. There’s a forest in Poland where several of the trees bend to north like this.
Day 31 Napstablook & Puzzling Platforms Only one I did during morning, my hands shake more then so all the lines are more or less wobbly. Every Tetris piece has it’s own signature design except the L-shape which is just blank to keep it interesting. Napstablook is enjoying game music while inside the game, maybe ghosts can possess videogames..? This also shows the notebook I drew all of these in and the tools I used most of the time.
It’s hard to tell if I’ve improved at all when comparing these to 2017 inktober, I haven’t draw regularly through the year and the main focus point this time was on backgrounds and not so much on lines and characters. I did learn new things and that’s always exiting, I think my trees, glass and rocks look way better than before I started, and I did some progress in shading metal too. All of these took 3 hours or less to finish, some only took an hour. I didn’t need to erase pencils like last year because I used a trick where I placed the sketch under the notebook page and my tablet with 100% brightness and a white bg under them, and traced that with ink. The notebook paper is pretty thin, you can see the Amalgamate drawing’s clouds showing through in the Napstablook photo. Anyway, this was fun, and I think I’ll try do it next year too!
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vinku-iikku · 6 years ago
Yo I’m doing inktober again, the blog for it is
I chose the Undertale one and combined it with Build a World in 31 Days, it’s sort of a post full-mercy situation, I think I might randomise latter to make it more interesting.
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vinku-iikku · 7 years ago
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Haha nice! It’s a bit of a gamble to make sentences based only on what you can find while Googling, I’m glad I only made a happy mistake there. :D
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vinku-iikku · 7 years ago
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This is a Handplates parody where Gaster doesn’t have the chance to hurt the brothers thanks to his self-congratulatory incompetence in staying on focus, but he does manage to steal, lie, and kill spiders which keeps earning him EXP.
Handplates belongs to @zarla-s.
Turns out I have a lot to say about this one, rest is under a cut.
Like last time I drew a fancomic this one starts with the joke that started it all, and then escalates from it. At the beginning there’s a few direct lines from this Handplates comic. Gaster’s not a child-care genius, what if he labelled something totally not inborn as inborn? And now that he’s not alone he starts his never-ending quest to feed his secret test-subjects. The main point of this was to prank the Finnish followers on my translation blog since on the previous year’s April Fools I pranked the non-Finnish followers. I’ve been planning this for a whole year and still ran out of time while drawing, but at least it was somewhat finished and posted on the correct day!
Why do they eat ’human food’ here? Monsters apparently eat snails, which are living things you can find outside, so other food straight from nature might be ok for some monsters, and for this joke’s sake skeletons like fruit. Makes sense to me that if they find anything edible in the trash they’d eat it since it’s basically free food, and someone like the king would probably have access to the best stuff.
And why does he kill spiders here? Muffet and her gang live in Hotland, so it might not be too far-fetched that Gaster would know of her if she was around back then, and spiders seem to have a network of information (they can even contact the spiders in the ruins), so meeting one in the lab is not ideal for someone with secrets. If you’ve ever tried to confine a spider in a room you’ll know they escape in record time, and it’s probably not even easy to capture them with giant holes in your hand, so killing it is!
The automatic door opens on Gaster at the end because he forgot to program any wait time for when the answers can be given. The questions were randomised, and this time he got three questions that all had ’A’ as the correct answer. This actually doesn’t work in English, a scream and the letter ’a’ by itself are pronounced differently.. Oh well.
Technically the safety rails should not be there yet, but I wanted him to fall in the end and wanted a challenge in doing so. He could have saved himself many times there, by concentrating on the more important tasks, or not out-sourcing too much of his work, or tying his shoes properly. I’m not sure how the brothers would get out of the lab in this scenario, so it’s a bit of a sad ending.
Stuff that probably needs explaining because they are or might be ’Finnish peculiarities’: -Alphys and Asgore are making Karelian pies in the office kitchen. The thing in Alphys’ hand is a special rolling pin used for the purpose. I bet the pies tasted great and had some extra fibre from goat hair.
-We have lots of fruits in the store that are imported, since they do not survive the weather here and greenhouse growing is not usually cost effective. Thanks to this some Finns can’t really tell when a fruit is ripe, especially new exotic ones. They arrive unripe and usually people buy the unripest ones they can find so they last for several days, which leads to some eating them raw. These days we have this program where stores donate the food that doesn’t sell any more to the food lines for people who are struggling financially and to other free food organisations. I watched a documentary about it and the food that wouldn’t sell any more, especially the bananas, were still in a very good condition.
-The dialect the brothers speak in the original is a Savo area one. I quite fancy that one, even if I can’t speak it. In this translation I chose British English ’slang’ for it, I hope I didn’t accidentally make them say anything weird.
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vinku-iikku · 7 years ago
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I had a ‘no digital screens’ day yesterday after a long while and wanted to try these ‘Friendship is Magic’ felt pens that came in a travel tube thing (I bought it for the stickers), brown one died before I could finish colouring the Popka plushie and had to be replaced, all others worked just fine and between these, I managed to use all of them.
Toriel is supposed to be on one of those blow-up gym balls that are good for your back, I bet she’d be a master at balancing on one.
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vinku-iikku · 7 years ago
Out of all the characters in Undertale, one that really made me stop and think about its existence was the bird that flies you over a disproportionately small gab. Here’s some random thoughts about it:
-The bird sees a need and helps to solve it, even if the problem has nothing to do with it and doesn’t affect it, it could always fly across by itself too. - You always need to be at it’s side first (literally and figuratively), shouting from the opposite shore does nothing. On the literal side: It’s not going to do all the work for you, you need to prove yourself able to get to its side first, to go through the long way and smell the flowers at least once. Figuratively: It’s not there on the full-murder run. You better have at least half-good intentions. - The bird carries everyone, not just this random human. Anyone with a need gets help! No matter how hard it is for the bird it does not give up. - It doesn’t ask for your reason to go across, it trusts you to have a good reason to inconvenience it to go across since you seem like a good(enough) person. Of course it doesn’t show up in full-murder run. You don’t need it then, there’s nothing for you left on the side you came from. - The bird sees value in the past, where you came from. It’s good to see behind you and in front of you when you are progressing. It creates a story, adds meaning to the direction. - The value the bird adds to your journey through the underground is tied to this particular place that’s just a small part of the whole. The bird is mostly insignificant, but on the other hand, irreplaceable, who else would help you here? There’s no-one else there offering help to get across this gap! - The ability to fly over a gap this small would be useless elsewhere underground, the bird is in the right place at the right time, where this thing it has to offer can reach its full potential. - The monsters that live there or do the governing have failed to build a bridge there(the gap is small, would be quite fast and easy to just make one) where it would matter, maybe in order to guide more people to the other parts of the waterfall. Regardless, the bird is doing volunteer work that fixes this oversight. It’s one thing to sit on your butt and complain, another to get dirty trying to fix it. - The bird doesn’t even have a name (which makes it hard to tag or find fanworks of...), it’s not doing this for personal gain other than the good feeling of helping others, you cannot even credit it properly afterwards. - Together we’re more. The bird is perfectly capable of flying across by itself, but what’d be the point of it? - The cool music while crossing draws attention to how even the smallest things in life can be enhanced, since life is a journey, not a destination. - If it flew you over faster you’d miss the music, or it could also not add any music to the struggle. But with it, you ride with style. - Haters gonna hate, most people probably see the small crossing with music as a joke, and that’s alright! The bird still struts on! -Undyne says you should cherish the bird! She knows what’s up!
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vinku-iikku · 7 years ago
I participated in this year’s inktober challenge, if you want to just see the art please go here, and if you want to know what, why and how and some backgrounds behind each one, please have a look at the text under the cut.
I chose to use the official 2017 inktober prompts because I had a hard time finding others that’d suit my needs (I found plenty for couples and very specific ones, I wanted something more abstract), I picked a character I like and to make it interesting an OC of the day too:
The bird (that carries you over a disproportionately small gab) is a practice on consistency and staying on ’model’, the weird bird accompanying it is practise on creativity and getting out of my comfort zone. Both can act as trying new stuff with inking.
Why that bird? I’ll make a separate post about it in a moment.
I used a basic pencil for sketching, and Staedtler pigment liner 0,1mm for inking, all the drawings are on a regular notebook meant for keeping notes I guess. The blog and all posts were made through the tumblr app. I only edited the pictures with crop, making them b&w(the notebook is kind of yellowish white) and added brightness, they are all kind of huge files compared to their size offline.
1. ”swift” Here it starts! It’s very obvious here that I got inspired by the sillier art in Doodle Doods, my original aim was to make one ’normal’ drawing of the bird, and another of the same bird that is way more extreme, gave up on that the second day. I had no idea where to put thicker lines yet as you can see especially on the weird bird.
2. ”divided” Right on second day got a theme for which I couldn’t come up with a good idea. The bird is disagreeing with the weird bird, and the disproportionately small gap divides the amount of birds on screen. Still have very little idea where heavier lines should go here.
3.”poison” Original idea for the weird bird was a bird that’s swum through a thick oil spill in the sea and got it’s wings ripped off, but then I decided I don’t want to draw any gore this month. I’m not sure how it looks like but the bird is supposed to be slipping on the oil on the ground. The holes in the black were supposed to be shiny parts of the oil, but look more like holes.. Accidentally figured out here that making thicker outlines looks good.
4. ”underwater” First thing that got inked was the water, I’m surprised I got it that straight without a ruler. Here’s where I realised I can make varying thickness on the wings of the weird bird, the fluffy side is one time ink, the other side twice the ink to make it thicker.
5. ”long” Original idea was to make the weird bird long-necked lesser dog -style, but then I ended up experimenting with different line styles instead.
6.”sword” It’s a bird-monster with a toy sword vs. sword-monster with a toy bird. Place your bets. Toy sword blade I drew with a ruler, the sword-monster got freehanded, and it shows. Bended uneven knives make harder healing cuts.
7.”shy” Trying out different kinds of curves this day, also first try on making small patterns with the flowers.
8.”crooked” I thought for a while what objects there are in the Waterfall area that could look crooked, the umbrella bucket was the only thing that came to mind. I looked at pixel art of it and tried to get a 3D effect to it, ended up making it metallic-looking instead...
9.”screech” I didn’t want to draw the bird with its mouth open, so looked at Google Translate for any hint of other meanings for the word. Turns out most of the examples were of cars for some reason, but that one sentence stood out so I drew it. That’s Donald Duck’s car, drew it from memory and apparently the part I remember best from it is the wheels.
10.”gigantic” Another harder topic, in the end tried to make an Attack of the Titans reference (I don’t watch the show at all).
11.”run” Tried several effects to make it look like they are going fast, they are supposed to be racing on a highway.
12.”shattered” As soon as I saw the theme I knew I wanted to try draw glass shards, the mirror was added so there’d be a reason the shards are stuck to the ground like that. Another idea was a broken egg, I wish I hadn’t given the egg shells the stronger lines, they looked way better without.
13.”teeming” This was the first to not be made on the day it was supposed to, I was out all day and got home on the morning of the next day. I had to look up this word, apparently it’s used on heavy rain and swarms of insects? The weird bird is inspired by an amalgamate.
14.”fierce” Only thing I could think of is that the bird was fiercely protecting something, here it’s a moldsmal that got hit by someone (that’s supposed to be a bandage on its top). I looked at several videos of aggressive ducks to find a correct pose for the weird bird.
15.”mysterious” Another one that got done next day from when it should’ve, wanted to get a translation done instead. I couldn’t think of anything that’d be mysterious, so drew the weirdest thing I could think of.
16.”fat” I remember seeing some documentary where an animator said chubby characters are the most fun to animate... The look of the bird is inspired by kekeflipnote animations.
17.”graceful” Samples of ’grace’ I could find were ballet-related, so here are two birds dancing. My hand was extra shaky on this day for some reason, it felt like a battle to ink the weird bird.
18.”filthy” Trying fast shaky movement again since the first day drawing, this one worked better I think. also trying out different levels and shades of grime.
19.”cloud” I was really tired that day, drew my biggest fantasy there. Clouds are my favourite natural phenomena, I can stare at the huge fluffy ones for a long time, especially at sunrise or sunset. This was the first one I drew at the kitchen table where I get proper support form my hand, all else up to this point were drawn hunched over the notebook while sitting on a sofa.
20.”deep” Drew the first idea that came to mind, the bottom of the well. I toyed a lot with different levels of shading, still missed a few stones it seems... The perspective was fun to plan! Another one at the kitchen table, I took many progress pictures because I constantly felt like I’d end up shading something wrong and ruin the whole thing.
21. ”furious” How is this different from ”fierce” earlier? I guess it’s more aggressive..? But it’s hard to add more anger to the birds face so I guess the weird bird takes care of that side.
22. ”trail” Immediately thought of footprints. The bird’s holding a magnifying glass, though it looks like a mirror here.
23. ”juicy” All I could think of was fruit juice. Making fruit juice with bare hands (wings?) is a nod to Oofuri, the bird’s gotta have some amazing wing strength to be able to carry people. I made a lot of tiny mistakes while inking, but as a whole they don’t stand out as much as I thought. Weird.
24. ”blind” The weird bird is some sort of fog-monster, but I’m not sure how well it shows. The rippled-effect was super fun to do!
25. ”ship” This prompt was a delight to draw! The paper-hat and boat are made of newspaper, the latter is for bigger monsters, it almost says ’pharaoh’ in Finnish at one place, otherwise it’s just random letters. The water-effect is building on what I learned on the second day, and adding more on the surface. The weird bird’s eye is another window where a tiny monster peeks out.
26. ”squeak” Original idea was mouse dress-up, but then this happened. The instrument is a flute that’s apparently called a ’recorder’ in English, if you blow at it with full force like that it makes a high-pitched squeak-sound (trust me, I have one).
27. ”climb” This day I went on a super long walk since the first snow of winter fell. It was super fun! But I was exhausted in many ways after. The weird bird might be scheming some trick there, idk.
28. ”fall” Acme-style umbrella fall with the weird bird, and the bird falls to the rescue!
29. ”united” Well I could avoid making the bird carry anyone up to this point... here’s united effort to get across together! This is a reference to what Undyne says about the bird in the game, it flew her over when she was a kid. This doesn’t look like it’d take over an hour, but I’m sure there were a lot of failed attempts with almost drowning. I think Undyne is sort of what Pippi Långstrump would be like as an adult, so she has pigtails. Would’ve added the socks too but webbed feet seemed cooler to me.
30. ”found” Pulled this one from the feeling when you find something weird and oh no it’s a bird’s nest and here comes the parent!
31. ”mask” Masks are cool. I like the jokes where there’s a mask under a mask, or the mask is exactly what the actual face looks like. This one has only been cropped(i.e. there’s no colour edits), it pictures all my tools too.
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vinku-iikku · 8 years ago
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I know I know.. they've been through a lot worse with much more grace, and they've seen what outside is like in the future-visions so it's not this big of a deal to them, but.. just imagine living your whole life in a sterile room and then suddenly going outside: there's no walls, sound doesn't reflect back and there's all sorts of tiny critters that end up touching you for no apparent reason. It might be a bit too much to handle at once. |D
Handplates belongs to @zarla-s and I actually tried to follow her method of making a comic, it’s over here. Having a checklist and proper time set aside for each area was really useful, though I ended up adding pupils to Sans a lot earlier, he’s really creepy without them... This is probably the first time ever I’ve added backgrounds to a comic holy cow.
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vinku-iikku · 8 years ago
Lorem ipsum
I have no idea what I’m doing.
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